We’re flouting convention this week to talk about Jean-Pierre Rampal with very special guest star Tara Ariano! Brush up your French and your flute and join us! https://muppeturgy.com/episodes/jean-pierre-rampal
One way or another we’re gonna scout out the Debbie Harry episode of The Muppet Show with our very special guest star, Louie Pearlman! https://muppeturgy.com/episodes/debbie-harry
If you wanna hear us do our thing, pull our string! If ‘s-all right with you, we’re here to talk about the old-school ventriloquism of Señor Wences (and the even older school bunraku of Bruce Schwartz). The Muppets are all in on the action, putting on a puppet show of their own (nobody tell them) that may or may not involve demonic possession and a horny Pinocchio (stories matter). https://muppeturgy.com/episodes/senor-wences
Ahoy there! Yo ho ho! Shiver me timbers! Uh…pieces of eight! It’s a pirate-themed episode, 15 years before Muppet Treasure Island, starring another British legend, Glenda Jackson! And our own very special guest star, Movin’ Right Along’s Anthony Strand! https://muppeturgy.com/episodes/glenda-jackson
We go down several rabbit holes as we discuss the Brooke Shields and the Muppets’ production of Alice in Wonderland. But then, we do that every episode! https://muppeturgy.com/episodes/brooke-shields
Stories matter…which is why we’re a little confused that The Muppet Show is telling this one. But we’re here to talk about the good (Animal trying to meditate, percussive octopodes), the bad (overly sexualized birds), and the ugly (welcome back, overt racism!). (James Coburn wasn’t in The Good, The Bad and the Ugly but you try making an In Like Flint reference about this episode.) https://muppeturgy.com/episodes/james-coburn
We’ve got our goldfingers (WAH WAH WAH WAH WAAAAAHHH) all over the Shirley Bassey episode this week, with very special guest star David Beukema! Does the Barnyard Boogie turn into gold, or cottage cheese? What are the physics of these Koozebanians? Does it really rain pennies from heaven? How DO they make gold bars? And where do you buy your cheese? All this and more awaits you in the vault! https://muppeturgy.com/episodes/shirley-bassey
Will the circle be unbroken on the Joan Baez episode, or will we sing an honest lullaby about accents and other questionable choices? You’ll be smarter than the critters if you listen and find out! https://muppeturgy.com/episodes/joan-baez
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If you watched MASH alda time like we did as kids, you’ll love the Loretta Swit episode! It made the earth move under our feet even though we were side by side (by side) and there ain’t nobody here but us chickens when Kermit tried to fire Piggy. And what would we do without our guest star and fantastic Miss Piggy expert, Peter Savieri? https://muppeturgy.com/episodes/loreta-swit
Leave it to us to drop an episode about the end of the world 2 days after Election Day. But don't worry! When the seven of lumps is in the ascendency with the beginning of the drowning refrigerator, it means Muppeturgy is back for season 5! We're not here to talk about politics (well, Ronald Reagan may catch some strays but it wouldn't be the first time), we're here to talk about Gene Kelly's butt! And the rest of him! Don't let us vamp for too long, let's get to singing in that cool clear rain water. https://muppeturgy.com/episodes/gene-kelly
When Diana Ross smiles at us, we go to Rio! We’re holding up little cards to rate this episode — and the whole season — this week. Did season 4 give us a love hangover, or leave us deep in our (whoa whoa whoa) feelings? We’re taking a post-season break so this will be the last time we saw him for a while. Reach out and touch that subscribe button to make sure you don’t miss our triumphant return. https://muppeturgy.com/episodes/diana-ross
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We learned a lot about Alan Arkin — and ourselves — this week, as very special guest star Chris Feil joined us to talk Jekyll & Hyde, potentially racist bunnies, devils going down to Georgia and letting people go, and Fozzie’s relationship to rhythm. Plus rearranging fat jokes on the Titanic. You’re no good if you don’t listen. (CW: Discussion of racist tropes such as minstrelsy.) https://muppeturgy.com/episodes/alan-arkin
Where do we begin? Ideally not here but it’s what we’ve got. This is a weird one, where Andy Williams’ face is waxier than the Muppet cheese and his joke delivery is cheesier than…also the Muppet cheese. It’s also our second week in a row with a Cronenbergian nightmare. But there’s also a puppy, and Frank Oz and Jim Henson remain very good at their jobs. Join us for this love story, won’t you? https://muppeturgy.com/episodes/andy-williams
Do you believe in magic? How about poofy 70s hair and giant mustaches? Sparkly pink overalls? Cronenbergian nightmares? Rabbis? You will after the Doug Henning episode! The master of illusion (and a question mark) joins the Muppets for some tricks and some schtick, and Fozzie tries to get in on the act with Tribble-esque results. We get in on Norma Rae, All That Jazz, Bugs Bunny, tissue puppetry, and so much more! Listen now…unless it’s all an illuuuuuuuuuuusiooooooooonnnnnnnn… https://muppeturgy.com/episodes/doug-henning
Ay ay ay it’s the Carol Channing episode! It will have you asking why it’s so cold in here, can a pig really have big feet (or wear high heels), if diamonds really are a girl’s best friend, and when did I have dead fish? Say hello, Dolly, and don’t forget to check out the website to lay those peepers and them there eyes on this week’s GIFs. Jeepers! https://muppeturgy.com/episodes/carol-channing
Hey y’all, prepare yourselves for the Lynda Carter episode of The Muppet Show! It has everything! Wonder Women, Wonder Pigs, Rubberband Men, giant chickens, cannibal tiki idols, backwards alligators, Whiffenpoofs in sheep’s clothing, failed skiffle outfits, and orange colored skies. Plus digressions into The Apple, postcard ads, very early HBO, and John Denver shooting puppies with a BB gun. Grab your tights and fight for your rights to listen! https://muppeturgy.com/episodes/lynda-carter
It’s a bird…it’s a plane…it’s the Christopher Reeve episode of The Muppet Show! WATCH his effortless charm! HEAR our hosts talk about Reeve-inspired sexual awakenings…some of them just this week! BRUSH up your Shakespeare! FLY east of the sun and west of the moon! TURN BACK TIME…but not with Somewhere in Time! Anyway…Christopher Reeve: Good at his job. https://muppeturgy.com/episodes/christopher-reeve
It is a dark time for Muppeturgy. Mid episodes like Anne Murray, Phyllis George, and the sinister Jonathan Winters have taken a toll on the brave hosts.
During the battle, Disney+ managed to serve up a not-so-secret episode starring Mark Hamill and the stars of Star Wars, a cast with enough charm to destroy an entire planet.
Joined by the often mentioned, never before heard Todd Brian Backus, our heroes race home aboard their starship to record a podcast and restore freedom to the galaxy...
Show notes at https://muppeturgy.com/episodes/star-wars
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Very special guest star Danny Lavery joins us to discuss a truly cursed episode of The Muppet Show, plus Mork & Mindy, racist tropes, surprise heterosexuality in the monoculture, and lions, tigers and aliens (oh my!) https://muppeturgy.com/episodes/jonathan-winters
We could blame Canada for this episode, but that would suggest they did something wrong, rather than give us the delightful Anne Murray (a Canadian working in the American idiom). Though a “middle of the middle” episode may suit the beigeness of Ms. Murray’s catalog a little too well, she’s a game guest star and everyone seems happy as a dodo to have her there. We also have a game guest star, the not-at-all Canadian Amy Spalding! https://muppeturgy.com/episodes/anne-murray
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