Oakland A's 2022 MLB Draft Pick Jack Perkins shares his awesome story of playing at Louisville, Indiana, then pro ball. Long time LT Family and Kokomo, Indiana Native, Jack Perkins has been an Elite Level Pitcher his entire life. He shares his faith in God, stories of adversity, learning what "winning the day" means, as well as what he has learned in life and at all levels of baseball!
Recorded in February of 2023 before Spring Training!
Sean and Adam sit down to share the most common hitting flaws they see in the off-season in Indiana and Alabama. They talk about players spinning/pulling off the baseball, trying to lift every pitch, balance, posture, rhythm and timing and more! They also share the Top 3 Pitching Flaws they see in classes.
Sean sits down with guest and South Alabama Family John De Visser! They talk on a wide a range of topics like why is the average pitcher throwing harder nowadays, training athletes, coaching high school baseball, reminiscing about South Alabama days, pro players at South Alabama, 170+ Pitch CG's, becoming a professional BP Shagger, Competitive streaks as athletes and now coaches, and much much more! This is a great one!
Sean and Adam sit down and explain the differences between a power hitter and hitters that have the ability for hit for power at times. They discuss the popular problem of hitters trying to get too big with their swings and obsess with "trying" for home runs vs mastering hitting the ball hard with energy in the gaps! They share details on what power is and how you develop it over the years.
Sean sits down for a real conversation about why consistency is essentially the most important trait you need to have in order to be successful in anything in life. He breaks down real life examples on the field, as a Dad, and Husband, and the importance of just doing "something" daily to achieve your goals and conquer your weaknesses!
Sean and Adam sit down to discuss the commitment players need in order to change who and what they are. Every player wants to be the next Mike Trout or Gerrit Cole, but are they actually listening and implementing to what coaches, teachers, and mentors are telling them? Everyone wants a Lamborghini, but majority work more like they want a moped.
Sean and Adam break down if there is such thing as the perfect swing.
They talk about the difference between a Swing Coach vs Hitting Coach
They also talk timing, contact point, launch position, barrel awareness; and that good Coaches don’t give athletes and parents false hope. They have to be honest with every client. -
Sean and Adam discuss whether playing in the Fall is the right decision for you.
Do you need more live game situations or do you need the weight room?
We also break down the pros and cons of playing in the Fall.
Everyone is different, don't get pressured to make a decision. Do what is best for YOU.
Pitchers do your arms need more innings on the mound or do you need to shut it down? Hitters do you need at bats on the weekend or need to develop strength and bat speed before you compete again? -
Drills we use with our clients as well as our own children to fix common bad habits kids have at the plateEpisode recorded right before Alabama State ChampionshipsWhen should players start hitting lessons?What drills young hitters need mostHow to fix the chop swing in young hittersWhy using weighted balls is important with young hittersWhy visuals and external focus is a gamechanger for young athletes, "they need an external target"This is a build on what we have talked about before in the "How when, why of Baseball Lessons"
Today, Sean and Adam discuss the risk vs reward with baseball players and the bench press in the weight room. They share their personal experiences, the science, as well as the real expectations after training hundreds of athletes in the weight room. They touch on:
Personal Experiences of injuries with the bench pressIF the risk is worth the reward ?Does the bench press transfer to the field?Effective alternatives to the barbell bench press to keep you healthyThey explain there is risk to any training, but explain the science of how the bench press can negatively effect baseball players and other overhead athletes.Important of technique, rotator cuff strength, and scapular function to stay healthy when pressing. -
Sean and Adam cover the importance of in-season strength and conditioning to keep you performing at a very high level and the many bad excuses people use to not focus on strength and conditioning. They cover:
Why training year round is like building and taking care of a houseWhy "Burnout" does not exist if you are training properlyHow many days a week you should train in seasonHow you will lose lean mass, velo, strength, and power if you are not training during seasonSean and Adam share how they train athletes in season and the common areas for soreness that Adam and Sean address They touch on how training for recovery and specifically active recovery is key in season! -
This episode today touches on coaches who are using pitching machines only for batting practice during season, how Sean feels they are hurting their players more than helping. Adam discusses details on how he uses machine for success for hitters and some guidelines for coaches to go by when using the machine. They also cover the importance of staying in shape and preparing for Summer Baseball after the HS Season ends! They share what they would do in the weight room, the field, the cage, and the importance of working on weaknesses.
Sean and Adam sit down to talk the importance of executing your job or role without excuses and the importance of taking ownership over mistakes or when things do not work out the way you want them to on the diamond! This includes not liking what the coach has to say about rosters, starting lineups, pinch hitters, relief pitchers, and more! They also touch on the record strikeouts in the MLB and what the cause may be, as well as Parents taking coaching decisions personal, and the success of Heat and LT Players thus far this season!
In this short episode today, Coach Laird discusses the importance of 1 Coach, 1 Philosophy when it comes to hitting mechanics. He touches on how hurtful it is to the growth of hitters when HS coaches or parents are constantly trying to "change" things with hitters who already have a hitting instructor and how "out of touch" people are to the hitting process and hitting development, especially when it comes to stubborn coaches and/or parents.
Sean and Adam sit down to discuss timing issues hitters have against slow pitching vs high velocity, introduce the new podcast short clips they will be releasing in the future, as well as touch on the importance of trust and commitment with your hitting coach when it comes to changes in the swing and why lessons are not batting practice sessions! They also cover realistic expectations of starting lessons in-season and why starting lessons in-season is great, but starting lessons in the off-season is the goal for maximum growth!
In this episode, Sean and Adam sit down with Professional Pitchers Ryan Garton and Keegan Curtis to discuss Weighted Baseball Training. Sean and Adam sit back and listen to Ryan and Keegan share their history and use of weighted ball training and discuss the different parts in their careers they decided to start using weighted balls. They also touch on:
How Size and Weight is not an excuse to no throw hard as they both are "undersized" yet Keegan throws 99 MPH and Ryan throws up to 95 MPHWhy the weighted ball training they utilize is focused more on recoveryHow Important the weight room is for their developmentWhat kind of prehab exercises they do to take care of their armsAnd Much More! -
In this episode, Sean and Adam sit down to discuss the highly debated topic of Weighted Baseball Training. They talk science and history, health and effectiveness; as well as their own personal feelings toward weighted ball training. The 2017 ASMI study in weighted ball training is discussed as well as positive and negative reports on the training. They also cover:
The force production differences of throwing a baseball on the ground vs the mound vs a weighted ballTypes of weighted ball trainingThey discuss the differences in the National Pitching Association and Driveline when it comes to weighted balls They share the weighted ball training used in their use Certifications through the Florida Baseball Ranch's Savage ProgramThey share how important an assessment of mobility, stability, age, strength, and mechanics is before even thinking about a weighted ballThey also discuss their own opinions as to why Strength and Conditioning and training for Speed and Power as a complete athlete is most important when working to increase velocityAnd Much More - もっと表示する