SEASON 1 FINALE! Jordan and J.T. will return on January 15, 2025 with MORE saucy secrets, even BETTER production, and a lineup of AWESOME guests.
At the close of 2024, we can recount our missteps and resolve to do better. OR we can reflect on the challenges we overcame, the moments of pride, and set our intention for opportunities in the new year. A new calendar is permission to start fresh. Whether you have a list of personal improvements laminated on the fridge or choose to focus on one big dream for the year, join the conversation to discover:
Resolutions...friend or foe?Let go of what doesn't serve you - easier said than doneThe power of the mini-adventureMisogi: a Japanese ritual that has evolved into a personal development approach for gaining confidence and courageVisualizing the future and setting measurable goalsThe importance of getting out of our comfort zoneCHEERS to a happy, healthy, and creative 2025! Be brave, beautiful friends.
Season 2 airs 1/15/2025.
Enjoy the conversation? Please take a moment to SUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW on the homepage www.letsdigintothat.com or wherever you find your podcasts. THANK YOU – your click means more than you can imagine.
At Let's Dig into That, the goal is to remain honest and curious - to promote intentional connection through meaningful conversation. Jordan and J.T. honor Season 1 by reflecting on their mission. On track to inspire difficult conversations, Jordan and J.T. pledge to dig even deeper, focusing on intentional vulnerability and mindful connection. In this episode's quest for accountability, discover:
The biological benefits of being there for someone elseA space for healing to happenWhat it means to feel empowered Motivations and support systemsFriendly reminder: USE YOUR WORDSEnjoy the conversation? Please take a moment to SUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW on the homepage www.letsdigintothat.com or wherever you find your podcasts. THANK YOU – your click means more than you can imagine.
PARENTAL WARNING: Kris Kringle is outed on this episode. WE BELIEVE, but you don't have to!
While J.T. and Jordan pride themselves on variety and spontaneity, there is something about this time of year, the customs and beliefs carried down by generations – ‘tis the season for traditions. From Jordan’s New Year’s Eve fire ceremony to J.T.’s committed relationship with Santa, join the conversation to discover:
-the power of traditions (for better or worse)
-the significance of symbolic behaviors
-unique traditions from around the world (from cheese rolling to baby jumping)
-find your group: how a sense of belonging, stability, and the transmission of values can come from a variety of sources
-starting new traditions: serving the community, rituals involving nature, fortifying connections
Enjoy the conversation? Please take a moment to SUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW on the homepage www.letsdigintothat.com or wherever you find your podcasts. THANK YOU – your click means more than you can imagine.
How does memory factor into being present in the moment? To what degree can we trust our self-serving remembrances? How does memory factor into forward-thinking? While Jordan has a detailed recall of flavors and aromas, J.T. carries vivid snapshots of extreme highs and traumatic lows. The mind, the senses, the impact of photo albums, and stories told again and again, what should we be thinking when it comes to memory? Join the conversation to discover:
-Fight, flight, and the triggering of unsavory memories
-The proficiency of the olfactory
-The power of prospective memory and recalling preset intentions
-The Mandela Effect: when a group of people share a false memory of a specific event or person
-Mental Prep: what to do now to improve memory in the future
-Selective memory’s role in relationships
Literary Shout Out:
Bessel van der Kolk, The Body Keeps The Score (Viking Press, 2014)
Find value in the conversation? Please take a moment to SUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW on the homepage www.letsdigintothat.com or wherever you find your podcasts. THANK YOU – your click means more than you can imagine.
Compromise is not self-sacrifice, nor is it a healthy cover for manipulation. Unhappy compromise is likely to lead to heavy resentment. Jordan prepares her defense when faced with a negotiation, wary of giving too much away. J.T. offers insight from the other side, highlighting compromise as an opportunity to connect and reap Win-Win benefits. Curious about the prospect of reframing compromise? In this episode, discover:
-How mutually beneficial solutions exist in the presence of concessions
-Difference between good intent and control and the importance of peaceful surroundings
-Benefits of presenting two (and only two) options
-The power of counteroffers
-Why collaboration and accommodation encourage unity in the long run
-Consistency: sticking to the (com)PROMISES you made when the time comes
-Values, self-esteem, time with family, career goals: what are your non-negotiables?
Enjoy the conversation? Please take a moment to SUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW on the homepage www.letsdigintothat.com or wherever you find your podcasts. THANK YOU – your click means more than you can imagine.
Jordan and J.T. met in the wine business. Fourteen years later, J.T. went to rehab, and Jordan cleared out her cellar. Sharing their individual motives, methods, and innovative approaches to healing, Jordan and J.T. explore the cycle of stigmas surrounding sobriety.
Amidst holiday reverie, how do you avoid the celebratory cocktail? Who could even think of inviting Carol since we’ll be serving Sangria?! If you are “sober curious,” or perhaps your drinking buddy just put down the bottle, join the conversation to learn:
· Is it possible to socialize sober in today’s culture?
· How am I supposed to maintain relationships without alcohol, let alone date?
· When not drinking suddenly means no longer invited.
· Will life be boring without booze?
Enjoy the conversation? Please take a moment to SUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW on the homepage www.letsdigintothat.com or wherever you find your podcasts. THANK YOU – your click means more than you can imagine.
Literary Shout Outs:
Ruby Warrington, Sober Curious: The Blissful Sleep, Greater Focus, Limitless Presence, and Deep Connection Awaiting Us All on the Other Side of Alcohol, (HarperOne, 2018)
Caroline Knapp, Drinking: A Love Story (The Dial Press, 1996)
Laura McKowen, We Are the Luckiest: The Surprising Magic of a Sober Life (New World Library, 2020)
Holly Whitaker, Quit Like a Woman: the radical choice to not drink in a culture obsessed with alcohol (The Dial Press, 2019)
“Through discipline comes freedom.” – Aristotle, Greek philosopher
Self-control and consistent routine – all aboard the fun bus! Jordan and J.T. find themselves in a momentary state of mediocre self-discipline. How is it possible when he spent more than a decade as a calorie-counting vegetarian athlete? Jordan, a non-drinking entrepreneur with a first-degree black belt, struggles with her dormant capacity to keep her eye on the prize. Join the conversation to discover:
- Can you be disciplined if you don’t know what you want?
- The power of writing down specific, actionable goals
- What it means to “create a predictable success framework”
- Learn seven tips to boost self-discipline
- Invest in personal strengths in lieu of focusing on points of weakness
- How an accountability partner can improve personal habits
- Don’t underestimate the importance of positive self-talk and milestone moment rewards
Enjoy the conversation? Please take a moment to SUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW on the homepage www.letsdigintothat.com or wherever you find your podcasts. THANK YOU – your click means more than you can imagine.
Fantasies, daydreams, visions – the imagination is a powerful tool. Is sexual fantasy a form of intimacy? A way to sustain desire and feel more connected? Jordan and J.T. answer listener questions as they dig into the wonder of fantasy. Whether you want to keep your steamy scenes to yourself or incorporate your creativity into your real-world relationship, you are not alone. Tune in for insights and advice on:
- Communicating with your partner: how a positive feedback loop can transform ick into a deeper bond
- America’s seven most common sexual fantasies
- The magic of bypassing reality and inner blocks
- Novelty, romance, sexual fluidity, control: why taboo is not an excuse
- Curiosity and anticipation: how to embrace the unexpected
Join Jordan for her next READ: Gillian Anderson, Want: Sexual Fantasies by Anonymous (Bloomsbury UK, 2024)
“Negative reinforcement stops behavior; positive reinforcement changes behavior.”
– Rick Lavoie, M.A., M.Ed., author of The Motivation Breakthrough
Jordan and J.T. are thrilled to welcome Dr. Patty Templeton Smith as the first guest on Let’s Dig into That! Dr. Smith honors the pod with her wit and wisdom, inspiring an unmissable conversation on education…and aerospace...and passion.
Join Jordan and J.T. to discover:
- How a change in administration impacts education
- The scope of parent choice
- Current value of higher education
- Power of the teachable moment
- Motivation: positive and negative reinforcement
- "Are you there to teach – or make sure everybody learns?"
About Patty:
Dr. Patty Templeton Smith is a champion of child development, a motivation wizard, and the queen of creative learning. Earning her Doctoral Degree in education from the University of Missouri-Columbia, Dr. Smith has taught at the elementary, secondary, and university levels. Spending most of her career in the public school system, Dr. Smith currently consults for a French immersion charter school in Kansas City, Missouri. As a final ‘teacher candidate' for NASA’s 1986 Challenger Expedition, Dr. Smith shares deep ties with National Aerospace and the Space Program. Founder of Missouri Young Astronauts, Dr. Smith continues to inspire generations of curious minds. And she just so happens to be Jordan's mom.
“Listening is suspending disbelief.” Rick Rubin, The Creative Act: A Way of Being
While hearing is automatic, listening is intentional. What are we missing when the desire to be understood is lost in another’s need to respond? Jordan’s self-awareness about her status as a multitasking interrupter – the personal anecdote interjector – has led to a more proactive approach to listening. J.T. explores retention issues when we half-ass the words, tone, and even the body language being shared.
In this episode, discover:
- Active listening requires a combination of the right attitude and attention
- The importance of asking questions and paraphrasing to ensure understanding
- Listening does not include formulating an opinion or preparing a response
- When to empathize, provide solutions, or just…listen
THANK YOU, Listeners! In an attempt at rapid-fire Q&A, Jordan and J.T. tackle the gamut, from their most embarrassing moments to advice on talking to your teenager about sex. Unwilling to shy away and anxious to dig in, your questions inspired quite the conversation.
A special mini-shout out to @handsomepod (34:18) for Fortune's shared love of the sitcom Designing Women. (Mae, it has been confirmed by the high school best friend that Jordan also wrote a letter to Angelina Jolie - and proceeded to forget about it.)
TEN EPISODES! Please keep your curious topics and invasive inquiries coming –letdigintothat.com or @letsdigintothat
Why is it so hard to talk about money, the taboo topic that can often make or break a relationship? Combining finances…sign of "healthy love" or a suicide mission?
No matter your financial personality (the frugal saver who fell for the generous shopaholic), it’s best to get the conversation started – sooner rather than later – because one thing is for sure: cash will come up. Join J.T. (the financial free spirit) and Jordan (the stat tutor) as they weigh in, discussing triumphs and tragedies in their own fiscal history. J.T. shares advice on why checking your ego at the door is critical and the importance of celebrating “little wins.” Jordan advocates for regular financial “dates” to ensure partners are on the same page and working toward shared goals. Learn why transparency tends to be the best option and how joint goal-setting can empower a partnership.
Jordan views jealousy in a partner as a threat to her independence, “possessive, controlling, and a total buzz kill.” J.T. sees his jealousy as “healthy,” a protective response to some combination of anger, anxiety, fear, and insecurity.
In this episode, discover:
- Distinction between jealousy and envy
- How Jordan and J.T. used compassion to set boundaries, allowing for a shift in mindset
- Signs of a jealous partner
- Jealousy and Fear: fear of a relationship ending or of not being good enough
- Get a taste of the couple’s deep respect and admiration for Dr. Brené Brown. If you want "to access a universe of new choices and second chances," do yourself a favor and find a copy of her book, Atlas of the Heart.
Growing up, it was never a question of if - but how many. Children were the guarantee that came with the partner and picket fence. It was the assumption – and so they tried.
Why did J.T. and Jordan attempt to procreate with others and ultimately decide to live child-free together? In this episode:
- J.T. discusses his journey from painting a nursery to a premature, medically advised vasectomy at age 34, how he reframed fatherhood, and his capacity to nurture.
- After surgery on her “cuterus” and years without a single pregnancy, Jordan recreationally attended adoption meetings and credited the universe for the resolution not to freeze her eggs.
- Discover how Jordan and J.T. attempt to impact the next generation and the outreach they find most rewarding.
“Kindness is seeing the best in others when they cannot see it in themselves.”
November is KINDNESS month. Jordan and J.T. explore what it means to be kind to yourself and its impact on the greater good.
- Jordan describes her intentional efforts to be kind as a practice of anticipating needs.
- J.T.’s habit of starting his workday with an awareness pause and his belief that small gestures can positively impact global goodwill.
- The kindness inherent in “getting involved in the community” has positive biological effects on well-being and happiness.
- Is kindness as critical to our health as sleep and exercise?
- Punchline: Please don’t be a dick.
Self-deception is how many of us get through the day: “I’ll start my diet tomorrow,” or the flattering angles reflected in a “skinny mirror.” What about the lies we tell to protect our image - the lies that could snowball into an identity we don’t recognize?
Jordan (the compulsive exaggerator/plan canceller) and J.T. (the shapeshifter) share the biggest lie they told themselves. In this episode, discover:
- Why we might not feel empowered to tell the truth.
- When “fake it until you make it” became bad advice.
- Can giving pieces of our truth away start us down a path of inauthenticity?
- So, I’m a liar. What now? Tips on accountability and compassion.
- J.T. shares his envy surrounding complex female friendships and his confusion about why he cannot participate using the same language.
- Jordan discusses how she stays connected with her close circle and offers tools for J.T. to cultivate a stronger support system.
- Do friendships with the opposite sex require different boundaries?
“My body is a reflection of my mindset. I sense collusion.” – Jordan, Cellulite Owner
Past, present, and…hopeful. Whether we see ourselves accurately or in the fun house mirror of self-shame, body image hits the Let’s Dig into That sweet spot – it’s a topic nobody really wants to discuss. Join us as J.T. divulges his calorie-restrictive career in athletics and how his self-image was not found in the mirror but in the eyes of any woman who glanced in his direction. Jordan offers a gentler path of living in your own skin after actively participating in the requisite self-disgust of being a woman for more than two decades. Everyone’s got their own shit…let us rejoice and not recoil.
“Hope and fear cannot occupy the same space. Invite one to stay.” – Maya Angelou, American Poet, Memoirist, and Civil Rights Activist
While fear is essential and universal, it can also be torture. Jordan and J.T. share personal milestone moments impacted by fear, discuss the relationship between fear and alcohol as two recovering people-pleasers, and share ideas on how to combat the fear-based standstill.
“…for women, 40 is the golden age – to get divorced.” - Ali Wong, American Comedian and Actor
Jordan and J.T. open up about Sex After Divorce. Her ten-year relationship led to a rebellious rebound, while J.T.’s intimacy trauma caused quasi-intentional celibacy. Get to know the curious couple as they explore coitus post-breakup:
- Self-esteem: I've still got it! Or do I?
- Authenticity on the rebound
- Intimacy vs. sexuality
- The sexy effect of your personal values