Die Probleme vor denen wir heute stehen sind so zahlreich, dass sie schier endlos erscheinen.
Gleichzeitig sehen wir eine Verharmlosung in der sprachlichen Auseinandersetzung damit. Es wird lieber von Herausforderung als von Problemen gesprochen und noch schlimmer, häufig wird verleugnet, dass ein Problem überhaupt existiert.
Anstelle zu gegebener Zeit das Problem angegangen zu sein und geeignete Gegenmaßnahmen angewendet zu haben, nämlich im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes das Problem gekillt zu haben stehen wir dann schockiert vor den Scherben unseres Nichtstuns. Muss das wirklich sein?
Es ist höchste Zeit, sich damit auseinander zu setzen, was wir in unserem Umfeld tun können, um die Qualität unserer Tätigkeit zu erhöhen. Dabei spielt es keine Rolle, ob wir einer schöpferischen, kommunikativen oder produzierenden Tätigkeit nachgehen.
Willst Du beginnen, Deine Probleme wirklich effektiv und effizient zu lösen?
Dann mach' das auf eine systematische Weise.
Deine Aufgabe:
Setz' Dich hin und notiere zunächst alle Deine Aufgaben und Herausforderungen und dann sortiere sie nach Wichtigkeit und Dringlichkeit. -
We’re lighting up the campfire and swapping stories on everything involved in building a brand, scaling a startup, launching new products, and unembellished career talk from the brand builders that we admire most.You'll join Camp Counselors, Bobby Narang and Jass Binning, as they interview the most incredible leaders and founders from diverse backgrounds in marketing, tech, and beyond to explore what it takes to build a leading brand that’s shaping the world of B2B.Every campfire starts with a spark and a story, so tune in to ours. Intro music by:NEW HORIZONS - Lesion X https://soundcloud.com/lesionxbeatsCreative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/-new-horizonsMusic promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/HK4Jzkx-o3I
Multinational companies are often navigating boundaries such as geographical, intercultural, gender, race, age, religion, values, departmental or business unit boundaries and many more. In today's ever changing world, we, as leaders, need to work beyond these boundaries and navigate through them. Ultimately, we get to increase the intercultural collaboration so that they can work beyond those boundaries and increase performance.
Nozomi Morgan explores the journey with these executives, leaders and professionals to learn how they have become a boundaryless leader. Listen each week as Nozomi interviews industry leaders and even sheds her own light on her journey. If you are looking for inspiration and examples of intercultural leadership in order to lead more powerfully then this podcast is for you. -
The Successful Life Podcast, hosted by Corey Berrier, is a globally recognized show that ranks in the top 2% of podcasts worldwide. It offers expert insights tailored for contractors, focusing on business strategies, sales skills development, and the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in the industry.
Every project has a story – one that has knowledge to be gained, successes to emulate, and mistakes to avoid – but those stories are too often not shared. This Project Life is a weekly podcast where host Jeff Plumblee discusses what's really going on behind the scenes of projects from the leaders who manage them. Join us monthly for the live Community of Practice on Zoom, or listen to the podcast on Spotify, iTunes, or wherever podcasts are found.
This podcast is for online coaches! ⚡️ I'm your host, Ashley Rose, and I want you to have a fun, profitable, and stress free coaching business, and I really believe that systems and automations are the best way to keep you in the industry, helping as many people as you can for the long term. Friends don't let friends waste time in scattered spreadsheets and doing unnecessary manual work, and if you are listening to this, we are now friends!
Are you the strongest leader you can possibly be? And if not, ever wonder what other elite leaders know and do that you aren’t, which may be stopping you from bringing your A+ game?
The Lead at the Top of Your Game Podcast celebrates the ingenuity, resilience and execution excellence of firebrand leaders who are doing big things in their profession or industry by boldly dancing on the edge and playing by their own rules.
Organizational psychologist & leadership tactics strategist, Karan Ferrell-Rhodes, interviews the persons at the forefront of leading the transformative ideas, tactical maneuvers and gut-wrenching pivots behind the People, Business & Leadership strategies which are helping individuals do their best work and organizations to become future-ready, today.
Listen in, as she cracks open their playbooks and compares them with her research on the top seven leadership tactics of the world’s most successful leaders. Join us to take advantage of gaining an insider’s look into the ups, downs and lessons learned from these thriving A+ leaders, so that you too can become a stronger leader who masters any “game of expertise” in which you choose to play.
The Lead at the Top of Your Game podcast is brought to you by Shockingly Different Leadership, the leader in on-demand People, Talent Development & Organizational Effectiveness professional services, all designed to up-level leader capability and optimize workforces to do their best work.
Learn more at http://LeadYourGamePodcast.com or https://shockinglydifferent.com/podcast. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favorite podcast app and leave a 5-star review. -
A UK based podcast for any one who wants to hear about the career journey's of black psychologists who have followed varied routes after qualifications in psychology. The podcast will also showcase careers and stories about applying psychology to a variety of different settings from people from Asian and underrepresented groups. It also offers analysis of social issues including, race, ethnicity, gender and class.
A common term in the financial industry, “aggressive balance” is used to describe the optimal investment portfolio. Dennis Morton, a Certified Financial Planner™, entrepreneur, and former U.S. Army captain believes the same can be said for life and leadership. In his role as founder of Morton Brown Family Wealth, Dennis sees the transformative impact on financial lives when people become confident leaders. In this podcast, Dennis calls on his network of mentors and influential leaders to share how they cultivate the confidence to attain aggressive balance in both their professional and personal lives.
Welcome to "Society Forward," the podcast that dives deep into the heart of social development. Each week, we explore the transformative ideas and actions that are reshaping communities across the globe. From the grassroots initiatives breathing new life into urban and rural areas, to the cutting-edge policies driving societal progress, we bring you to the forefront of social change.
Angular overview of components, interpolation, data binding, built-in directives, navigation, routing basics, services, dependency injection, reactive forms, template-driven forms, nested components, pipes, RxJS Observables, retrieving data using HTTP, Firebase and AngularFire intro, Firestore Collections, modules, Angular CLI, and more
The Profit Talk is for entrepreneurs who want to maximize profits in their business no matter what shifts happen in the economy. I’m Susanne Mariga, a Certified Public Accountant and Fractional CFO specializing in high net worth tax strategies for 7 and 8 figure entrepreneurs using the Profit First System. I have helped hundreds of small business owners for almost two decades create the cashflow in their business that allows their business work for them and not the other way around. Guest experts will be featured regularly to cover anything from life and mindset to growth and scaling.