Jennifer shares some encouragement to remind us that even when we feel alone, we can experience the nearness and love of God.
Jennifer’s FB page
There are many things that want to identify you, but your true identity is found in Jesus’ love for you.
Resource: Join Suzie on Threads @Suzanne.Eller
If you need a reminder of what’s true about you, join us for a conversation that celebrates your “joyful identity” and quiets the lies of insecurity.
365 Truths for Every Woman’s Heart by Holley Gerth
Even in the moments when we don’t know what to pray, God understands all our hearts long to say and he’s listening with compassion.
365 Truths for Every Woman’s Heart by Holley Gerth
Rachel Wojo draws from her personal journey of loss and the stories of biblical characters to show us how desperate prayers can be powerful and healing.
Desperate Prayers by Rachel Wojo
Jennifer shares three truths that can anchor us when we are going through difficult times.
Freedom by Jennifer
Dr. Merry C Lin shares how you can experience new freedom when you stop living from your “shadow self” and embrace your God-created “essential self.”
Rebecoming by Dr. Merry C Lin
Holley reminds you that you are loved just as much on your worst days as you are on your best, and that means you can let your soul rest.
365 Truths for Every Woman’s Heart by Holley
Emily Wierenga, author of God Who Became Bread, shares how God wants to fill us in the ways we long for most.
Emily Wierenga
When asked what she’s most passionate about, Jennifer shares how approaching our health struggles with compassion and curiosity allows us to learn helpful tools to thrive and fight discouragement.
Jennifer’s FB Page
If you ever worry that your brokenness could keep God from using you, Holley’s words will bring you comfort and change your perspective.
365 Truths for Every Woman’s Heart by Holley
Author and speaker Simi John joins us for a conversation about how God meets us in our broken places and invites us into wholeness.
Simi John
Breaking down the walls between ourselves and others may feel risky, but it helps us live just a little more free.
Join Suzie at Threads - @Suzanne.Eller or on Facebook - @SuzanneEller. If you have a question or thought to share with Suzie, contact her through suzanneeller.com.
When asked what she is passionate about, Suzie shares the change that can happen when we are strong enough for each other – what that looks like, and the impact of lifting women up.
Join Suzie on Facebook at @SuzanneEller to share your comments, check out resources, and to grow togetHER.
Holley shares what she’s learning about what it means to feel safe, why it matters, and how it aligns with the heart of God for us. Our conversation includes biblical truth, a bit of brain science, and steps you can take toward feeling safer today.
Subscribe to HolleyGerth.com
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