Celebrating our fourth leap year! This episode, the podcast returns to free-range easy-livin'; the enigma of the podcast promo; the inaugural installment of What Did Alex Do?; commencing Operation Sunset (thanks in part to the rules of Japanese unemployment insurance); phone etiquette in the wild; Alex concludes his research on Love Letter RPGs; Ray continues to like a dragon; games on the horizon and an analysis of survival horror combat; a tight and tidy Phone Phun, and video games for fitness and otherwise! This is the last rest area for 60 miles!
Casting pods for 242 years! Or it feels like it, anyway! This time: Alex shoulders the burden of being an American taxpayer; for Ray, No More Schoolers; how both those things leave us hopeless; Hemophobes beware because talk about a very bloody good time; and obsolete sitcoms rule our lives. This podcast is like AI but we can't tell you how to start a car dealership.
A December to never forget! This episode, Alex's Thanksgiving journey leaves him jet-lagged and loopy; a busted entertainment unit leads to mild inconvenience; Firewatch with me; Like A Dragon and turmoil in the Seiyuu Clan; anime's unfortunate effects on modern VA; dealing with cranky friends and family; negativity on social media; recapping the 2023 Game Awards; more cool folks visit the bar, and tax updates all around! Get your picture taken with us!
One in-person wedding and global pandemic later, we're back to our NMW holiday tradition: the Pittsburgh call-in! Alex reports on food ate, backs hurt, and Mario games played. And will they ever find frozen artichoke hearts? PLUS special guest: the contractors' saw!
240: No longer just a Frappuccino calorie count! This time it's all about the infeasible pasta bowl; Japan's jobs drying up; Halloweirdos; the soothing sounds of Killer Kuts; Resident Evil Zero six! I mean sucks! (Resident Evil Six is cool); making games: still messy!; And running a bar, for that matter!; curious yellow cartridges, and frankly, this one is thick with video game talk. This podcast is the vanilla next to chocolate and strawberry.
Guitar Vader - Super Brother
Bitei Matsuki - The Magic of Creation
Get spooked or die trying! This episode, vaccines all around; a veritable dental bloodbath; haircuts outsourced and otherwise; higher education plods along; cool visitors to the bar; so long, Zuck; another Nintendo Direct recap!; a disdain for references; the Unity mistake; Like A Dragon fails to follow through; the bloom is off the Persona, and an adults-only Phone Phun! King Size candy bars or bust!!
2 Mello - Benten-cho Boogie
Masayoshi Soken - Course Uncharted -
(This episode is a free public preview! Catch the rest of the series at our Golder Subscriber tier on Patreon! patreon.com/nomorewhoppers)
Alex and Ray collide as we enter -- then exit -- the GIA. Eight weird months follow. -
If you're a fan of ours, you'd be home by now! For the occasion of the 238th episode, we have good cop/bad cop at the government office; the Wind Era; intense corn; post-Natsumon thoughts; shedding shame in order to live; and a pixel art RPG about a venerable star ocean! This podcast does not operate in the jurisdiction of the bone zone.
Kukikodan - Hakugin No Shoujo
Masayuki Yamamoto - Lucky
(This episode is a free public preview! Catch the rest of the series at our Golder Subscriber tier on Patreon! patreon.com/nomorewhoppers)
The early years of internet game media and "semipro fansites" of the 2000s help us get where we're going.
Summer is cancelled?! This month, Ray's repeated bouts with disease; Alex's visa anxiety leads to a panic party; the boys' own respective tax miasmas; positive discussion of no fewer than THREE modern Final Fantasies; Natsumon brings summer home!; dealing with jackass phone salesmen and telemarketers; snatching hungrily at the scraps of VO work, and the bountiful harvest of Phone Phun! Do not stand at our grave and cry, we are not there, we did not die!
Still here and still sleep deprived! On this one: A new segment that asks "What's Your Problem?;" Alex's body is not yet fixed; Ray's family is all squared away being American; no gym for old men; game talk with another Nintendo Direct hypesplosion, The Devil Part IV, Eeshin, and Summerall! Community was a good TV show; schlebrities, and the wild world of Japanese voice over job sites! This podcast has updated to Moment 3.
VASALLO CRAB 75 - Fifth Season (feat. advantage Lucy)
Cape of good hope - Noonoonoon
Don't touch that dial of destiny! This episode, Alex struggles with audio AND video production; Ray wraps up another semester; school spirit and lack thereof; a brief bout of Drink Food Copy; Alex's first PC build is fully operational; the search for the ideal controller; Remakes Remakes Remakes; the wild mind of H. Kojima; Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 and a superhero quiz; Phone Phun, and a breakdown of the reminiscence machine! Tell your friends that we're cool now!
They Might Be Giants - Brain Problem Situation
Masayoshi Soken - Starsbreath -
Dry those tears, kingdom: NMW is here to save the land. Inside this issue: Cocktails pre-canned and funnily-named; this year's medical foibles; fixing RPGs; R-rated Saturn games; SPOILERS and plenty more on that cartoon movie about the plumbers; a check-in on the residence-- oh no, it's all evil; and voicemails that need revising! This podcast needs your peer evaluations turned in before you get your final grade.
Who Do You Love - Ai No Tabi
Natsuko Nisshoku - mirage girl
We've broken the smell barrier!! This episode, sip some coffee talk; 911 calls both real and fake; sending the kid off to daycare; Spring Break Spring Sucks; video games to pass the time; the premiere installment of Normal Food Copy; multitudinous visitors to the bar; pixel art then and now; be courteous or gtfo; ensnared in the pizza app; Like A Dragon (the Japanese mafia); toy loyalties and identity; how not to use a Super Famicom, and Phone Phun wins the day! Full disclosure: This podcast received a free shipment of Nickelodeon Acoustic Floam.
Hidenori Iwasaki - Crime Busting With a Smile! -
Are we having fun yet? No? Sorry, was it rude to ask? OK, well, it's time for a new No More Whoppers, and we *did* have fun! In this rodeo: pivoting to video, and pivoting to oatmeal; IPvSucks; Mario redubs; more Seinfeld ADR; talkin' Gak; "lost ID" stories; what word is bugging Alex this week?!; going broku for Boku, and a voicemail that may be admitted as evidence! This podcast is made of fine Alcantara.
Yutai Communications - Yu
The fin. - Outer Ego -
It's snacktime for your brain's mouth! This time around, Alex's whirlwind week and eyewear woes; Ray's job hunt continues; it's cool to stay in school!!; the deceptive breakfast; running down the latest Nintendo Direct; summer's back, baby; DS & 3DS classics; indie RPGs and the pointlessness of "love letters"; bad career moves from Duane, and miscellaneous game talk cleanup! Our Michelin rating has finally been revoked!
dj grumble - difficulty select
The O'Jays - I love music -
New year, old men! On this podcast, we cover goose news (it's not good!); the Christmas report featuring glasses, bricks, and more customer service follies; how does a restaurant work?; Alex's virgin excursion with Xbox; updates on the highly-contested Pixel Remasters; Ray's cleanin' house; the return to Sound Bigot; lovin' that chicken, hackin' that 3DS, and a voicemail about... something?! This podcast is known in some cultures as "The Unspeakable Ones."
Ayano Tsuji - Daisuki Panda
Potomelli - Moonsault
For Tracy Hyde - Friends -
We're rolling credits on 2022! This month, we recount Ray's internet saga; Alex gets the jabbo cuatro; the first Pixies show in Nagoya; how to sleep-train your child; the spectacle of the Game Awards; warming up to FFXVI; Alex succumbs to severe customer service anxiety; fundamental disagreement over the very concept of a Mario movie; unboxing Yuji Naka & The Secret Knowledge; cheap games, minimal disappointment; mobage mo' problems; phone phun; the superfluous CostCo, and Netflix, more like Notflix! You cannot be ejected from a Honeybaked Ham for blasting this podcast!
Pixies - Indie Cindy
Banjeoin - Bumble Buster -
It's No More Whoppers, the holiday gourd of podcasts! This time around: a rousing start with all the bad things that happened; our pivot to video; mini Geneses and phantastic stars; revisiting Village; and basically a lot more video game talk because it's comforting and we need it right now! And the Scatman. This podcast needs to be extremely hardcore.
Tomoya Otani / Seirou Okamoto - Heaven's Labyrinth (Magic Knight Rayearth)
AIRCRAFT - Nekomusume -
October, the tenthest month of the year! In tonight's episode, Ray gets boosted even further; evangelizing the Bokuverse; return to Eataly; developments in The Great Seinfeld Rewatch; deep within the clutches of move depression; regrets and reminiscence; The Super Mario Brothers Computer Graphics Feature Film; Twitter derangement syndrome; Butt Phun; Alex's futile mat search, and Stitcher still sucks! Fax me back, it's urgent!
Suikoden - Forgotten Days (Nassbroc Remix)
NiGHTS - Dreams Dreams - もっと表示する