Alex Ross is well known for his solo work and amazing art. Today we share in his work of Fantastic Four: Full Circle - a hand painted tale of exploration and redemption.
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We also have a free Discord for people to gather and collaborate! Share your interests.
This episode we delves into Heartbound! A nostalgic Early Access game on Steam that tells a beautiful tale of a boy and his dog. Dive into our thoughts and ideas on this soon-to-be indie classic.
You can find us here!
We also have a free Discord for people to gather and collaborate.
Next episode we'll dive into Fantastic Four: Full Circle by Alex Ross. A fully painted graphic novel depicting some of the most influential super heroes to date set to release December 2nd 6:00PM CST. Happy Holidays!
Scott and I are excited to keep the podcast going but that doesn't mean life doesn't hit us sideways sometimes!
This is to simply announce the postponement of our HeartBound episode. I hope you all have taken a look into it yourselves. We look forward to discussing it and hearing your thoughts.
Scheduled for NOVEMBER 4th!
A dystopian future, where nothing is as it seems. Contemplate emotion an empathy with Scott and Alex as we delve into this Sci-Fi classic by Philip K. Dick.
You can find us here!
We also have a FREE discor for people to gather and collaborate.
Amazing dystopian story of family, secrets, an espionage. Listen to Scott and Alex discuss their reading and interpretation of this masterpiece!
Next month we'll discuss Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?! Set for September 2nd!
You can find us here!
We also have a FREE discord for people to gather and collaborate.
This month, our brothers read through the galactic epic of the 1965 story Dune by Frank Herbert. Amazingly written with layers of plans within plans. A wonderful read and an even more exciting story to unfold. Grab a snack and dive on in with us. :)
Next month we're excited to dive into another graphic novel - Lazarus, by Greg Rucka. Hope to see you there. ;)
You can find us here!
We also have a FREE Discord for people to gather and collaborate.
Featuring a special guest and family friend, Inge, we aim to upgrade one of her existing decks. Lots of fun and deck-building concepts as we dive, once again, into a game we know and love - Magic: The Gathering.
You can find us here!
We also have a FREE discor for people to gather and collaborate.
Read up on Frank Herbert's DUNE for our next discussion coming up the first week of June. (June is Dune. haha)
Daytripper really does give us a trip down memory lane to appreciate and discuss ideas of life and death. Buckle in folks. Don't trip on anything!
We also have a FREE Discord for people to gather and collaborate.
Go over your old magic decks for out next discussion and submit any deck-duilding questions to any of our platforms. Next time we go over our upgrade plans for when a deck just doesn't hit the spot.
Howdy Doo-Dee and welcome to this special deck brewing episode! Chaotic and informative, another insight into the world of decking building in Magic: The Gathering with Agatha of the Vile Cauldron.
Completed list (with a couple post-edits): https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/05-02-24-agatha/?cb=1707343756
You can find us here!
We also have a FREE Discord for people to gather and collaborate.
Read up on daytripper by Fabio Moon and Gabriel Ba for out next discussion to start the new year of 2024.
A little late this month but better late than never! This was really interesting to dive into and we hope you enjoy our take on this mind boggling journey. :)
You can find us here!
We also have a FREE Discord for people to gather and collaborate.
This time we discuss our fun and enjoyment with some recent games we've played of Cthulhu Wars - a dense board game filled with lovecraftian warfare.
You can find us here!
We also have a FREE Discord for people to gather and collaborate.
Read up on Junji Ito's Black Paradox for out next discussion to start the new year of 2024.
This time we discuss the delicious work of Spider-Man: Dying Wish written by Dan Slott - a thrilling conclusion to the Peter Parker run of Spider-Man. Sit back, grab a snack and let's dive right in.
You can find us here!
You can also join our Discord here... it's free. ;)
This time we discuss the delicious world of Magic: The Gathering and our personal playgroup, thoughts on the game as a whole, and how it allll started. Sit back, grab a snack and let's dive right in.
You can find us here!
This time we discuss the delicious world of Axiom Verge 2 as a continuation of our enjoyment with its predecessor where we dive deep into this technology rich universe of wibbly wobbly timey whimey shenanigans. Sit back, grab a snack and let's dive right in.
You can find us here!
Look forward to Magic: The Gathering as our next discussion scheduled for July 7th, 2023.
And the following month look forward to Spider-Man: Dying Wish the month of August.
Welcome to another midnight snack! Scott speaks more on his reading of the Sandman series of Neil Gaiman. Sit back, grab a snack, and let's dive right in.
You can find us here!
Aaand I really hoped you enjoyed Axiom Verge as our next discussion is Axiom Verge 2 scheduled for June 5th, 2023.
And Brush up on some Magic: The Gathering for the following month as we discuss our playgroup and some decktechs - scheduled for July 3rd.
This time we discuss the a very different platter in the form of Palestine, by Joe Sacco - a graphic novel, documentary-esque, telling of the lives of the Palestinians during harsh times in early 1990's. Sit back, grab a snack and let's dive right in.
You can find us here!
Support us on Patreon for our discord access and listen in on our live discussions the first Monday of each month.
Check out Axiom Verge 2 as our next discussion scheduled for May 5th, 2023.
And the following month look forward to our for Magic: The Gathering discussion on July 3rd, 2023.
In this snack, Alex talks about his recent and ongoing enjoyment with Monster Hunter: Rise and his fascinations with the game.
Sit back, grab a snack and let's dive right in.
You can find us here!
This time we discuss the delicious world of Axiom Verge which - a metroidvania inspired platformer by Thomas Happ. Sit back, grab a snack and let's dive right in.
You can find us here!
Check out Palestine as our next discussion scheduled for May 1st, 2023.
And the following month look forward to a pre-recorded Axiom Verge 2 and more snacks because Scott will be outside the country!
Welcome back to another snack before our next main discussion! In this episode Scott talks of one his favorite comics he's reading right now The Sandman by Neil Gaiman which depicts the character of Dream and his trials and tribulations with his siblings amongst the Dream world and much more.
You can pick up the first volume here, or wherever else you'd like:
You can find us here! We post every time there's new content.
patreon.com/ourtastypodcast - by supporting us on Patreon you get access to our discussions and can even suggest what we talk about next for just $1 a month.
Check out Axiom Verge as our next discussion scheduled for April 3rd, 2023!
And the following month look forward to Palestine on May 1st, 2023!
This time we discuss the delicious world of The Expanse, a Sci-Fi show by James S. A. Corey, set in our realistic future. Sit back, grab a snack and let's dive right in.
You can find us here!
Check out Axiom Verge, the 2D metroid-like game, as our next discussion scheduled for April 3rd, 2023.
And the following month look forward to Palestine, a graphic novel that emphasises a plight on Palestine in the early 1990's, on May 1st, 2023.
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