A family rift. Debt. Finding a career you love. Heartbreak. Tap into 3,000 years of Buddhist wisdom to find real solutions to life’s problems. Journalist Jihii Jolly explores her own Nichiren Buddhist community through the lives of everyday people—mechanics, CEOs, mothers, artists—who are applying the teachings of Buddhism to win over their most aggravating problems. Jihii has written for The New York Times and The Atlantic, and is a member of the Buddhist community Soka Gakkai International (SGI).
This podcast series is aimed at helping us to transcend our fear and anger so that we can be more engaged in the world in a way that develops love and compassion.
Thich Nhat Hanh’s calligraphy ‘The Way Out Is In” highlights that the way out of any difficulty is to look deeply within, gain insights and then put them into practice.
"The Way Out is In" is co-hosted by Brother Phap Huu, Thich Nhat Hanh's personal attendant for 17 years and the abbot of Plum Village's Upper Hamlet, and Jo Confino, who works at the intersection of personal transformation and systems change.
The podcast is co-produced by the Plum Village App and Global Optimism, with support from the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation. -
The Buddhism for Beginners Podcast is brought to you by Kunzang Palyul Choling (KPC). KPC was founded by Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo Rinpoche to uphold the Palyul lineage within the Nyingma tradition of Vajrayana Buddhism. KPC is a hub of compassionate activity with a mission to inspire people to improve the world and end suffering for the benefit of all beings.
The Buddhism for Beginners podcast draws from a wealth of teachings by Jetsunma and other great masters from around the world. Gain insight and guidance into how you can apply foundational Buddhist principles and meditation techniques to use in your everyday life. For more teachings, meditations, and resources visit out online virtual temple at Tara.org. -
The How to Train a Happy Mind podcast brings meditation to modern people hungry for happy, meaningful lives. Each week, host Scott Snibbe and his guests share powerful mind training techniques that go beyond mindfulness to harness our intelligence, emotions, and imagination. Learn how to build a happy mind, fulfilling relationships, and a better world through a secular approach to meditation that is based on modern science and psychology, yet grounded in the authentic thousand-year old Tibetan Buddhist tradition of analytical meditation.
How to Train a Happy Mind is a project of the nonprofit Skeptic's Path to Enlightenment. Our host, Scott Snibbe, is a twenty-five-year student of Tibetan Buddhism whose teachers include His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Lama Zopa Rinpoche. Snibbe is the author of the popular How to Train a Happy Mind book, and leads meditation classes and retreats worldwide infused with science, humor, and the realities of the modern world. -
Diggin' the Dharma with Jon Aaron and Doug Smith is a relaxed discussion of the Buddhist dharma between friends. Jon's interest centers around practice, while Doug's centers around scholarship of the early material, so their approaches balance practice with study. Their discussions will be approachable to a broad audience of Buddhists and those curious about Buddhism, and they welcome questions and comments. Jon is a teacher at Space2Meditate and NY Insight Meditation Center and a well known teacher and trainer of teachers of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction. Doug has a PhD in Philosophy and runs Doug's Dharma on YouTube and the Online Dharma Institute, where he gives courses on early Buddhism. Find them at: https://digginthedharma.com/
Calm Point is a soft landing for busy professionals who need a break. 10-minute guided meditation practices delivered weekly--get centered with Calm Point.
calmpoint.substack.com -
Dharma talks from monastics at Clear Mountain, an aspiring Buddhist Forest monastery in the greater Seattle area. The Forest Tradition represents a return to the simple way of life taught by the Buddha. Monastics aspire to live as the early disciples did: dwelling in the forest, studying the teachings, and devoting themselves to meditation. To learn more, visit https://wwww.clearmountainmonastery.org.
Ordinary Mind Zendo's podcast will play Dharma talks from Zen teacher and psychoanalyst Barry Magid. Barry Magid is a Dharma heir of Charlotte Joko Beck. These talks address a psychologically minded Zen practice adapted to the needs of American students practicing in the context of their everyday lives. Though much of the material here is specific to Zen practice, non Zen folk will find it interesting as well, as it addresses issues of our shared humanity. New episodes will generally be uploaded each week a talk is given at the zendo.
An experimental podcast exploring the healing and life-sustaining potential of Zen insight, meditation and mindfulness in a modern world of existential challenges to health, happiness and our very survival.
The author has over 50 years training in Zen practice, studying under roshis Philip Kapleau, Joshu Sasaki, and Richard Clarke, his root teacher whom he succeeded in 2013. He is a medical doctor specializing in Emergency Medicine and Addiction Medicine.
Recorded by:
Paul Gerstein -
This podcast is the audio branch of Karuna Sangha.
Karuna is commonly translated to mean compassion or actions that are taken to diminish the suffering of others and one’s self.
A sangha, put simply, is a community of friends focused on awareness, attention, presence, and the present moment.
By doing so the Sangha works together to achieve, patience, self-control, reason, forgiveness, sanctity, honesty, truthfulness, knowledge, control of the senses, and an absence of anger.
In other words, a community grounded in compassion, and the collective effort to seek the knowledge of self-realization and embody our true nature that is often concealed by the ego.
We seek this knowledge by studying and implementing the teachings and philosophies of the many Buddhist branches and their practices.
We welcome all spiritual practitioners regardless of race, sex, sexuality, political affiliation, religious beliefs, etc. You’ll always be welcome, respected and appreciated.
The ideas in this podcast are meant to highlight ways in which we can utilize the dharma in different aspects of our lives so that we may reduce our suffering and find contentment as often as possible. -
Can a person embrace immense adversity in their life to not only cope, but to thrive and discover their most authentic self?
As a teacher of Buddhist meditation and psychology for four decades, and someone "blessed" with a chronic illness for two of those decades, Jeff Rubin has been obsessed with answering this question. This obsession led him to develop a program called Unconditional Healing, a new model of health that has helped countless people transform their relationship to pain, adversity, and illness, and unlock their own storehouse of confidence and resilience.
In this podcast, Jeff explores the principles of Unconditional Healing with talks, healing practices, and interviews with those who have discovered how to thrive in the face of adversity. He also features guests who are experts or thought leaders in a particular aspect of health and well-being. If you are dealing with an acute or chronic illness, the loss of a loved one or your livelihood, the dissolution of a relationship, or any other adverse circumstance that has you feeling anxious and confused, then this podcast is definitely for you. Especially if you’re looking for a more nuanced, more spiritual way to work with life's inevitable difficulties.
Please note the podcast is currently on hiatus, but all episodes remain available on all the major podcast platforms.