In this weeks podcast @kathamiltonart interviews abstract figurative artist @anahitaamouzegarart. You will love her colourful and vibrant figurative paintings. Anahita, speaks to us very openly about the struggle that she had when first arriving in Australia as a refugee from Iran. She talks about how art became part of her healing process and her dedication to her art meant that she just kept showing up and putting her work out there. You will see how in just a few short years Anahita has built a solid art business, with her work recently in @theotherartfair as well as being featured on many of the major online art galleries such at @artloversaustralia, @artfinder_com, @bluethumbart and @saatchiart. Anahita’s main tip for artist’s it to trust your own work and to let your style and confidence grow with practice. We know you will get so much out of this interview with Anahita’s inspiration for her work, but also her willingness to take step out there and show her work to the world. Don’t forget to follow us on instagram @Mycrazyartlistlife.
In this episode @Kathamiltonart interviews Tasmanian artist @fiona.francois.art.
Fiona is a realist artist who specialicialises in large scale highly detailed pencil and graphite drawings. You will love hearing her story of how she started in her art career, how she approaches art as a business as well as how offering prints in her business has been a key turning point. You will love hearing about how fiona really narrowed down her style and the inspiration behind her popular Zodiac series.
We know you will love this episode. Don;t forget to follow us on instagram @Mycrazyartistlife -
This week @kathamiltonart had the incredible privilege of interviewing the amazing @danijelakrhapurssey who is the CoFounder & Editor-in-Chief of the Australian based, international art magazine @beautifulbizarremagazine. In this episode you will get to hear how Danijela turned her incredible love of art, into a thriving art community and eventually a internationally reviewed magazine. Danijela tells us how she leveraged key social media moments in order to grow her community and then took a risk with self publishing her first issue.
Danijela, is passionate about seeing emerging artist’s have an opportunity to be seen by the world and also founded an Australian dedicated page called @ausartcollective. We know you will get so much out of this episode.
Artist burnout is a real thing. So many artist experience it at some point in their careers and it goes beyond that physical tiredness that happens when you have a long week. We loose our energy, our mood and that passion that we used to have to art. Self made artists are particularly susceptible to Artist burnout with some sources saying that it is at least 66% for artists within their lifetime.
It probably comes down to the constant pressure to create the next masterpiece on top of recording the next class, painting the next workshop and then let's not add social media to the mix. The first casualty is our creativity.
In today's episode @kathamiltonart and @Lisamajdesigns get real and talk about artist burnout from an artist perspective. If you have experienced artist burnout before, we would love to hear your story, on our instagram page @Mycrazyartistlife. -
This week @lisamajdesigns and @kathamiltonart hilariously chat about kat's recent road trip to Armidale for the @beautifulbizarremagazine exhibition at @neramuseum called “Interconnected”. If you have ever wondered what happens on an artist road trip then you will love this very funny episode. From epic travels, deserted country roads, breakdowns, weirdo taxi drivers and then meeting so many fabulous artists and meeting the editor of the Beautiful Bizarre magazine. This road trip is one that will be re-rold for years to come.
Make sure you check out our instagram page @mycrazyartistlife and don't forget to subscribe so that you can get notifications every week. -
It’s Archibald prize time! For artist’s and art lovers all over Australia it’s that special time of year, where art becomes the talking point and everybody has the chance to become an art critic.
As one of the best known (and oldest) art prizes in Australia, it has built it’s own deserving fan base and in this weeks podcast @lisamajdesings chats with Arts Writer and friend Bree Di Mattina @meandmy2guys about everything Archibald. This year @blakdouglas was announced the incredible honour of winning the @archibaldprize in 2022 with his incredible painting of Moby Dickens. You can visit @agnswmembers to see more inspiring entires.
We talk about the evolution that Archibald prize has had over the years. How current culture has had a part to play in it as well as how important contemporary art has become to society. We talk about our favourite paintings, what we love and don’t love, and some of the fun art history facts with paintings and portraiture.
If you are an art prize or art history buff, we know you are going to love this episode.
Last year @Lisamajdesigns and @Kathamiltonart managed to get a few of their favourite artists to sit down for some amazing interviews. Not only did we get to see into the lives and processes of these incredibly talented women, but we also picked up so many incredible gems along the way. We listen to @Kellienorthcreative tell us about her incredible process of being her own photography model and how her work on "the block australia" was a monumental moment in her career.
@Adelebevacquaart shares how she created her own unique way to approach galleries and how her "learn as you go" and "never give up" mentality has helped her build an incredible artist business.
@sarahhickeyart shares with us her process and how you need to show up as yourself who you are as an artist, to show up in the world and how to ignore the critics and the rejection that happens in the art world.
We know what you are going to love listening to this incredible episode. If you want to go back and listen to the full interviews you can listen to Kellie North on Episode 25, Adele Bevacqua on Episode 23 and Sarah Hickey on Episode 26.
Don't forget to follow us on instagram @Mycrazyartistlife. -
If you have ever painted a painting, so proud that you have finished this magnificent artwork, only to post it online and get no response and very little likes (maybe other than your mother)
Well then we can just about guarantee that the issue is usually not your artwork, it's more a lack of your dedicated fans. This is the group of people who LOVE you online, they comment all the time, and you engage with them. When you do bring out a sale, they are so delighted that they buy it all.
In this weeks episode @Kathamiltonart and @Lisamajdesigns talk through the ways that they use to help build a community of fans, not just a big pile of followers. They talk about how to engage with followers and likes online, provide something that your fans will love, and engaging your community in groups.
Don't forget to come find us on social media and say hi @Mycrazyartistlife -
As an artist one of the biggest challenges that can happen is in the area of copyright. it is becoming more and more common to hear of artists who have had their work copied and reproduced without the artist permission. Sometimes even by other artists.
As soon as you put your work out into the world you need to be aware of what your rights are when it comes to protecting your work. This is a really big subject and @kathamtilonart and @Lisamajdesigns talk about this in easy and practical terms. You will hear so many stories that will make you laugh and also let you know that this is an issue that can literally happen to anyone.
There are great ways that you can help to protect your work from being copyrighted, as well as some great ideas for how to keep yourself in the clear for copyrighting other work.
Make sure you come say hi to us on instagram @Mycrazyartistlife. -
In today's episode we go talk about all things websites. For most artist's the idea of having a website is intimidating and most would rather skip it al together. However in today's online marketplace, having a beautiful website is essential to communicating with your customers and sharing your story outside of the controlled algorithm of social media.
@Lisamajdesign talks us through super practical tips and trick to help you get on your way to building your own website. We cover both paid for options as well as fully DIY versions. We talk about what you need to include and how to get the most out of what you need to do.
Don't forget to follow us on social media. @mycrazyartistlife. -
Let's talk all things art classes. We all love a fun art class and as an artist, they are like paint brushes. One class is not enough.
As an artist, it is so important to be continually investing in your skills and your practice. Sometimes it might mean learning a new medium or technique from an online course or it may even be an in person art class. However you choose to learn, being intentional in increasing you artistic skills is so important.
@Lisamajdesign and @Kathamiltonart talk about their experiences with art classes and why they just can't get enough classes.
Make sure you come and follow us on instagram @Mycrazyartistlife. -
Just about every artist who sells their paintings online will come across this challenge one day. How do I wrap my artwork up safely for shipping? It's a hugely important and final step in getting your painting in the hands of your buyers. The days of delivering your painting by hand directly to your collector are getting few and far between.
If you have been wondering what tips and tricks you need to know to help get your painting ready for shipping, then @Lisamajdesigns and @Kathamiltonart are breaking down their process in a step by step account. Everything from what materials to use, where to source products, shipping extra large items, choosing a courier, insurance and presentation, Lisa and Kat really did cover a huge amount of ground on this topic.
Don't forget to like and Subscribe as well as follow us on instagram @Mycrayartistlife. -
Have you ever put your heart and soul into a painting, producing your best masterpiece only to have it sit around your studio collecting dust?
Or have you ever put your painting up on social media to find that no one even bothers to comment.
Welcome to the world of an artist. There is a real art form itself in presenting your artwork for sale.
In this episode @Lisamajdesigns and @Kathamiltonart have a funny and very honest conversation about what they do when they don’t sell their art.
Make sure you come and follow us on instagram @Mycrazyartistlife.
Have you ever had one of those days where you just don't feel like painting? What do you do?
How do you get into that zone where the magic happens?
If you have ever felt like that or you struggle with this you will love this episode of @Mycrazyartistlife where @Kathamiltonart and @Lisamajdesigns talk through some of the strategies that they use on a regular basis to help them get back into the groove.
Getting started is always the hardest part. Getting that first bit of colour or stroke on your canvas can be the hardest thing.
Lisa and Kat break down some of their favourite ways to shake it off and get back into the zone.
They talk about things like blocking out negative new and social media. Giving yourself time to get inspired or even giving your studio a little clean. Using meditation, aromatherapy and music to set the scene. Also how to let go of those paintings which have not turned out so well.
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One of the hardest challenges for artist's who are busy doing the juggle, trying to paint, trying to sell, doing all the job... There is then an expectation that we need to pour hours of our time into social media, to create content, just so that we can get seen and make a sale. Doing the 'instagram tango' daily can be exhausting and a cycle that seems to never stop.
If you have ever asked the question before. How can I sell my art without using instagram? then you are going to love this episode. @Lisamajdesigns breaks down some great ways for you to spend build a traffic flow and digital presence online without relying on instagram for all of you sales.
Every strategy takes work to build and grow, however hopefully with these great idea's you will be able to build a traffic strategy that is incredibly successful (And less demanding) on your day to day painting practice.
Don't forget to like and subscribe, so that you get notifications when we bring out new episodes every week. -
If you have ever wondered how to get your work on display on the walls of an art Gallery, you will love this episode.
In this episode @kathamiltonart and @Lisamajdesigns talk about how you as an artist can build your body of work and approach a gallery with your portfolio. We talk about how to define "your story" and how to approach a gallery both by email and by dropping in, in person.
We talk about the different things that you will need to discuss with the owner, including dates, advertising, commission, insurance and what is expected of you.
We also talk about approaching cafe's, florists and some other retail opportunities for your work.
There is literally so much practical help in this episode, I'm sure this will give you a great insight into how to approach a gallery. -
With more and more art being sold online presenting your art online has never been more important. In this weeks episode Kat and Lisa talk about how you can give your artwork the best opportunity to shine online.
We talk about photography, colour editing, apps that you can use to edit your photo's as well as how to go about choosing and creating your own room moch ups.
We also talk about how to talk about your artwork in a way which makes a meaningful connection with your audience. How to tell a story that connects and inspires your views.
Kat and Lisa also talk about camera setups, tripods and recording videos, for your listings or your online audience.
This weeks episode is super practical with a whole heap of ideas that you can start using when you start selling online. -
Alright so we talked about all of the different ways to earn money as an artist.
Here we go with the next step.
Having a look at where we have come from and helping put together a killer plan for this year.
Plan you say… I hear you… I thought we were all artists not planners.
Yes that is true, but if you are wanting to make a living as an artist, you are not only an artist but also a small business owner.
You will get so much practical tips from this episode as @kathamiltonart and @Lisamajdesigns talk through the steps that they take to plan their year and to strengthen their Art businesses.
They talk about doing a big look at what happened last year and working out what you need to stop, change or grow.
As well as how to plan to achieve some of those bigger picture type projects.
Don’t forget to come and follow us on instagram @mycrazyartistlife
In this episode, we continue to dive into the many varied ways that you can earn an income as an artist in 2022. Make sure you listen to Episode 29 first and then come back and listen to this one as we cover some of main or foundational income streams in the first episode.
Choosing your artist path is an important step in setting you up for success. Kat and Lisa talk about how to research and make sure that your income stream fits
Some forms of earning an income are time heavy and turn little profit while other avenues require sole and dedicated focus. Make sure you listen in and so that you can get so many ideas for your business this year.
Make sure you come and find us on instagram @Mycrazyartistlife and don't forget to like and subscribe so that you get notifications when we bring out new episodes every week. -
We are back for season 2 of My Crazy Artist Life podcast and in this season, artists Lisa Schroder and Kat Hamilton share some great insights into life as an artist.
In this episode we talk about the many ways that artist can use to earn an income in 2022.
Wether it's commissions, online sales or even selling through third party platforms, Lisa and Kat will give you a run down of them all.
We hope you enjoy this super practical episode and we that it will help you define your 2022 earning strategy.
Don't forget to come and find us on instagram at @Mycarzyartlife also like and subscribe so that you get notifications when new episodes come out every week. - もっと表示する