"I realised that as much as I can advise on the law, I can also change it" summarises the essence of this conversation with the wonderful Janvi Patel; an entrepreneur, female founder, producer and an activist for women and children’s rights. These titles (expanded on below) only scratch the surface of Janvi’s accomplishments and pioneering path!
As a private practice lawyer, Janvi received an instinctive feeling that she needed to leave her role – which was at odds with her as an ambitious and diligent woman who didn’t associate with being spontaneous. However, she trusted this soul nudge, left and this led to a path of entrepreneurialism and activism unfolding…...
Janvi co-founded Halebury (launched 2007) and spearheaded operational, structural and cultural change within the legal services profession through a unique business model relating to senior in-house Counsel resourcing, which was then acquired in 2018 by Elevate, a global law company.
Janvi is also a founding board member of the legal campaign #FreePeriods, which aims to end period poverty and was part of the team that successfully campaigned the UK Government for free period products in schools. Amongst many other things, Janvi is also on the investment committee of Aliavia Ventures - a female founder VC fund, is a founder of Support SEND Kids to ensure SEND child have access to education, and most recently she has launched a production company and is in the process of finalizing a documentary series.
We also chat a little about Janvi’s Human Design in this conversation; she is a Manifestor which I could really see in her - an entrepreneurial initiator who is trailblazing us into new ways. In this episode we dive into:-
Janvi’s background, journey into law and early professional years
Indian immigrant background – pressure to do well and have a professional careerScraping by in A-levels; Mum calling to get her a place at UniversityStudying Law and Accounting at Manchester UniversityTraining Contract as Charles Russell and qualifying in employmentAlways feeling different as a lawyer – not seeing anyone else who looked like herInner feeling arising “I need to quit and not be here' - quitting private practiceEntrepreneurship and activism
Co-founding HaleburyEarly challenges with no money and no clientsJuggling early family life and moving to LAHow the success of Halebury fast tracked and tips for starting a businessActivism The Free Periods campaign - how the team went about thisFemales being left out of the conversation and scienceSchool on Wheels - how it helps homeless children in LA and challenges during 'lockdown'Contact information for Janvi and some of the projects she supports if you wish to help:-
Janvi's LinkedIn pageSchool on wheels - support hereSEND kids - support hereLegally Different’s contact information:-
Email: hello@legallydifferent.comLegally Different on InstagramWebsite: www.legallydifferent.comThank you for tuning in! This marks the season finale - keep in touch for what’s coming in season 3!
Join me in this conversation with Vanessa Challess; Founder, Principal and the force behind of Tiger Law and its sister businesses Tiger Bytes and Tiger HR - force being the operative word here as Vanessa has such passionate and motivating energy!
Vanessa is not afraid to speak what is on her heart and mind which makes for a very real and open conversation. We dive into a number of topics such a female inequality in law, integrity as a lawyer and what it means to be a real leader. You will hear about Vanessa's journey to becoming a lawyer which, after quitting school at 15, wasn't a conventional path (which sums up Vanessa's uniquely inspiring ways), her experiences in private practice (including inequalities faced as a woman in law, amongst other things) which very much fuelled Vanessa's desire to create her own business and do law on her own terms.
Vanessa's leadership style, which we dive into and unpack, is aptly captured by the name 'Tiger Law'. What really stood out to me is how passionately protective and caring Vanessa is over her staff; nurturing their talents, encouraging them to be themselves and having their backs was something that came through to me strongly.
In this episode we dive into:-
Background and journey into law
Leaving school at 15;‘Real’ realisations about what Vanessa wanted for her life;Back to education - humanities based A-levels and why Vanessa thinks these are valuable;Philosophy degree – the lure of academia; andCPE conversion & LPC vs benefits practical learning avenues.Early Professional years
Private practice – ‘looked like misery’Facing inequalities for being female and different in her stylePheonix out of the flames moment: sole bread winner, pregnant and sacked – set out in legal consultancy followed by creating her own law firm.Tiger Law
Starting Tiger Law – what fuelled it and the process of a starting a law firm;What is behind the name;Supporting staff to be human and nurture their individualityLeadership in law and how Vanessa is doing it differently;Social media and personal brands – how to use it wisely- freedom of expression vs professional;Integrity and resilience in the legal professional and what it is to be a service provider;Using technology in law to help lawyers and clients; andHow ‘Tigerizing’ things helps to filter out the client they don’t want to work with.Finishing up
Why Vanessa is Legally Different; andWhat advice Vanessa would give her younger selfHELPFUL LINKS + CONTACTS
Contact information for Vanessa and Tiger Law:-
Tiger Law's websiteVanessa's LinkedInTiger Law's InstagramTiger Law's TwitterLegally Different’s contact information:-
Legally Different's email: hello@legallydifferent.comLegally Different on InstagramInterested in Human Design? Want to find out how you're uniquely design to work, interact with others, make decisions and get clarity on your purpose, gifts and strengths? Book your Human Design session with Lauren here.Thank you sooooo much for tuning in.
I chat with Seth Bradley who’s mission for lawyers and professionals is “practice when you want to, not because you have to". Seth is a real estate entrepreneur and an expert at creating passive income while working as a highly paid professional. He’s a former big law attorney and is now the managing partner of his own firm, Bradley Law Limited, helping his clients with their real estate and asset protection needs. Seth is the host of the Passive Income Attorney Podcast, educating attorneys and other professionals on how to stop trading their time for money so that they can practice when they want to, not because they have to. In this episode we dive into:-
Seth’s background and journey into law
Growing up in a blue collar family in West VirginiaFrom Med School to Big LawMoney mindset and exchanging time for moneyBig law career
The lure of the golden handcuffsLooking up the ladder and lacking inspiration by the 9-5 to 65 model‘Ah ha’ moments which led to breaking free of the golden handcuffsPassive Income Attorney
Transition period - money mindset changes and mentorsDiscovering real estate investing – from early experiments to expertiseHow it’s possible to ‘practice when you want to, not because you have to’How lawyers can leverage their legal skills in other areas inc. entrepreneurship and investingHow Seth and his PIA platform can help lawyers to free up their timeFinishing up
Why Seth is Legally Different; andWhat advice Seth would give his younger selfHELPFUL LINKS + CONTACTS
Seth’s contact information:-
GET STARTED: The Freedom BlueprintFree download for a limited time at http://www.attorneybydesign.comThe Billables to Abundance Bible - Free download for a limited time at http://www.escapethebillable.comJOIN: EPIC – The Esquire Passive Investor Club: https://passiveincomeattorney.com/join-the-passive-income/The Passive Income Attorneys Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/passiveincomeattorneysCall: https://calendly.com/sethbradley/investEmail: seth@passiveincomeattorney.comWebsites: www.passiveincomeattorney.com; www.lawcapitalpartners.com ; www.bradleylawlimited.comLinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/sethpaulbradleyFacebook: www.facebook.com/sethpaulbradleyInstagram: www.instagram.com/passiveincomeattorneyYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBFCoOy_AM7-8F6h0DiHdSwLegally Different’s contact information:-
Legally Different's email: hello@legallydifferent.comLegally Different on InstagramThank you to our supporter, Franc and Iris. Use code LEGALLYDIFFERENT15 for 15% off of a pair of blue light protective glasses.Interested in Human Design? Want to find out how you're uniquely design to work, interact with others, make decisions and get clarity on your purpose, gifts and strengths? Book your Human Design session with Lauren here.Thank you for tuning in!
Lauren :-)
Welcome back to Legally Different. We are joined my Aman Costigan; lawyer, partner, yoga teacher, entrepreneur and investor.
Aman founded Beyond Yoga for Lawyers (which she runs on the side of being a lawyer/partner) following a desire to create her own business “I just wanted to do my own thing with no rules”.
Aman is 9 years qualified and a partner at her firm. As a proud and successful lawyer, she focused solely on her legal career for the first 5 years, but at year 6 something else was calling her, so she decided to take stock of things and asked herself ‘what do I really want’? Aman realised that in creating her legal career, she had dropped all of her hobbies and interests and, as a naturally multifaceted and multi passionate person, this didn’t align with version of success. So, Aman made a decision to follow that calling, own her non-linear nature and step out as a lawyer “and”…..
Aman is a successful lawyer AND so much more, including a yoga teacher and entrepreneur. It is admirable to see how she is owning this and in doing so is giving a much needed permission slip to other lawyers and professionals. I also love how as a lawyer/partner at her firm she does things differently – one thing that stood out to me was the vision boarding session she ran aka ‘the vision board party’.
It’s no surprise that Aman is a Manifesting Generator in Human Design – something we delved into in the episode if you’re curious to find out more.
Tune in to hear about Aman’s process in creating Beyond Yoga for Lawyers and how she is ‘Legally Different’ in so many ways.
What you can expect:-
Aman’s journey into law and legal career
Attending a local murder trial which ignited a passion for lawCommitting to law school – not getting what Aman wanted but realising a deeper lesson later onQualifying as a professional regulatory lawyerDedication to Aman’s career and making partnerReviewing Aman’s version of success and taking stockCraving change and recognizing fulfilment in being a lawyer “and”…..Beyond Yoga For Lawyers
Aman’s process to creating BYFLThe need/desire for freedomWhere BYFL is now and how it helps lawyersOther interests which create the lawyer “and” in AmanFinishing up
Why Aman is Legally Different; andWhat advice Aman would give her younger selfHELPFUL LINKS + CONTACTS
Beyond Yoga for Lawyers on InstagramBeyond Yoga for Lawyers’ websiteLegally Different's email: hello@legallydifferent.comLegally Different on InstagramThank you to our supporter, Franc and Iris. Use code LEGALLYDIFFERENT15 for 15% off of a pair of blue light protective glasses.Interested in Human Design? Want to find out how you're uniquely design to work, interact with others, make decisions and get clarity on your purpose, gifts and strengths? Book your Human Design session with Lauren here.Thanks so much for tuning in!
Welcome to this conversation with Eimear McCann, Commercial Director at TrialView and a lecturer in EU and immigration law.
Eimear has certainly had a multi-faceted and non-linear path into and around law, which you will hear all about! From her early career as a writer to working in immigration law for a law centre to private practice to legal tech.
When Eimear began to feel stuck in private practice and craved a way out into something else, without anything on the table, her solution was “I’m just going to have to get really creative about how I get out of this” which I love – you will see that creativity is a common theme in Eimear’s journey and is something she is so passionate about in law. At this juncture, she began by stripping out of the legal references in her CV to reimagine her experience – love this tip for getting a new perspective on experience, skills and purpose!
During this process, Eimear discovered legal tech and was so drawn to it as the “intersection between law and creativity” and has since had a successful and diverse career in legal tech in commercial and operational roles working for Flex Legal, Summize and currently TrialView.
Eimear shares interesting insights around the role of creativity in law, our work and lives. We discuss how traditionally (and still currently in many areas) the law and school system tends to label and separate creativity as though it doesn’t have a place in law. Eimear shares her passion for where creative thinking can assist – even in logical tasks!
“We are all wired to create” – I will leave you with that before you dive in.
What you can expect:-
Eimear’s journey into law
Law & Spanish at University Deciding not to pursue a law career and becoming a writerLegal Career
Becoming an immigration lawyer and working for a law centre in Northern IrelandDoing meaningful work and being passionate Mental health in law and dealing with tough casesMoving to Manchester and working in private practiceFeeling unfulfilled and craving changeLegal Tech
Getting creative about making a career leapDiscovering legal techRoles with Flex Legal and SummizeCreativity
The meaning of creativity and how we are all creative Creativity in law – where it’s at and how creativity can helpThe future generationsNeuroscience insights Creativity and logic going hand in handFinishing up
Why Eimear is Legally Different; andWhat advice Eimear would give to her previous self wanting to get out of private practiceHELPFUL LINKS + CONTACTS
Eimear’s LinkedInLegally Different's email: hello@legallydifferent.comLegally Different's InstagramThank you for tuning in
An astro update for the full moon and eclipse on 19 November by our in-house astrologer and former lawyer, Laurel O'Sullivan
The November full moon is a powerful lunar eclipse with supercharged energy. Eclipses are like portals offering the opportunity for transformation - an opportunity to get back on purpose and on our path to fulfilling our goals and dreams. Full moons are always about beginnings and endings, so together there's a potent collaboration. The timing of this lunar eclipse at the end of a challenging year and time in general is about reclaiming your power and self reliance. Tune in for more!
Helpful links + contacts
Laurel’s website:www.laurelosullivan.comLegally Different's email: hello@legallydifferentLegally Different's Instagram -
Join me in this conversation with Alex McPherson, founder of Ignition Law and corporate lawyer. We chat about Alex’s journey to founding and growing Ignition Law which began life as a declaration at a New Year’s Eve party (possibly fuelled by vino) but it was nevertheless a resolution that Alex was passionate about and determine to keep….
Alex shares his path into law and early career, his transition from a senior employee at an international law firm to starting his entrepreneurial journey through to where Ignition is today as a successful leading law firm for start ups, scale ups and the entrepreneurially spirited. This is such a diverse conversation touching on many interesting angles including; challenges in the entrepreneurial journey (personal & professional), the importance of values & culture, mental health in law and agile/remote working.
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast” sums up the essence of this conversation and is something you will hear Alex say part way through when we discuss Ignition’s values and what it’s like to be part of the team.
Ignition Law is ‘legally different’ in so many ways, but one way that stands out to me is how it has always been ahead of curve with remote working as ‘agile consultants’ (that’s me) have been an integral part of its model right from the start. This is a conversation which is dear to my heart as Ignition Law has been a key part of my own personal ‘legally different’ journey.
I admire Alex’s leadership style and would sincerely describe him as a human centred and values driven lawyer and leader. I’m sure you will sense that too…….
What you can expect:-
Alex’s journey into law
Young ambitions of being a pilot grind to a halt as aspirations to become a lawyer take off;Early work experience opportunities and being drawn to the tangibility of law;A Magic Circle training contract and the early professional years including experience abroad and in-house.Transition period
New Years Eve – a resolution declared in front of friends which kick started Alex’s year of research and planning towards making a change;Alex’s reflections on how he navigated that time and what advice he’d give to someone making a similar transition; andTaking the leap!Ignition Law – the early days and beyond
Transparency about the bumps in the road: personal and professional, money on the line, personal bereavements, working long hours and mental health pressures in the start-up phase;Keys to success including the importance of professional networks and the support of other law firms;“Culture eats strategy for breakfast” sums up the rest of this section quite well which is something Alex says part way through as we get into:-Attracting aligned clients and white labelling vs being authentic and transparent;The importance of values & integrity;Mental health in law;Ignition’s diverse hub of agile consultants;The important of supporting diverse talent and Ignition’s work experience programme; andPersonal shares from Lauren about working as an agile consultant for Ignition Law and why Alex & Ignition Law are Legally Different.Finishing up
Why Alex is Legally Different; andWhat Advice Alex would give to his younger self.HELPFUL LINKS + CONTACTS
Ignition Law's websiteIgnition Law's work experience programmeAlex's LinkedInLegally Different's email: hello@legallydifferent.comLegally Different's InstagramWebsite for our partner Franc & Iris: www.francandiris.comFinally, thank you to our partner for this episode, Franc & Iris blue light protective glasses. Light hygiene is so important in the digital age, thank you for protecting my eyes (in stylish way!) during screen time. You can get 15% off of your own pair (with free delivery) using the code LEGALLYDIFFERENT15 HERE.
Thank you for tuning in!
An astro update for the November 2021 new moon by our in-house astrologer and former lawyer, Laurel O'Sullivan.
You can expect a bitesize and tangible update which is applicable to our daily lives. You will hear what the New Moon on 4 November in scorpio means and how that is likely to show up for us.
Helpful links + contacts
Laurel’s website: www.laurelosullivan.comLegally Different's email: hello@legallydifferentLegally Different's Instagram -
Decisions, decisions, decisions! They are a key part of our lives aren't they!? Decisions really shape our lives from the smaller everyday choices to the big life decisions.
This episode is all about how we can make more aligned decisions in order to create a more fulfilled life. I take you through my decision making journey over the years from analysis paralysis to clarity and flow and share tools that have helped me to make decisions with more ease.
What you can expect:-
My journey with decision makingDecision making tools & tipsThe Human Design 'authorities' (i.e. how we are each uniquely designed to make decisions)Key links and follow up
Book a session with me here ⚡Get your Human Design chart and find out your unique decision making authority hereLegally Different's email: hello@legallydifferentLegally Different's Instagram -
When “I just don’t think I’m a normal lawyer in any respect” is the answer to “what makes you Legally Different” - you know you’re in good in company.
Join me for this chat with Babs Jamieson, Founder + CEO of Jamieson Law a start-up UK practice with multi jurisdictional expertise. Babs is a qualified solicitor in England, Scotland, Ireland and New York! After time in traditional legal practice, Babs decided she’d had enough of dreading work, feeling unmotivated by the traditional ladder and dealing with imbalances as a female – she decided to quit, set up her own firm and do it in her own way. Babs is shifting old and broken paradigms in the way that she runs Jamieson Law.
This is such an uplifting conversation (Babs has such an infectious energy!) whilst touching on some very real and important issues. One of those conversations is about the reality of being a female in law - we dig into where very real imbalances still remain, even though some progress has been made.
Babs tells her story in such a light and real way – it’s hard not to go away feeling both uplifted and informed.
A summary of what you can expect:-
Why Babs became a lawyer – a very real answer!Imbalances in law as a female.Babs’ realisation she didn’t want to be a partner and asking – so what am I aiming for?Quitting and that moment after – oh sh*t what have I done?Freelancing as a lawyer.Creating Jamieson law – Babs’ values and the paradigms she’s shifting.Setting up a law firm – the regulatory stuff!What Babs would tell her younger self.Why Babs is Legally Different.Helpful links + contacts
Website for our partner Franc & Iris: www.francandiris.comJamieson Law's website: www.jamiesonlaw.legalJamieson Law's Instagram: @babjamiesonlawyerLegally Different's email: hello@legallydifferentLegally Different's InstagramFinally, thank you to our partner for this episode, Franc & Iris blue light protective glasses. Light hygiene is so important in the digital age, thank you for protecting my eyes during screen time. You can get 15% off of your own pair (with free delivery) using the code LEGALLYDIFFERENT15 here.
Thank you for tuning in!
Do you think dropping out is a bad thing? Society puts such a negative label on it, right!? In this chat, Ryan explains why he’s owning “BigLaw Drop Out” and changing it into an empowering term of endearment and how dropping out of various things that weren’t aligned for him has led to successes.
Ryan is a former lawyer turned life coach and yoga teacher who shares in this chat how he’s navigated the changes that he’s made. He breaks it down in a really self reflective way that provides helpful and empowering tips and advice for us all. We get into chats about unhealthy work patterns in law, the draw of the money, how to pursue a life that makes you feel lit up and much more! A common theme in this conversation, which I’m all about, kept coming back to the importance of knowing yourself and doing inner work.
A summary of what you can expect:-
Why and how Ryan became a lawyer;The lure of money in the profession;International dreams and working from Singapore;Unhealthy demands in law – work creeping into holiday and family time;Ryan’s process to leaving and working out what lights him up;The story behind BigLaw Drop Out and why changing or ‘dropping out’ can be an empowering thing;What living a life that’s ‘lit’ is;The importance of real inner work + personal development; andMuch more!Thank you to our sponsor for this episode, Fit Delis plant based protein powder. I love how you nourish me on the daily with added goodness to my morning smoothie bowls! Proud to be teaming up with you and sharing your goodness.
Links and contacts:-
Ryan’s website: www.iamryanspence.comRyan’s Instagram: @iam_ryanspenceLegally Different's email: hello@legallydifferentLegally Different's InstagramThank you for tuning in!
Curious to find out more about yourself through the lens of astrology? Me too!
Laurel O'Sullivan, with her pioneering Aries sun, is a former environmental public interest lawyer turned astrologer and women’s coach. Laurel helps women to advocate for their best lives and to navigate life transitions. She has a gift for breaking down astrology and applying it to life in a really tangible way.
I’ve been looking to bring an astrologer on the show for a while now, so it was awesome to connect with Laurel to bring this to you.
I was keen in this conversation for Laurel to break down some terms that you might have heard of including the wild Saturn Return that usually arrives in our late 20s/early 30s (and then again in our 50s) to shake things up plus how our sun, moon and rising signs are relevant to our lives and what they are!
In this conversation, we cover:-
Laurel’s career journey as a lawyer;Why, as an Aries, she’s particularly suited to being an advocate;Laurel's transitional periods and why she is passionate about being a women’s coach and astrologer;What our ‘sun’, ‘moon’ and ‘rising’ signs are and how they are relevant to our lives.What a Saturn Return is, the ages we can expect them to show up and the impact they have on us;What the ‘Aquarian Age’ is which we have recently entered;Insights into my personal signs and traits; andMuch more!Helpful links + contacts
Website for our partner Franc & Iris: www.francandiris.comLaurel’s website: www.laurelosullivan.comAstrology website to find out your signs: CaféastrologyLegally Different's email: hello@legallydifferentLegally Different's InstagramFinally, thank you to our partner for this episode, Franc & Iris blue light protective glasses. Light hygiene is so important in the digital age, thank you for protecting my eyes (in stylish way!) during screen time. You can get 15% off of your own pair (with free delivery) using the code LEGALLYDIFFERENT15 HERE.
Thank you for tuning in!
P.S. What are your signs? I’d love to know! You can find out your sun, moon and rising signs here and drop me a line with them.
Welcome back to Legally Different! Thank you for joining us again for Season 2.
We kick off this series with a conversation with Tom Dunlop; a former professional badminton player turned lawyer turned legal tech entrepreneur. Tom is the Founder & CEO of Summize, which provides an intelligent solution for contract creation, review and management.
Throughout the conversation, Tom’s entrepreneurial spirit and drive for creative solutions really stood out for me and I'm sure you will connect with that too.
In this conversation, we get into:-
Tom’s career journey covering; his professional sports career, qualifying as a lawyer, working in-house as General Counsel and pivoting away from legal practice;The contract challenges within the life of a typical lawyer;Tom’s entrepreneurial spirit and how it always showed up in different ways;Where the idea for Summize came from and the journey to its creation;Tom’s mindset, influenced by his professional sporting days; The important of personal development; andMuch more!I hope you enjoy this legal tech conversation with a sporting twist!
Thank you to our sponsor for this episode, Fit Delis plant based protein powder. I love how you nourish me on the daily with added goodness to my morning smoothie bowls! Proud to be teaming up with you and sharing your goodness.
Links and contacts:-
Summize's websiteTom Dunlop's LinkedInLegally Different's email: hello@legallydifferentLegally Different's InstagramThank you for tuning in, it means the world!
Episode Notes
Welcome back - I'm still in the hot seat being interviewed by my awesome sister, Kerri. I can’t think of a better person as Kerri has been my ride or die and my right hand woman. She’s seen it all and supported me through thick and thin! Kerri interviews me about my own journey into law and how I made big life and work changes in the legal world. This conversation is split into two parts because there was so much to unpack and I wanted to be totally open with you.....plus being in conversation with my sister is such a vibe #sisterchats! In Part 2 we cover:-
Quitting Big Law;The initial travelling phase - intentional but flowy;Labels - who are we without them? Everything stripped away and meeting new ppl no longer as “Lauren the Lawyer”, “Lauren the fun friend” etc;Life changing experiences including a journey of love - love for myself and the world;Bali - the first seed is planted about my next chapter ;Returning to the UK knowing I wanted to live in Bali and work remotely - how could I make this happen?;Deep dive into my skills and passions and remote opportunities;Working for BamLegal from Bali from October 2017;Living and working solo from Bali - coworking spaces, the people, the freedom and the cafe culture;The next chapter - yoga teaching training in Nepal with my sister;How I moved from yang / masculine ways to yin / feminine ways;Moving on from Bam - life coaching and other remote legal work;Finding Ignition Law, being amazed at how forward thinking they were / are;Life as a legal consultant - duty bound employment vs freedom centric consulting;Working ways - what fuels my fire;Living / working from Mexico in 2020;What I’d tell my earlier self if I could have a chat with her;Why I’m Legally Different - deep insights into being ‘different’ in an empowered and a disempowered way (self doubts about being blonde and from a working class background in law); andWhat’s next for Legally Different........CONTACT INFO + LINKS
You can get in touch with me via Legally Different:-
Instagram:@legallydifferent Email:hello@legallydifferent.comYou can connect with my sister via:-
Instagram:@konsciously.kerriWebsite: www.konsciouslykerri.co.ukThank you for tuning in!
Episode Notes
I’m in the hot seat this time (eek!) and I’m joined by my incredible sister, Kerri, who interviews me. I can’t think of a better person as Kerri has been my ride or die and my right hand woman. She’s seen it all and supported me through thick and thin! Kerri interviews me about my own journey into law and how I made big life and work changes in the legal world. This conversation is split into two parts because there was so much to unpack and I wanted to be totally open with you.....plus being in conversation with my sister is such a vibe #sisterchats!
In Part 1 we cover:-
Humble beginnings - from a working class town with an innate vision of something different;Why law - deep analysis of my conscious and sub conscious choices….plus a dash of inspo from Ally Mcbeal;Discussion re societal expectations and validation of our career choices;My legal path; A-levels, University, training at a large corporate law firm and early qualification years in Leeds;Moving to London - professional and personal insights;Starting to feel ‘off’ - having the swanky apartment, a ‘good’ job but feeling dread of work;Deep dive into society’s version of success vs what actually feels good;Accepting I needed to make a change;Considering my options; corporate work vs non corporate, another law firm vs in-house - “same shit different shovel?”;Inner soul nudges to totally quit Big Law and take a different path;Creating my ‘escape plan’; andMy money journey (saving £10k to travel) inc huge mindset shifts.I hope you enjoy this. Head over to Part 2 (Episode 16) for the part of my journey, post leap!
You can get in touch with me via Legally Different:-
Instagram:@legallydifferent Email:hello@legallydifferent.comYou can connect with my sister via:-
Instagram:@konsciously.kerriWebsite: www.konsciouslykerri.co.ukThank you for tuning in!
Tech queen, entrepreneur and very human - just some of the qualities I admire in Catherine Bamford, the CEO + Founder of BamLegal💥 and my awesome guest in this episode. I've had the pleasure of knowing Catherine for 10 years now as we began our legal careers working in the same team. I've seen Catherine's journey unfold and I admire the chapters in her life - from her personal highs and lows, to the impact she's had in the legal world via BamLegal and everything in between.
I even worked for BamLegal myself in 2017 when Catherine trained me in legal automation which I did working remotely from Bali! Catherine was the first person to give me a remote opportunity in the legal world when I decided to leave 'big law' and traditional working ways.
As I know Catherine well, she shares some personal insights and stories that she doesn't normally share (thanks Catherine for trusting me :-)) so you will definitely get to know more sides to her. In particular, she openly shares about a relationship break up and a period of burn out - both of which were pivotal growth moments for Catherine. I love how she can turn lows around into positive experiences - her "phoenix out of the flames" moments as she calls it.
I LOVED this conversation and I hope you do to. We have lots of laughs and deep chats too! Two of my favourite conversations involve algebra and rockstars, I won't say anymore......
Tune in to be inspired by the awesome Catherine Bamford and to hear our takes on life, law and much more.
In this episode we get into:-
Humble beginnings - from a small town in Northern Ireland with BIG ambitions;Quitting school + travelling at 17...then getting onto a law degree with no A-levels;Early professional days; training with a small firm with lots of responsibility (plus clients with helicopters) vs NQ role at a large corporate firm;Learning from good and bad leaders.Starting to feel off - is this it!?Becoming passionate about legal tech via an internal secondment opportunity at Pinsent Masons, finding her flow and even impressing the software providers;That game changing hair cut moment! Break ups, algebra + rockstars.....Going solo with legal automation and creating BamLegal;BamLegal's mission, how it has changed the legal space and how it helps lawyers feel fulfilled;Different chapters of BamLegal - highs, accolades, burn out and rising from the flames;Female leadership and the meaning of "entrepreneur" vs "female entrepreneur"Remote working and how things will change going forward (plus a throwback to when I work for BamLegal from Bali).What Catherine would tell her younger self if she could have a chat with her.Why Catherine is Legally Different.CONTACT INFO + LINKS
You can find BamLegal's website here.
Connect with Catherine on Instagram or LinkedIn.
Legally Different:-
Instagram:@legallydifferent Email: hello@legallydifferent.comThank you for tuning in!
James Cooper, an Australian qualified lawyer, began his legal career on the corporate path working in Melbourne when it soon became apparent to him that the traditional ladder was not for him, so (long story short, of course) he took a "leap of faith" and now specialises in international development and policy. This leap had international reach which has resulted in James living and working in a number of countries including; the Solomon Islands, Sierra Leone and to his current role as legal advisor to Papua New Guinea's National Department of Health. James' work has chiefly centred around law reform.
James attributes his opportunities to the Oxford Policy Fellowship which works in partnership with governments of low and middle income countries to support policy reform.
James' episode cover shows him wearing a traditional Sierra Leoneon "lappa" jacket made, which is proudly wore during his time there.
In this episode we get into:-
James' path into law and early working career in Melbourne;The pivot period resulting in a fellowship based in the Solomon Islands;The Oxford Policy Fellowship;Returning to Melbourne to undertake a masters;Working on health law reform in Sierra Leone;James' current position as legal adviser to Papua New Guinea's National Department of Health;What James does and typical projects he works on;How the 'pandemic' has altered the focus of his work - assisting with P&G's response i.e. legalities around border closures.Personal insights of living / working in Papua New Guinea.What James would tell his younger self if he could chat to him.Why James is Legally Different.CONTACT INFO + LINKS
You can find out more about The Oxford Policy Fellowship here.
You can connect with James via LinkedIn here.
Legally Different:-
Instagram:@legallydifferent Email: hello@legallydifferent.comThank you for tuning in!
In this episode, Olivia Lasonos (Livy), a human design specialist and guide, takes us through the key characteristics of the five energy types in human design; manifestor, generator, manifesting generator, projector and reflector (do you know which one you are?) and then we dive into some areas in a bit more detail, guided by some questions submitted by the listeners!
Have you heard of human design? It’s an amazing self-knowledge tool that I love and really align with, which is why I’m sooooo passionate about sharing this conversation with Livy. Whether you’re brand new to human design or have already dipped your toe in, you’re in the right place to find out more. Livy describes human design as a blueprint of our unique selves which gives us permission to be us and a deeper sense of acceptance of who are as individuals. Yes to that! When utilised in can be a powerful tool to help lean into our gifts in life, work, relationships and much more. I also love that it is being used more by corporates to help teams work most effectively.
Livy used to be a finance litigator, until she followed her inner nudges that something wasn’t quite aligned for her. Her deep sense of trust to follow her curiosities and intuition is so inspiring and is exactly what led to discover her passion for human design.
If you don't know your own human design type, you can find out via the links below.
In this episode we cover:-
Livy’s path into and out of a legal careerAlways feeling different as a lawyerThe growth of that 'off’ feelingLeaning into her curiosities starting to follow her intuitionDiscovering her passion for human designStepping into human design and creating her businessHuman DesignSummary of each energy type; manifestor, generator, manifesting generator, projector and reflector.Questions from the listeners + getting into the following in more detail:-How to approach / interpret human design;Generators;Twins and human design;What open centres are in your chart;Manifestors and their aura;What ‘non energy’ types are;Reflectors as a mirror in the world;Projectors and reflectors in the workplace / teams;Parts of a chart that may make someone a leader; andUnderstanding others via human design.Closing upWhat Livy would tell her younger self if she could have a chat with herWhy Livy is Legally Different.How you can work with Livy.CONTACT INFO + LINKS
Find out your human design type via Jovian Archive or My Body Graph.
Livy’s website is here.
Livy’s Instagram page is here.
Legally Different:-
Instagram:@legallydifferent Email: hello@legallydifferent.comThank you for tuning in!
Episode Notes
What an enlightening conversation with Vicki Prais. Having taken a commercial legal career path, my lens on the human rights legal sphere is rather limited, however, it's such an important area as human rights impact us all at a personal level. So, I loved speaking with Vicki about her career path and various human rights issues - it was incredibly thought provoking.
Vicki Prais is a human rights lawyer, podcaster, writer and mentor. We chatted about everything from current and topical human rights issues impacting the world right now (including freedom of expression and bodily autonomy) to Vicki’s podcast “The Passion Factor” which helps those navigating a career in human rights.
It was so interesting to hear about Vicki’s career in human rights and the impactful work she has been involved which is centred around dignity behind bars, torture prevention, prisoners’ rights and prison reform. “London is my home but the world is my workplace” captures the spirit and international reach of Vicki’s work so well, which has taken her working on a myriad of projects from Kosovo to Geneva.
We dived into restrictions on freedom of speech and expression in the context of a report that Vicki is working on at the moment relating to creatives and academics in Belarus and how censorship is playing out at a wider global level.
I was particularly curious to find out, via a human rights lens, the issues around the vaccine roll out and where rights to medical freedom and bodily autonomy sit amongst any attempt to make this mandatory.
Finally, I love how Vicki explained that being a lawyer “plus” is what makes her Legally Different - a lawyer plus....a podcaster, mentor and writer. There certainly seems to be movement towards the “lawyer plus”, which I believe is healthy in order to grow beyond singular labels, and Vicki is such an inspiring example of this!
In this episode we cover:-
Vicki’s path into law and a human rights careerComing from a family of lawyers and having a passion for individual civil libertiesVolunteering at a prison creche whilst at UniversityInternational experience in Geneva with human rights organisations helping the UNA masters in human rights and civil liberties.Qualifying as a solicitor and working in immigration and asylum lawCurrent legal career Going solo - 24 years in Vicki craved autonomy and decided to be her own boss in 2019 August and is now an independent human rights consultantKey areas – dignity behind bars, torture prevention, prisoners rights and prison reformCurrent work – ‘typical’ day / week (although there’s no such things as typical human rights)Current interesting project – a report on ill treatment of creatives and academics in BelarusVicki’s proudest work momentCurrent human rights issuesFreedom of speech / expression – Belarus and beyondIssues around the current pandemicVaccine roll out and the human rights stance on making it mandatoryNon-lawyer projects + passionsWriting a monthly column for Comment CentralVicki’s podcast “The Passion Factor”Mentorship – supporting young professionalsPersonal Mental and emotional health when doing tough work focusing on human livesThe concept of “proper selfishness”What Vicki would tell her younger self if she could have a chat with her!Why Vicki is Legally DifferentCONTACT INFO + LINKS
Vicki's website
Vicki's Twitter
Vicki's LinkedIn
Legally Different:-
Instagram:@legallydifferent Email: hello@legallydifferent.comThank you for tuning in!
Louise hit the heights of a legal career that many desire; working for a Magic Circle law firm. However, it soon became clear to Louise that that way of working wasn't a high for her at all and it proved to be pivotal in hitting her "rock bottom". It was that low which actually paved the way for a new path for Louise when doors serendipitously opened during her recovery phase which led her back into one of her childhood passions; music. My favourite part of this journey is when Louise takes a temp job at HMV - hell yehhh! Not one to sit on the side lines and do things by halves, Louise has cultivated a freelance career in the music and radio world which has seen her working across BBC Radio with the likes ofJo Whiley, Lauren Laverne and Annie Mac, working for ABC radio in Australia, being a music journalist for BBC Radio 6, producing and presenting her own radio show (The Flip Side for Reform Radio) and producing numerous podcasts including Annie Mac's! Need I go on...
Louise describes herself as a creative go-getter, which I totally agree with! She's got such a fire in her, can make sh*t happen AND she's also soooooo creative! This is one of the many reasons why she's legally different to me.
In this episode we cover:-
Louise's path into law - humble northern beginnings to a top global law firm.The highs of trainee lawyer life, including a secondment to Paris.Mental healthfeeling deeply low and not knowing what was wrongopen shares around tears before work and in the office toiletspressures of a Magic Circle firm including expectations of doing 'all nighters'Hitting "rock bottom" with depression and a break down:-leaving London and entering the recovery phasefeelings during the “low period”finding purpose and igniting inner passion- via a temp job at HMV (this is one of my fave convos - deep insights into the 'simplicity' of this job but the power it had in 'saving' Louise and igniting her spark for life again).Doors start to open, work experience at Radio Cumbria, shadowing Jo Wiley and working for the BBC in London.Living / working in Australia.Diving into Louise's current freelance work in the audio + music world (including being Annie Mac's podcast producer).Finding law again, working for Ignition law on an agile / flexible basis and balancing this with the creative audio work.The meaning of 'labels' we give ourselves (such an interesting convo around that!)What Louise would tell the earlier version of herself if she could have a chat with her.Why Louise is Legally Different.CONTACT INFO + LINKS
You can find Louise's website here and connect with her via Instagram here.
Legally Different:-
Instagram:@legallydifferent Email: hello@legallydifferent.comThanks for tuning in!
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