
  • We did it! We made it to a THIRD season of this podcast!

    People Over Profit officially has a top 5% ranking, a new cover, and to celebrate, today’s episode is all about 17 lessons I’ve learned about sales so far that will help you hit your sales goals even faster!

    I almost can’t believe that I’ve been teaching people how to sell since 2007.

    That’s 17 years of expertise and a lot of failure along the way. My hope is that you will not just have some actions to implement right away but also learn from my mistakes so you never have to endure them.

    Even if some of these feel “obvious” to you, pay close attention. Often, it’s the simple ones that sabotage our results in the long term.

    Today on The People Over Profit Podcast, I’ll share:

    ✅ Lessons that have led to millions more in sales

    ✅ The strategy behind deeper ones, so you can implement fast

    ✅ Significant failures + why they happened (so you can avoid them)

    If you want to become even better at selling, this episode is the way! Think of it as a masterclass in sales, made just for you.

    Don’t forget to hit “subscribe” so you never miss an episode.

    Love this episode? Give us a 5-star rating + review on Apple Podcasts.

    Then, connect with me on Instagram @JustineBeauregardCoach!

    Want a calendar full of qualified leads who are excited to buy from you?

    Sign up for my free sales challenge at https://www.justinebeauregard.com/14-day-sales-challenge!

  • There’s one stand out difference between averagely successful people and highly successful people.

    It’s similar to why Olympic and average athletes experience such different results, with a few varying nuances.

    And how it works and impacts our outcomes changes as we grow, which is why we need to first understand it and then learn how to implement it—both of which I will help you do with this episode.

    I once heard a definition of happiness that’s stuck with me, which is that “happiness is the difference between what you expect and what actually happens.”

    If you expect people to say yes every time you make an offer and they don’t, you’re unhappy. If you, instead, expect to have a genuine conversation in service of the person you’re talking to, it’s a great use of time and will likely lead to a sale.

    Today, you’ll set those expectations for yourself and start doing the one thing that will make you even more successful with minimal effort.

    Today on The People Over Profit Podcast, I’ll share:

    ✅ What highly successful people do differently

    ✅ What it really takes to be the best in your industry

    ✅ How you can adapt this skill over time for better outcomes

    If you want to be more successful and have an easier time creating the life and business you desire, this is the episode for you.

    Don’t forget to hit “subscribe” so you never miss an episode.

    Love this episode? Give us a 5-star rating + review on Apple Podcasts.

    Then, connect with me on Instagram @JustineBeauregardCoach!

    Want a calendar full of qualified leads who are excited to buy from you?

    Sign up for my free sales challenge at https://www.justinebeauregard.com/14-day-sales-challenge!

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  • Which is better, a paid marketing campaign or an organic strategy?

    There actually is a right answer, and to find it we have to first explore the benefits and drawbacks of each.

    Organic marketing teaches us how to tell great stories, leverage the right trends for our brand, find what can be easily automated at scale for our businesses, and even decide the flow of content that works best for us.

    On the other hand, there’s a lot of testing and trial and error that comes with organic marketing. Essentially, you pay for marketing either way, and with organic, that payment comes in the form of time instead of money.

    Paid marketing, for contrast, is often oversimplified in mainstream media. The last thing you want to do is throw money at problems and think that that's the solution. It never is, I can tell you this from experience.

    Paid ads are essentially an upgraded version of organic marketing. It’s taking what you’ve seen work organically for a warmed up audience and make it work for a less engaged audience that doesn't know you as well.

    Today on The People Over Profit Podcast, I’ll share:

    ✅ How I grew to 6-figures with organic marketing

    ✅ How you can blend both strategies for explosive growth

    ✅ How I lost thousands on paid marketing (so you don’t have to)

    You want to understand the purpose of each and how to use them at the right times, in the right ways. After listening to this episode, you’ll know exactly what that means for you.

    Don’t forget to hit “subscribe” so you never miss an episode.

    Love this episode? Give us a 5-star rating + review on Apple Podcasts.

    Then, connect with me on Instagram @JustineBeauregardCoach!

    Want a calendar full of qualified leads who are excited to buy from you?

    Sign up for my free sales challenge at https://www.justinebeauregard.com/14-day-sales-challenge!

  • What if building a business with joy is a strategy?

    My guest today, M. Shannon Hernandez, believes it is (and I agree)!

    She runs all of her business decisions through a filter of joy to make 95% quicker decisions every single day in her business.

    With a nearly 7-figure business and decades of experience as a teacher, she does a beautiful job of sharing insights you can use to have more joy and create more profit in your business from today to years into the future!

    Today on The People Over Profit Podcast, Shannon shares:

    The specific questions she asks to do a “joy audit” anytime

    How to quickly identify your values to make faster decisions

    The simple ways she reconnects to her joy when it dips + fades

    If you’d like a step-by-step blueprint for how to use joy as a strategic tool in your business, you’ll absolutely love this episode!

    More about Shannon:

    M. Shannon Hernandez is ALL ABOUT THAT JOY in life and biz.

    She is specifically known around the globe for The Content Personality® Wheel and is the Founder of Joyful Business Revolution™, a business growth strategy and consultancy company that works with coaches, consultants, and service-based business owners.

    Shannon and her team specialize in organic mission-driven marketing and creative email marketing campaigns that help their clients grow aligned audiences, deepen community relationships, and double revenue.

    A sought after expert in the world of business strategy, Shannon has been featured on CBS, ABC, FOX, and NBC. She has over 25 years in award-winning curriculum design, working with both the NFL & U.S. Military, and she is a master trainer and teacher. When she is not teaching, she's spreading joy and funding projects that impact the world and its people.

    Want clarity on your natural marketing strength, so you know EXACTLY how to simplify your marketing, deepen relationships with your community, and double your revenue?

    Take her Content Personality® Quiz for free at joyfulbusinessrevolution.com/quiz.

    Don’t forget to hit “subscribe” so you never miss an episode.

    Love this episode? Give us a 5-star rating + review on Apple Podcasts.

    Then, connect with me on Instagram @JustineBeauregardCoach and snag my latest freebies at justinebeauregard.com/link!

  • How do I bring in 6 figures from repeat customers who get incredible results working just a few hours a day in my business?

    I live by the mantra, “do less, better.”

    Instead of being all the places I am primarily in one place, showing up fully and making a real impact there. I invest my resources there, and it creates exponentially better results.

    And with this in mind, you’re guaranteed to have happier customers who invest less and get more by working with you!

    This means loyalty, long-term retention, and more confidence when you sell because you know how good your offers are and how much others get from investing in them.

    Today on The People Over Profit Podcast, I’ll share:

    Dramatic improvements you can make to your offer (+ your retention)

    Quick ways to find optimization opportunities by doing less

    How to immediately stop overselling and overworking

    Don’t forget to hit “subscribe” so you never miss an episode.

    Love this episode? Give us a 5-star rating + review on Apple Podcasts.

    Then, connect with me on Instagram @JustineBeauregardCoach and snag my latest freebies at justinebeauregard.com/link!

  • Are you looking to bring in more leads but feel a bit stuck on how to do it?

    I’ve got something to help with that!

    Tools like ChatGPT and Gemini can help reduce the massive time drain on sales actions like lead generation and qualification.

    They’re built to aggregate, synthesize, and tailor data to fit us quicker than it would take us on our own.

    Most of these tools are even free, so why wouldn’t you at least give it a try?

    Today on The People Over Profit Podcast, I’ll share:

    Specific scenarios in which AI can reduce your workload dramatically

    The exact prompts I’m using to save hours of research in minutes

    My secrets for refining your AI prompts to be exceptionally good

    Don’t forget to hit “subscribe” so you never miss an episode.

    Love this episode? Give us a 5-star rating + review on Apple Podcasts.

    Then, connect with me on Instagram @JustineBeauregardCoach and snag my latest freebies at justinebeauregard.com/link!

  • Do you want to achieve more with higher ROI than ever?

    When tracking the time I spent on certain tasks in my business, I noticed that there are ideal times to automate, outsource, and stop certain tasks!

    In fact, many of us (me included!) have been wasting money, seeing a lack of results, and creating more harm in our businesses than good by doing these things at the wrong times.

    Today on The People Over Profit Podcast, I’ll share:

    The best times to automate, outsource, and pause tasks

    Your best next step if you’re seeking to make one of these moves

    A step-by-step process to do each of these with maximum efficiency

    Don’t forget to hit “subscribe” so you never miss an episode.

    Love this episode? Give us a 5-star rating + review on Apple Podcasts.

    Then, connect with me on Instagram @JustineBeauregardCoach and snag my latest freebies at justinebeauregard.com/link!

  • You only need 3 things to maximize your impact and income as an entrepreneur: clarity, systems, and sales.

    At least, this is what the fabulous Amy Traugh shares in this episode!

    From scheduled CEO days to simple ways to reverse-engineer success, she breaks down the fundamentals of running a successful business so you can immediately understand and apply it all for big results.

    You don’t need a lot to create a lot of positive momentum—she’s the proof that simplicity wins!

    Today on The People Over Profit Podcast, Amy shares:

    Her process for evaluating success + making high-impact decisions

    How to instantly tell when your business is on track (or not)

    The where, what, why, and when of profitable businesses

    If you’d like to make a more significant impact on others and have a business that allows you to do so while maintaining your energy and having lots of time left for YOU, be sure to tune into this episode!

    More about Amy:

    Amy Traugh is a business strategist, bestselling author, and the host of The Motivated CEO Podcast. She helps online service providers shatter their sales plateaus and generate consistent income by teaching them how to leverage data to drive decisions in their business using her signature CEO Method.

    As a woman on a mission to help others make more money so they can create more impact, Amy is lit up by her work. She believes we’ve become so jaded by society's version of "success" that we've lost sight as to what it truly looks like to us as individuals.

    Amy wholeheartedly believes that you can have a business built around your life. You just need the systems in place to support you.

    You can find her—and send her a DM anytime—on Instagram (@amytraugh).

    Want a free copy of her bestselling book, The CEO Method?

    You can download yours, no strings attached!) at amytraugh.com/freebook

    Don’t forget to hit “subscribe” so you never miss an episode.

    Love this episode? Give us a 5-star rating + review on Apple Podcasts.

    Then, connect with me on Instagram @JustineBeauregardCoach and snag my latest freebies at justinebeauregard.com/link!

  • Why aren’t people buying (more of) your offers?

    There are actually a lot of reasons why people don’t buy things.

    The good news? There are many more reasons why they DO, and infinite solutions to the most common objections people have to buying things.

    I’ve put these into 4 core buckets: money, time, fear, and belief.

    Today on The People Over Profit Podcast, I’ll share:

    Specific fear-based objections you likely hear when selling

    Specific belief-based objections you likely hear when selling

    How to overcome each of these objections, step-by-step

    This is part two of a 2-part series, so be sure to listen back to episode 94 for time and money-based objections and how to overcome those, too!

    Don’t forget to hit “subscribe” so you never miss an episode.

    Love this episode? Give us a 5-star rating + review on Apple Podcasts.

    Then, connect with me on Instagram @JustineBeauregardCoach and snag my latest freebies at justinebeauregard.com/link!

  • Why aren’t people buying (more of) your offers?

    There are actually a lot of reasons why people don’t buy things.

    The good news? There are many more reasons why they DO, and infinite solutions to the most common objections people have to buying things.

    I’ve put these into 4 core buckets: money, time, fear, and belief.

    Today on The People Over Profit Podcast, I’ll share:

    Specific money-based objections you likely hear when selling

    Specific time-based objections you likely hear when selling

    How to overcome each of these objections, step-by-step

    This is part one of a 2-part series, so be sure to tune into episode 95 for the remaining objections and how to overcome those, too!

    Don’t forget to hit “subscribe” so you never miss an episode.

    Love this episode? Give us a 5-star rating + review on Apple Podcasts.

    Then, connect with me on Instagram @JustineBeauregardCoach and snag my latest freebies at justinebeauregard.com/link!

  • How do you price an offer to fly off the shelves?

    Are there secrets to pricing that make it easier than testing lots of formulas?

    My answers are YES, and I’m going to show you how!

    Pricing can be a low-stress activity (and a quick one too!) with some basic best practices in mind.

    Today on The People Over Profit Podcast, I’ll share:

    What makes any price an instant no-brainer for people

    The 3 questions you must ask before pricing any offer

    The ONE thing you cannot allow to happen with prices

    If you want to make sure you’ve priced your offers to sell or are in the midst of pricing a new offer, you do not want to miss this episode!

    Don’t forget to hit “subscribe” so you never miss an episode.

    Love this episode? Give us a 5-star rating + review on Apple Podcasts.

    Then, connect with me on Instagram @JustineBeauregardCoach and snag my latest freebies at justinebeauregard.com/link!

  • You don’t need much to make a lot of money.

    If you search for what you absolutely need, however, you will find a lot. Then, you’ll waste hours sifting through it all to come to your own conclusions.

    I’d like to help you skip right to the good stuff, instead!

    Today on The People Over Profit Podcast, I’ll share:

    The only 3 things you need to generate $100,000+ per year

    A list of all the things you don’t need (but thought you did)

    The simplest way to add in “extras” for even faster results

    This episode is a great checkpoint for established businesses and a killer checklist (and time saver) for newer ones – don’t miss it!

    Don’t forget to hit “subscribe” so you never miss an episode.

    Love this episode? Give us a 5-star rating + review on Apple Podcasts.

    Then, connect with me on Instagram @JustineBeauregardCoach and snag my latest freebies at justinebeauregard.com/link!

  • What do people who close 80%+ of sales calls do differently?

    We apply active listening to every sales conversation! This skill is essential to building (and maintaining) a successful business, yet so many have still not learned or applied it consistently!

    So, how can you get great at listening and close more sales calls in the process?

    In this episode, I sit down with the amazing Deb Porter to teach you how to become a good active listener. Deb has been teaching active listening for 25+ years and helps people discover the power of listening for better communication and deeper connection in their personal and professional lives.

    Her mission is to help more people feel truly heard in this world, and it’s your turn!

    Today on The People Over Profit Podcast, Deb teaches us:

    Her 4-step CORE framework for active listening

    Specific examples you can use to model good listening skills

    What to do when you struggle to really hear or relate to someone

    If you’ve been looking for a natural way to close more sales (and build your skills in the process!), this is the episode for you!

    More about Deb:

    Deb Porter believes that “soft skills” should be recoined to “essential skills”.

    An expert in Active Listening for over 25 years, she is the founder of HOLD Hearing Out Life Drama. Her mission is to educate others in Active Listening as well as be an outlet when someone needs to be heard. She has seen the impact that strong listening skills can have in both businesses and personal life.

    As an uplifter, her purpose on this earth is to help others. She always wants to make people feel better than they did before any interaction they have with her and achieves this through listening.

    Want to practice your active listening skills by enrolling in her free mini course?

    Register for free at hearingoutlifedrama.com/FreightTrainBrain

    Don’t forget to hit “subscribe” so you never miss an episode.

    Love this episode? Give us a 5-star rating + review on Apple Podcasts.

    Then, connect with me on Instagram @JustineBeauregardCoach and snag my latest freebies at justinebeauregard.com/link!

  • How can you have more fun and sell more things, starting today?

    Recently, I sat down with Crista Grasso, a brilliant operations guru, to unpack the do's and don'ts of sales conversations. We dig deep into what makes some sales messaging convert more than others and explore how curiosity can be a powerful tool when selling.

    We even share some simple ways you can build more confidence and adaptability when selling.

    Today on The People Over Profit Podcast, you’ll learn:

    What authentic selling is and some techniques to try

    Why specificity in your pitch can make or break a sale

    How to adjust your message for more clarity + impact

    If you’ve ever wanted to be a fly on the wall to a million-dollar conversation about selling, this is your chance!

    Don’t forget to hit “subscribe” so you never miss an episode.

    Love this episode? Give us a 5-star rating + review on Apple Podcasts.

    Then, connect with me on Instagram @JustineBeauregardCoach and snag my latest freebies at justinebeauregard.com/link!

  • Good partnerships are a game-changer for growing businesses.

    A good partner program can grow your sales exponentially while teaching you skills and frameworks you can apply to other areas of the business.

    There are a few core principles that every partner program needs to succeed and a couple of added considerations that can make all the difference, too.

    Today on The People Over Profit Podcast, I’ll share:

    7 keys to creating winning partnerships that last

    How to qualify good partners + disqualify bad ones

    Ways to make your partnerships flexible to your needs

    Whether you are using partnerships now or simply want some creative ways to boost your sales, this episode is for you!

    Don’t forget to hit “subscribe” so you never miss an episode.

    Love this episode? Give us a 5-star rating + review on Apple Podcasts.

    Then, connect with me on Instagram @JustineBeauregardCoach and snag my latest freebies at justinebeauregard.com/link!

  • Confident entrepreneurs find more joy in their work and close more sales.

    Whether you’re working on your confidence or simply want a quick boost in confidence, this episode is the solution.

    I recently tried this with a group of fellow business owners, and the results were INCREDIBLE.

    It didn’t just make me feel great, it made them feel amazing too – win/win!

    Today on The People Over Profit Podcast, I’ll share:

    The 2-minute exercise proven to boost your confidence

    A few parameters for you to get the most out of it

    Examples of what I did with what I learned (for more wins!)

    Don’t forget to hit “subscribe” so you never miss an episode.

    Love this episode? Give us a 5-star rating + review on Apple Podcasts.

    Then, connect with me on Instagram @JustineBeauregardCoach and snag my latest freebies at justinebeauregard.com/link!

  • How do you go from having fans to having FANATICS of your brand?

    In this podcast episode, I sit down with the incredible Meg O’Neill to spill the tea on what she does to manage a booming business, her fantastic agency partnership, and a very busy personal life.

    We explore everything from “polarizing” social media shares that had her unfollowed by friends and family to a community she’s built over the past year around the SAME topic that’s been thriving since the start!

    Today on The People Over Profit Podcast, Meg shares:

    A repeatable framework to create brand fanatics on social media

    Ways you can stand out + make lots of money without a big following

    How to captivate peoples’ attention + get them sharing your work for free

    This episode is a value-packed masterclass on how to create a brand that represents who you truly are and is made to last. Don’t miss it!

    More about Meg:

    With 20 years of marketing and social media experience up her sleeve, Meg O’Neill has mastered the art of conjuring brand magic on social media. From local startups to national names, Meg has helped turn them all into social media sensations.

    Meg strives to help businesses build communities that aren't just fans – they're fanatics! She believes every brand has a story that can captivate and engage, and she is here to make that happen.

    Meg is not just about likes and shares; she is about creating a digital family that celebrates your brand. Meg the go-to guru for showing businesses how to transform their audience into a thriving, buzzing community. Think of her as the architect of digital excitement, crafting spaces where your brand and its followers can have a fabulous time together.

    In the World of Social Media Marketing, Meg is more than a consultant; she is a visionary, a strategist, and your brand's best friend. To work with Meg and make your social media shine, follow her on Instagram (@megoneill10).

    Want to join her incredible board meeting calls?

    Register for free at https://welcoming-cake-74948.myflodesk.com/df700a21-3984-4537-a96e-34a448f5425a

    Don’t forget to hit “subscribe” so you never miss an episode.

    Love this episode? Give us a 5-star rating + review on Apple Podcasts.

    Then, connect with me on Instagram @JustineBeauregardCoach and snag my latest freebies at justinebeauregard.com/link!

  • Want to significantly reduce your likelihood of burnout in your business?

    The struggle is real.

    A long list of to-do’s or demands on your time can become overwhelming and hard to prioritize when you wear a lot of “hats.”

    The thing is, no one has yet to solve SIMPLE.

    The majority of us default to the hard way, or a harder than needed way, of doing things. I’m one of those people.

    Today on The People Over Profit Podcast, I’ll share:

    How to create more ease in your day-to-day

    Examples of ways to make things easier that you can copy

    Ways to identify major, repeatable wins in unexpected places

    Don’t forget to hit “subscribe” so you never miss an episode.

    Love this episode? Give us a 5-star rating + review on Apple Podcasts.

    Then, connect with me on Instagram @JustineBeauregardCoach and snag my latest freebies at justinebeauregard.com/link!

  • If you think you may be overcomplicating lead generation, you are.

    And if you want a simple step-by-step way to have more leads pouring in, ready to buy from you, this is the episode for you.

    But first, let’s get on the same page as to what lead generation is. I define it as making strangers interested in whatever you sell, so you can nurture them to buy.

    Now let’s talk about what you need to do to effectively generate more leads.

    Today on The People Over Profit Podcast, I’ll share:

    How to make others interested in what you sell + eager to buy it

    Where you need to show up to create sales immediately

    The one thing your missing that will 10x your leads

    Don’t forget to hit “subscribe” so you never miss an episode.

    Love this episode? Give us a 5-star rating + review on Apple Podcasts.

    Then, connect with me on Instagram @JustineBeauregardCoach and snag my latest freebies at justinebeauregard.com/link!

  • Do you ever get stuck on how to follow-up after a sales conversation?

    Maybe you asked them to touch base, and they ghosted you?

    Maybe you left it open and have no idea what to do next?

    Or maybe you're just getting really vague responses?

    No matter which scenario you find yourself in where you feel ready to close the deal and unsure of how to do it, I want to help you!

    Today on The People Over Profit Podcast, I’ll share with you:

    15 creative one-liners I’ve used to close more sales

    When and how I’d use them with specific examples

    Various formats based on different industries

    If you want quick ways to close more sales that feel natural and are proven to work, this episode will be a game-changer for you!

    Don’t forget to hit “subscribe” so you never miss an episode.

    Love this episode? Give us a 5-star rating + review on Apple Podcasts.

    Then, connect with me on Instagram @JustineBeauregardCoach and snag my latest freebies at justinebeauregard.com/link!