Hari Om Tat Sat. I'm so excited to finally bring Kirtan Space to you in an audio format. I know I love listening to podcasts whilst I'm driving, cooking, cleaning and even going for a run. My sincere hope is that you won't be stuck with just me, but that you'll get to hear from all of our favourite Kirtan leaders too! With that said, I hope you enjoy the first episode. Write to us if you have any requests on: [email protected] and follow Kirtan Space on all platforms for little fun updates and snippets here and there. Thank you for tuning in and a special thanks to Manu for allowing us to collaborate with our favourite festival Radhadesh Mellows. Kirtan by Sacinandana Swami RM2015-track-3.06 with Saci-Suta on vocals and Madhava Prabhu on the Mrdanga. I'm dancing to this track as we speak! Haha. Kirtaniya Sada Hari.