
  • Transitions often leave us feeling like our world has been turned upside down, intensifying our anxiety. In the last episode of Love Your Expat Life, we explored what anxiety is and debunked some common misconceptions about it (make sure to tune into part one first).

    Today, I want to share a powerful tool that has helped me manage anxiety and regain control during transitions.

    When you embrace the fact that certain aspects of life are beyond your control, you open the door to reducing anxiety. Anxiety doesn't stem from the transitions themselves; it arises from our thoughts and interpretations about these transitions. Recognizing this concept allows anxiety to lose its grip, providing the key to achieving calm in the face of uncertainty.

    Here are 3 takeaways from this episode:

    1. The transition isn’t the source of your anxiety, but you’ll learn what is

    2. How to expand your sphere of control to find tranquility

    3. Powerful questions that’ll help you shift toward acceptance during your transition

    Remember, by recognizing that we're not meant to have all the answers and letting go of the need for certainty, you can reduce anxiety and choose empowering thoughts.

    If you'd like to explore this further, feel free to reach out for help with your transition anxiety (I am not a licensed mental health professional, but I am someone who has gone through this in hopes of helping you navigate it with a little less stress).


    Couples Expat Summit (free resources): gain access here!

    Episode 118: Navigating Transitions and Understanding Anxiety Part I

  • For global nomads, change is the only constant. And, with the recent world events and constant flow of bad news this can make our anxiety levels rise.

    Today, we're going to explore the intricate dance between navigating transitions and understanding anxiety, and how these two seemingly opposing forces can coexist harmoniously.

    Transitions come in various shapes and sizes, sometimes overlapping, making life more complex. And as global nomads, we add another layer to these transitions – adjusting to new cultures, climates, and leaving behind the familiar. These changes impact every facet of our lives, from our daily routines to our social circles, making transitions a significant part of our journey.

    Recognizing these changes and their impact is crucial because they often come hand in hand with stress and anxiety. The challenge is to navigate this anxiety without letting it hinder the benefits of our mobile lifestyle.

    Anxiety is a natural human emotion that has evolved to keep us alert to potential dangers. Still, in today's world, we often experience anxiety when no immediate threat exists. It's vital to understand this and develop healthy coping strategies for our well-being.

    Here are 3 takeaways from this episode:

    1. Learn to distinguish between anxiety and actual danger

    2. Discover how our typical responses to anxiety can actually magnify our anxiety and what to do instead

    3. Learn tools for navigating transitions with grace

    In our next conversation, we'll delve deeper into how you can control your responses to these circumstances. Take some time this week to explore your own experiences with transition and anxiety. Listen to what your anxiety is trying to tell you and how it's impacting your journey. Most importantly, remember that anxiety is just an emotion – it may be uncomfortable, but it's harmless.


    Couples Expat Summit (free resources): gain access here!

    Episode 3: The Rollercoaster of Emotions

    Episode 32: Children and Emotions- part I

    Episode 33: Children and Emotions- part II

  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • In this episode of Love Your Expat Life, I’m joined by the incredible Sundae Schneider Bean, a true Renaissance woman in the world of intercultural strategy, transformation facilitation, and solution-oriented coaching.

    Join us as we delve into her journey of helping individuals and organizations not only survive but thrive through life quakes and significant shifts, no matter where they are in the world.

    With a decade of experience running a location-independent business and working with clients from over 60 countries across six continents, Sundae's insights are sure to inspire and empower you to embrace change and find success in the face of challenges.

    Don't miss out on the wisdom of this world-renowned host of the top-rated weekly podcast, IN TRANSIT, as we explore her secrets to embracing change and living life to the fullest.

    Here are some key topics we discuss:

    (2”) Starting ‘The Happy Hour’ podcast and how it contributed to Sundae’s evolution

    How did you change to get to the next level?

    Personal journey transformation: letting go of limiting beliefs

    The most common form of resistance that expats experience & a tool to deal with that resistance

    Sundae’s personal evolution is a testament that no matter how uncomfortable– we all have the ability and resilience within us to push through a little more, dig a little deeper, and tune into ourselves more to allow our own transformative journey to unfold.


    Connect with Sundae on her website here

    IN TRANSIT podcast with Sundae Schneider Bean

  • Transition is a vital skill for success in the 21st century, whether or not we live abroad. So, how can schools, educators, & parents better help our children grow up to be more resilient during times of transition?

    I know I’m not alone as a parent when I say– we move abroad with the best intentions, but we often focus on the logistical aspects of transitions and neglect the emotional rollercoaster our children have to navigate.

    In this episode I have the privilege of speaking with Valérie Besanceney; a TCK, executive director of Safe Passage Across Networks (SPAN), and an author of two childrens books– "B at Home: Emma Moves Again" and "My Moving Booklet”.

    Through Valérie's experience at SPAN; an organization at the forefront of groundbreaking work in positive transitions-care, and through being a TCK herself– she opens up about gaps she sees in schools and families when it comes to transitioning. She proposes practical solutions for schools and families to prep and support children during these times.

    We'll dive into the fantastic work she does with her organization and explore the skills needed to manage transitions well.

    Other key topics discussed:

    How have your personal experiences shaped your work in helping families and schools manage transitions?

    How does unmanaged mobility impact the learning and overall well-being of children?

    (13”) The roller coaster of emotions that’s associated with the different stages of the transition cycle

    (17”) Effecrive tools to help children through transitions

    (19’44) What are some of the gaps and necessary skills you have identified in schools and parenting when it comes to equipping children for transitions?

    (25”) A well managed transition

    (29”) New social research around growing up as globally mobile and how transitions can make such a difference in an AI era.

    Could you tell us more about the transition-care program you've developed at SPAN and the results you have seen through its implementation?

    Other key topics discussed:

    6:57– Helping families transition easier by use of personal experiences

    11:14– The impact of transtions on a childs wellbeing

    17:31– The rollercoaster of emotions associated with different transition cycles

    21:01– Effective tools to help children through transitions

    25:35– Gaps where teachers and parents can better equip children

    29:49– A well managed transition

    34:33– Astounding new social research about transitions and globally mobile children

    38:26– Transition care program purpose & results

    Remember, transitions are not simply events to be endured but processes to be embraced. By equipping ourselves and our children with the necessary skills, understanding and embracing rather than resisting the emotional journey, and fostering a supportive environment, we can navigate transitions with resilience and thrive in an ever-changing world.

    And, this goes without saying, one of the key ways you can help your children is to first help yourself. I encourage you to stop waiting for your perfect life to align, but to carefully craft the life you love– no matter the location or transition. If you need help, head to my website to see how we can work together!

    Resources mentioned:

    Connect with Valérie Besanceney on LinkedIn

    Learn more about SPAN here

    Episode 108: Unresolved Grief and How to Overcome It: Part 1 with TCK Expert, Dr. Ruth Van Reken

    Episode 109: Unresolved Grief and How to Overcome It: Part 2 with TCK Expert, Dr. Ruth Van Reken

    Visible Learning book by John Hattie

  • There are 40 million global families who move to a new place, leave their neighbors, jobs, schools, and communities behind. They have to start all over again.

    This is where international organizations need to step up and recreate that sense of a ‘village’ again so that those international children can thrive.

    I’m joined by Former Co-founder at Expat Valley and Ombudsman for International Children co-founder, Matthijs de Rave. Together, we will delve into his inspiring vision for international children and what it means to make a real impact for these children.

    Matthijs has been a pioneer in ‘thinking outside the box’ and successfully approaching corporate organizations in the mobility sphere. His abundant mindset has been instrumental during his startup journey, so we explore how it shapes his approach and leads to his remarkable achievements.

    In this conversation, we cover key topics like:

    6:00– The commonalities between international children

    7:47– Support system changes for internationally mobile children & where Expat Valley fits in

    17:40– How an abundance mindset can help you overcome challenges & how to cultivate one

    25:52– Tools and resources for TCK parents

    39:58– The future of Expat Valley

    This conversation is packed with real life insights and solutions on how we can understand and think creatively about how to better serve internationally mobile children.

    And, this goes without saying, one of the key ways you can help your children is to become an example of what is possible. I encourage you to stop waiting for your perfect life to align, but to carefully craft the life you love– no matter the location. If you need help, head to my website to see how I can support you and your family!

    Resources mentioned:

    Learn more about Expat Valley on their website

    Episode 79: How to Help TCK Kids Build Resilience & Navigate their Emotions with Lauren Wells

    Episodes 107: Transitions and Changes of a TCK with author, Michael V. Pollock

    Episode 108: Unresolved Grief and How to Overcome It: Part 1 with TCK Expert, Dr. Ruth Van Reken

    Episode 109: Unresolved Grief and How to Overcome It: Part 2 with TCK Expert, Dr. Ruth Van Reken
  • Often, people undergo changes when they feel dissatisfied with their current circumstances. In such cases, there's a tendency to hastily seek something different in order to find relief.

    However, change is often best when we pursue alignment rather than relief. When we already appreciate the life we have and still nurture a desire for growth, for new experiences beyond our current horizons and are aligned with our reasons, this is when magic happens.

    Elizabeth Mina, who has made a dramatic career shift after 17 years in a senior position at a government agency, expands on why she decided to shake her beautiful island life in Hawaii all while being a new wife. Spoiler alert: she wanted alignment.

    To me, alignment means that we are in agreement with oneself. There is no tension. What we think, feel, and do are harmonious. This is what I help clients do. Create alignment independently of location and circumstances so that they reap the full benefits of their life abroad.

    Mina’s story is inspiring, insightful, and full of valuable lessons that we can all apply in our own lives. Below are some key points we unpack together:

    The inspiration behind a drastic life change

    How Mina clarified her vision

    Navigating risks and uncertainty

    Career decision obstacles

    Letting go as a means to succeed

    Resources mentioned:

    Episode 64: Relaxing & Slowing Down

    3 Steps to Clarify What You Truly Want- FREE Challenge

    At Girafe coaching I help global nomads make urgent decisions with ease. Be sure to schedule a Decision Accelerator Session here!

  • Clarity is a source of peace. It helps us feel focused and energized.

    When there is clarity, there is no fog. When we are clear, we can move mountains. We can accomplish anything. We defy the odds, we don’t give up.

    When we do not have clarity the opposite happens– we feel stressed and we do not take action.

    Do you often wonder: how, where, is that right?

    Clarity is not something that falls from the sky, it’s something you create. For this reason, creating clarity is at the core of Unlock Your Full Potential coaching program.

    So, how are you approaching the months ahead? Are you moving through this new season with hope, excitement, confidence, and energy? Or is it rather with doubt, dread, indecision, and fatigue?

    No matter your location or your career path, clarity is the key to propel you forward. If you’ve found yourself with plenty of ideas, but no action– something is still holding you back.

    For instance you might wonder:

    Should I continue my pre-move career path or embark on a new professional journey?

    Should we embark on another adventure with the children or choose stability?

    How can we build fulfilling international careers while ensuring our family thrives?

    There was a time in my life when I played it safe, thinking that was the only option. However, this approach only brought frustration. I found myself unfulfilled, unsure of what I truly wanted to pursue. It was only when I gained absolute clarity on my goals and aspirations that I became unstoppable. This clarity fueled the birth of Girafe Coaching.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    What clarity looks like in your life

    A key ingredient to creating clarity

    What happens after you find clarity

    If you find yourself seeking clarity on an urgent decision you’re trying to make– be sure to sign up for the Decision Accelerator Session here! Make big decisions with ease.

  • Episode 112: Smooth Transition: How to Ease Repatriation with Repats, Wiebke Homborg, and Christina Kapaun

    What, in your opinion, presents more challenges: moving abroad or repatriating to your home country?

    In this conversation, we explore the stressors and challenges associated with repatriation, as well as solutions to minimize the transition's impact.

    Wiebke Homborg, a Third Culture Kid (TCK), and founder of Chameleon Coaching is an Intercultural Trainer and Expat Coach. Having returned to Germany three times during her 22 years of expatriation, Wiebke understands that each repatriation experience can differ based on life phases and specific locations.

    Christina Kapaun, is also an Intercultural Trainer who has lived in Brazil, the US, and is currently in Stuttgart, Germany.

    Together, they support repats and their families throughout the various phases of expatriation. They believe in the power of collaboration during repatriation, which led to their group coaching collaboration called "Arriving," specifically designed for repatriates.

    Experiencing culture shock, when returning to one’s passport country happens more often than we tend to talk about. All seems well upon reentry– loads of warm welcomes, a favorite home-cooked meal, and the sense of ‘being home’. However, unexpected differences start popping up and all of a sudden we feel we do not fit in.

    For example, during a walk on the Potomac in Maryland with friends, my youngest son asked if there were crocodiles. In Zimbabwe, we were cautious about approaching water due to hippos and crocs. Naturally, he asked this question, but it was not something other children and parents were familiar with.

    These instances occur frequently, even when we do not repatriate, making it more challenging.

    In this conversation, we cover key topics like:

    What are the most painful aspects of repatriation that individuals face and how can those be navigated?

    What is culture shock and some ways to cope with it?

    Cultural dissonance and its significance during the repatriation process

    As parents, how can we support our children during the repatriation process?

    How can we view reentry as an opportunity to understand and know oneself deeper rather than a liability?

    Are you struggling with the decision to move back home? I've got good news for you. Confident decision-making is a skill. Book your Decision Accelerator session and unlock this decision in just 60 minutes. Schedule your session here!

    Resources mentioned:

    Learn more about Chameleon coaching

    Connect with Wiebke Homborg on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram

    Connect with Christina on Instagram, LinkedIn, or join the “Heimwärts“ Facebook group (for returnees in German)

  • Expatriate women often share a common feeling of loneliness. .

    But guest Navine Eldesouki decided to take this shared feeling and create a community out of it. Navine is the founder of Coffee With an Expat, a female-centered space for meaningful connection and storytelling over a cup of coffee.

    I asked Navine about how she grew her supportive global network for women. Here are her insights that you’ll learn in this episode:

    The story behind “Coffee With an Expat”

    The importance of stepping outside of your comfort zone as an expat

    Finding one’s purpose and achievement

    Lessons from creating a global community and living an expat lifestyle

    It all started when Navine met her husband in Egypt and she found herself isolated and lacking independence after growing up in Australia. After living a nomadic life for over two decades, establishing homes across five continents, seven countries, and fourteen houses, and volunteering extensively with the Syrian refugee crisis she realized something– she was born to build a community. It gave her purpose!

    Resources mentioned:

    Connect with Navine on Linkedin here

    Find community and become a member of Coffee with an Expat here

    Developing a clear vision and game plan to take advantage of an expat lifestyle is what Girafe Coaching Signature program is about. This support helps you identify what you truly want and the actionable steps to get there, regardless of location. To learn more about this program or about how I can help, be sure to book a free 15-minute call here!

  • It’s well-documented that international assignments for dual-career couples can be both exhilarating and complicated at the same time.

    Many organizations with international talents have not fully understood the complexities of dual international career couples in their workforce. This is what usually happens:

    One career takes precedence over the other

    Two partners equally sub-optimize their careers

    They individually pursue two careers at the expense of the family.

    Often, as dual international career couples, we tend to focus on the challenges and issues that arise in creating meaningful and fulfilling lives and careers. This episode offers valuable solutions and explores the keys to success for dual-career couples living abroad.

    Guests Jannie Aasted Skov-Hansen and Dr. Paul Vanderbroeck, are the co-authors of the groundbreaking book, "The International Career Couples Handbook”, which explores real-life challenges of dual career couples and provides a new way to approach international mobility. It provides a good structure for the deep reflections and discussions you need to have as an international Career couple. Based on their lived experiences and extensive research this book offers great insights for both ICCs and organizations.

    Both are partners in an ICC ( International career couple) and parents. Jannie is also the Founder of Here We Are Global, a startup consultancy dedicated to supporting ICCs in their global careers. Paul is an Executive Coach and accomplished researcher in gender balance and leadership development.

    As I've mentioned in the podcast previously, my husband and I hold the same degree, and I have over 15 years of experience working with international organizations This handbook and Jannie’s and Paul’s knowledge provide powerful tools to navigate dual international careers with more ease. I highly recommend reading this handbook and so some of the powerful exercises they share.

    Here are the top highlights you’ll learn in this episode:

    The difference between an international career couple and a dual-career couple

    Gaps that International Organizations overlook when it comes to international career couples (ICC’s)

    Four unique challenges that ICC’s face,

    How to overcome them, and create lasting success

    Juggling the packing, decisions, and career moves can make one feel uneasy. Give yourself the gift of clarity, connection, and ease this season by signing up for the Girafe Coaching Newsletter. Here you’ll find actionable tools to help you smooth the transition.

    Resources mentioned:

    Read Here We Are: The International Career Couple Handbook (not an affiliate link)

    Find additional support on their website Here We Are Global, on Instagram, or on Facebook

    Connect with Jannie on Linkedin here

  • As parents, we have the best of intentions and we want our children to thrive in the midst of transitions. However, we're also dealing with our own roller coaster of emotions and so many other things. In this episode, we help you reflect on what you can do to support your TCK (and yourself better).

    For instance, as a TCK parent, you might ponder questions like:

    How do you comfort your children who might be excited to move for the first time, but who also feel the deep loss for everything they’re leaving behind?

    How do you prepare them emotionally to say goodbye to their friends?

    In today's episode, we're exploring parenting tips for TCKs, and I have the pleasure of being joined by Dr. Ruth Van Reken. As a TCK, Dr. Ruth has had a rich life with numerous cultural experiences but it wasn’t until her thirties she realized the amount of loss that came with this lifestyle.

    The loss of home, identity, and loved ones. This loss led to significant grief which we spoke about in depth in Part 1: Unresolved Grief and How to Overcome it. It is in part 1 that we learn Dr. Ruth’s tool for overcoming this unique, unspoken grief.

    Dr. Ruth is a second-generation Third Culture Kid, a mother of three adult TCKs, co-author of Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds, 3rd ed., and author of Letters Never Sent.

    For over thirty-five years, Ruth has traveled extensively, speaking about the impact of global mobility on individuals, families, and societies, including what we now refer to as Cross-Cultural Kids (CCKs)—children who grow up cross-culturally for any reason. She is a co-founder and past chairperson of Families in Global Transition.

    Ruth’s research and writing have given a voice to TCKs and helped all who support them make sense of their experiences and help them use it to their advantage.

    As we approach the time of year I like to call the "great migration," when our TCKs say goodbye to their friends and move to new places, us parents are bound to feel a roller coaster of emotions.

    As an adult TCK, raised by a TCK, and a parent to TCK’s Ruth has a plethora of knowledge we can all learn from.

    Here are some highlights that Ruth shared with me:

    The biggest mistake parents make with their TCKs

    The best way to emotionally prepare your TCK to say goodbye

    Cultivating traditions as a way to help your TCK find identity

    Journaling as a way to process emotions

    Adapting to a new language as a TCK

    If you know a family who is preparing to move, I encourage you to share this episode with them so that they can absorb the immense knowledge Dr. Ruth has on helping TCK’s make sense of their experiences.

    Just remember, you are not alone in this experience. Whether you're traveling back home, relocating, or going through a reentry process, Girafe Coaching newsletter provides invaluable guidance to help you transition with ease. Gain the resources you need to fully support the well-being of yourself and your TCK this moving season. Make sure to sign up here!

    Experience the joy of fulfillment, purpose, and more joy to reap all the benefits of the expat life. Take the first step here towards your best life no matter where the world takes you!

    Resources mentioned:

    Cultures Magazine

    TCK’s of Asia online forum

    Learn more about Families in Global Transition and Cross Cultural Kids

    Connect with Ruth on Linkedin here and Facebook here

    Episode 107: Transitions and Changes of a TCK with author, Michael Pollock

    Episode 108: Unresolved Grief and How to Overcome it with TCK Expert, Dr. Ruth Dan Reken

  • Imagine this: Bernard's family was enjoying a ski vacation in the Alps when news broke out about Russia's attack on Ukraine. Little did they know that this seemingly ordinary ski trip would mark the end of their familiar life in Moscow. Their house, their beloved pet, and for Bernard's teenage son, his serious girlfriend—everything would soon become memories.

    Such scenarios are not uncommon for Third Culture Kids (TCKs), who often face sudden evacuations and uprooting from their familiar environments. As parents, we naturally focus on the positive aspects of this global lifestyle, which we discussed in last week's episode with Michael V. Pollock. However, it's equally important to support TCKs the best we can through these life-changing transitions.

    In today's episode, we're exploring unresolved grief, and I have the pleasure of being joined by Dr. Ruth Van Reken. Ruth is a second-generation Third Culture Kid, a mother of three adult TCKs, co-author of Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds, 3rd ed., and author of Letters Never Sent. For over thirty-five years, Ruth has traveled extensively, speaking about the impact of global mobility on individuals, families, and societies, including what we now refer to as Cross-Cultural Kids (CCKs)—children who grow up cross-culturally for any reason. She is a co-founder and past chairperson of Families in Global Transition.

    Ruth’s research and writing have given a voice to TCKs and helped all who support them make sense of their experiences.

    I myself discovered the term TCK (Third Culture Kid) while pregnant with my first child and I can attest to the profound impact David and Michael Pollock and Ruth Van Reken's research and writing has had on me.

    When my family moved to Zimbabwe, I devoured their book "Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds" during the flight and was moved to tears by some stories and her insights. Since then, I have made it a personal mission to validate the emotional journey that ‘living among worlds’ represents.

    As we approach the time of year I like to call the "great migration," when our TCKs say goodbye to their friends and move to new places, us parents are bound to feel a roller coaster of emotions.

    Just remember, you are not alone in this experience. Whether you're traveling back home, relocating, or going through a reentry process, Girafe Coaching newsletter provides invaluable guidance to help you transition with ease. Gain the resources you need to fully support the well-being of yourself and your TCK this moving season. Make sure to sign up here!

    Here are some highlights that Ruth shared with me:

    How cross-cultures and high mobility adversely influences TCKs

    The impact a ‘home’ has on identity

    3 types of responses TCKs can have from their experiences & how to better support them

    Hidden losses of TCKs

    Unique challenges that the pandemic presented to TCKs


    Third Culture Kids: Growing up Among Worlds" 3rd edition (not an affiliate link)

    Letters Never Sent, a Global Nomads Journey from Hurt to Healing (not an affiliate link)

    Learn more about Families in Global Transition and Cross Cultural Kids

    Connect with Ruth on Linkedin here and Facebook here

    Episode 107: Transitions and Changes of a TCK with author, Michael Pollock

    Discover the transformative power of Unlock Your Full Potential, Girafe coaching's flagship program. Say goodbye to indecision and create a life of clarity, where every aspect of your life thrives – your wellbeing, relationships, career and family.

    Experience the joy of crafting a compelling vision for your future and design a strategic game plan to make it a reality. Take the first step towards your best life no matter where the world takes you at girafecoaching.com. Join us now and unlock your true potential!

    P.S. Be sure to tune into part 2 next week where Ruth Van Reken expands on parenting TCKs.

  • A TCK, or third culture kid, is a person who spends a significant amount of developmental time outside of their passport country. This exposes them to some tremendous experiences they wouldn’t otherwise have.

    Parenting or teaching a Third Culture Kid (TCK) is a one-of-a-kind experience, shaped by their extraordinary mobility. Join us in this enlightening episode as we delve into the distinctive advantages of raising TCKs. Discover powerful strategies to transform the challenges they encounter along their journey into opportunities that foster a profound sense of identity, belonging, and purpose. Get ready to unlock the secrets of nurturing exceptional TCKs and embarking on a remarkable parenting adventure.

    After dedicating his career to the research and advocacy of TCKs, Michal V. Pollock unpacks the benefits of this lifestyle and some challenges that arise as well.

    He is also an international educator, author, presenter, consultant, and coach, and is the founder and director of Daraja, a program focused on young adult TCK care and advocacy. He has presented globally on TCKs, cross-cultural education, parenting and transition.

    And, as we approach the "great migration" time of the year, when we and our TCKs may be on the move once again, it's important to remember that feeling like a fish out of water is completely normal. Rest assured, you are not alone in this experience. Whether you're traveling back home, relocating, or going through a reentry process, Girafe Coaching newsletter provides invaluable guidance to help you make the most of this transition. Gain the mental space you need to fully support the well-being of your TCK during this moving season. Make sure to sign up here!

    Here are some highlights that Michael shared with me:

    How common characteristics of TCKs develop and the impact they have on a their life/ identity

    How cross-cultural experiences enrich a TCKs life

    Key challenges that are important to note for parents and educators and how to help TCKs navigate them

    Parenting resources for TCKs


    Third Culture Kids: Growing up Among Worlds" 3rd edition (not an affiliate link)

    Connect with Michael on his website here

    Episode 79: How to help TCKs build resilience & navigate their emotions with Lauren Wells

    Discover the transformative power of Unlock Your Full Potential, Girafe coaching's flagship program. Say goodbye to indecision and create a life of clarity, where every aspect of your life thrives – yourself, your relationships, your career and family. Experience the joy of crafting a compelling vision for your future and design a strategic game plan to make it a reality. Take the first step towards your best life no matter where the world takes you at girafecoaching.com. Join us now and unlock your true potential! Join me over at girafecoaching.com!

    P.S. Be sure to tune into next week’s episode where Michael's co-author, Ruth Van Reken, deep dives into one of the key challenges faced by TCKs: unresolved grief and how to overcome it.

  • After the pandemic, there’s been a tremendous increase in people moving abroad for personal decisions instead of mandated ones by a company. Sanelo is a company that serves those people.

    After working in the moving industry for over 20 years, Josh Sims gives his advice for planning a seamless move abroad.

    Josh first started out packing and moving homes up and down the West Coast of Australia in between school and university studies. In 2014 he moved to Singapore to work with Santa Fe as the GM and remained in Singapore for 6 years.

    In early 2020 he re-joined Santa Fe this time in Hong Kong where he remained for two years before deciding to move home to Australia as the implications of the pandemic rolled on. Now settled in Sydney, Josh is the COO for Sanelo where he manages and builds out Sanelo's operations globally.

    And, because we’re approaching the "great migration" time of the year, where we spend time visiting friends and family abroad, I want to stress the importance of mental hygiene. In the Girafe Coaching newsletter you’ll find helpful resources to ensure your bags and your mind are unpacked during this moving season. Make sure to sign up here!

    Whether you’re a seasoned traveler, or you’re doing it for the first time, John breaks down his best 3 tips for planning and executing your transition without all the stress.

    Before we start, here are a couple of things to consider when relocating:

    The more organized your home is, the easier it’ll be for the packers and ultimately on you once your items arrive in your new location.

    Countries like Indonesia, parts of Africa, and a lot of countries in Latin America tend to be slower when it comes to shipping items.

    Even when you plan extensively, there will always be some things that are out of your control, so manage your expectations accordingly.

    Managing your expectations will have a huge impact on your travel experience. A colleague of mine who, after moving to Kenya, found out her shipping container got lost. She got paid out by her insurance, and over a year later she got a call that her container had finally been found. Talk about a frustrating experience!

    Here are some highlights that Josh shared with me:

    Common challenges during relocation and tips for overcoming them

    Factors that contribute to stress levels during a move and how they can be managed

    The different lines of communication that are necessary during a move

    Manage their expectations during a relocation, particularly when moving to a new culture or environment

    Things that are overlooked and things people do too much of when moving

    Balancing the practical aspects of a relocation (e.g. packing, paperwork, etc.) with the emotional and psychological aspects (e.g. leaving friends and family behind, adjusting to a new environment, etc.)

    He also reminds us of 3 key tips when relocating:

    Be a part of the process and ask questions.

    Be prepared that there may be a delay.

    Know your moving budget, and prepare to pay unexpected fees.


    Connect with Josh Sims on Linkedin

    Inquire about the services at Sanelo moving company

    If you find this podcast helpful, you’ll love my signature program, Unlock Your Full Potential. During this course, we look at the decisions you have a hard time taking and create clarity. This is your chance to define the vision of what you truly want your life to be and gain clarity on the most efficient way to transform your vision into reality. Let's work together to cultivate momentum with confidence no matter what life brings. Join me over at girafecoaching.com!

  • Welcome to Love Your Expat Life, a podcast that provides you with the tools and inspiring stories to live the life you love no matter your location! I'm excited to talk about the importance of decluttering this month and how it can help us lead an organized life, no matter where we are in the world.

    I’d like to start with this message: “The more you organize your mind, the more your life will be organized.”

    If you’ve been with me for awhile or are just tuning in you’ll find out that a lot of what I teach pertains to managing your mind, your emotions, and creating true connection with yourself and others instead of being at the mercy of the circumstances that unfold in your life abroad.

    Ultimately when you do this, you have space to develop a vision and live your best location independent life.

    This episode is for you if you're moving into a new house, or country in a couple of months. If you just moved, if you have unpacked boxes at the bottom of a closet or even filling up a room, or if you’ve been in one place for a while and noticed all the clutter that’s piling up. I will share with you a three-step process tool to de-clutter your home and mind.

    If you feel inspired with the tools I share and want to take your life abroad to the next level and wonder how coaching can help, let's have a chat about it!

    P.S. Would you like a quick chat before committing to actual coaching? Makes sense! Feel free to schedule a 15-minute "Get Acquainted" call so I can answer any questions you might have. Can’t wait to get to know you :)


    Episode 1: Unpack Your Thoughts Before You Move

    Episode 21: Keeping a Journal

    Episode 104: The Unopened Boxes

    Atomic Habits by James Clear (not an affiliate link)

  • Welcome to Love Your Expat Life, a podcast that provides you with the tools and inspiring stories to live the life you love no matter your location! I'm excited to talk about the importance of decluttering this month and how it can help us lead an organized life, no matter where we are in the world.

    As someone who lives abroad, I know firsthand how challenging it can be to balance the demands of family, work, and travel, and it’s easy to move boxes around the world without knowing what’s really in it.

    Instead of being random and overwhelmed, you want your thoughts to be organized, in order, and deliberate. This is exactly what Girafe Coaching helps you with. So you have room to imagine what you want and have the energy to create it.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    -why decluttering & organization is critical for your success

    -a metaphor that can help you make sense of organization for your mind & your environment

    -powerful questions to ask yourself to understand exactly what to declutter

    So, roll up your sleeves and clear out the clutter in those boxes, in order to create a nourishing space for growth. You want to make sure that every new thought you bring in is useful and purposeful!

    P.S. Be sure to tune into next week’s episode for part two!

    P.P.S. Would you like a quick chat before committing to actual coaching? Makes sense! Feel free to schedule a 15-minute "Get Acquainted" call so I can answer any questions you might have. Can’t wait to get to know you :)


    Netflix Documentary, The Minimalists

  • Welcome to Love Your Expat Life, a podcast that provides you with the tools and inspiring stories to live the life you love no matter your location!

    In this episode Soraya King, non-executive vice chairperson of the Meikles Foundation and also the Chairperson at NYLESA, the New York Local Expatriate Spouse Association, expounds on common challenges for spouses including career sacrifices, loss of identity, and financial independence.

    Our conversation also follows Soraya through her personal journey moving from Zimbabwe to NYC during the pandemic where she felt called to reach out to the UN spouse association and became the chairperson. We also uncover what she sees as critical for organizations to do more of in order to better support partners.

    As someone who is also involved in supporting spouses through Girafe Coaching and the Executive Committee of the WBGFN, I’m especially excited to dig into this topic.

    We also discuss:

    3:27– an intro to Soraya– what led you to move to NYC?

    5:36– what was your transition from Zimbabwe to NYC during the pandemic?

    12:40– what are the biggest challenges you see expat spouses face?

    15:18– helping spouses through NYLESA

    19:51– are there special initiatives for male vs female spouses through NYLESA?

    23:41– what innovations can be done through organizations to help spouses better?

    29:02– lessons learned through NYLESA & being an expat in NYC

    35:25– advice for expat spouses

    38:20– floating in limbo

    Inspired by Soraya’s story? Be sure to reach out to her on Linkedin!

    Also, you may not know this, but reviews matter a great deal to streaming platforms. The more positive reviews my podcast receives, the more potential listeners they show it to, which means more people I can reach.

    So if you haven't already, please consider leaving a review.

    How to leave a review on iTunes:

    Download the app on your phone or computer

    Scroll down to the bottom & click ‘write a review’

    How to leave a review on Spotify:

    Download the app on your phone or computer

    Click on the 3 dots at the top & click ‘rate show’

    Your support is greatly appreciated :)


    Let’s Talk About It Podcast

    Rainbow Children’s Village

    Meikles Foundation

  • Welcome to Love Your Expat Life, a podcast that provides you with the tools and inspiring stories to live the life you love no matter your location!

    In this episode National Climate senior scientist, Dian Seidel expounds on her transformative journey teaching english in Thailand during her third trimester.

    After decades in a fulfilling career where her work contributed to the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, Dian broke the mold by moving abroad and expanding her perspectives with her partner. She made one of her lifelong dream come true, and even after encountering many obstacles, she had the resilience to push through and make the most out of her experience in Thailand!

    This trip inspired her book, Kindergarten at 60; a travel memoir story, it pushed her to become more adaptable, to strengthen her relationship with her spouse, and to truly appreciate all the bumps traveling sometimes throws at us.

    We also discuss:

    2:36– the beginning stages of a transition

    8:50– a 60 year old vision

    12:00– a change in perspective

    14:10– when challenges arise abroad

    16:38– living abroad as a couple

    20:18– letting go of expectations

    22:28– gratitude

    27:33– you can have an enriching life in your third trimester!

    32:33– takeaways from teaching in Thailand

    Inspired by Dian’s story? Be sure to reach out to her on her website or on Twitter (@Dian_Seidel) and if you feel compelled check out her book here.

    Also, you may not know this, but reviews matter a great deal to streaming platforms. The more positive reviews my podcast receives, the more potential listeners they show it to, which means more people I can reach.

    So if you haven't already, please consider leaving a review.

    How to leave a review on iTunes:

    Download the app on your phone or computer

    Scroll down to the bottom & click ‘write a review’

    How to leave a review on Spotify:

    Download the app on your phone or computer

    Click on the 3 dots at the top & click ‘rate show’

    Your support is greatly appreciated :)


    Kindergarten at 60: A Memior of Teaching in Thailand (not an affiliate link)

  • Welcome to Love Your Expat Life, a podcast that provides you with the tools to live the life you love no matter your location!

    This episode is especially important to me as my in-laws from Norway, Mathias and Benedicte, share their journey of living abroad in many different countries including Oman, Taiwan, & Scotland.

    This young couple, who is 20 years younger than me, are at the stage where they’re debating whether or not they should live abroad. Benedicte feels stuck and unsure about next moves while Mathias is very content.

    With all the questions swirling about, join us as we explore their thoughts about next steps. They also expound on how travel helped them mold their life up until this point & how they have embraced different cultures to expand themselves.

    We also discuss:

    2:30– how has your travel shaped the way you want to live your life?

    6:00– family ties

    8:00– expanding through studying abroad

    11:22– feeling trapped

    15:03– expat life comes with challenges

    18:00– takeaways from living abroad

    22:16– growing as an expat couple

    26:55– Covid & travel lifestyle impacts

    You may not know this, but reviews matter a great deal to streaming platforms. The more positive reviews my podcast receives, the more potential listeners they show it to, which means more people I can reach.

    So if you haven't already, please consider leaving a review.

    How to leave a review on iTunes:

    Download the app on your phone or computer

    Scroll down to the bottom & click ‘write a review’

    How to leave a review on Spotify:

    Download the app on your phone or computer

    Click on the 3 dots at the top & click ‘rate show’

    Your support is greatly appreciated :)

  • Reaching 100 episodes in almost two years is no small feat, and I'm excited to celebrate it with you. By the end of this episode, I will share three valuable lessons that this adventure taught me to help you further in living a life you love.

    But first, give yourself a pat on the back because without you this podcast wouldn’t be possible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for discovering, listening to, & supporting my podcast!

    I've had the pleasure of living in several places over the past 20 years, including Washington DC, Bologna, Harare, Nairobi, Lyon, and others. And today, I'm excited to celebrate with all of you fellow global nomads.

    In this episode we’ll talk about:

    The behind the scenes of the top podcast episodes

    3 lessons I’ve learned throughout this journey & how you can apply them to your life

    And last but certainly not least, you may not know this, but reviews matter a great deal to streaming platforms. The more positive reviews my podcast receives, the more potential listeners they show it to, which means more people I can reach.

    So if you haven't already, please consider leaving a review.

    How to leave a review on iTunes:

    Download the app on your phone or computer

    Scroll down to the bottom & click ‘write a review’

    How to leave a review on Spotify:

    Download the app on your phone or computer

    Click on the 3 dots at the top & click ‘rate show’

    Your support is greatly appreciated :)

    P.S. If you can take a couple more minutes, I'd love to know what topics you'd like to hear more of on this podcast. Please take this 5-minute survey!


    Episode 1: Unpack Your Thoughts Before You Move

    Episode 72: Exactly How to Change Your Mindset While You're Transitioning Abroad With Gouri Mirpuri

    Episode 93 The Process of Alignment through Career Change with Beth Mina

    Episode 52: What You Can Accomplish in One Year

    Episode 16: Baobab versus Bonzai

    Episode 26: Perfectionism