If ever there were a moment for Mind Witchery, it’s now, because how we think influences how we feel and how we act. We hope this episode will meet you where you are, and help you step fully into power and purpose as you choose where and how to proceed through this incredibly challenging time.
Lots of inspiration available here:
Pod Save America, “Making Sense of Trump’s Win” https://crooked.com/podcast/making-sense-of-trumps-win/
Assembly Required With Stacey Abrams, “Stacey’s Post-Election Message and The Power of Music” https://crooked.com/podcast/staceys-post-election-message-and-the-power-of-music/
Vice President Harris’ concession speech: https://www.c-span.org/video/?539843-1/vice-president-kamala-harris-concession-speech
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. "Loving Your Enemies," Sermon Delivered at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church https://kinginstitute.stanford.edu/king-papers/documents/loving-your-enemies-sermon-delivered-dexter-avenue-baptist-church
It's All Magic: 365 Reflections on Astrology, Tarot, and Manifestation, by Aliza Kelly https://linktr.ee/allmagic365
When you’ve outgrown your circumstance,
a simple yet powerful shift can help you align your actions
with your evolving values and desires for a more authentic life.
I use this mindset shift personally and with my clients.
Let me show you.
Make Magic:
To embrace the power of your agency and choice, reflect on
areas in your life where you feel done tolerating certain behaviors or situations.
Replace "I can't" with "I am unwilling to"
and notice the shift in your mindset and power.
This episode is about the liminal space we find ourselves in when we’re in the process of becoming.
I talk about the temptation to maintain the status quo, the importance of trusting in our desires, and the power of leaning wholly into our ever-changing selves.
I hope this episode gives you comfort, reassurance, or reminds you that you can trust that the key to clicking back into place is to just keep becoming who we are.
The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/9717.The_Unbearable_Lightness_of_Being
Witchy Business is my monthly group coaching experience to help entrepreneurs cultivate the courage and openness necessary for integrity in this personal growth crucible called entrepreneurship. Send me an email if you’re interested in joining myself and many amazing entrepreneurs: nataliekmiller@gmail.com
Make Magic:
Take comfort in knowing you're not alone.
Trust in your desires and intuitions, and allow yourself to embrace the lightness of becoming.
Reach out for support if you need it, and remember, the only way out is through.
Keep becoming who you are meant to be.
Our mind is so powerful.
It has the ability to create magic and possibility anywhere in our lives.
To harness this power more easily, we need a little mental workout regimen.
Let’s strengthen our mental muscles and manifest our desires.
Let me show you how.
Everyday Channeling is three live magical sessions beginning May 18, 2024. Register here: https://buy.stripe.com/3cscOO4WMeq273GeV2
Make Magic:
To unlock the power of your mind, manifest your desires,
and shift toward possibility, practice counterbalancing your negativity bias
and integrate gratitude and mindfulness rituals like Everyday Channelling.
Sometimes, our internal growth outpaces our external circumstances.
This is especially felt when the changes we want to make in our lives feel so so big.
I’ve been there! I want to remind us that we have more power than we realize.
No matter how big our life changes are.
No matter how far away our dreams might seem.
We can nurture the desires emerging from our personal growth spurt.
Episode 139, A Spell for Making a Big Change https://www.nataliekmiller.com/mindwitchery/139
My Sunday Letter mailing list: https://nataliekmiller.myflodesk.com/sundayletter
Come learn and practice Everyday Channeling with me live starting May 18, 2024. Three live sessions. Lots of co-creative magic. Register here. https://buy.stripe.com/3cscOO4WMeq273GeV2
Make Magic:
To manifest the life you envision,
embrace the power of the present,
surround yourself with intentional community,
and cultivate your desires through practices like Everyday Channeling,
my powerful daily practice to nourish our most abundant and vivacious life.
Ever felt like you're going through a growth spurt, but for your soul? You might feel tired all the time, hungry for more in life, and even a bit awkward. Whether initiated by ourselves or by the events in our lives, our personal growth spurt challenges us to shed old identities and embrace new possibilities. It urges us to invest in what truly aligns with our evolving selves. We can see ourselves through these changes with extra care, understanding, and nourishment.
The scene from Dirty Dancing https://youtu.be/GIphXCg3CyE?si=9CJ1t2oGSQ30Q1Cw
Make Magic:
Embrace your personal growth spurt with compassion and curiosity. Recognize the signs, prioritize self-care, and invest in what resonates with your evolving self to navigate this transformative period with grace, love, and intention.
The most empowered doings come from the place where we feel most integrated. And while society prioritizes productivity and doings above all else, I believe our sense of being is just as important. When we take time to honor our needs, we attune to our most aligned selves for our most potent doings.
Time Witchery is a great way to integrate a whole self honoring practice into your day. This anti-planner comes with an audio course and invitations to group gatherings. Our next gathering is the upcoming Spring Equinox on March 19, 2024. Get your anti-planner and join us. https://timewitchery.com/
Witchy Business is my weekly group coaching container for established entrepreneurs moving their lives and businesses in a whole-self-honoring direction. Get support around evolving your marketing and offers while also cultivating the courage and openness to do business in a more countercultural and sustainable way.
Make Magic:
To nourish our most aligned, potent actions, embrace the countercultural practice of pausing human doing to honor human being. Trust that whole-self honoring will lead to more evolutionary actions and a more integrous way of living.
I'm excited to welcome Ashley Trabue — artist and stellar human all around — for a soul-nourishing conversation about the transformative power of embracing our body through art. We journey from self-criticism to self-appreciation to reclaim our own narrative. Get ready for a delightful blend of wisdom, humor, and raw authenticity that will leave you inspired and ready to embrace your own luminosity.
Ashley Trabue is a queer, multi-disciplinary artist and educator. You can find their work here, on IG @ashleytrabue, and at Luminous In Taos as our guest retreat co-host where you can become a work of art.
Join Natalie Miller and Ashley Trabue for a week of soulful exploration and connection at this summer’s Luminous In Taos in New Mexico. Embrace your luminosity and reclaim your narrative – it's time to shine!
Make Magic:
Through artist self-appreciation, we can experience a profound personal transformation, a shift in our self-perception, and foster healing and connection to our inherent beauty.
Cultural norms encourage us to diminish our light, to hide it, and filter it into its most benign form. But like a diamond, we are sparkly and multi-faceted contributing to our luminosity. We shine most brightly when we own and love and show all of the different parts of ourselves. This spell will help you nurture and embrace all facets of yourself for deeper levels of fulfillment and authenticity.
No Bad Parts book: https://ifs-institute.com/nobadparts
Walt Whitman, Song of Myself: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/45477/song-of-myself-1892-version
SoulCollage: https://soulcollage.com/about/soulcollage-method/
Ani DiFranco Overlap: https://anidifranco.bandcamp.com/track/overlap-7
Reconnect with, and feed, and reveal your inner glow at this summer’s Luminous In Taos https://www.nataliekmiller.com/lit
Get coaching, mentorship, and community for Sorcerous Entrepreneurs in Witchy Business https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g7cJjP6HvZe4YHRTQEhzGbIqDVhjv0j6rZ1xBqDjXCY/edit?usp=sharing
Make Magic:
To reconnect to your luminous glow, step into your wholeness by exploring the different aspects of yourself and embracing your contradictions. Support your journey of self-discovery and empowerment through intentional communities and experiences. Shine brightly as you honor and express all facets of your beautiful, complex self.
Feminist Leadership Coach and Mentor, Elijah Selby, joins me in a candid conversation on navigating the complexities of the coaching and marketing world. Through collaboration, trust, and shared responsibility, we can break free from conventional coaching and marketing norms that rely on the matrix of control, manipulation, and fear. Our collective growth and empowerment depends on meaningful transformation where vulnerability, curiosity, and mutual respect thrive.
Elijah Shannon Selby is a Feminist Leadership Coach and Mentor and the host of Business as Activism Podcast. She works with people who want to make a difference in the world and understand that when they dismantle internalized paradigms of oppression, they are impacting external paradigms of oppression. You can find her on IG @elijahshannonselby or work with her one on one to disrupt the way you do business.
Adrienne Maree Brown Emergent Strategy: https://adriennemareebrown.net/book/emergent-strategy/
Make Magic:
To reshape the coaching and marketing world (and the world around us), we must unplug from the matrix. Empower yourself to discern authenticity and integrity. Challenge conventional narratives. And, embody your values to foster genuine, authentic connections.
Contrary to popular belief, being in the process of figuring things out yourself can make you an even more effective teacher or coach. Many assume that teaching implies mastery, but often it's those still navigating challenges who offer the most valuable insights. And by embracing your ongoing journey of growth, you gain a deeper understanding, connect more authentically with others, and continuously innovate.
Emily Nagoski, Ph.D., author of Come As You Are: The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life https://www.emilynagoski.com/
Make Magic:
Embrace your journey of growth and share it authentically with others. By teaching what you're still learning, you not only deepen your understanding but also foster meaningful connections and inspire continuous evolution.
As creative humans—entrepreneurs and leaders alike—we find ourselves coming around to the pressures of productivity again and again.
The more you progress in your career and express your talent, the more challenges you may encounter.
I hope today’s episode expands your thinking again and reminds you to embrace self-care, honor your creative instincts, and model a holistic approach to productivity for a more fulfilling and sustainable way of being.
Make Magic:
To honor our own creative journey and contribute to a sustainable, respectful way of being in this world, we must prioritize activities that nourish our creativity and well-being, trusting that productivity thrives in an environment of self-care and natural rhythms.
As growth-oriented individuals, you're here to heal, usher in better, and, just like plants need fertilizer and light, you need more support, time, space, rest, connection, and pleasure.
Embrace the idea that growth demands receiving more than giving, fostering a net gain in energy.
It's time to let yourself need more.
Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle, by Amelia and Emily Nagoski https://www.burnoutbook.net/
Bestselling author and podcaster Gretchen Rubin: https://gretchenrubin.com/
Make Magic:
Allow yourself to need more. Take a moment to reflect on what you're craving—whether it's rest, connection, or support—and actively open up to receiving it.
As we usher in this new year, I want to explore trust.
It's a silent power—like the glowing embers of a fire.
And it's cultivated through action and experience.
Each experience, whether successful or challenging, contributes to the embers of trust.
May this spell light a spark in you, inspire you to embrace experiences, and take steps, no matter how small, towards building the trust that sustains you and propels your growth.
Episode 139: A Spell for Making a Big Change https://www.nataliekmiller.com/mindwitchery/139
Make Magic:
Believing in our ability to grow through experiences, trusting in resilience, and embracing change incrementally are the sparks that feed our trust embers.
Real talk. Letting things be easy is actually incredibly hard.
Patriarchy, hustle culture, late stage capitalism.
All of these dominating systems benefit when
we act as though hard work and sacrifice
are the only ways we can prosper in the world.
Here’s a spell to help you build more ease into your life,
and to remind you how much you deserve it.
timewitchery.com/planner, where you can get a Time Witchery anti-planner to help you be intentional about cultivating ease.
Make Magic:
In order to let things be easy for yourself,
you have to remind yourself of two things.
First, that ease is possible.
And second, allowing yourself ease
enables your generosity.
Brains are amazing things, and one of their most fascinating features
is the way their two halves process and evaluate the things we experience.
Left brain plans and analyzes, it develops systems and structures,
while right brain attunes to its surroundings and experiences
the here and now without trying to impose order on it.
They’re both vital to our experience of the world. And yet.
One of these approaches is very much favored
and encouraged by our dominating culture.
Let’s talk about why we need right brain magic,
and how to nurture its influence in our lives.
timewitchery.com/planner, where you can get a Time Witchery anti-planner to help you invoke your right brain magic.
The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World https://channelmcgilchrist.com/master-and-his-emissary/
Make Magic:
Right brain magic is nurtured and supported
when you find ways to help yourself
focus on presence over planning,
and responsiveness over pre-determination.
Creativity is hard AF, and sharing it with the world can be terrifying. That’s just one reason why I’m so in awe of my guest this week, Dr. Giavanni Washington. She had the passion and persistence to develop a stunning oracle deck that honors African Goddesses with photography of amazing black women. She’s here to talk about why she felt required to birth this project into the world, and how she sustained the belief in herself that was necessary to make it a reality.
Dr. Giavanni Washington is the creator of the Black Goddess Within Oracle Deck, which is available to pre-order at https://www.drgiavanniwashington.com/deck. She is also an intuitive healer, mother, speaker, and spiritual guide. She holds a doctorate from UCLA’s Department of World Arts and Cultures and was recently selected for the California Creative Creative Corps Artist and Culture Bearer Fellowship by the California Arts Council.
The African Goddess Rising Oracle card deck by Abiola Abrams https://womanifesting.com/goddess-oracle-cards/
Make Magic:
So much of cultivating the courage to create is about honoring yourself and your vision. Allowing yourself to feel the desire for things that mainstream culture tells you aren’t appealing, and investing the time and energy that you and your creations truly deserve.
Creating a new thing can be pretty messy.
Learning how to do something requires us to start by
screwing up, making mistakes, and being kind of bad at it.
If you’ve developed an attachment to succeeding,
planning to be less than great at anything can sound like a nightmare.
Here’s a spell to help you embrace
the glorious imperfection of making something new.
timewitchery.com/planner, where you can get a Time Witchery anti-planner to help you keep track of your experiments.
Make Magic:
To keep your perfectionism from overwhelming your creative impulse,
don’t think about it as doing a thing (which means doing it superbly).
Instead, try imagining yourself as a scientist,
and whatever endeavor you’re embarking on as a creative laboratory,
where success is all about gathering information
and learning by doing.
It has been a minute since I recorded a new spell,
but the break did exactly what I hoped it would.
It allowed my creative brain to rest and recharge,
and now it’s ready to share with you once more.
This spell will help you take the big idea you have in your head
and turn it, bit by bit, into real, sustainable, effective change.
The Sunday Letter in which I discuss the decision to break my streak of publishing Mind Witchery episodes: https://view.flodesk.com/emails/65429f1de484ef9e19790990
timewitchery.com/planner, where you can get a Time Witchery anti-planner to help you revolutionize your definition of success.
Make Magic:
Big changes happen tiny step by tiny step.
Whenever change is impeded, it’s ALWAYS
because the step you think you need to make is Just. Too. Big.
My love, I have for you today the most inspiring, powerful conjuring.
Bernardine Watson is a poet, writer, and author of an award-winning memoir.
She is a force of nature. She is glamorous. She is grounded.
I just pinch myself to tell you that Dine is also a friend of mine.
I asked Dine if she'd be willing to talk about what I think she does so well,
which is conjuring the fullest self-expression.
I hope you find this conversation as inspiring and motivating as I did.
Bernardine (Dine) Watson is a nonfiction writer and poet who lives in Washington. Her memoir Transplant won the 2023 Washington Writers’ Publishing House prize for nonfiction. Dine was selected by Poets and Writers as one of their “5 over 50” for 2023 and will be featured in the magazine’s November/December issue.
My Build Your Trust (in) Funds group coaching starts TONIGHT! https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0qdOCopjkiGdEgQpyeLRQwvQwunriaDCHc
Make Magic:
If you are not your whole full self,
the world will not know you, and
you will not know yourself.
It’s time to start treating yourself like
the main character in your own story.
Like you are the most important person in the world.
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