Jake & Fran tackle the Firefly Trilogy by Rob Zombie and boy! This was something!
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Jake & Fran are BACK!!! Talking music across genres. Enjoy!
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Jake & Fran talk all about Silent Hill the video game turned film. A childhood classic, and in 2023 a sequel announcement from NETFLIX!!!
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Welcome to Season 3 of NeighborZilla, a podcast about movies, TV, Music, & Video Games hosted by everyone's favorite losers Fran & Jake! Please share, and spread the word as we attempt to grow our little community.
Grind (2003) a skateboard comedy that doesn't disappoint. Featuring many popular skaters of the era of awesome skate tapes. Enjoy!
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The final installment of the reimagined Halloween trilogy. This is the most polarizing of the 3. Enjoy! And HAPPY HALLOWEEN 🎃
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Part 2 of the Halloween Trilogy started in 2018. Michael Kills a lot in their one!
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HALLOWEEN! Both the movie and the holiday are among us! Fran & Jake look at the most recent iteration (Danny McBride Trilogy) so buckle up for this 3 part Halloween spectacular!!! enjoy.
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Matt Reeves first monster movie!!!!!!! Jake & Fran review the cult classic from 2008. @neighborzilla_ Enjoy!!!!!!!
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Kaiju lovers we return with SHIN GODZILLA!!!! Fran leads Jake down the rabbit hole of Godzilla with a fresh take on everyone's favorite monster. This zilla GROWS!!!!!
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Brad Pitt leads this crazy action film with a slew of perfectly cast assassins. Bullet Train was a blast from start to finish. enjoy!
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Fran & Jake watch the horror comedy by Eli Roth, Cabin Fever. A wild ride involving a flesh eating virus & a cabin full of kids!!! give us a follow on Youtube, Insta, & twitter NeighborZilla Podcast, @neighborzilla_
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We're back! Season 2 of the wild and bizarre web series Don't Hug Me I'm Scared. Longer episodes, some recurring charters and of course, more Jamming Jingles!
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Jake & Fran review Jordan Peele’s Summer Blockbuster NOPE! A monster in the sky, and a chimp named Gordy! Check us out @neighborzilla on Instagram. @neighborzilla_ on Twitter. And be sure to subscribe to Neighborzilla on YOUTUBE!!!! Enjoy!
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Jake & Fran do DHMIS!!!! A YouTube series everyone should see. Enjoy!
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To cap off A24gust, Fran & Jake review Green Room. Starring Patrick Stewart as a nazi leader!!!! this thriller is an underrated goodie from a24, so in the month of the film studios 10th anniversary ENJOY!!!!
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Jake and Fran follow the eponymous Jack as he describes the various planning and executions of 5 (incidences) to Virgil the films narrator. Sharp turns of horror and humors unfold in this film by directed by Lars Von Trier. ENJOY GRUMPY
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Fran & Jake talk about the [adult swim] short Unedited Footage of a Bear. Its a unique piece of cinema, unsettling to say the least! Enjoy! Share with your friends!
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A review for the ages! As Fran & Jake take a look at the Horror Comedy by Kevin Smith TUSK starring Justin Long, Haley Joel Osment, Michael Parks. This is a cult film you must see!
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