
  • Episode 66

    Learning to love the person, as well as the athlete.

    Jason Brown played over 200 matches as a professional footballer. He has played in the premier league, as well as representing his country, coaching at Arsenal Ladies, and managing in South East Asia. The list of players he has played alongside includes David Bentley, Brad Friedel, Gary Speed, and Gareth Bale.

    When Jason looks back at his footballing career he can rightly do so with pride. But there remains a sadness to the time Jason spent as a footballer. The internal conflict between Jason the person, and Jason the athlete, which caused him to suffer from depression, and an eating disorder, ultimately motivated his decision to retire from the game in 2015 at the age of 33.

    Today we talk to Jason about childhood trauma, the death of his Charlton teammate Pierre Bolangi, his sadness at the suicide of Gary Speed, how Jason felt he lost himself to the wealth and fame that comes with being a footballer, and his ongoing relationship with mental health.

    If you enjoy this episode, or any of our other episodes, please pop over to apple podcasts, and give us a rating and a review. https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/man-marking/id1506661828

    You can find us on Twitter @marking_man and don't forget to use the hashtag #WheresTheTalkingLads

    If you have been affected by any of the themes discussed in today's episode, we have listed some organisations below who are there if you need to talk:

    Samaritans Call 116 132 for free


    Papyrus UKCall 0800 068 41 41

    Papyrus Website

    CALM ZONE0800 58 58 58


    MIND0300 123 3393


    The Kaleidoscope Plus Group0800 059 0123


  • Episode 65

    Ensuring mental health support is easily accessible for footballers.

    Michael Bennett is the current director of player welfare for the Professional Footballers Association (PFA). Before his professional career came to an end, Michael made around 200 appearances as a professional footballer for clubs including Charlton, Wimbledon, Brighton, Millwall and Brentford. A knee injury ultimately brought Michael's career to an end, and the difficulties he faced towards the end of his playing career has informed his role as the lead on mental health support for the footballers union.

    Michael has held the position for just over a decade. Having qualified as a counsellor and psychotherapist, he was appointed director of player welfare in 2011. Since that time, Michael has researched, devised and implemented the PFA's current welfare strategy for all registered footballers.

    In today's episode we discover what support is available for professional footballers, how they access it, and what barriers there are for players currently playing within the professional game. We have heard from numerous footballers over the past 14 months about their experiences with the PFA, both good and bad. Now it's time for a representative of the PFA to have their say, on the work they do to ensure footballers within the game have the appropriate mental health provisions.

    ** If you are a footballer wanting mental health support the PFA has 24/7 wellbeing services available via a hotline - 07500 000 777 **

    If you enjoy this episode, or any of our other episodes, please pop over to apple podcasts, and give us a rating and a review. https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/man-marking/id1506661828

    You can find us on Twitter @marking_man and don't forget to use the hashtag #WheresTheTalkingLads

    If you have been affected by any of the themes discussed in today's episode, we have listed some organisations below who are there if you need to talk:

    Samaritans Call 116 132 for free


    Papyrus UKCall 0800 068 41 41

    Papyrus Website

    CALM ZONE0800 58 58 58


    MIND0300 123 3393


    The Kaleidoscope Plus Group0800 059 0123


  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • ** Trigger Warning: Child Sexual Abuse **

    Episode 64

    Vulnerability, confusion and acting in the public interest.

    As I'm sure many of you watched back in March, the Footballs Darkest Secret documentary sought to expose the level to which child sexual abuse existed within football. One story you won't have seen in the BBC three part series was that of David Lean.

    David was a victim of the infamous paedophile Barry Bennell, brought to public attention by the testimony of former footballers including Andy Woodward, Steve Walters, and Gary Cliffe.

    Today we speak to David about his first encounter with Barry Bennell, his belief that he was groomed by football, and his subsequent abuse. We also hear how David dealt with learning that his truth was not deemed in the public interest by the crown prosecution service.

    We cannot thanks David enough for taking the time to speak to Man Marking. His bravery, and the bravery of all other survivors of CSA, and their unwavering desire to help others, will undoubtedly have saved lives, and will continues to save lives for years to come.

    ** We must warn you that today's episode features in depth descriptions of child sexual abuse, which may be uncomfortable for some listeners. **

    The FA have commissioned a dedicated NSPCC helpline for adults who were abused in childhood within the football industry from grassroots to Premier League. If you would like to speak to somebody the free NSPCC helpline for guidance and support is available 24 hours a day on 0800 023 2642

    If you enjoy this episode, or any of our other episodes, please pop over to apple podcasts, and give us a rating and a review. https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/man-marking/id1506661828

    You can find us on Twitter @marking_man and don't forget to use the hashtag #WheresTheTalkingLads

    If you have been affected by any of the themes discussed in today's episode, we have listed some organisations below who are there if you need to talk:

    Samaritans Call 116 132 for free


    Papyrus UKCall 0800 068 41 41

    Papyrus Website

    CALM ZONE0800 58 58 58


    MIND0300 123 3393


    The Kaleidoscope Plus Group0800 059 0123


  • Episode 63

    Out of the frying pan and into the fire: Mental Health and Hospitality

    Kris Hall founded The Burnt Chef Project in 2019 with the sole aim of eradicating mental health stigmas within the hospitality industry. Having spent almost a decade working hospitality, Kris had seen first hand how common occurrences of mental ill health were. Combined with using his own experiences of depression, Kris has spent the last two years growing The Burnt Chef Project, and using the brand to promote better awareness of mental health within an industry he loves.

    Today we talk to Kris about the difficult moments in his life, and hiw he has recovered from periods of depression that almost culminated in him losing his family. We ask him about The Burnt Chef Project, where it came from and what work they're now doing. We also take the opportunity to discuss the big C, whisper it, as today is the next stop on the road map. How has Covid impacted the work he's doing, and what is he most looking forward to once the lockdown measures are finally lifted for good.

    Make sure to stick around until the end, as we see if Kris can better Alan Mahon's score of 3 on the mini quiz to take him to the top of the leaderboard.

    To find out more about The Burnt Chef Project, head over to their website https://www.theburntchefproject.com/ and make sure when you're done with today's episode to check out the fantastic podcast Kris hosts called The Burnt Chef Journal, on all podcast platforms.

    If you enjoy this episode, or any of our other episodes, please pop over to apple podcasts, and give us a rating and a review. https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/man-marking/id1506661828

    You can find us on Twitter @marking_man and don't forget to use the hashtag #WheresTheTalkingLads

    If you have been affected by any of the themes discussed in today's episode, we have listed some organisations below who are there if you need to talk:

    Samaritans Call 116 132 for free


    Papyrus UKCall 0800 068 41 41

    Papyrus Website

    CALM ZONE0800 58 58 58


    MIND0300 123 3393


    The Kaleidoscope Plus Group0800 059 0123


  • You're worth taking care of #7 Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprogramming (EMDR) (Somia Zaman)

    As part of Mental Health Awareness Week 2021, we will be releasing daily episodes discussing different types of treatments and therapies available for your mental health.

    Approaching professional mental health support can be a leap into the unknown for a lot of people. For the last 13 months we have been asking you to open up and talk about your mental health, and we feel as though it is imperative for us to now demonstrate to you that when you are ready to talk, there is somebody that is ready to listen.

    For a lot of people, therapy and medical treatment can feel scary and approaching it can often feel like a step into the unknown. We know that this process requires a significant amount of emotional energy. Therefore, in order to try and make this process more simplified and less intimidating, we are releasing seven episodes, each of which discuss a different variety of mental health therapy.

    The final guest of the week is Somia Zaman. Somia is a CBT & EMDR/Trauma Psychotherapist. To find out more about Somia, head to her website http://cbttherapyuk.com/ or find her on Twitter @CBTTherapyUK

  • You're worth taking care of #6 Dramatherapy (Sam Lewis)

    As part of Mental Health Awareness Week 2021, we will be releasing daily episodes discussing different types of treatments and therapies available for your mental health.

    Approaching professional mental health support can be a leap into the unknown for a lot of people. For the last 13 months we have been asking you to open up and talk about your mental health, and we feel as though it is imperative for us to now demonstrate to you that when you are ready to talk, there is somebody that is ready to listen.

    For a lot of people, therapy and medical treatment can feel scary and approaching it can often feel like a step into the unknown. We know that this process requires a significant amount of emotional energy. Therefore, in order to try and make this process more simplified and less intimidating, we are releasing seven episodes, each of which discuss a different variety of mental health therapy.

    To explain and discuss Dramatherapy is Sam Lewis. Sam is a professional actor and trained Dramatherapist who currently works for Roundabout Drama. To find out more Roundabout you can head to their website https://www.roundaboutdramatherapy.org.uk/ or find them on Twitter @roundaboutdrama you can also give Sam a follow on Twitter @Samuel_EJ_Lewis

  • You're worth taking care of #5 CBT (Seth Gillihan)

    As part of Mental Health Awareness Week 2021, we will be releasing daily episodes discussing different types of treatments and therapies available for your mental health.

    Approaching professional mental health support can be a leap into the unknown for a lot of people. For the last 13 months we have been asking you to open up and talk about your mental health, and we feel as though it is imperative for us to now demonstrate to you that when you are ready to talk, there is somebody that is ready to listen.

    For a lot of people, therapy and medical treatment can feel scary and approaching it can often feel like a step into the unknown. We know that this process requires a significant amount of emotional energy. Therefore, in order to try and make this process more simplified and less intimidating, we are releasing seven episodes, each of which discuss a different variety of mental health therapy.

    Joining us today is clinical psychologist Seth Gillihan. To find out more about Seth, head over to https://sethgillihan.com/ find Seth on Twitter @@sethgillihan or check out his podcast Think, Act, Be https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/think-act-be-podcast/id1419082632

  • You're worth taking care of #4 Mindfulness (Harry Rice)

    As part of Mental Health Awareness Week 2021, we will be releasing daily episodes discussing different types of treatments and therapies available for your mental health.

    Approaching professional mental health support can be a leap into the unknown for a lot of people. For the last 13 months we have been asking you to open up and talk about your mental health, and we feel as though it is imperative for us to now demonstrate to you that when you are ready to talk, there is somebody that is ready to listen.

    For a lot of people, therapy and medical treatment can feel scary and approaching it can often feel like a step into the unknown. We know that this process requires a significant amount of emotional energy. Therefore, in order to try and make this process more simplified and less intimidating, we are releasing seven episodes, each of which discuss a different variety of mental health therapy.

    To tell us all about mindfulness we're joined by Harry Rice from Lagom Mind. Harry is a qualified mindfulness instructor through the British Psychological Society approved Mindfulness Now training course. To find out more about Lagom Mind, head to https://lagommind.com/mindfulness or find them on Twitter @lagom_mind

  • You're worth taking care of #3 Diet and Nutrition (Professor Julia Rucklidge)

    As part of Mental Health Awareness Week 2021, we will be releasing daily episodes discussing different types of treatments and therapies available for your mental health.

    Approaching professional mental health support can be a leap into the unknown for a lot of people. For the last 13 months we have been asking you to open up and talk about your mental health, and we feel as though it is imperative for us to now demonstrate to you that when you are ready to talk, there is somebody that is ready to listen.

    For a lot of people, therapy and medical treatment can feel scary and approaching it can often feel like a step into the unknown. We know that this process requires a significant amount of emotional energy. Therefore, in order to try and make this process more simplified and less intimidating, we are releasing seven episodes, each of which discuss a different variety of mental health therapy.

    We are joined today by Professor Julia Rucklidge, Professor of Clinical Psychology at theUniversity of Canterbury in New Zealand. We'll be discussing diet and nutrition, and the impact it can have on your mental health. To find out more about Julia, you can find her on Twitter @JuliaRucklidge

  • You're worth taking care of #2 Medication (Thorrun Govind)

    As part of Mental Health Awareness Week 2021, we will be releasing daily episodes discussing different types of treatments and therapies available for your mental health.

    Approaching professional mental health support can be a leap into the unknown for a lot of people. For the last 13 months we have been asking you to open up and talk about your mental health, and we feel as though it is imperative for us to now demonstrate to you that when you are ready to talk, there is somebody that is ready to listen.

    For a lot of people, therapy and medical treatment can feel scary and approaching it can often feel like a step into the unknown. We know that this process requires a significant amount of emotional energy. Therefore, in order to try and make this process more simplified and less intimidating, we are releasing seven episodes, each of which discuss a different variety of mental health therapy.

    Today's episode is focused on Medication, in particular antidepressants. We're joined by Pharmacist Thorrun Govind. You can find out more about Thorrun here @pharmthorrun

  • You're worth taking care of #1 Talking Therapies (Jon Bell)

    As part of Mental Health Awareness Week 2021, we will be releasing daily episodes discussing different types of treatments and therapies available for your mental health.

    Approaching professional mental health support can be a leap into the unknown for a lot of people. For the last 13 months we have been asking you to open up and talk about your mental health, and we feel as though it is imperative for us to now demonstrate to you that when you are ready to talk, there is somebody that is ready to listen.

    For a lot of people, therapy and medical treatment can feel scary and approaching it can often feel like a step into the unknown. We know that this process requires a significant amount of emotional energy. Therefore, in order to try and make this process more simplified and less intimidating, we are releasing seven episodes, each of which discuss a different variety of mental health therapy.

    Today's episode is focused on Talking Therapies, featuring psychotherapist Jon Bell. If you want to learn more about Jon, and the work that he does, then head over to https://jonbellcounselling.co.uk/ or find Jon on twitter @JBellCounsellor

  • Episode 62

    Then importance of positive influences.

    Alan Mahon moved to Birkenhead as a teenager, turning down offers from Chelsea and Middlesborough amongst others. Heavily influenced by his Father, Alan wanted to move somewhere where his first team opportunities would be plentiful. At the time, Tranmere were a high flying Division 1 (championship) side, and had players in their ranks such as Pat Nevin, John Aldridge, and Liam O'Brien. During his five years with Tranmere, Alan played over 100 times, and was a crucial part of the 1999/2000 team that reacher a Worthington Cup Final, and Fa Cup 1/4 final.

    Mahon moved to Lisbon, playing in the champions league, before returning to England and appearing for Blackburn, Wigan, Burnley, Ipswich, Cardiff and Blackpool, before returning to Prenton Park in 2009. What felt like a fairytale return to the club, quickly turned sour as the clubs performances on the pitch under manager John Barnes saw the club floundering at the bottom of the table.

    By 2011, Alan Mahon had hung up his boots, and terminated his contract with Tranmere 12 months early. The loss of his father, combined with the difficulty he was having competing physically, Alan decided he didn't want to be blocking the path for young players like Aaron Cresswell if he had nothing to contribute.

    Alan spent some years out of the game before returning as a coach at Manchester City women's team, stepping is as interim manager last year before resuming his current role as assistant to former Tranmere man Gareth Taylor.

    If you enjoy this episode, or any of our other episodes, please pop over to apple podcasts, and give us a rating and a review. https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/man-marking/id1506661828

    You can find us on Twitter @marking_man and don't forget to use the hashtag #WheresTheTalkingLads

    If you have been affected by any of the themes discussed in today's episode, we have listed some organisations below who are there if you need to talk:

    Samaritans Call 116 132 for free


    Papyrus UKCall 0800 068 41 41

    Papyrus Website

    CALM ZONE0800 58 58 58


    MIND0300 123 3393


    The Kaleidoscope Plus Group0800 059 0123


  • Episode 61

    In memory of Ross McCarthy.

    Mike McCarthy is a respected and experienced journalist, who's previous employers include Sky News and BBC. In February of this year, Mike's son Ross (31) tragically lost his life to suicide. Mike and his family have spent the last few months grieving, whilst also trying to raise awareness of suicide, and try to improve mental health provisions.

    We are incredibly humbled to welcome Mike onto the podcast today to tell us about his son Ross.

    Mike's daughter Laura McCarthy is raising money for CALM in memory of Ross. If you would like to donate then you can do so by following the link below:https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/r-macca

    If you enjoy this episode, or any of our other episodes, please pop over to apple podcasts, and give us a rating and a review. https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/man-marking/id1506661828

    You can find us on Twitter @marking_man and don't forget to use the hashtag #WheresTheTalkingLads

    If you have been affected by any of the themes discussed in today's episode, we have listed some organisations below who are there if you need to talk:

    Samaritans Call 116 132 for free


    Papyrus UKCall 0800 068 41 41

    Papyrus Website

    CALM ZONE0800 58 58 58


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    The Kaleidoscope Plus Group0800 059 0123


  • Fears over footballers mixing sleeping pills with alcohol to get legal high

    Today we're joined by Mike McGrath, a journalist from The Daily Telegraph, to discuss a dangerous and insidious trend emerging from professional football. Back in May 2020, Mike wrote this article linked below:


    In March of this year, the story was developed on following a report by a tabloid newspaper that highlighted an unnamed England international as one of the players implicated, and even went as far to suggest that scores of premier league players were addicted to sleeping pills.

    On this week of all weeks, it becomes apparent that stories of such potential significance can often be lost in the turbulent and relentless world of professional football. So we contacted Mike, and asked if he would be up for talking to us about the findings of his article, how prevalent an issue it was, and whether it was indicative of a footballing culture that put player welfare at the bottom of its list of priorities.

    We also took the opportunity to talk to Mike about some of the themes he raised in his interview with Tyrhys Dolan, the best friend of Jeremy Wisten, and his thoughts on the current academy system in this country.


    If you enjoy this episode, or any of our other episodes, please pop over to apple podcasts, and give us a rating and a review. https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/man-marking/id1506661828

    You can find us on Twitter @marking_man and don't forget to use the hashtag #WheresTheTalkingLads

    If you have been affected by any of the themes discussed in today's episode, we have listed some organisations below who are there if you need to talk:

    Samaritans Call 116 132 for free


    Papyrus UKCall 0800 068 41 41

    Papyrus Website

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  • Episode 60

    We need purpose, not just pills.

    Since he was a child Alex Staniforth has spoken with a stammer. Given his current role involves public speaking, and his appearance on this podcast as an intelligent, and articulate young man, that may come as a surprise to you. As a child Alex's stammer restricted his ability to communicate and lead to bullying, the consequences of which were periods of severe anxiety and depression for Alex.

    As a teenager, Alex discovered a love for the outdoors, and in particular endurance activities. Through his new found passion, Alex was able to overcome his anxieties, and now finds himself as a campaigner for better understanding and treatment options for mental ill health.

    Along the way Alex has continued to battle with depression, as well as an eating disorder, and also feelings of survivor guilt after he encountered two near death experiences whilst attempting to summit Mount Everest.

    The charity Alex co-founded, Mind Over Mountains, can be found here https://mindovermountains.org.uk/

    If you enjoy this episode, or any of our other episodes, please pop over to apple podcasts, and give us a rating and a review. https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/man-marking/id1506661828

    You can find us on Twitter @marking_man and don't forget to use the hashtag #WheresTheTalkingLads

    If you have been affected by any of the themes discussed in today's episode, we have listed some organisations below who are there if you need to talk:

    Samaritans Call 116 132 for free


    Papyrus UKCall 0800 068 41 41

    Papyrus Website

    CALM ZONE0800 58 58 58


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  • Episode 59

    If you want to deliver your personal best, more often than not, then it’s got to be down to sleep

    Back in the late 90's, Nick Littlehales contacted Alex Ferguson to offer his unique skillset in order to assist the Manchester United players with their sleep. Ever the forward thinker, Ferguson took Nick up on his offer and invited him to Carrington to work with the squad. Subsequently Nick has worked with some of the most renowned athletes in the world, and has assisted the likes of Team Sky, and the England national team.

    We talk to Nick today about his work in professional sport, the importance of sleep for recovery, as well as the impact sleep can have on your mental health. We also touch on the immense pressure and scrutiny that top athletes are under, and what effect that has on their sleeping patterns.

    You'll also discover why pillows might not as important a bedroom accessory as you might have thought, and what actually happens when you eat cheese before bed.

    If you enjoy this episode, or any of our other episodes, please pop over to apple podcasts, and give us a rating and a review. https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/man-marking/id1506661828

    You can find us on Twitter @marking_man and don't forget to use the hashtag #WheresTheTalkingLads

    If you have been affected by any of the themes discussed in today's episode, we have listed some organisations below who are there if you need to talk:

    Samaritans Call 116 132 for free


    Papyrus UKCall 0800 068 41 41

    Papyrus Website

    CALM ZONE0800 58 58 58


    MIND0300 123 3393


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  • Episode 58

    Male victims of domestic abuse are almost three times less likely to tell anyone about it.

    In May 2017, Paul Lavelle was murdered by his partner of 12 months, in his home in Rock Ferry, Wirral. Paul's death was the result of months of domestic abuse, largely kept secret from his friends and family.

    Following his death, Paul Gladwell, along with a large group of Lavey's friends founded the Paul Lavelle Foundation, in order to help male victims of domestic abuse.

    Today we talk to Paul Gladwell about his friend, the tragic circumstances surrounding his death, and some possible explanations for why Lavey like so many other men stay quiet about domestic abuse.

    If you want to find out more about the foundation then head over their website:https://paullavellefoundation.co.uk/

    If you are suffering from domestic abuse, you can call the national domestic abuse helpline on 0808 2000 047.

    If you enjoy this episode, or any of our other episodes, please pop over to apple podcasts, and give us a rating and a review. https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/man-marking/id1506661828

    You can find us on Twitter @marking_man and don't forget to use the hashtag #WheresTheTalkingLads

    If you have been affected by any of the themes discussed in today's episode, we have listed some organisations below who are there if you need to talk:

    Samaritans Call 116 132 for free


    Papyrus UKCall 0800 068 41 41

    Papyrus Website

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  • During these episodes we will take a look back at examples of mental ill health in football from yesteryear.

    Today we're doing something a little different, and featuring a footballer widely regarded as the greatest Austrian footballer of all time.

    Matthias Sindelar.

    I was joined by Avram Liebenau to tell the story of the man who was the talk of Vienna's infamous coffee shops in the 1920's, took on the Nazi party in the 1930's, led the Wunderteam, and remains one of the most influential footballers in the games history.

    If you enjoyed this episode, or any of our other episodes, please pop over to apple podcasts, and give us a rating and a review. https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/man-marking/id1506661828

    You can find us on Twitter @marking_man and don't forget to use the hashtag #WheresTheTalkingLads

    If you have been affected by any of the themes discussed in today's episode, we have listed some organisations below who are there if you need to talk:

    Samaritans Call 116 132 for free


    Papyrus UKCall 0800 068 41 41

    Papyrus Website

    CALM ZONE0800 58 58 58


    MIND0300 123 3393


    The Kaleidoscope Plus Group0800 059 0123


  • Episode 57

    Care, Compassion, and coaching outside of your comfort zone.

    Football coaching is a competitive business, especially for those who aren't former, or current footballers. For many prospective coaches, the first few years are awash with late nights, early mornings, expensive qualifications, and often, making a potentially risky decision.

    For Marc Joyce, that decision came when an opportunity arose in The United States to coach full time, as part of the Lexington Soccer Academy. Marc left his home on the Wirral and a steady job, and pitched up 4000 miles away in South Carolina.

    We talk to Marc about his first coaching role in grassroots football, the transition to life in America, his core beliefs for coaching, and the difference in transatlantic approaches to youth football (or Soccer).

    If you enjoy this episode, or any of our other episodes, please pop over to apple podcasts, and give us a rating and a review. https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/man-marking/id1506661828

    You can find us on Twitter @marking_man and don't forget to use the hashtag #WheresTheTalkingLads

    If you have been affected by any of the themes discussed in today's episode, we have listed some organisations below who are there if you need to talk:

    Samaritans Call 116 132 for free


    Papyrus UKCall 0800 068 41 41

    Papyrus Website

    CALM ZONE0800 58 58 58


    MIND0300 123 3393


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  • Episode 56

    Relays, recovery's, and racism.

    On 5th August 1992, Derek Redmond tore his hamstring whilst running in the 400m mens semi final of the Barcelona Olympic games. This wasn't the first time Derek had endured Olympic injury heartache. However this time, his determination to finish the race, despite his injury, led to one of the most iconic Olympic images of all time.

    As Derek stood and hobbled round the track, his father joined him, and arm in arm, they crossed the finish line. The 65,000 supporters inside the Montjuïc Stadium stood and applauded the two brits in the purest sign of Olympic spirit. Whilst Derek is still remembered to this day for that iconic moment, there is an awful lot more to the man. Derek has a vivacious attitude to life, the competitive spirit encouraged by his Father from a young age, regularly comes spilling out.

    We talk to Derek about his life as an Olympic athlete, that incredible day in Barcelona, and the tough period that followed. We also hear about the other sporting ventures in Derek's career, and how he managed to motivate himself to battle back time and again against injury setbacks. We also have an opportunity to ask Derek about his work trying to change the language we use when talking about racism, through his 'is this you' campaign.

    If you enjoy this episode, or any of our other episodes, please pop over to apple podcasts, and give us a rating and a review. https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/man-marking/id1506661828

    You can find us on Twitter @marking_man and don't forget to use the hashtag #WheresTheTalkingLads

    If you have been affected by any of the themes discussed in today's episode, we have listed some organisations below who are there if you need to talk:

    Samaritans Call 116 132 for free


    Papyrus UKCall 0800 068 41 41

    Papyrus Website

    CALM ZONE0800 58 58 58


    MIND0300 123 3393


    The Kaleidoscope Plus Group0800 059 0123
