"Kua marama au" = I do understand/I understand.
"Kare au e marama ana" = I don't understand.
"marama" = understood (informal)
"kare marama" = not understood (informal)
Join the boys from Kuki Learning whose aim is keep the Cook Island's Māori language and culture alive, by sharing it worldwide. Hosted by Charlie Charlie and Tom Harrison who both grew up in Aitutaki and have collective ties to the islands of Rarotonga, Atiu, Mauke, and Pukapuka. They now reside in Aotearoa New Zealand and regularly fly home. Feel free to send topics you'd like them to teach via email at [email protected]
Web: https://kukilearning.com/
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‘Akakoromaki mai = (Please bear with/ be patient)
Tatara’ara atu nei au = (I regret to inform you / I’m apologizing to you)
Join the boys from Kuki Learning whose aim is keep the Cook Island's Māori language and culture alive, by sharing it worldwide. Hosted by Charlie Charlie and Tom Harrison who both grew up in Aitutaki and have collective ties to the islands of Rarotonga, Atiu, Mauke, and Pukapuka. They now reside in Aotearoa New Zealand and regularly fly home. Feel free to send topics you'd like them to teach via email at [email protected]
Web: https://kukilearning.com/
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"Ko'ai te pu i konei?" can mean:
Who's in charge here? Who's the boss here?"Ko'ai te manitia i konei?" is:
Who's the manager here?Join the boys from Kuki Learning whose aim is keep the Cook Island's Māori language and culture alive, by sharing it worldwide. Hosted by Charlie Charlie and Tom Harrison who both grew up in Aitutaki and have collective ties to the islands of Rarotonga, Atiu, Mauke, and Pukapuka. They now reside in Aotearoa New Zealand and regularly fly home. Feel free to send topics you'd like them to teach via email at [email protected]
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Who are your parents? = "Ko'ai to'ou nga metua?"
Who's your mum? = "Ko'ai to'ou mama?"
Who's your dad? = "Ko'ai to'ou papa?"
Key words:
mama/metua vaine/mami = mum/mother/mummypapa/metua tane/tati = dad/father/daddyko'ai = whoJoin the boys from Kuki Learning whose aim is keep the Cook Island's Māori language and culture alive, by sharing it worldwide. Hosted by Charlie Charlie and Tom Harrison who both grew up in Aitutaki and have collective ties to the islands of Rarotonga, Atiu, Mauke, and Pukapuka. They now reside in Aotearoa New Zealand and regularly fly home. Feel free to send topics you'd like them to teach via email at [email protected]
Web: https://kukilearning.com/
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Where's your mum? = "Tei’ea to'ou mama?"
Where's your dad? = "Tei’ea to'ou papa?"
Key words:
mama/metua vaine/mami = mum/mother/mummypapa/metua tane/tati = dad/father/daddyti'ea = where (informal)tiangai = where (Aitutaki dialect)Join the boys from Kuki Learning whose aim is keep the Cook Island's Māori language and culture alive, by sharing it worldwide. Hosted by Charlie Charlie and Tom Harrison who both grew up in Aitutaki and have collective ties to the islands of Rarotonga, Atiu, Mauke, and Pukapuka. They now reside in Aotearoa New Zealand and regularly fly home. Feel free to send topics you'd like them to teach via email at [email protected]
Web: https://kukilearning.com/
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Join the boys from Kuki Learning whose aim is keep the Cook Island's Māori language and culture alive, by sharing it worldwide. Hosted by Charlie Charlie and Tom Harrison who both grew up in Aitutaki and have collective ties to the islands of Rarotonga, Atiu, Mauke, and Pukapuka. They now reside in Aotearoa New Zealand and regularly fly home. Feel free to send topics you'd like them to teach via email at [email protected]
Web: https://kukilearning.com/
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What do you need? = [Ea'a ta'au ka 'inangaro?]
Join the boys from Kuki Learning whose aim is keep the Cook Island's Māori language and culture alive, by sharing it worldwide. Hosted by Charlie Charlie and Tom Harrison who both grew up in Aitutaki and have collective ties to the islands of Rarotonga, Atiu, Mauke, and Pukapuka. They now reside in Aotearoa New Zealand and regularly fly home. Feel free to send topics you'd like them to teach via email at [email protected]
Web: https://kukilearning.com/
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run: "oro" | dance: "ura/koni" | eat: "kai kai/kai manga" | drink: "inu vai" | shower: "pai/umoume".
Join the boys from Kuki Learning whose aim is keep the Cook Island's Māori language and culture alive, by sharing it worldwide. Hosted by Charlie Charlie and Tom Harrison who both grew up in Aitutaki and have collective ties to the islands of Rarotonga, Atiu, Mauke, and Pukapuka. They now reside in Aotearoa New Zealand and regularly fly home. Feel free to send topics you'd like them to teach via email at [email protected]
Web: https://kukilearning.com/
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Alphabet: A, E, Ng, I, K, M, N, O, P, R, T, U, V.
Māori pronunciation: A, E, Nga, I, Ke, Mo, Nu, O, Pi, Ro, Ti, U, Vi.
A rough guide for English speakers, listen to how I say it and follow along to pick out the pronunciations: Ahh, Egg, Winger, Idiot, Cake, More, Noose, Oar, Pea, Row, Tea, Foot, V.
It's tough to teach using these words, but hopefully you hear the Māori pronunciations within these English words.
Join the boys from Kuki Learning whose aim is keep the Cook Island's Māori language and culture alive, by sharing it worldwide. Hosted by Charlie Charlie and Tom Harrison who both grew up in Aitutaki and have collective ties to the islands of Rarotonga, Atiu, Mauke, and Pukapuka. They now reside in Aotearoa New Zealand and regularly fly home. Feel free to send topics you'd like them to teach via email at [email protected]
Web: https://kukilearning.com/
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English, Cook Islands Māori, and Pukapuka are the official languages of the Cook Islands.
Join the boys from Kuki Learning whose aim is keep the Cook Island's Māori language and culture alive, by sharing it worldwide. Hosted by Charlie Charlie and Tom Harrison who both grew up in Aitutaki and have collective ties to the islands of Rarotonga, Atiu, Mauke, and Pukapuka. They now reside in Aotearoa New Zealand and regularly fly home. Feel free to send topics you'd like them to teach via email at [email protected]
Web: https://kukilearning.com/
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Join the boys from Kuki Learning whose aim is keep the Cook Island's Māori language alive, by sharing it worldwide. Hosted by Junior Charlie and Tom Harrison who both grew up in Aitutaki and have collective ties to the islands of Rarotonga, Atiu, Mauke, and Pukapuka. They now reside in Aotearoa and make the odd trip back home regularly. Feel free to send topics you'd like them to teach via email at [email protected]
Web: https://kukilearning.com/
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Happy new year to everyone! Join the boys from Kuki Learning whose aim is keep the Cook Island's Māori language alive, by sharing it worldwide. Hosted by Junior Charlie and Tom Harrison who both grew up in Aitutaki and have collective ties to the islands of Rarotonga, Atiu, Mauke, and Pukapuka. They now reside in Aotearoa and make the odd trip back home regularly. Feel free to send topics you'd like them to teach via email at [email protected]
Web: https://kukilearning.com/
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Basic prayer for food in Cook Islands Māori is as follows: "Te Atua e, akameitaki mai te manga ta matou ka kai, ei akamatutu to matou kopapa, kia ora matou iakoe, Amene".
Translated as: Heavenly father, bless this food we are about to eat, to strengthen our bodies, may we live in your grace, Amen.
Join the boys from Kuki Learning whose aim is keep the Cook Island's Māori language alive, by sharing it worldwide. Hosted by Junior Charlie and Tom Harrison who both grew up in Aitutaki and have collective ties to the islands of Rarotonga, Atiu, Mauke, and Pukapuka. They now reside in Aotearoa and make the odd trip back home regularly. Feel free to send topics you'd like them to teach via email at [email protected]
Web: https://kukilearning.com/
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Cook Islands Maori basic prayer
"Te Atua e, aroa mai ia matou, tamariki ara nei, kia ora matou iakoe, Amene".
Interpreted to: "Heavenly Father, bless us all, forgive us of our sins, may we live in your grace, Amen".
Join the boys from Kuki Learning whose aim is keep the Cook Island's Māori language alive, by sharing it worldwide. Hosted by Junior Charlie and Tom Harrison who both grew up in Aitutaki and have collective ties to the islands of Rarotonga, Atiu, Mauke, and Pukapuka. They now reside in Aotearoa and make the odd trip back home regularly. Feel free to send topics you'd like them to teach via email at [email protected]
Web: https://kukilearning.com/
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Join the boys from Kuki Learning whose aim is keep the Cook Island's Māori language alive, by sharing it worldwide. Hosted by Junior Charlie and Tom Harrison who both grew up in Aitutaki and have collective ties to the islands of Rarotonga, Atiu, Mauke, and Pukapuka. They now reside in Aotearoa and make the odd trip back home regularly. Feel free to send topics you'd like them to teach via email at [email protected]
Web: https://kukilearning.com/
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Join the boys from Kuki Learning whose aim is keep the Cook Island's Māori language alive, by sharing it worldwide. Hosted by Junior Charlie and Tom Harrison who both grew up in Aitutaki and have collective ties to the islands of Rarotonga, Atiu, Mauke, and Pukapuka. They now reside in Aotearoa and make the odd trip back home regularly. Feel free to send topics you'd like them to teach via email at [email protected]
Web: https://kukilearning.com/
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Podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kukilearning/subscribe
Join the boys from Kuki Learning whose aim is keep the Cook Island's Māori language alive, by sharing it worldwide. Hosted by Junior Charlie and Tom Harrison who both grew up in Aitutaki and have collective ties to the islands of Rarotonga, Atiu, Mauke, and Pukapuka. They now reside in Aotearoa and make the odd trip back home regularly. Feel free to send topics you'd like them to teach via email at [email protected]
Web: https://kukilearning.com/
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Join the boys from Kuki Learning whose aim is keep the Cook Island's Māori language alive, by sharing it worldwide. Hosted by Junior Charlie and Tom Harrison who both grew up in Aitutaki and have collective ties to the islands of Rarotonga, Atiu, Mauke, and Pukapuka. They now reside in Aotearoa and make the odd trip back home regularly. Feel free to send topics you'd like them to teach via email at [email protected]
Web: https://kukilearning.com/
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Join the boys from Kuki Learning whose aim is keep the Cook Island's Māori language alive, by sharing it worldwide. Hosted by Junior Charlie and Tom Harrison who both grew up in Aitutaki and have collective ties to the islands of Rarotonga, Atiu, Mauke, and Pukapuka. They now reside in Aotearoa and make the odd trip back home regularly. Feel free to send topics you'd like them to teach via email at [email protected]
Web: https://kukilearning.com/
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Join the boys from Kuki Learning whose aim is keep the Cook Island's Māori language alive, by sharing it worldwide. Hosted by Junior Charlie and Tom Harrison who both grew up in Aitutaki and have collective ties to the islands of Rarotonga, Atiu, Mauke, and Pukapuka. They now reside in Aotearoa and make the odd trip back home regularly. Feel free to send topics you'd like them to teach via email at [email protected]
Web: https://kukilearning.com/
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