Hello creative friends!
This show is for artists + dreamers looking to go soul-deep and explore what being an artist is really all about. Here to be your companion through every twist and tangle of your creative quest, this show is about dreaming big, dancing with the unknown, doing the damn thing…and keeping the magic alive along the way.
We're here to get curious about everything that’s happening underneath the surface, so we can demystify the creative process and infuse our artistry into everything we do.
Journey alongside host Amy Kay Hazelwood and other open-hearted creative humans in rekindling the creative fire, approaching art as a way of life, and finding our direction together as we go. Expect raw honesty, playful sparks, and fresh perspectives…all aimed at enjoying a rich practice and a vibrant life.Connect:
with Amy: @amykayhazelwood
with the Live Like an Artist community: @livelikeanArtist.podcast
cover artwork by: Rachael Larson -