Get to know those who work in agriculture on a daily basis. Find out what they do, the challenges and opportunities they face, and what they think the future holds for agriculture. You'll also have a chance to hear what they do for fun when they aren't working hard to feed the world.
At HeronCode, we're not just a management consultancy providing solutions related to human capital. We're on a mission to make a difference, to go beyond just making profits, and to launch positive initiatives that impact society in a meaningful way. Empowering women in leadership positions is one such initiative that feels natural to us. We want to celebrate and reward women who have shattered the glass ceiling, who have orchestrated a rise into leadership positions in industries that are still unfairly male-dominated. Witnessing the gradual change in cultural and societal mindsets is inspiring, and we want to be a driving force behind that change.
Our podcast is a testament to our commitment to empowering women in leadership. It's not just about recognizing the women leaders of today, but also about inspiring both current and future generations of leaders, regardless of their gender. Our "Retained Women in Leadership Search" is another key service offering that ensures women are well-represented on boards and in C-suites.
For more information visit www.HeronCode.com.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Le podcast "Carrière" dédié 100% à propulser votre carrière au niveau supérieur!
Votre dose hebdomadaire de #careerempowerment
SAISON 1: "PUMP TA CARRIÉRE" va traiter des sujets de base en proposant les derniéres façons de faire mise à jour à la réalité du marché actuel.
SAISON 2 Coming soon -
The American Dream – an ideology that drives many of us to take risks, aspire big, and work hard. Why is it so hard to actually achieve?
That’s what Elias Torres (founder, advisor, Henry Crown Fellow) explores on the American Dream podcast.
Join Elias every other Tuesday as he talks with entrepreneurs who know what it feels like to be the only “other” in the room. Hear them share their stories, learn from their mistakes, and leave with the information you need to pave your way to your own American dream. -
Dans le but de démythifier le recrutement aux yeux des étudiants, je vous propose des conversations avec des recruteurs, qu'ils soient RHs ou bien chefs d'entreprise, pour mieux comprendre leurs problématiques et être capable tirer son épingle du jeu. J'échange avec des recruteurs de différentes typologies d'entreprises : Startup / Scaleup, PME, Cabinet de conseil ou bien Grand groupe.
Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus ou que vous cherchez un stage ou bien une alternance, vous pouvez visiter notre site web ici.
Petit chose avant de partir, nous avons besoin de vos retours ! Si vous pouvez remplir ce court questionnaire de satisfaction, cela nous aiderait infiniment !
Merci, bonne écoute !
Rendons à César, ce qui appartient à César. La musique de fond utilisée est l'oeuvre de Grapes - I Dunno (under CC-3.0 License)
You COULD credit me, but you don't have to :) Want more cool music and stuff?
Grapes I dunno hd free non copyrighted music cc music copyright creative commons monetize no copyright music song download YouTube hip hop instrumental
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
Learn how to launch a successful real estate career inside your strengths. Work less, make more and live your best life through proven strategies that not only increase your real estate agent salary but leaves you loving your real estate career. Real Estate License Roadmap teaches you how to get a quick start in real estate and build a brand that fits who you are instead of asking you to be something you’re not. Whether you want to become a real estate agent, are already in real estate school or have been in real estate for years, I want to help you find your power zone, build a business you love and that makes a difference in the world. From real estate marketing and lead generation strategies to time management and focus tips this real estate training will give you the tools and perspectives you need to succeed.
Welcome to The Dreamer’s Lounge! I’m Ariel Schiffer, and I have made it my mission to take out the digital trash one bad course at a time. I am the creator of The Course Alchemist, Industrial Organizational Psychologist, and Curriculum and course design expert.
This podcast is for entrepreneurs who are looking to elevate their digital product suite so their offers speak for themselves. Nothing is worse than being oversold into something that under delivers just like an overpriced bottle of wine.
When it comes to crafting the ultimate offer for your clients, it’s really a simple recipe:
Place one dreamer in a highball glass.
Saturate with inspiration and a dash of never-been-done-before innovation.
Muddle until transformative.
Fill glass with 100 (fool) proof confidence.
Garnish with a slice of authenticity & top with profitability.
My mission is to help you perfect this recipe for yourself and your audience. They are waiting to receive your guidance and help, you just need the right drinks on your menu.
It’s your time to create massive impact by doing business YOUR way and that’s where strategy will turn into profit.
Inside the lounge I will share my expert knowledge, curated from years of experience and bring in transformational guests to share their unique methods of serving clients. This podcast has everything that you didn’t know you needed to build your online business.
Let’s fan girl each other on the gram @dreampro_
For more resources & to work with me visit www.wearedreampro.com -
Tu as toujours voulu savoir si les études en droit étaient dignes de Legally Blonde? Tu te demandes si les avocats ont vraiment une carrière comme celle que tu vois dans Suits? Tu es simplement intéressé par l'actualité et les différents domaines juridiques? Tu es donc invité à la barre pour écouter Droit de Parole, le podcast de l'Association des étudiant.e.s en droit de l'Université Laval !
Hey wir sind Sina & Sonja!
Willkommen bei PodZubi - Dein Ausbildungspodcast! Wir interviewen alle zwei Wochen Ausbildungsbotschafter und Berufsexperten zu den Themen, die dich interessieren. Du bekommst bei uns einen direkten Einblick in die unterschiedlichsten Ausbildungsberufe. Du weißt noch nicht, was du machen möchtest? Keine Panik, stell uns deine persönlichen Fragen rund um die Ausbildung und lass dich von den Persönlichkeiten und Geschichten unserer Gäste inspirieren. Wir erzählen darüber, was dich bei der Ausbildungsplatzsuche und in der Ausbildung bewegt. -
How do I balance work, life, career, and family? Am I ready for my next career move? How do I juggle all the things God has called me to in life? And the biggest question of all, is there a way to do it all while loving my people well?
Welcome to the Called and Equipped Podcast where we'll answer your burning career, family, work, life, and faith questions and equip you for all that God has called you to in this one beautiful, crazy life. -
Des astuces et des offres pour booster ton CV, cartonner à l'entretien d'embauche et décrocher ton futur job !
👉 https://bit.ly/decrocheunemploi -
A podcast sharing the unique and amazing journeys of non-traditional software engineers, those who studied via any path outside a 4 year Computer Science degree, and the apprenticeships that helped them grow and thrive in their high paid technology roles. We're building a movement and community advocating for educational equity in technical hiring in the United States.
Download the IBGR Business Growth Radio App for Android and iOS to catch the show live and gain access to even more resources. Find the IBGR Business Growth Radio App on Google Play and in the Apple App Store.
This show starts a series that has been in development long before the radio station. I have built several successful consulting firms and realized if we focused on small business success we could revolutionize an industry while making a significate contribution to our communities.
We can change the trajectory for the most important global community - business owners. We, you and I, make up 5% of the worlds population and employ 57% of it. That means 375 million entrepreneurs directly impact 1.9 billion employees, and that is before discussing the impact those business have with their goods and services.
Look at IBGR as your CGO - your fractional Chief Growth Officer and partner in creating a small business consulting firm. We have built a platform that will move beyond the one-way conversation of radio and podcasts to real relationships; our Community of Commerce.
Start by joining my new group in the Community of Commerce - Living the Life where we can discuss your current or future consulting operation.
Objectives - The WHY
This series of shows is focused on a narrow niche of consulting; existing and new. I have created 5 businesses over the last 30 years - in order moderately successful, successful, and very successful. Part of the information provided on my shows is based on that experience. Oh By The Way - all 3 of those were consulting firms.
My Game Changer Series is designed for new and existing consulting firms focused on startups - helping to start more and become more successful - A Game Changer.
Last thought - our goal at IBGR, be a game changer for you.
Key Issues - Owner Perspective:
What does it take to become a successful consultantHow do I turn that into a successful businessHow does it make money.What You Need to Know - The WHAT
Show FRCHS.01 - So You Want To Be A ConsultantNorth America: Wednesday 10am (NY)Show FRCHS.02 - What Talent Can You Sell Today?Do you need to be a consultant or an expert, or both?Show FRCHS.03 - Envelope PleaseConsulting Practice Domains: Strategy, & OD, Operations, Management, Marketing & Sales, Finance Performance, Human Resources, Information TechnologyShow FRCHS.04 - How Do You Plan to Make Money?Expert or Asset Based ConsultingShow FRCHS.05 - Building A Successful PracticeBuilding a Practice around your talent and expertiseShow FRCHS.06 - One More Time - How Do You Plan to Make Money?Pricing Structure and BundlingShow FRCHS.07 - You Can’t Win Without A ScriptPerformance Plan for Start Ups, Profit Plan for existing Practices, Renewal Plans to Grow ExponentiallyShow FRCHS.08 - Build On A Network of PeersPartnering with IBGRShow FRCHS.09 - Start NowWhat You Need to Do - The HOW
Listen to the Game Changer SeriesJOIN the Community of CommerceShow Up Next week
The purpose of this show was to provide an overview to entrepreneurs on the techniques and challenges of creating a successful consulting practice. Although focused on small businesses, the techniques an tools presented this season work anywhere.
We are your single, one stop source for business success, period, end of story.
Make sure you leave some thoughts in the comment section below. I am interested in continuing the conversation.