n this podcast, Kyl (@ultimatephysiquecoach) chats with Chris about their methods for determining the ideal deficit size for clients.
In this podcast, Chris and Blake Synclair, the head coach of The Zenith Method, discuss why they are both certain they can help anyone willing to follow their recommendations lose weight.
In this podcast, Chris chats with superstar client Stacey, who has been working with our team for just over 8 weeks now and is fitting clothes she hasn't in years!
In this episode Chris and Kyl - "Ultimate Physique Coach" the mistakes they often see being made by those trying to lose fat without the guidance of a coach. If you are trying to lose weight weight and you don't feel like things are going to plan, this is the podcast for you.
Thankyou Kyl for taking the time to chat!
To follow Kyl : @ultimatephysiquecoach -
In this podcast, Chris talks with Bec about why she feels she has struggled to lose weight in the past and why she is feeling confident that she is not going to gain the weight she has lost back.
In this episode, Chris discusses the primary reason the carnivore diet often results in weightloss....short term.
In this podcast Chris talks about the seemingly harmless snacks that might be slowing down your rate of progress.
In this podcast Chris chats with fellow professional Kate Collins about some of the big shifts they have witnessed whilst working in the fitness industry the last 10 years.
In this podcast, Chris shares the tactics that have served him well when trying to eradicate bloating after over indulging.
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