
  • Episode #295 - "How AI Is Impacting SEO For Jewelry Businesses"

    Welcome to Episode #295. In today's episode, I want to talk about the future of SEO for jewelry businesses! This is an area of jewelry marketing that's evolving very quickly, with AI-created content becoming more and more prevalent and search engines like Google adjusting their algorithms to account for the future of how people will be using the Internet and searching for useful content.

    If Google search is a primary way that your target audience discovers your brand, or you're interested in driving more traffic through Google search, then you definitely need to check out this episode to understand what the future holds.

    I've done many episodes about SEO before if you want to reference them for the basics, which I won't cover here in this episode. So if you're completely new to SEO, I'd recommend you go back to episodes #238, #239, and #240 for a deep dive into those basics.

    When you search something on Google, you're probably already noticing that one of the first search results is an AI Overview. AI Overviews provide links to resources that back up the information in the snapshot and delve deeper into the topic. This feature helps users explore and uncover a wide variety of content from various sources, including publishers, creators, retailers, and businesses, enabling them to use the gathered information to further their tasks.

    So keep listening to this episode to find out what these changes mean for you and your jewelry business - and how you can adapt to changes in Google search as well as to changes in how your customers are searching for you and your products.

    Transcript: https://joyjoya.com/how-ai-is-impacting-seo-for-jewelry-businesses

    Apply for the grant: https://jewelrybrandincubator.com

    00:00 Start
    3:22 Grant Announcement
    5:23 Primary Episode Content
    19:14 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #294 - "All About Calls to Action For Jewelry Marketing"

    Welcome to Episode #294. In today's episode, I'm diving back into jewelry marketing basics with a focus on the unsung hero of effective marketing: Calls to Action, or CTAs. It's surprising I haven't dedicated an episode to this before! While I've mentioned CTAs in past episodes, I've never fully explored their importance and how to use them effectively.

    In this episode, we'll break down what CTAs are and why they’re crucial for jewelry marketing. We'll discuss general best practices, how to tailor CTAs to your specific audience, and how psychological principles can guide your CTA strategies. Plus, I'll share tips on keeping your CTAs fresh and engaging.

    In our "Gold Mine" segment, I'll also share some recent observations about standout social media content and how you can apply these insights to your own posts. Tune in to get inspired and take your jewelry marketing to the next level!

    Transcript: https://joyjoya.com/jewelry-marketing-calls-to-action

    Apply for the grant: https://jewelrybrandincubator.com

    00:00 Start
    2:25 Grant Announcement
    4:47 Primary Episode Content
    17:14 The Gold Mine

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  • Episode #293 - "Are Your Email Subscribers Seeing Your Jewelry Emails?"

    Welcome to Episode #293. In today's episode, I want to discuss the importance of quality over quantity in email marketing and how to maintain a healthy subscriber list.

    This topic arose because I've noticed a significant increase in spam subscribers on my clients' lists recently, and I've heard similar stories from others in the marketing community. This issue, known as "list bombing," is described in Klaviyo's support documentation as "a malicious attack where the attacker exploits a signup form or checkout page by making a large number of fake submissions, filling the associated list with emails and phone numbers that have not consented or are invalid."

    Although a rise in email subscribers might appear beneficial for your brand at first glance, it only holds true if all the new contacts are genuine.

    Sending emails to these fake profiles can harm your deliverability, as your emails might get caught in spam traps. You'll also see a decline in your open rates. Later in this episode, I'll delve deeper into list bombing and share ways to protect yourself against it.

    The main focus today is to ensure your subscribers are legitimate, genuinely interested, and actively engaging with your emails, regardless of whether you have 100 or 100,000 subscribers. Stay tuned for tips on achieving this with your email marketing strategy.

    Transcript: https://joyjoya.com/jewelry-email-subscribers

    Apply for the grant: https://jewelrybrandincubator.com

    00:00 Start
    3:31 Grant Announcement
    6:56 Primary Episode Content
    20:00 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #292 - "JCK Vegas 2024 Recap - and How to Do a Mid-Year Jewelry Marketing Reset"

    Welcome to Episode #292. In today's episode, I want to cover a few different topics. First, I want to announce a very special opportunity that I'm opening up to emerging jewelry brands everywhere. If you've been intrigued by Joy Joya's grants in the past, you MUST check out this one.

    I also want to give a recap of my experience at JCK Las Vegas this year. It was one of my favorite times at JCK yet, and I'm so impressed with the events team and all their amazing efforts.

    Lastly, I want to share some tips about how you can facilitate a mid-year course correction for your marketing if you feel like you've gone off track. June is a time when we feel like we need a break, especially if you're coming back from the trade show. But at the same time, it's also a great opportunity to start planning for the holidays and get ahead of the busy season that's coming before we know it. You'll want to hear my tips for regaining your business equilibrium.

    In the Gold Mine, I share some things about JCK that inspired me and that I want to pass along to you to hopefully give you some ideas to spark your mid-year reset and go into the second half of 2024 with innovation in mind.

    Transcript: https://joyjoya.com/jewelry-marketing-reset

    Apply for the grant: https://jewelrybrandincubator.com

    00:00 Start
    3:01 Grant Announcement
    8:31 Primary Episode Content
    20:51 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #291 - "Writing Effective Social Media Captions For Jewelry Businesses"

    Welcome to Episode #291. In today's episode, I'm going to dive into the art of writing effective social media captions.

    Captions are more than just words beneath a post; they're a powerful tool for enhancing your visual content by adding depth and providing necessary context. They guide your audience's interactions, suggesting what steps to follow next, whether it's liking, commenting, or sharing. By serving as alt text, captions also increase accessibility for visually impaired users and can be translated into various languages, thus broadening your reach.

    Most importantly, well-crafted captions can significantly boost engagement, turning passive viewers into active participants who interact with your content in meaningful ways.

    It's also like: you know you need them because your social media post would look a little naked without the caption, but what the heck are you supposed to be doing with that blank space? What are you supposed to say? Why's it so hard to think of something?

    In this episode, I'll be covering so many aspects of writing a good caption, from why it's important to know your audience to touching on emotional triggers, telling great stories, and more. If you struggle with captions, this one's for you.

    Transcript: https://joyjoya.com/effective-social-media-captions-jewelry

    00:00 Start
    3:04 Primary Episode Content
    20:37 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #290 - "What If You Have More Than One Type of Target Customer For Your Jewelry Business?"

    Welcome to Episode #290. In today's episode, I want to tackle the question: what if you have more than one audience and target customer? Not every jewelry business' target customer fits neatly into one box. Oftentimes, you'll be speaking to customers who span multiple demographics, even if you serve a very specific niche.

    Crafting marketing messages that resonate across age groups, cultures, and preferences is both a challenge and an opportunity. Our goal as business owners and marketers in the jewelry industry is to recognize and value the differences among members of our target audience, bridging connections through understanding and respect.

    In this episode, I'll be exploring strategies to segment your audience, craft universal yet personalized narratives, and utilize platforms effectively to reach varied demographics. You'll learn how to ensure your brand's voice is heard, understood, and cherished across the spectrum.

    Transcript: https://joyjoya.com/multiple-target-customers-jewelry-business

    00:00 Start
    2:30 Primary Episode Content
    14:31 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #289 - "How to Inspire Your Jewelry Customers to Return Again and Again"

    Welcome to Episode #289. In today's episode, I want to talk about how you can get your customers to love your jewelry business - and come back again and again.

    In the worlds of business and marketing, trends come and go, but one timeless truth remains: retaining customers is super important and will save you on marketing costs in the long run. Marketing thought leader Neil Patel shared this: "Customer retention is seven times more cost-effective compared to customer acquisition."

    This simple yet profound insight underscores a fundamental principle that lies at the heart of every successful jewelry business: the enduring value of cultivating and nurturing lasting relationships with our customers.

    Back in 2013, ecommerce businesses were forking out $9, on average, to acquire a fresh-faced customer. Fast forward to the present day, and that figure has ballooned to a staggering $29—a staggering 222% increase. It just makes monetary sense to keep the customers who already like, know, and trust you coming back for more.

    In this episode, I'll be talking more about why returning customers need to be your loyal advocates and partners, how to find out how many customers are actually coming back for more, and the tactics you can use to keep them engaged.

    Transcript: https://joyjoya.com/improve-jewelry-marketing-content

    00:00 Start
    3:05 Primary Episode Content
    19:06 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #288 - "How to Add Depth to Jewelry Marketing Content"

    Welcome to Episode #288. In today's episode, I want to dive deeper into how you can transcend mere surface-level content, which is crucial in a world increasingly dominated by AI in content creation and marketing. While AI is a fantastic tool for brainstorming and drafting, it's not meant to replace your unique voice or the distinctive persona of your brand.

    Simply using AI-generated content won't resonate with your audience or showcase you in the best light. Even adopting a generic idea from AI or the internet, without infusing it with your unique flair, will lack excitement and shareability.

    Often, when brainstorming for clients, particularly for blog posts, we start with basic jewelry topics, like "How to Layer Necklaces." Sometimes there's resistance because the topic feels overdone. But let's face it—everything has been done. It's nearly impossible to be wholly original these days.

    The aim isn't to invent something unprecedented but to tell a story in a way that resonates widely yet could only be told by you, in your unique, original style. Sure, a thousand people might have tips on layering necklaces, but none of them are you or run your business. The real challenge is, how do you fully and authentically express yourself?

    In this episode, I'll explore how you can truly be yourself in your content, unapologetically, even when discussing topics that have been covered time and again.

    Transcript: https://joyjoya.com/improve-jewelry-marketing-content

    00:00 Start
    3:38 Primary Episode Content
    14:13 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #287 - "Celebrating Joy Joya's Business Anniversary at 8 Years"

    Welcome to Episode #287. In today's episode, I'm excited to celebrate my 8-year business anniversary! I launched Joy Joya in May 2016, just after relocating to Los Angeles. At the start, it was merely a basic website and a big dream. I began as a glorified marketing copywriter, gathering a small group of clients, primarily jewelry businesses, helping them with product descriptions and storytelling - but also by necessity advising them on their marketing activities.

    I've touched on my journey in previous podcast episodes, but never delved deeply, mostly because I thought it might not captivate everyone. You see, there are consultants and thought leaders out there with dramatic, almost cinematic stories of staggering transformations or extraordinary rags-to-riches journeys. You know the ones I'm talking about - they hit complete rock bottom and then transform their lives and businesses to ultimately make millions. That's really awesome! But frankly, my story isn't like that. In the past, I've been hesitant to share because it lacked that Hollywood drama.

    However, eight years into running my business, my confidence has grown significantly in both my capabilities and the narrative of my journey. This confidence has made me more eager to empower others who might feel their stories aren't headline-grabbing because they didn’t craft their first piece of jewelry atop Mount Everest. Or maybe you're out there thinking you haven't yet achieved a more "conventional" definition of success, so you're not sure how to hype your business up in your storytelling.

    Lately, I’ve been reflecting on the idea that while sensational stories might capture some people's attention, others are definitely looking for tales that resonate more quietly with their realities. They want more understated, yet equally powerful stories where triumph unfolds subtly. I believe my story is one of those genuine, relatable tales. So today, I choose to celebrate and share it, hoping it resonates with those of you who might think your own stories aren’t scripted for the silver screen.

    Transcript: https://joyjoya.com/joyjoya-business-anniversary

    00:00 Start
    3:53 Primary Episode Content
    31:46 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #286 - "Tips For Optimizing Your Jewelry Product Pages"

    Welcome to Episode #286.Today, let's delve into the significance of your ecommerce site's product detail page, especially concerning jewelry sales, and I'll share some pointers to enhance its appeal. Every person holds certain perceptions of value, shaped by individual experiences. These perceptions encompass pricing, expected treatment, and the surrounding environment. Surprisingly, if customers feel they're getting a good deal, they may overlook minor imperfections in the product.

    Imagine lusting after a luxurious clothing item or accessory slightly beyond your budget. When finally deciding to splurge, you have two options: Option A, you could walk into a high-end store, pay full price, and savor the entire experience—being treated as a valued customer, relishing the ambiance, and reveling in the feeling of indulgence.

    Option B, you might opt for a discounted or second-hand version, accepting compromises like less pristine packaging or a longer wait time. Or like maybe you're at a sample sale and don't even have a place to try things on or anyone to help you. In this case, your expectations are tempered by the knowledge of the deal you're getting.

    However, in the former scenario, any deviation from your expectations—such as unhelpful sales staff or a messy store—can bug you, as you had anticipated a seamless experience. This irritation wouldn't happen if you had already decided to compromise for a better price and came to the transaction with lower expectations.

    Most jewelry brands, regardless of price point, don't sell bargain items; their products are considered discretionary purchases and should be presented accordingly. Customers, especially when buying jewelry at a stretch in terms of budget, anticipate a certain level of presentation, service, packaging, and quality. And a stretch in someone's budget doesn't even necessarily have to be fine jewelry. Even a $100 item could be a huge stretch and a treat.

    Their expectations play an integral role in the shopping experience, which should ideally be pleasant and enjoyable—unless, of course, you're rummaging through cheap earrings at a garage sale.

    Unfortunately, many brands fail to replicate this experience online, missing the mark on what customers crave and what would entice them to make a purchase. So, even if you believe your product page is adequate, I encourage you to consider whether it truly aligns with your customers' expectations. If you're wondering why customers visit your site and don't buy, it's time to get real about your product presentation. Keep listening for the scoop.

    Transcript: https://joyjoya.com/jewelry-product-page

    00:00 Start
    6:09 Primary Episode Content
    24:09 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #285 - "The 10 Essentials of Managing Your Ecommerce Jewelry Store"

    Welcome to Episode #285. Today, I'm diving into the must-knows of managing your online store. I'll chat about what you should understand about your ecommerce setup and why it's essential to seek help if you're unsure.

    I've been chatting with some jewelry business owners who have their online store on Shopify but aren't fully familiar with all of Shopify's features and capabilities. Maybe they relied on a developer before and never fully got the hang of it themselves.

    If you don't have a dedicated ecommerce team for your online shop, it's vital to grasp some basics. While I'll focus on Shopify, the same principles apply to other platforms too, like Squarespace and Wix.

    Think about it like this: running an online jewelry store is similar to running a brick-and-mortar one. Just like you need to know how to switch on the lights and open the display cases, understanding your ecommerce system is crucial. Even though it's online, it's just as important. Take some time to understand it, and I'll explain why in this episode.

    Transcript: https://joyjoya.com/jewelry-ecommerce-essentials

    00:00 Start
    2:19 Primary Episode Content
    25:32 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #284 - "Carousels? Reels? What's Up With Instagram For Jewelry?"

    Welcome to Episode #284. In today's episode, I'm diving into the current best practices for Instagram content. What formats are hitting the mark? What kind of results can you realistically expect from your social media efforts?

    I've recently completed over a dozen social media audits, pouring over the data from various brands, so feel free to ask me anything in the YouTube comments or by DMing me on Instagram @joyjoyamarketing.

    My deep dive has revealed a crucial insight: there's no one-size-fits-all strategy that guarantees success for every brand. Each one has its unique aspects. Understanding your analytics is key to making informed decisions. But is posting on Instagram all there is to it? Stay tuned to discover more.

    Transcript: https://joyjoya.com/instagram-jewelry-businesses-2024

    00:00 Start
    1:55 Primary Episode Content
    16:50 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #283 - "Hero Images for Jewelry Ecommerce and Digital Marketing"

    Welcome to Episode #283. Today, we're diving into the world of heroes, but not the kind you might expect from comic books or Marvel films. Instead, our focus will be on hero images and their critical role in digital marketing.

    The term "hero image" originates from web design and refers to the prominently large and often wide image that captures your attention at the top of a website or an email campaign before any scrolling occurs. This image may sometimes feature overlaid text or photos, and can even extend to videos or carousel sliders.

    The purpose of the hero image is to reassure your visitors or viewers that they've arrived at the right destination. Upon viewing the hero image, individuals should feel a connection to your brand and/or a resonance with the products you offer. It's meant to be an inviting gateway that encourages exploration, similar to the welcoming display window of a physical jewelry store.

    This is your chance to showcase your brand's identity and inject visual appeal into your homepage or email campaign, especially since other design elements on most effective ecommerce sites and email campaigns should be simplified to ensure the thet load efficiently across various devices. When someone enters your online store via the homepage, the hero image lays the groundwork for their shopping experience online.

    If you're eager to discover how to maximize the impact of hero images on your website and emails, continue listening to or watching this episode.

    Transcript: https://joyjoya.com/hero-images-for-jewelry-ecommerce-and-digital-marketing

    00:00 Start
    2:55 Primary Episode Content
    16:21 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #282 - "Finding the Right Audience for Your Fine Jewelry"

    Welcome to Episode #282. Today, I want to chat about finding an audience for your fine jewelry, especially if you sell at more aspirational, luxury price points. This episode was actually inspired by some content I've been watching on TikTok and it really got me thinking about the target audience for high-end accessories.

    The first post was from a TikTok user named "Level Blue", who teaches ladies how to be elegant in her own words. One of the posts I watched was called "3 luxury things elegant ladies never buy", and #2 was very branded jewelry, I won't name any brand names but you know what I mean, fine jewelry that features very obviously brand motifs or details that can be connected to the luxury brands that make them. According to this TikTok-er, "elegant" ladies don't buy this type of jewelry because it's so overly fake to the point that wearing is it tacky - who even knows if what you're wearing is real or fake? Elegant ladies wear unique jewelry that you won't find copied or on a lot of other people.

    The other TikToks that have been inspiring me is the account Class of Palm Beach; the content creator basically goes on the streets of Palm Beach, FL to ask people about their outfits. Of course, I'm always interested to hear about the jewelry. Most of the time, it's just stacks on stacks of Cartier love bracelets or lots of Tiffany, which don't get me wrong, is fine if you love those things. But every once in a while, a person who's interviewed wears something different, like one recent TikTok showed a woman wearing necklace layers with Foundrae. And in the comments, all the people were asking, "Whoa I love that jewelry, so unique, what was the brand again?"

    Where I'm going with this is: there are two types of high-end buyers - the ones who really like the brand names and the recognition of wearing something that looks expensive. If you're listening to this podcast, and your business isn't named Cartier, Tiffany, Van Cleef, or similar, then you will likely never cater to this customer because their money is going to be spent elsewhere. You don't have literal centuries under your belt building a brand name.

    So what's left for you? You're catering to the people that "Level Blue" is catering to, the customers who want to look elegant without looking like they're wearing something that can easily be copied. And speaking to the customer who does want something different and something that's going to make them feel special and unique is going to mean having a clear story, voice, and personality in your brand, so that you can reach those customers who will feel proud to be wearing something unique.

    And in this episode, I want to chat about how to do just that.

    Transcript: https://joyjoya.com/audience-for-your-fine-jewelry

    00:00 Start
    5:47 Primary Episode Content
    21:29 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #281 - "Tactics for Boosting Your Jewelry Ecommerce Performance"

    Welcome to Episode #281. Today, let's dive into a "part two" of last week's discussion on achieving ecommerce sales goals through key metrics like Average Order Value (AOV), Conversion Rates, and the number of Website Visitors.

    While I outlined the importance of these metrics, I didn't delve into strategies for enhancing your performance in these areas.

    In this episode, I'm excited to offer practical advice on elevating your AOV, boosting conversion rates, and increasing your site's traffic. Coupling the insights from episode #280 with today's tips should empower you to elevate your online jewelry sales, providing clarity on the actionable steps you can take to turn your sales aspirations into reality.

    This approach aims to make your goals more attainable and demystify the process of achieving online success.

    Transcript: https://joyjoya.com/boost-jewelry-ecommerce-performance

    00:00 Start
    1:57 Primary Episode Content
    16:30 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #280 - "Jewelry Marketing Metrics for Ecommerce Goals"

    Welcome to Episode #280. Today, I'd like to share some strategies to help ease the pressure of meeting your ecommerce sales goals by instead zeroing in on more digestible metrics that can be tackled in bite-sized pieces.

    I stumbled upon this method of achieving sales targets back in 2014, thanks to an article on BigCommerce's blog. Sadly, the article is no longer available, but I managed to save the ecommerce formula that they share. Over the years, I've revisited this formula countless times because of its straightforwardness and its effectiveness in demystifying online sales.

    Consider this: you probably have a clear income goal in mind. But have you broken down what that goal means in terms of website visitors needed, conversion rates to aim for, and the average order value you should target?

    The essence of what I'm sharing today is this: if you're selling jewelry online, it's crucial to stay informed about your key ecommerce metrics. This doesn't mean you need to be an expert in Google Analytics or a data guru. In fact, we're going to keep things simple. Our focus will be on the most impactful metrics, devising marketing strategies that directly influence those metrics.

    Transcript: https://joyjoya.com/jewelry-metrics-ecommerce-goals

    00:00 Start
    2:23 Primary Episode Content
    16:50 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #279 - "Jewelry Storytelling: Get Your Audience to STOP and Pay Attention"

    Welcome to Episode #279. Today, I'm revisiting the topic of brand storytelling for what must be the thousandth time, simply because I can't seem to emphasize its importance enough.

    Recently, I stumbled upon a small business grant sponsored by a global bank, which understandably attracts a vast number of applicants. A unique aspect of this application process is the requirement to submit a 500-word essay detailing your business's journey and how it has navigated the current economic landscape. However, there's a catch: your story must be shared publicly, as all submissions are compiled on a single webpage for open viewing.

    Curiosity got the better of me, and I found myself diving into the narratives of fellow entrepreneurs. With every page refresh, a flood of new entries appeared, signaling thousands of applications from business owners nationwide, including those from the jewelry sector. Intriguingly, the use of AI for crafting or refining these stories was prohibited, placing the onus on the applicant's innate storytelling abilities to compellingly answer the prompt within the tight word limit.

    As I read some of the submissions, I couldn't help but marvel at the monumental task awaiting the judges: selecting finalists from such a rich tapestry of stories. It's clear that each business owner would greatly benefit from the grant.

    This leads to the pressing question: In a sea of narratives, how does one capture attention? Whether it's in a grant application or communicating with customers, standing out is crucial. Stay tuned for my insights on how to make people STOP AND PAY ATTENTION to your story!

    Transcript: https://joyjoya.com/jewelry-storytelling-tips-jewelry-brands

    00:00 Start
    3:27 Primary Episode Content
    19:01 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #278 - "The Role of Production in Jewelry Marketing"

    Welcome to Episode #278. Today, I'd like to discuss a common challenge many jewelry business owners face when it comes to planning their marketing content. Surprisingly, it's not about their marketing skills or knowledge, but rather about production; yes, about the actual designing and making of their products.

    When we help our clients organize their content calendars, typically looking six months ahead, we sometimes hit a roadblock: not knowing the production schedule. Together, between us and the business owner, we have no shortage of good and interesting ideas. But if the production calendar hasn't been fleshed out, we can't plan marketing effectively.

    I understand that production can be complicated, especially if you're not making everything yourself. Even if you are, relying on suppliers and delivery times can be tricky. But even business owners who handle everything sometimes struggle to plan ahead because they prioritize creativity over sticking to a schedule.

    While being creative is amazing and important, it's important to realize that running a solid business powered by effective marketing needs some insight into production. Without it, planning can really become chaotic, which isn't ideal for running a jewelry business.

    So, how can you make sure your production and marketing align better? Stay tuned for some advice.

    Transcript: https://joyjoya.com/production-jewelry-marketing

    00:00 Start
    3:36 Primary Episode Content
    19:41 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #277 - "What 'Works' in Jewelry Marketing"

    Welcome to Episode #277. Today, I'm diving into the topic of when marketing actually "works". Sometimes, marketing seems like a big mystery. Is it all about posting on social media? Sending out emails? Is there a magical formula for boosting sales? And when exactly does marketing start to show results? If you're fairly new to the business world, these might be some of the burning questions on your mind, making it tough to see how marketing could genuinely benefit your business and what signs indicate that it's hitting its mark.

    In this episode, I'm going to unpack what effective marketing can really look like for you and what it means for marketing to truly "work". I think you might find my insights surprising, but in the best possible way! I'm going to let you in on some behind-the-scenes of what it looks like for our clients when we've uncovered a way for their marketing to really do what it can do best.

    Transcript: https://joyjoya.com/what-works-jewelry-marketing

    Links From the Episode:
    "The Confidence Podcast" https://www.trishblackwell.com/podcasts/

    00:00 Start
    2:09 Primary Episode Content
    20:28 The Gold Mine

  • Episode #276 - "How to Roll Out New Jewelry Marketing Ideas"

    Welcome to Episode #276. In this episode, I'll delve into the significance of empathizing with your customers and share strategies on how to do so effectively. Recently, during a client call, we were bouncing ideas back and forth about the direction of their business and which products or collections to prioritize in upcoming campaigns - as well as which types of products would be interesting to develop for the sake of attracting customer attention and interest.

    Despite our extensive brainstorming session, we hit a roadblock when it came to making any final decisions. Why? Because, in the end, our opinions are pretty much close to irrelevant. What truly matters is understanding what resonates with the customers and how they'll respond.

    So, instead of continuing our endless brainstorm, we narrowed down our ideas to a few favorites. We decided to gradually introduce and test these ideas to gauge customer reactions before fully committing to any one direction. This way, we ensure that our marketing efforts align closely with what our customers truly love. Being too convinced of how your audience will respond to something is a sure-fire way to set yourself up for disappointment.

    Keep listening to understand how to slowly roll out your new ideas to your customers, how to understand whether or not they're worth pursuing, and then what to do once you've found that your customers are responding positively - for maximum impact.

    Transcript: https://joyjoya.com/new-jewelry-marketing-ideas

    00:00 Start
    2:51 Primary Episode Content
    16:13 The Gold Mine