We are two young women, who both got diagnosed with ADHD later in life. We wanted to share our story. Cause ADHD still a lot of times is undiagnosed in Women. ADHD Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) It is a neurological disorder which is marked by an ongoing pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development. Basically takes over our lives.
Women with ADHD face the same feelings of being overwhelmed and exhausted as men with ADHD commonly feel. Psychological distress, feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, and chronic stress are common. Often, women with ADHD feel that their lives are out of control or in chaos, and daily tasks may seem impossibly huge. Maybe this podcast can shine a light on Women with ADHD and encourage those who might think they have symptoms to go and get tested. Speak up about it. Let’s stop with the taboos and just embrace being and getting to know yourself.
The podcast ADHD in Women was made by Rania Gammouch and edited and recorded by Kim Achtergaele
'Part Of Me' song written by Jennisan for the podcast 'The Donor'
Three years ago my mother needed a liver transplantation. Something that has impacted our lives tremendously. So much so that I wanted to share her story. A podcast I would have loved to have heard 3 years ago. One that can also tell how important it is to register as an organ donor, no matter where you come from or what age you are. Because everyone has the chance to save a life.
The Donor is a podcast by Kim Achtergaele with music by Jennisan and guidance by promoter Wederik De Backer
Misofonie. Letterlijk vertaald uit het Latijn is het, ‘Haat van geluid’. Bij mensen met Misofonie treden gevoelens van woede en walging op bij het horen van bepaalde, meestal door mensen geproduceerde, geluiden. Niet alle geluiden. Kleine subtiele specifieke alledaagse geluiden. dingen die je aandacht vastgrijpen.
Misofonie is een podcast van Kim Achtergaele met muziek van Jennisan.