Lawyers beware: the size of your book doesn’t accurately represent the strength of your practice. When building your legal practice, you might be making some common mistakes that could haunt you later on. Listen to learn about three hidden weaknesses that could haunt you later on and how to ensure you don't make these common mistakes yourself.
The post #194: Building Your Legal Practice (Watch Out For These Hidden Weaknesses) appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.
Leadership isn't a skill most lawyers learn about until forced to (on the job). This is probably why I get so many questions from lawyers about how to be an effective leader. And why I wanted to bring today's guest on to talk about the qualities of a good leader.
Join me and fellow lawyer, podcast host, and law firm owner, Brian Beckcom, for an insightful discussion about what makes a good leader and the leadership qualities to adopt for yourself.
The post #193: Lawyer Leadership: Qualities Of A Good Leader appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.
No one teaches you how to be a partner. It’s something you have to figure out on your own through experience (which can be a bit clunky). Same thing when it comes to making the transition from associate to business-builder (or senior counsel, of counsel, or service partner to business-builder).
What should you actually do to help make that transition less difficult? Listen to learn the top 5 things you can start doing to make that transition easier.
The post #192: How To Transition From Associate To Business-Builder appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.
There's a myth I want to dispel about changing your mindset (or a habit). Most people seem to think that a relapse means total failure (or that something is wrong with you). But that's not true (because it's not how the brain works). Learn why a relapse is a sign of growth (not failure) and how to approach your next mindset or habit relapse - without panicking or beating yourself up over it.
The post Episode #191: Changing Your Mindset: A Truth Bomb (You Need To Know) appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.
LinkedIn is now roughly on par with law firm websites/website bios for vetting law firms and attorneys, which is why private practice lawyers should have a presence on LinkedIn. But what should you do when you're just getting started on LinkedIn?
Listen in to discover why your LinkedIn Profile is the starting point - and how to maximize your profile so that it works to your benefit.
The post #190: Getting Started On LinkedIn (An Effective Profile) appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.
You're a law firm partner struggling to grow your business. How well are you leveraging your internal law firm network? If you're like most attorneys, the answer is likely "not well at all".
Today, we cover how to network internally to grow your business (hint: there's more than one way) and why internal networking is a seriously underused growth strategy.
The post #189: Underused Growth Strategy for Law Firm Lawyers appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.
Join me and guest Lora Cheadle for a deep-dive discussion into what's behind the legal profession's burnout problem (and what we often miss). Hint: there's more to it than the billable hour, long hours, and even firm culture.
The post #188: Deep-Dive Into What’s Really Causing The Legal Profession’s Burnout Problem appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.
You've lost everything (thanks to the worst flooding or fire ever seen in your area). You unexpectedly lose someone close to you. You're diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer. When something devastating like this happens... What can you do? Listen to discover a proven 5-step process for dealing with adversity.
Life hardships happen. You cannot escape them. But that doesn't mean you're destined to stay stuck within them (and you have a choice as to whether or not you do).
The post #187: Dealing With Adversity (What To Do When Hard Times Hit) appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.
Your calendar is so full it looks like an ugly patchwork quilt of overlapping green, orange, blue, red and grey. Jumping from one emergency to another, you always feel rushed. You'd like to slow down, but how? Today, you'll learn:
==> What slowing down really means.
==> The big benefits of slowing down (such as improved sleep, creativity and productivity).
==> How to slow down, starting now (by focusing on just 3 simple things).The post #186: How To Slow Down (& Why Every Lawyer Needs To Slow Down) appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.
What should lawyers talk about on LinkedIn? Legal and relevant business topics only? Is there a time and place to share more personal things (and how do you do that while keeping things professional)? What about topics that might not be popular? Join me and fellow business coach Jamie Sternberg for a lively discussion on what to talk about (and what you might want to stay away from) on LinkedIn.
The post #185: Should Lawyers Stick To Legal & Business Topics On LinkedIn? appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.
I've had impostor syndrome since I was a teenager (meaning: well over 35 years). And although I used to struggle with it mightily, I'm now ok with it even though I sometimes STILL feel like an impostor. Which is what we get into today: how to turn impostor syndrome on its head and embrace it for your benefit.
The post #184: Lawyer Impostor Syndrome (Need Not Be A Negative) appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.
In this episode, learn the top lessons Heather learned from 2024 and how you can incorporate them into your life (so that - hopefully - you don't need to learn these lessons the hard way, like Heather did).
The post Episode #183: What Did 2024 Teach Me? appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.
Today's episode is short yet important. It's about asking yourself a powerful question (and - of course - honestly answering it) as you wrap up 2024 and head into the new year. Ask yourself this question. Push yourself out of your comfort zone. Be willing to answer "yes". Not only will you achieve more; you'll have more fun while doing it.
The post #182: Lawyers, Are You Willing? appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.
Do you have trouble trying to sell yourself and/or your services because it feels salesy or pushy? You're a lawyer, not a marketing or sales guru. And honestly, you'd prefer not to have to sell. Listen to today's interview with sales and marketing expert Steve Fretzin to discover (1) why selling need not be a bad thing and (2) how to utilize sales-free selling to sell more effectively (and feel good about it).
The post #180: Stop Trying To Sell Yourself (Do This Instead) appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.
Join me and guest Blake Grewal for an insightful discussion around how to gather regular client feedback for improving your client experience. You'll also learn some of the surprising benefits - and uses - for doing this. [Hint: you can grow your business based on the feedback you get and also improve firm culture].
The post #178: Lawyers, You Need More Client Feedback appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.
Listen to Part 2 of this week's Life & Law on rewind. Where we revisit an important theme that comes up a lot: how to be more productive by prioritizing properly. So that you can do less yet achieve more.
The post #177: Prioritizing To Do Less, Achieve More (Rewind Episode) appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.
Want to improve law firm profitability (or the profitability of your own law practice)? You'll want to listen to my enlightening conversation with CPA and Fractional CFO Kyle Smith. In today's episode, Kyle simplifies the business-of-law side by breaking down the exact performance indicators you need to pay attention to in order to maximize law firm profitability.
Once you've listened, you will walk away with the basic starting-point knowledge you need for what metrics to pay attention to, why and how.
The post #175: Improve Law Firm Profitability (Tracking Your KPI’s) appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.
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