Manuel II goes a-calling on the heads of state of the major European powers in order to find some support in saving his dying empire.
Introducing the Hokey Cokey Emperor. Is he in power or out? In, out, in, out!
Fractious and incompetent behaviour from the ruling family plunge the Empire into crisis. It’s not going to get any better!
A brilliant general becomes Emperor of Nicaea. It only takes him a few years to regain the great city of Constantinople. Unfortunately everyone is out to get him and it takes a lifetime of juggling to stabilise his empire.
Andronicus Comnenus could not, quite obviously, be allowed to continue as Basileus. If only his demise, like that of Domitian for example, had been planned. Then, perhaps, the chaos and incompetence that followed could have been avoided.
Introducing the new mythandhistory website. www.mythandhistory.co.uk
John the Beautiful fails to achieve all his aims as he goes and dies at exactly the wrong moment. He is succeeded by his son: how will he do?
Alexius’s son proves himself to be the equal of his father!
The Pope launches the first crusade with mixed results for Alexius and hie empire!
Everyone knows about 1066 and all that. The Normans' other conquests are less famous but equally important. Just ask Alexius Comnenus!
Disloyalty and bad planning lead to disaster.
The great Macedonian Dynasty comes to an end. The Empire begins its final spiral into nothingness.
Basil II finally has time to give his full attention to the Bulgars. It's not pretty!
Basil II takes control of his empire, finally dispatching the pesky Bardases! And then he plans... a lot.
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