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    In this episode, I share some more thoughts about Grace.

    As I embrace the end of the year, I have been reflecting on various events. I ponder my personal growth, family matters, accomplishments, and a list that still needs to be fulfilled. I think of joyous moments and heartaches I experienced, and the word GRACE becomes more meaningful.

    What is GRACE?
    “Grace can be defined as “God’s favor toward the unworthy” or “God’s benevolence on the undeserving.” In His grace, God is willing to forgive us and bless us, even though we fall short of living righteously.

    A while ago, an acronym came to mind as I pondered the meaning of grace in my life. Each letter reminds me of what the Savior thought in the scriptures.


    G stands for Gift.- It is a Gift from God!

    Ephesians 2:8 says: “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,

    R stands for Respect - respecting everyone, including ourselves, and meeting others where and as they are.

    Ephesians 4:29 says: “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

    A stands for - Acceptance - Accepting each other no matter who we are.

    In Galatians 3:28, we read: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

    C stands for - Compassion. Oh, how I love this word! I understand this word more as I see others from a pure heart. It is a gift from Christ.

    Ephesians 4:32 is a beautiful invitation, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

    The last letter, E, stands for "Embrace," which means to embrace the gift of Christ's atonement.

    Alma 7:11 says: “And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.”


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    In this episode, I share some thoughts on “trust in the process,” a concept that has been essential in my faith journey :-) It makes me think of the word Surrender.

    What does it mean to surrender, and what does it mean to trust?

    Have you ever found yourself in a place of need to surrender and put your trust in God?

    Over the years, I have learned that surrendering and trusting the Lord involves letting go. It means releasing fears and control, placing complete faith in His divine plan, and acknowledging His wisdom and love. As I recall varied situations in which I fully surrendered, I appreciate the feeling of peace in releasing resistance, embracing the unknown, and allowing trust and faith instead of fear and anxiety. I discovered that surrender is an act of humility and openness.

    "In a real sense, faith is total surrender to God ." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

    The wise Solomon said,

    “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and He shall direct thy paths.” -Proverbs 3:5

    L. Todd Budge said,

    “The good news of the gospel is not the promise of a life free of sorrow and tribulation but a life full of purpose and meaning —a life where our sorrows and afflictions can be “swallowed up in the joy of Christ.” - L. Todd Budge.

    Christ is my joy and hope; in Him, I find peace and comfort in all aspects of my life; without a doubt, no matter what is happening, I know I will be alright because the Lord will “direct my paths.”

    In closing, I share one of my songs, "Stoje przed Toba Panie," meaning "Standing before Thee Lord."


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    In this episode, I share some thoughts on a child's faith.

    What does childlike faith mean? To me, it means full of wonder, simple, and teachable;
    I can only speak for myself and my personal experience; however, through the years, I have had many opportunities to interact with little children, observe, and learn that faith, like a child, is pure, uncomplicated, and unwavering. Children naturally trust and believe in the world around them. They are innocent, open, having a sense of wonder. They are free from judgment, skepticism, or suspicion. They have complete trust and confidence in something greater than themselves.

    from the scriptures, I learn repeatedly to remember to be like a little child, such as: "…submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father." Mosiah 3:19

    Jesus reminds us to embrace childlike faith, emphasizing its importance in the spiritual journey. In Matthew 18:3-4, Jesus says, "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven."

    I have learned so much from children, and I want to share a few valuable reminders from the Savior’s teachings and other traits of a child. I found them helpful to me in continuing my faith journey.

    1. Being Submissive means being gentle, willing to follow guidance, and accepting direction without resistance.

    2. Humble means humility, allowing me to recognize my limitations and rely on God.

    3. Being a Meek means to remain calm, gentle, quiet, and composed, especially during challenging situations.

    4. Trusting means believing in God, in His goodness, but also the goodness and honesty of others. It means embracing uncertainty with the assurance that things will work out.

    5. To Forgive means letting go of anger or resentment toward others and being willing to mend relationships by giving grace and moving forward. Forgiveness brings freedom from the burdens of resentment and bitterness.

    6. Being full of Love means expressing affection and warmth freely and unconditionally, creating a loving and nurturing atmosphere. Children easily express love and affection, and they accept love and affection so freely.

    Be willing to be open-minded to new possibilities, see the good, and believe in positive outcomes. Avoid doubts and skepticism.

    Embrace Wonder as children do by looking at the world around us with awe. Find joy in the simple things and appreciate the beauty in everyday life.
    Live in the present, embracing every moment. Focus on the present rather than being consumed by past regrets or future anxieties.

    In closing, I share a song titled "Noc Czerwcowa" (The Night of June)

    “Great is the human who has not lost his childlike heart.” – Mencius.


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    In this episode, I share some parts of my life in Poland during communism and how childhood experiences affected my life. I also share my testimony of Jesus Christ and how my faith has been a strength in different challenges of life.

    Recently, I had the opportunity to travel to Poland. As I was walking through the beautiful streets of Poland and reminiscing about my life as a young girl, I felt such deep gratitude for where I grew up, the history of my ancestors, their journey, and where I am today because of them. I am thankful for my faith journey that began in Poland. I am thankful for my father and his belief in freedom, and I am grateful for my mother, who kept her strong faith in God.

    “Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła,
    Kiedy my żyjemy.
    Co nam obca przemoc wzięła,
    Szablą odbierzemy.

    Marsz, marsz Dąbrowski,
    Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
    Za twoim przewodem
    Złączym się z narodem.” -To translate:

    “Poland has not yet been lost
    while we are still alive.
    Whatever has been taken from us by violence,
    We will take it back with a sword.

    March, Dabrowski’s march,
    From the Italian countryside to Poland,
    With your leadership,
    We will reunite with the nation.”


    Throughout my life, I have learned that when I trust and choose to follow the Savior, I can see His hand and His miracles.

    Even though I might not understand everything, I know He is watching over me.

    “I do not know all things, but the Lord knoweth all things which are to come;”
    Words of Mormon 1:7

    At the conclusion, I share another song I wrote, titled "A Follower of Jesus Christ."


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    I share a short inspirational message on Hope in this episode based on my experiences. I also use quotes from others.

    As I recall unexpected, unwanted circumstances from the past that occurred in my life, the emotions I felt were fear and confusion. These emotions naturally arise when living one's daily routine. There is no anticipation or understanding of why or where the new challenges came from. They happened, and most likely, other challenging events will occur. There is no way around it or avoid it. It is part of my journey where I continue to learn to apply faith, trust, and hope in the Lord.

    In a new edition of the Bible in the book of James, it says:

    “You do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.” — James 4:14

    In this part of my Faith journey, I have learned that no one is exempt from trials and how they affect one’s experiences. However, even though my understanding of complex situations is limited, I learned and know with conviction that there is hope in Christ.

    How do I know this? I know this because of those unexpected circumstances. And because I chose to rely on Christ, In Him, I find strength. I trust His perfect abiding love and guiding hand throughout all my days.

    “Everybody in this life has their challenges and difficulties. That is part of our mortal test. The reason for some of these trials cannot be readily understood except on the basis of faith and hope because there is often a larger purpose which we do not always understand. Peace comes through hope.”

    James E. Faust | Hope, an Anchor of the Soul, Ensign, Nov 1999, 59

    I am closing the episode with one of my songs, "Nadzieja" (Hope).
    Here is a part of the lyrics translated;

    “Hope, Hope the Lord bestows,

    Hope transforms my wretched woes.

    What more could I say to you,

    Please, take it; less hope; it's true.

    The world around you, oh so bleak,

    Lost and false, it seems to speak.

    Such a world, a world so drear,

    It often leaves you in despair.

    To believe it's not so tough,

    It can't be wrong; that's enough.

    Without Hope, your life's a haze,

    Alone, unsure of your ways.” - Kasia Haroldsen from the song "Nadzieja"

    “Hope is not knowledge, but rather the abiding trust that the Lord will fulfill His promise to us. - Dieter F. Uchtdorf | Ensign, November 2008


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    In this episode, I talk about my experiences while discovering my self-worth and self-esteem, growing up in Poland and later in life.

    Have you ever wondered about your true self-worth and authenticity?

    The Lord said:

    "…For the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart."

    I am a daughter of God, and that is more than Enough! I am who I am meant to be, with my body, gifts, talents, and uniqueness. I am capable and I am competent in achieving what I was called to do and what I desire. I find strength and joy in God, knowing that all is possible with Him. I express gratitude daily for learning opportunities; I strive to be mindful of others and remember we all have a place on this earth and are valuable.

    In the quote by Bonnie L. Oscarson, we learn:

    "The real source that we should turn to to find out our value is our Heavenly Father. … The thing that gives me the greatest comfort is knowing who I am. … If we really understood that we are literal sons and daughters of Heavenly Father, I don't think we would ever question our value." 7


    Have you ever felt under pressure because of the opinions of others?

    Brigham Young said, "Why should we worry about what others think of us? Do we have more confidence in their opinions than we do our own?"― Brigham Young

    In conclusion, I share one of my songs, which I composed while a young teen, titled "Mały Grubasek."


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    In this episode, I chose to speak about Christmas during my childhood in Poland, mostly during communism. I will also share how I included Polish traditions in my Christmases in America and what it was like during my first Christmas experience while serving as a missionary.

    Christmas in Poland is celebrated from December 24 to December 26: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, or Szczepan's Day (St. Stephen). During "Boxing Day," some families would go out and do service or share some of the gifts with those who are less fortunate. Since we didn't get much, this wasn't something we did; however, we did serve others. It is also a time for more caroling and spending time with families.

    What are your memories of Christmas? What are the most memorable experiences for you, dear listener?

    Christmas is about remembering Christ—his gift of Love- and how I show up for Him. Not only during Christmas but every day.
    What is my gift to Him?

    I close this episode with a song that I composed just recently. "I was a Stranger" is based on a scripture from Mathew 25.
    "...Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren/sisters, ye have done it unto me."


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    In this episode, I share my experience of healing power through Christ.
    I share the story of how the song "Amazing Grace" was inspired and written by John Newton.
    The song "Amazing Grace" is a powerful hymn with the message of redemption, forgiveness, hope, and the transformative power of faith. It is deeply intertwined with the concept of atonement, reflecting the journey from darkness to light and finding salvation through grace. That kind of grace Newton found in his life. As a young boy, his mother introduced him to the Bible and its teachings. However, when he was seven years old, his mother passed away, and not long after his dad remarried, the Bible was put aside. As a young adult, Newton made choices that were not aligned with God. Being a slave trader was one of them, Yet he experienced a profound transformation a few years later by turning away from his past of cruelty and finding mercy through faith in God.

    From Newton's story, I learned that because of Christ and His atonement, a person moves from spiritual brokenness to healing and grace through divine sacrifice and love.

    The lyrics, "I once was lost, but now am found / Was blind but now I see," summarize the essence of the healing process. I, too, found myself in a place of brokenness and turmoil, seeking solace and restoration, realizing that my past mistakes and hardships do not define my worth. It is what I choose each day from that realization.

    "In the many trials of life, when we feel abandoned and when sorrow, sin, disappointment, failure, and weakness make us less than we should ever be, there can come the healing salve of the unreserved love in the grace of God. It is a love that lifts and blesses. It is a love that sustains a new beginning on a higher level and thereby continues from grace to grace."
    --James E. Faust, "A Personal Relationship with the Savior,”


    As usual, I end my message with a song, "Amazing Grace," recorded with Stanton Cobb and Pat Marrow at Mark's Stanton Studio.


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    In this episode, I share some of my favorite quotes and stories centered on honesty and integrity.
    What is Honesty?

    In a “Moral Compass” talk by James Faust, shared

    “Honesty is more than not lying. It is truth telling, truth speaking, truth living, and truth loving.”

    “Honesty is a principle, and we have our moral agency to determine how we will apply this principle. We have the agency to make choices, but ultimately, we will be accountable for each choice. We may deceive others, but there is One we will never deceive. From the Book of Mormon, we learn, “The keeper of the gate is the Holy One of Israel, and he employeth no servant there; and there is none other way save it be by the gate; for he cannot be deceived, for the Lord God is his name.”

    In the Bible, we read a scripture about truth,
    “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32

    “Honesty is a moral compass to guide us in our lives.”

    Throughout the years, I learned that honesty and integrity go together; there is no other way around it. I have learned that when those two principles are applied sincerely in life, it is easier to be true to myself, others, and, most importantly, to God.
    C.S. Lewis said

    “Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.”


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    In this episode, I share some thoughts concerning marriage and commitment. My intention is to focus on my personal experiences and the wisdom I have received in my almost thirty years of marriage.

    "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."
    —Genesis 2:24

    And another verse in Ephesians that sounds almost identical.

    "For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh."
    —Ephesians 5:31

    Marriage is a choice, a decision made daily. I share a quote from "Love is not an emotion; it's a decision" by Marisa Dowless.
    "Love is a choice. It's a decision that you declare to uphold every day for someone who matters to you.

    Our society is feelings-based. We're constantly being told to act on our emotions. Our feelings and our emotions are ever-changing. They are not permanent, nor do they give us a strong foundation to make good decisions.
    It's about choosing to forgive and let go of some of our expectations because love is a decision, not an emotion. If love was an emotion, when you experience those differences and feel upset, you think it'll never work. But if you decide that love is a choice, you'll be able to stand back and realize that differences are okay and that it takes time to adjust.
    You find the person who's worth fighting for, and you decide every day to wake up and love them. Even when they upset you, you forget them and still show love. Even when they disappoint you, you show love.
    It's a constant give and take that comes from deciding that each setback is not a full deal breaker but rather a chance to know and understand your partner better.”

    I close this episode with a song, "W Sennych Marzeniach," "In my Dreams."

    "A great marriage is not when the perfect couple comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences."

    — Dave Meurer


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    One of my favorite hymns recorded in my album inspired me to center my thought on The Golden Rule. In this episode, I share my experiences of learning to apply Christ's teaching daily. I conclude my message by singing the song
    titled "A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief," by James Montgomery and George Coles.
    "A poor wayfaring Man of grief

    Hath often crossed me on my way,

    Who sued so humbly for relief

    That I could never answer, nay.

    I had not power to ask his name,

    Whereto he went, or whence he came;

    Yet there was something in his eye

    That won my love; I knew not why."

    Each new day as it starts for me; I have been given an opportunity to choose how I spend my time and how I treat others that day.

    There are days when I have my schedule and plans; I think I will do all, yet I discover that some days my plans are not in line with God's plan. Then, I know I need to trust Him and let Him guide me to accept His will. When things happen differently, I have learned to relinquish control and frustrations in this faith journey.

    I have been given much, and when an opportunity manifests to give my time or substance to others, it brings contentment, joy, and peace. I witnessed that on so many occasions.

    God gives, and He takes away; this is the truth since the beginning of the world. I am a traveler on this earth, living among different people, learning to understand that we all want to be loved and accepted. That we all depend on God's wisdom and His creation.

    "Do to others as you would them do to you" is the Golden Rule.


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    In this episode, I share my experience of coming to America.

    I have lived in America longer now than I have lived in my native country of Poland. I have many thoughts and emotions about this exciting, blessed, and educational part of my life. And today, I will address how the Lord guided me to this great land just as He led others.

    My life started in Poland during Communism. For those who do not know what communism is, it is a type of government and an economic system (a way of creating and sharing wealth). In a Communist system, individuals do not own land, factories, or machinery. Instead, the government or the whole community owns these things. Everyone is supposed to share the wealth that they create."


    There is a scripture that I love and appreciate very much. In Ether chapter 2:12 of the Book of Mormon, It says:

    "Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ, who hath been manifested by the things which we have written."

    On the “References- World View” site, I learned more about people who emigrated to America. It made me think of my great-great aunt and her brother, who left Russia and came to America, leaving the conditions behind.

    “People immigrated to America for various reasons, including finding personal, religious, or economic freedom. The most prominent reason for immigration, however, was poverty. People left their home countries, where they had low wages and poor living.
    Each generation brought a different group of immigrants having various reasons and conditions for immigrating to America and creating a better life for themselves and their families.”

    In closing, I share one of my songs, "Here in this Land," composed for a special event over ten years ago. It was performed by Spokane Symphony and Children's Choir


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    In this episode, I chose to speak on a topic dear to me. - A New Day, its value, purpose, and with a question, How do I start a new day?

    Years ago, when I homeschooled my children, we would read many poems; this poem is one of my favorites.

    It is called "Today" by Kenny M. Fullington,


    Outside my window,
    A new day I see
    And only I can determine
    What kind of day it will be

    It can be busy and sunny.
    Laughing and gay,
    Or boring and cold,
    Unhappy and gray

    My own state of mind
    Is the determining key
    For I am only the person
    I let myself be

    I can be thoughtful
    And do all I can to help
    Or be selfish
    And think just of myself

    I can enjoy what I do.
    And make it seem fun.
    Or gripe and complain.
    And make it hard on someone.

    I can be patient
    With those who may not understand
    Or belittle and hurt them
    As much as I can

    But I have faith in myself.
    And believe what I say.
    And I personally intend.
    To make the best of each day.

    I use scriptures that remind me that God gives us each day of our life.
    Psalms 118, verse 24, says.

    24 This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

    Psalm 143:8.

    "Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee."

    At the conclusion of the message, as usual, I share one of my songs, "Wiosna," meaning Spring.
    Spring is my favorite season because it represents "a new beginning." I love how everything around me starts to awaken after Winter; at least in my area, we have a long winter. Spring brings me hope and new ideas, just like a new day.

    I would like to invite you to ponder those questions,
    What is your new day usually look like?
    What are your desires, dream and what do you want to do with your new day?


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    For the past few days, I have considered sharing a vital topic that has been on my mind; it is about finding, keeping, and applying peace in life.

    Here are a few questions to consider,

    What is peace? Why is it important to have peace? What is the sensation of having peace? Where Can I Turn for Peace?

    Peace is used in connotations, like when countries sign a treaty and are at peace during wars or when there is a conflict or difference of opinion between family or friends and finding consolidation, also when there is inner turmoil because of worries and stress affected by life’s circumstances or own choices.

    However, in the scriptures, peace is used a little differently. To create a sense of peace, as described in the scriptures, it is essential to have the desire to have peace, and then through prayer and meditation, it can be achieved.

    “Biblical peace is more than just the absence of conflict or a state of rest. It is taking action to restore a broken situation. It’s more than a state of inner tranquility; it’s a state of wholeness and completeness.” Quote from “Words of Faith, Hope, and Love” page.

    I trust in the words of Jesus, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27).

    There is a hymn that I love; It is called “Where Can I Turn for Peace?” It is a beautiful song; I close my message with this song.
    The lyrics are by Emma Lou Thayne:
    “Where can I turn for peace?
    Where is my solace
    When other sources cease to make me whole?
    When with a wounded heart, anger, or malice,
    I draw myself apart,Searching my soul?


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    In this episode, I share one of my favorite topics - Music.
    Music significantly impacted my life for as long as I can remember, and it all started in my home in Poland. Growing up, our home was filled with music; we loved to sing, dance, listen to different genres of music, and play music together.

    Plato said:
    "Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything."
    Another quote that means so much to me is by David O. McKay.

    "Music is truly the universal language, and when it is excellently expressed, how deeply it moves our souls."
    Russell M. Nelson,"It matters what you listen to. . . . Select music that will strengthen your spirit."
    Throughout the years, I found this to be accurate, music is diverse, but to me, a certain kind of music "strengthens my Spirit."

    What kind of music influences your Soul? Or strengthens your Spirit?

    In the Psalms, we read.
    "Make a joyful noise unto God:… sing forth the honor of his name: make his praise glorious." —Psalm 66:1–2

    Music surrounds us, whether birds singing, the rhythm of rain, or musicians playing.

    In closing, I share a piece of music I composed while still in school, titled "Music."


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    In this episode, I address the steps in my learning journey.
    As a little girl in preschool, I loved to learn anything that involved art, such as music, dance, craft, and drawing. So I was very excited when my first day of school started. I even remember the small, red backpack that my mother bought me. It was such an exciting step in my 6-year-old mind.
    During those years, my mother would often use this phrase,

    “Ucz się ucz, bo czego się nauczysz nikt ci nie zabierze.” It means, "learn, learn because what you learn, no one will take away from you."

    There is a quote by Elin Nordegren that goes very well with my mother's saying:

    "Education is one thing no one can take away from you." —Elin Nordegren.

    I know that Heavenly Father is mindful of me and knows the desires of my heart. I know I can put trust in him, and I know that with Him, everything is possible.

    One of my favorite scripture is in Proverbs 3:5-7

    "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

    In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

    Be not wise in thine own eyes:"

    This beautiful promise from the Lord it fulfilled on so many occasions during my life's journey.

    At the end of the episode, I share a composition titled "Winter" that I composed in college.
    My daughter, Alina, was willing to play it.


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    In this episode, I will do something different than I have done in the past. At first, I had a different idea; however, after receiving a personal impression, I decided to share a message on a topic that has been very important during my faith journey. It is Prayer - Modlitwa.

    It will be a short message centered on some of my favorite Scripture passages on prayer. Then I will close with a song titled "Modlitwa" - Prayer.

    "As soon as we learn the true relationship in which we stand toward God (He is our Father, and we are His children), then at once, prayer becomes natural and instinctive on our part. Prayer is the act by which the Father's will and the child's will are brought into correspondence with each other." Bible Dictionary


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    Have you ever wondered who you are and what your purpose is? I did

    I have thought about what to share during this busy month of the year. And as I was studying and pondering one early morning, I woke up with a thought I was initially thinking about—an idea of our existence. I am aware it is a deep topic, and it might look different to everyone, But I feel inspired to share some of my thoughts, in my opinion, a beautiful concept of being alive.

    This month I celebrate Christ’s birth; the more I think about Christ, the more I appreciate the birth and the primary purpose of my existence.

    “For unto us a child is born, unto us, a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).

    There was a point in my life when I had to find the answers to those questions.

    Who am I?

    What am I doing here?

    And where am I going?


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    In this episode my thoughts are centered on gratitude.
    As I was collecting my thoughts and resources, I felt such gratitude for having the opportunity to share experiences related to my top favorite topic—gratitude, and appreciation.
    November is a particular month because I was born in November. Also, those familiar with the Thanksgiving tradition know it is celebrated in November.

    Zig Ziglar stated:

    “Today, be thankful and think how rich you are.

    Your family is priceless.

    Your health is wealth. Your time is gold.”

    Another quote that I appreciate is,

    “If we do not feel grateful for what we

    already have, what makes us think

    we'd be happy with more?”


    In closing, I share another song, "Lubię," about things we can like even if they don't seem enjoyable.


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    In this episode, I will share thoughts and quotes concerning one of my favorite and not-so-easy life lessons - patience - (cierpliwość).

    As Kao Kalia Yang stated:

    "Patience is the road to wisdom." —Kao Kalia Yang.
    As I recall events during the decades of my life, I would like to share one particular event that impacted years to come. It was the time when I came to America as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I didn't know the language or the culture, yet I knew it would be my new home for the next 18 months. It was not as simple as I had imagined before coming to America. However, I learned much about patience during those first months, primarily for myself and others or simply waiting while trying to understand the language and articulate myself.

    In closing, I share another song I wrote many years ago: "Cierpliowość" - patience, a reminder that if I wait and trust God, I will see and understand that God is in all details of my life.
