I couldn't find anywhere else to do this. So it's recorded in the car which is why it sounds a little like it was recorded in a car. I wanted to explore if it was possible to meditate in the car. And it is. So I'm delighted to present the results. Have a great weekend. Join my podcast on Patreon.com
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A couple of trees fell and they got me thinking of how the landscape around me always changes and how nothing is permanent. I hope you survived the windy weekend and that you are ready for Imbolg. That's the new name for St Brigid's day. I prefer saint Brigid's Day. But never mind. Please enjoy this meditation on impermanence and stand by for an extra podcast early next week to make up for the lapse which happened during the storm. I'm going to say a few more words about Buddhism. It's such a rich well of wisdom and we haven't been there In a while and Brigid's day is a good day for going to the well. And there's no well more holy than the well of Buddhist wisdom contained in the Tibetan tradition. That's next week. IN the meantime enjoy my reflections on the storm and have a great weekend. Join my podcast on Patreon.com
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
A good Christmas was had by all. And now where are we. Me moving more deeply into Christian faith, cos I know now that this Christ is for me. Cosmic and personal, this transformed universe is had to believe in when you look at the politics of our age. But Christmas is the moment when you can feel that Cosmos awakening again in your heart. Join my podcast on Patreon.com
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
A friend came visiting recently and the story is at the end of the episode. The rest is just one beautiful idea; Be grateful in every moment Join my podcast on Patreon.com
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Can I share with you how special you are. And one of the ways you are special is that the earth knows it. The ground beneath you knows you, and cherishes you. Don't be alarmed. I'm not off my head. It really makes sense, and this idea opens the door to a sense of being more and more deeply in relationship with the earth we live on. This is the root of what might be called Sacred Space. Sacred space is where we find our deepest connection with the cosmos. And here's the amazing thing; it's where you are standing right now. Join my podcast on Patreon.com
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
You're going to love this. End of year in the Christian calendar with the Christmas music starting on Sunday. So chill out, and relax and just enjoy this moment. The year is over. Be loved. Be calm. Be your deepest self. and if you're listening on platforms for free please please go to Patreon.com/Michael Harding and subscribe. just give me the price of two coffees per month and I bring you four hours of heart felt meditations. Ah go on. Thanks and blessings. Join my podcast on Patreon.com
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Stop fidgeting, as the teacher used to say in primary school. Be still and pay attention. And here I am 65 years later still trying to be still and stop fidgeting. Join my podcast on Patreon.com
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Stop fidgeting, as the teacher used to say in primary school. Be still and pay attention. And here I am 65 years later still trying to be still and stop fidgeting. Join my podcast on Patreon.com
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This is part one of a two part reflection on the fundamental preliminary teaching in Tibetan Buddhism - The precious of human life. The second preliminary is that all actions have consequences. These two ideas together are the foundational ground of all teachings. And they make total sense in terms of the Christian remembrance of all souls in November. So I put the two together this week, and I've also made a plea for subscribers. If you get these podcasts on platforms where they are free, and you can afford to subscribe please go to Patreon.com/ Michael `Harding and make a subscription which will help the podcast continue and will also help those who can't afford to pay. You are supporting me, and you are supporting people who want to listen for free by your subscription. So thank you for that and enjoy the podcast. Join my podcast on Patreon.com
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
There's a spider that makes an appearance at the beginning of this, and it led me to think about non-violence, and by the end of the meditation I was back with Yeshua, and I'm particular that dark night when he was approached by Nicodemus, an affluent chap who had a few questions for the Rabbi. But in essence it's another meditation on being in the present moment and how religious practises, whether they be Christian or Buddhist or something else, have a propensity to generate happiness. I hope you like this small song in praise of religious faith on this the Feast of All Saints. Join my podcast on Patreon.com
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
The end of October is a midway point between the Autumn equinox and mid Winter. It's the beginning of our Celtic winter time. From now until St Brigid's day I wish you a journey of peace and joy and happiness. That you may find it all in the icons of your faith, the imprints of your loved ones that linger in your heart. There is no more wonderful time of year that this coming month of twilight and remembrance. I hope you enjoy Join my podcast on Patreon.com
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This was an important podcast and I was very pleased with it and dropped it last week, late on Friday night after doing a public event in Nenagh Arts Centre. But it seems I pressed a wrong button and dropped the previous podcast. So you've got the same podcast last Friday as went out the previous Friday. Someone of course brought it to my attention and I am grateful for that. (I'm not great on the technical side of things.) ........................so now.........here's the real podcast from last Friday. Hope you enjoy. Blessings. Michael. Join my podcast on Patreon.com
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
An amazing week for me, in Cork, Nenagh and next Tuesday in Galway, launching the book. I loved him from the day he died. And here is what is in my heart at this moment. I hope you enjoy. Join my podcast on Patreon.com
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
My sore tooth and a story about the general and the purification of you tube
My sore tooth, the purification of the television, and how I nearly decapitated my teacher are all jumbled up here in an over excited author on the eve of the book launch. Hope you enjoy this meditation which is ultimately about actions and consequences, or karma as they say in Cavan, and hope you find a copy of the book next week in your bookshop.
Join my podcast on Patreon.comHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
I know it's a strange chain of thoughts but such are the ways of my mind. I drift from fun to a place of peace all the time, as simple as a berry falling into the pool. Because everything is the one thing. It's all gravity, or the love of electrons for what they are attached to. In this episode I talk at the latter end about the cosmos being like the murmuration of starlings. It's an idea I got from a monk who lived in the 3rd century. I forget his name but that too is ok. My new book is coming out on October 10. Stay with the podcast to keep up to date on events. Thanks for your support.
Join my podcast on Patreon.comHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
I use some columns here to discuss what bits of craft I use to write. It's all about story and story is all about one sentence after another. So here I delve into the sentences, and the images, and it may all sound a bit mad, but then that's the storytellers craft. Whether you're into writing or reading or none of those, I still. hope you like it and enjoy the way I reveal how a column gets written every week for The Irish Times. Thanks for being here.
Join my podcast on Patreon.comHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Why would I say that religion still matters to me. Why do I cling to religious faith. I've thought about these questions today. and happily I came up with some answers.
Find the door to the room where he lives. Find where the Presence that is beyond you is waiting for you. Religion is the boat, and it offers a passage way towards Transcendence for the mind.
Is it delusional or true or real. Who knows. But I'm my experience it brings me peace. And it feels very very human and natural.
Join my podcast on Patreon.comHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
I have a new book coming out in October. I was in Dublin recording the audio this week. And I was so busy with all those worldly things that I needed some quiet time. So did I find a convent door? No. It found me. Sometimes life happens. Things unfold. It's very reassuring. Join my podcast on Patreon.com
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
I'm in Clane on Saturday August 31 in the Suaimhneas Centre. Here's what they publicity people say -
Michael will come and speak to us about his life and work and all things faith, prayer and spirituality from his broad perspective.
The event will commence in The Suaimhneas Centre, Main Street, Clane at 10.30am and BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL.
So I thought I'd do a very quiet and slightly shorter reflection today, on the eve of the talk and maybe on Sunday I'll post a further report about how it went and what I talked about.
Join my podcast on Patreon.comHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
I'm enjoying working on these mediations in the days after easter, and will be walking the camino from Tui to Santiago between April 27 and May 5. What does it mean that I am here. What does it mean that you are here. What does it mean if the clock ticks or doesn't tick.
Let's explore that today. My walk on the Camino will coincide with the Orthodox period of Holy Week. Looking forward to it. Might send you random dispatches on the road.
Join my podcast on Patreon.comHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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