Hi team,
This is a wrap up of 'Season 1' for this podcast!
...and yes it will return. (yay!).
I'm guilty of spreading myself too thin - or - perhaps it's me realising that what I truly wish to accomplish and do and enjoy in the world, takes more time and effort than I've been acknowledging!
So - expect to see a bit more of me on YouTube and socials, a lot more of me on Spotify, and behind the scenes I'm busy deep diving into a mixing course to better understand and produce the music I'm currently recording. Whether or not it still all gets sent to a mix engineer or producer we shall see, but loving the gear and ability to access and learn all of this!
As mentioned in the podcast - check out https://www.graemejamesmusic.com/
See you down the track!
I hope you get a sense from this podcast of how much the little vision I wrote down of recording over here means to me - now that I'm actually here doing it. It was a little note in my journal where I mapped out what life would feel like *IF* I truly was in Bali recording my album and going for what I truly wanted.
My story and take on personal development and finding fulfilment along the way. This came from previous comments on the podcast, and I trust you get something from this weeks episode as we veer away from music for the week.
**Full show notes and links updated shortly.
Well - this is a slightly awkward conversation tbh - and that's probably what makes it valuable.
A self life and direction check, and for some of you it might bring up the same awkward feels when I started to lean into and take a look at this stuff.
Also because it feels like it needs mentioning - nothing you choose will be a wrong choice, and only you'll know if you're lying to yourself, or are fully in alignment also.
You'll always get your own self feedback about what you're up to and what is the next step. For me some of these 'nudges' are quite subtle and only show up as you dig or spend time contemplating them.
For others they're crazy obvious hah!
And - even if you do get a nudge or idea when listening to this - it doesn't mean you have to quit everything and act on it (although you can if you wish!).
Much love from me! xoxo
PS. If you want details or to support the album recording - here they are!
Excited to share this episode with you all, and whilst it won't solve or create that 'magic' vibe we're all going for, there are certain things that we do have control over to set ourselves up for a win or success - or at least moving towards better and better shows and scenarios!
I chat about a few things you can do to help setup your environment, including staging, lighting, chatting with venues about the setup, turning off other distractions, and having yourself be a focus of an event or gig. This doesn't mean it will always happen perfectly, or that if you do all of these things every event will be a total winner, but it give you some ideas you can do to improve for the next show, or to give yourself the grace to accept the show and gig for what it was (and not beat yourself up for days after!).
It also means you can chat through some of these things with clients for events, and in doing so you become a more valuable person on the team, as you're helping them get the result they are after by hiring you. (sometimes event planners don't consider this aspect, or are simply too busy managing each aspect of the event and miss details like this that can be super important to how the night/event runs).
As mentioned at the end of the podcast - I'm heading off on a writing trip and will be sharing that in more details via both YouTube and in BTS footage through the following link. If you wish to support me in that space here is the link:
Yep - today we're discussing essentially why some artists who are worse than you do much better than you - it's their vibe!
So, frustrations and tongue in cheek aside - there's a lot to dive into on this, and a lot of factors make up your vibe. You may even need to do different things to have your energy and vibe right on the night compared to the next person!
If you'll be frustrated about making mistakes on the night - you'll need to suss that so you can feel good on stage, and feeling good on stage you'll then pass that on to the room and to your audience. You could of course just get over yourself regarding mistakes and work on improving for next week, but most of us have more difficulty letting go of certain thoughts than simply doing the work to match who we feel we should be.
Anyway - enough chat for here - have a listen and let me know your thoughts!
This may or may not be quite what you're expecting from today's podcast and title - but I trust you'll get a valuable message or insight for yourself all the same.
Perhaps it should have been titled - 'Welcome to being a Human' hehe.
As always - reach out if you want to connect via the website at:
hey fam!
This weeks episode was triggered by a purchase of mine, where the creator of the course sold me on their values and approach - and then DID THE OPPOSITE as part of their own marketing (it was a bit ick). I have much respect for them and there's great content and useful learning for me in it - AND - it made me want to make sure that sort of shit is not in my content and marketing, and doesn't show up in my brand.
Also - I have been guilty of this before - doing things that work to 'get a sale' etc.
I see it a bunch in various people's content online and IT'S ALWAYS SHORT TERM! You might get a sale etc, but it feels yuck and we all pick up on it.
Something that didn't get shared in this episode (but as I write this I recall it)... Ages ago I used a sales technique I had learnt and sold a CD to somebody - I got the sale but man did it feel yuck and like I used them. Which, realistically is what happened.
I'm sharing this from my values and the brand I'm creating - you obviously don't have to agree or have the same values or opinions as I do...
So why listen to the podcast?
Because chances are you'll get some insight for your own brand, or you can make changes if you've been doing something slimy. It might feel like it hurts on day one, but long term I've always found myself better off.
In the podcast today we're highlighting two stories where there was a lack of knowledge for what the gig required. I'm calling them 'mistakes' which they likely felt like to the people as they happened, but I would say in both cases they really were two musicians running beyond the limits of their knowledge at the time.
One chose to grow and learn, one complained and essentially blamed the venue.
One went back into the venue the following week to check sound and make sure all was sorted and in top form for their next gig.
One wasn't asked back.
and YES - for those curious - I probably should (and will), share some of my own mistakes along the way that I have made and learnt from - and also, at times I got grumpy with venues and blamed them for what was truly my fault (yes it turns out), or my own lack of knowledge also. This may well be next weeks podcast (let me know).
I hope this highlights that there's a lesson or something to be gained from the awkward situations - and hopefully as you stay open and curious about the lesson or what could be learnt, you evolve and do better and better shows too!
A follow up on last weeks chat around Money.
In this episode I throw out some ideas around what we provide as musicians, beyond the actually making the music part of things.
I trust you enjoy it!
Hey team!
Today we're diving into my thoughts on gig pricing and money - I trust it's of value to you.
I HIGHLY recommend taking some time after this episode to play with some numbers and get a feel of what gigging and pricing might look like to you.
I ALSO WANT TO ADD that I missed out sharing on 'providing value'. THIS is what underscores what you charge in my view. Perhaps we'll have another chat about this down the track!
Hey team - today we're chatting about vocal recovery, false vocal folds, and essentially a whole lot around relaxation and allowing your vocal chords to work - even on a bad day, with a cold or flu, or when you've been singing a lot and have tension that's built up from not optimal technique etc!
I trust you get new ideas from it to research and further improve your vocals and find new tools to use for yourself in the process.
Hey team! Today we're chatting about Alcohol and the environment we're often in playing music.
Would love your thoughts on this - how do you manage drinking vs not drinking, and effects on yourself as a performer?
It's something I've become much more aware of recently, and have had some great chats around. I trust this episode opens up more of those chats for us all.
This is yet another contradictory podcast my friends - huzzah!
I'm telling you to relax more into each moment however it shows up.... as well as showing up to do the work and make some 'mistakes' along the way.
For me vocally - when I feel like I need to sound good for the next show, and I start in 20 minutes, and I've had a big vocal day the before.... and... and... and.... etc, then I end up putting additional pressure on myself - which actually has me sound worse at the gig.
Instead when I get curious about how my voice sounds, maybe even curious about how bad it sounds and can relax and have a laugh at it - whilst also doing the training and skills work I've practised for these moments to prepare; THEN I actually relax into the moment. In that relaxation (by definition even) my muscles relax and let go and the whole process becomes all the more enjoyable.
Key takeaways -
Get a good coach AT SOME POINT so you have skills to master and tools to use. Then it's up to you to use them, and the WAY that you use those tools will also massively impact your results, energy and enjoyment all around!
Happy Monday everybody!
This is our gift often as performers, and also something we often overlook when compared with most people and the job or role they do and have - we can switch our vibe on a dime when needed.
In this episode I share a few stories and thoughts on our ability to show up and entertain regardless of what we are dealing with or going through, and how it's both a blessing as well as something that can be worth acknowledging when we brush over the darker or bitchy feelings.
I trust you get something for yourself out of it :)
New Year - new energy required for things to change!
...and that means - you'll need a goal or vision to head towards. Do you have one?
Hey team,
Awkward episode for me as it's not something I'm great at, which is setting goals, and then sharing them in advance. I mostly want to set everything in private, avoid sharing any of the struggles, and then only talk about or share if I'm victorious in the end.
So - new space for me to show up in is sharing things up front, and being ok with what comes up from it.
Regardless of if you share yours, I hope this inspires you to set and go for your goals, and to recalibrate if you need to (or if you've been sitting on having achieved a previous goal).
Welcome to 2024 my friends!
This is a little note as we wrap up the year and start the next, to appreciate the great moments you've been part of making happen, and celebrate the contribution you've been to so many people's great moments, significant birthdays, great nights out, weddings etc etc. We often don't take the time to acknowledge the contribution we are to others - so please pause reading this for a moment and do just that - you're awesome!
Secondly - take a moment to invite more of the good things for 2024, and to let go of the things that you no longer wish to have in the mix. I'm sure you've had many great moments as well as learnings along the way!
I look forward to sharing the 2024 journey with you all!
In this episode I share some stories and my thoughts on juggling schedules and relationship dynamics as a performing artist and full time musician.
I don't by any means claim to have this sorted, and as always with human interactions and relationships each scenario of what works for us all will be different!
I hope this chat shares some insights into how I see prioritising time with family and friends, and how it's still evolving even now, as well as being able to say 'no' and follow through with your own goals and commitments and schedule/shows as well when that applies.
Perhaps these chats and shares help you find the choices and balance that work best for you!
Happy Monday team!
Musician appreciation day today, with a little moment from a wedding this weekend. I've been a musician full time for 13 years as I record this, and I think this is the first time this has happened (in this particular manner).
I hope you get some joy and feels from it, and if you're feeling it - send a note or message of thanks to somebody you appreciate. Likely that will carry forward as it has done with me sharing this on the podcast this week.
Today we're talking about scheduling as a musician, and making sure your gigs are a good fit - both for you and your client!
These feel like 2 techniques you can use to help you make sure you're both on the same page, but rather than treat them like techniques - I hope you'll understand the thoughts behind them. That way - you'll come up with your own versions that feel like you, and you aren't getting stuck on particular words or ways of doing things. As always - if it doesn't feel useful or right for you - chuck it!
Are you free on "______"?For me the thoughts behind this is to simply slow down the conversation a touch - while the answer may well be yes (I am free that date) - this can lead to people feeling like you've basically already agreed to do whatever gig/event they are about to propose, and for me sometimes I need some breathing room to feel into whether it's a yes or not. More thoughts and detail in the podcast of course!
2 - If something you've already agreed to or booked in starts changing, becoming difficult, or no longer a match - say so!
The way I do this is always to still solve their problem. eg: "I won't be learning that tune for you sorry, but I'm more than happy to include it played from Spotify when I take a break, or at a certain time etc"
Or - "If you really want "_____" (some request/style/service that you don't really do), then I might not be the right fit for you. Here's what I can do (along those lines), otherwise it may be better I can help you find another artist who is going to be a really good match for that.
Thanks all for the comments and feedback as always - appreciate you all!
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