
  • Greetings, this is Joshua.


    Welcome to "Learn Traditional Chinese in 3 min".


    I am a business writer in Taiwan.


    I hope to share the real Chinese used by the Chinese nation for over 5000 years,


    and practice speaking and writing English by the way.


    Thank you for listening to my podcast, may God bless you.


    你好 mean “ Greetings ”, or “ Hi ” , or “ Hello ”.

    我是 mean “ This is ” in telephone, or “ I am ” in speaking.

    歡迎 mean “ Weclome ”.

    歡迎來到 mean “ Welcome to ”.

    三分鐘 mean “ 3 minute “, 三 mean “ Three ”, 分鐘 mean “ Minute ”.

    學習 mean “ Learn ”.

    中文 mean “ Chinese ”, or “ the language of Chinese nation ”.

    傳統 mean “ Traditional ”.

    By the way, we have two different Chinese. In Taiwan we use Traditional Chinese, in China they use simplified Chinese. Traditional Chinese is mandarin in Chinese nation, for 5000 years.

    商業 mean “ Business ”.

    作家 mean “ Writer ”.

    在台灣 mean “ in Taiwan ”

    By the way, Taiwan is a place name, the real name is the Republic of China.

    我想 mean “ I want ” or “ I hope ”, or “ I think ”.

    分享 mean “ Share ”.

    中華民族 mean “ Chinese nation ”, 民族 mean “ Nation ” or “ Nationality”.

    五千年來 mean “ for 5000 years ”, 五千年 mean “ 5000 years ”.

    使用 mean “ use ” or “ used by ”.

    五千 mean “ 5000 “, 五 mean “ Five ”, 千 mean “ Thousand ”, 年 mean “ year ” or “ years “.

    真正 mean “ Real ”.

    順便 mean “ By the way ” or “ In passing ”.

    練習 mean “ Practice ”.

    口語、口說 mean “ Speaking ”.

    寫作 mean “ Writing ” or “ Write ”.

    英文 mean “ English ”.

    謝謝 mean “ Thanks ” or “ Thank you ”.

    聽 mean “ Listen ” or “Listening”.

    我的 mean “ My ” , 我 mean “ I ” or “ Me ”.

    願 mean “ I Wish ” or “ I hope ”.

    上帝 mean “ God ”.

    祝福 mean “ bless “.

    你 mean “ you ”.


    May God Bless you.

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