Did you know it takes great strength to be gentle? The gentleness we are called to is to turn from self-righteousness to kindness and love.
The Lord waits for us, patiently knocking on our heart's door. How can we display patience to others, and reflect Him while doing it?
Jesus is the ultimate Lemonade- Maker!
How does our faith help us make lemonade out of our lemons>
Being angry at what angers our God is actually, ok.. until it turns personal. An unhinged tongue can be the downfall of a believer. But hey, even Jesus flipped a table or two when He knew Father was angry, sin comes into play when it becomes about us.
Sometimes, He has bigger plans in mind. Sometimes, it is a not yet. All the time, it is for our good.
What is the ticket to not complaining?
Are you salty?
What does God say about friendship and being a "Golden Girl"?
Facing our adult fears with God's truth
What does the Bible say about showing grace, even when its hard?
Find out who we are and a bit about the messy lives we live!