In this sermon on the book of 1 John, we get to have a vivid explanation on what John describes as having fellowship with God, and thereby fellowship with others. As is often misconstrued in its meaning, Pastor Richard Chege seeks in this sermon to explain that a christian’s complete joy is founded in our fellowship with God and nourished through our fellowship with one another.
It is widely known that not knowing the rules pertaining to a place or institution doesn’t exempt one from facing the penalties associated with breaking one of its laws. This is what meets us in this passage in Acts 3 where Peter and John exhort the Israel of the time that due to their ignorance they executed Christ who was sinless! However, as Mark Ben Thuku seeks to show us in this sermon, we see that an ignorant rejection of Jesus as the Messiah demands immediate repentance!
Amos 4 paints a clear picture of what happens when man ignores the calls of repentance to God despite Him reaching out to them. Just as we can predict rain about to fall through the thickness of the clouds and the spatters of water here and there, we can as well predict God’s judgment through different calls and warnings from Him. Pastor John Musyimi in this sermon seeks to show us that refusal of divine discipline results in divine destruction!
In the midst of this chaotic devitalizing world full of activities, it’s easy to be swayed from a life of delighting in the sufficiency of Christ. This famous passage in Luke 10 helps us see this reality well where Mary chooses the best that will not be taken away from her. Pastor Bernard Kariuki, in this sermon, helps us see that true discipleship delights in devotion over distraction.
In the face of rampant religion in our day and age, we’re faced with the same predicament that faced the Israelites of old whom Amos addressed: will your religion save you from the judgment to come? This is what meets us in this passage in Amos where the people thought their religious practices justified them before God despite their wayward lifestyles. Pastor John Musyimi seeks to show us in this sermon that religious customs will not remove righteous condemnation!
As seen in our relations with other humans, reactions are usually triggered by occurrences that instigate them; either by they themselves, us as the recipients or outside occurrences. In the same semblance, this is what meets us in Amos 3 where God declares judgment over Israel because of their transgressions. A judgment that is warranted solely because of their heinous actions. Pastor John Musyimi in this sermon seeks to show us that God’s word of war against sinners is a warranted word!
We often feel the disappointment after people we’ve trusted fail us in one way or another. This is what meets us in this passage in Amos 2, where we see God’s people, Israel, failing to keep His covenant and ways, and in the end being punished for this. In this sermon, Pastor John Musyimi seeks to show us that profane practices by God’s people cheapen their special privilege as God’s people, a lesson we can learn in this day and age!
In this world where crime, injustice and egregious acts are committed every so often, it leaves us with a sense of wonder as to whether there will be retribution served in the cases where it isn’t. This yearning of justice is rooted deep in our souls, and in His mercies, God answers our deep questions in this portion in the book of Amos. As revealed in these Scriptures, Pastor John Musyimi in this sermon seeks to show us that irrevocable punishment is coming for inhumane people!
What we input in our minds and hearts automatically shapes what we output to the watching world. This is what meets us in this passage in Colossians 3 where we get to reflect on the impact of God’s word in our hearts, especially as we start off a new year. In this sermon, Pastor Chris Kiagiri admonishes us to let the indwelling word of Christ produce wise speech and grateful songs in our hearts!
As humans, and as Christians, we tend to, at times, have a skewed view of reality, where we do things in the wrong ways. This is very vivid as Christians where we tend to think that our faith is what gets things done, leaving God’s power to the oblivion. However, as revealed in this passage in Mark 16, this isn’t the case. Pastor John Musyimi in this sermon seeks to show us that the resurrection does not depend on Christians, but Christians depend on the resurrection.
In the frailties of mankind in the city of Jerusalem we meet an idyllic birth that changed its full cause. This birth was of great significance that even the angels burst forth into praise unto God. Luke 2 presents the events that surrounded Jesus’ birth, a birth that was divinely woven in the ordinary means of human life, that eventually brought extraordinary results. This is the whole message that surrounds the season of Christmas. Pastor John Musyimi in this sermon seeks to show us that the ordinary birth of Jesus contains an extraordinary cause to glorify God!
God orchestrates all events for the purposes of His own glory on the earth. This is what meets us in this passage in Mark 15 where upon Jesus’ crucifixion and death, an opportune moment arises for one, Joseph, who was specially prepared for such a moment as Jesus’ burial. This is a marker for many on the earth who by God’s divine providence plans out their lives for an ultimate end. Pastor John Musyimi in this sermon shows us that unique opportunities to serve Christ come to those for whom they have been prepared!
In this passage in Mark 15, we meet a horrid ordeal that Christ experienced, worse than anyone could experience or imagine. Herein, He is mocked and crucified among transgressors, an image that doesn’t befit the King of Kings. The prevailing question is will someone come to the rescue for Him, or will He descend from the cross to save Himself? Pastor John Musyimi, in this sermon, helps us see that no one saved Jesus so that everyone could be saved by Jesus!
In this dying world, we all have faced different difficult scenarios that make us long for a perfect reign from perfect leaders in a perfect world. For the believer, this longing is ultimately founded and assured on the promise Christ brings as He declares His kingdom. Pastor Dan Gachuki helps us see in this sermon that those who believe in Jesus Christ have the hope of eternal rest under the great King in His glorious kingdom.
In life, we at times tend to overlook things that may spur to something great because of our limited knowledge of what it may be. This often leaves us to regret seeing the outcome of the thing overlooked. In this passage, we meet a similar scenario where Jesus is mocked and persecuted for His Kingship, an identity which inherently is His, but others are oblivious of it. The early Jews thought nothing of Him who was absolutely everything. Pastor John Musyimi, in this sermon, helps us see that Jesus is the king that no sinner wants that every sinner needs!
Suffering can brew a lot of questions in the heart of a believer. This is what faced us as a church, and especially a beloved couple amongst us who lost their child. We thank God for the gospel which has answers to all these questions we have in the face of tragedies. Romans 8 helps us see that amidst the fiery trials of this present world, we have a God who is always for us and therefore we can have hope, which Pastor John Musyimi, in this sermon, seeks to elaborate!
This passage in Mark 14 presents a very humbling scenario where Jesus is persecuted willingly for our salvation. Oft times, we tend to have a misconstrued perception of our Lord as a begrudging helper and withdraw from coming to Him wholeheartedly to receive all the grace and mercy we would require in our time of need. However, Jesus, in this passage, shows us He’s the complete opposite of this. Pastor John Musyimi, in this sermon, seeks to show us that Jesus is a more willing Christ than you are a willing Christian!
What are we to make of life’s trying moments? What response ensues from such adversities when we face them? Do we envision God as this tyrant King who is unconcerned with our lives, and orders it in a way that we view unfair? Ruth 1 depicts this clearly, as Naomi faces one tragedy after another, which leaves her bitter. However, this is not all as it seems to be. Alfred Ndoro, seeks to show us in this sermon that amidst bitter providence, beholding God’s steadfast kindness in Christ guards the saint against blinding bitterness!
In this passage in Mark 14:32 - 52, we face a woeful plight in which the hope of mankind rests solely on one Man. Being alone and forsaken by His disciples, Jesus, even though deeply distressed by the hour, did not cower at the moment, but chose to bear the cross for our salvation. Unlike man who can crumble under the weight of such burdens, Jesus did choose the dreadful path for the sake of mankind, fulfilling His Father's will. Pastor John Musyimi, in this sermon, seeks to show us that Jesus alone submitted to save us!
Numbers 21:4 - 9 showcases a story, among many, where the sin of the Israelites was at display, in their rebellion against God and against His prophets. Their rebellion necessitated God's punishment on them, and beyond that highlighted the deeper need they had of being rescued from their sinful nature. Pastor Richard Chege, in this sermon, shows us the extent Christ went to provide the cure for our spiritual death by taking on the sin of the world on the cross. As the serpent was lifted up in the wilderness for the Israelites' rescue, Christ too was lifted up that all who look upon Him may be saved!
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