
  • Arc #3 finale. The Knight has promised himself and one other to the Hunt, so to keep Skidemour safe the trio must put everything on the line to name a new sacrifice: Butch.

    Oh my god it worked, it actually worked. What? Why do you have that look?
    Valentina, what we just did...
    We're fixing a mistake. All we did was cross out the errors.

    (Content Warnings: out of body experiences, graphic description of dead and decomposing bodies, children in physical/emotional distress, brief descriptions of mass death)

    Pre-order Glass Beach's new album "plastic death", and get tickets to see them on tour!


    Keeper - Sam Richardson (@Laggardson, He/him)

    Kelly, The Crooked - William White (@kwilliamwhite, They/them)

    Nammi, The Divine - Sam Darr (@mossyauthor, She/They)

    Rabbit, The Shapechanger - Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse, They/them)
    Skidemour, the Monstrous - Frannie Morrison (she/her)

    Butch (he/him) - A shadow that offered to help Kelly get out of a sticky situation early in his vigilante career. Eager to help Kelly like you’re eager to keep a fruit tree pruned and safe from deer. But there's something familiar in the way he speaks...
    The Knight AKA Estienne de Lancret (he/him) - Knight of the Red Star, Mars. Brother of Elodie de Lancret, and Skidemour’s hunter.
    Elodie (she/her) - A girl from the French countryside, circa 1400. Skidemour's friend. Estienne's sister. Dead.

    Follow us!
    Twitter: @pestcontrolpod
    Cohost: @pestcontrolpod
    BlueSky: pestcontrolpod.bsky.social
    Chat with us on Discord: discord.gg/qkDfdjrHuD

    Check out the artist who did our cover art! https://www.instagram.com/_alejandroguarin/

    Audio editing by Sam Richardson (@laggardson)
    Audio Mixing by William White (@kwilliamwhite)
    Original music by Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse) & William White (@kwilliamwhite)

    Pest Control is an actual-play tabletop horror RPG podcast produced in association with AltHaven (@AltHaven_). Our second season uses “Monster of the Week”, a Powered by the Apocalypse system by Michael Sands and Evil Hat Productions. You can pick up a copy here.

    Season two, “Norfork”, follows a trio of friends living in the edge-city of Norfork as the community adapts to the open presence of Myriads and the encroachment of The City.

  • Historically, it's hard to argue that something changed the nature of the town of Norfolk more than the Boom. The mine disaster killed an incredibly high proportion of the town's residents, but it also flattened their stories.

    That is not, of course, the truth of the matter. Their stories still exist. The truth is that the people living in and around Norfork before, during, and even after the incident carried on complicated lives with problems often as mundane as ours, today. The bar served drinks, the newspaper published articles, people had their leaky sinks and roofing tiles fixed. These details are not sanded away maliciously, but the history lost to the scale of the tragedy is personal.

    In the displays below you will see examples of everyday life from the people of Norfork before the events of the Boom represented through objects saved or recovered from the explosion - like a prototype writing machine that predates the typewriter, and a dress that would have been worn at the time - as well as preserved examples of their own writing about themselves and each other. As you explore the exhibit, think about what your life would have been like if you lived in Norfolk at that time. What would you have seen? What type of work would you do? Why do you think Myriads had not yet revealed themselves to the public?

    When you've finished with the exhibit, please move down the hall to the right, to the room labelled "The Boom and the Divot".

    -- Norfork History Museum Display, credited to Kennedy Hartsfeld

    (Content Warnings: flesh, eye horror, guns, fire, mention of memory loss, possession, brief description of mass death)

    Check out our amazing guest players!
    Our guests this week come with three amazing shows all of their own! You should go check out Kaitlin's horror call-in show "Thin Places Radio" & "The Streampunks", Devin's excellent music and character work on "Band of Blades" actual-play show "Oathsworn", and Birdie's upcoming actual-play show "The Storyplayers". All come with our highest recommendations!


    Keeper - Sam Richardson (@Laggardson, He/him)

    Laura Ellison, the Spooky - Kaitlin Bruder (@kkamabr, She/her)
    Annabelle "Annie" Parker, the Wronged - Birdie (@el3phantbird, She/They)

    Guthrie Lemon, the Flake - Devin Nelson (@devindecibel, He/they)

    Follow us!
    Twitter: @pestcontrolpod
    Cohost: @pestcontrolpod
    BlueSky: pestcontrolpod.bsky.social
    Chat with us on Discord: discord.gg/qkDfdjrHuD

    Check out the artist who did our cover art! https://www.instagram.com/_alejandroguarin/

    Audio editing by Sam Richardson (@laggardson)
    Audio Mixing by William White (@kwilliamwhite)
    Original music by Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse) & William White (@kwilliamwhite)

    Pest Control is an actual-play tabletop horror RPG podcast produced in association with AltHaven (@AltHaven_). Our second season uses “Monster of the Week”, a Powered by the Apocalypse system by Michael Sands and Evil Hat Productions. You can pick up a copy here.

    Season two, “Norfork”, follows a trio of friends living in the edge-city of Norfork as the community adapts to the open presence of Myriads and the encroachment of The City.

  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • No one feels safe in the woods around Norfolk, and that's a fact. Since the opening of the town's mine and the attraction of individuals towards it's success there have rumors of unnatural occurrences. My sources recall a wide variety of otherwordliness in their tellings - wolves standing on hind legs, echoing screams or sobs with no source, strange shapes flitting across the moon - and while others might dismiss that as a symptom of their unreliability, I have always held an alternative theory: Norfolk is a queer place that many queer things have made their home. However, I can't say that I expected to witness my town's strangeness quite so directly as I did in the woods that night in the Spring, alongside two unexpected new friends. I hope they will not take issue with my characterization of the events to follow...

    Here, the excerpt from The Norfolk Register cuts off. The date is missing, but the curator has assured you that the article was written somewhere around 1850, prior to the Boom that would create the Divot. The piece appears to be part of an ongoing column called "The Hidden Door" written by one Mr. Guthrie Lemon.

    (Content Warnings: severed limbs, blood, gore, dead animals, serious wounds, grief, mention of memory loss, brief enclosed spaces, flesh)

    Check out our amazing guest players!
    Our guests this week come with three amazing shows all of their own! You should go check out Kaitlin's horror call-in show "Thin Places Radio" & "The Streampunks", Devin's excellent music and character work on "Band of Blades" actual-play show "Oathsworn", and Birdie's upcoming actual-play show "The Storyplayers". All come with our highest recommendations!


    Keeper - Sam Richardson (@Laggardson, He/him)

    Laura Ellison, the Spooky - Kaitlin Bruder (@kkamabr, She/her)
    Annabelle "Annie" Parker, the Wronged - Birdie (@el3phantbird, She/They)

    Guthrie Lemon, the Flake - Devin Nelson (@devindecibel, He/they)

    Follow us!
    Twitter: @pestcontrolpod
    Cohost: @pestcontrolpod
    BlueSky: pestcontrolpod.bsky.social
    Chat with us on Discord: discord.gg/qkDfdjrHuD

    Check out the artist who did our cover art! https://www.instagram.com/_alejandroguarin/

    Audio editing by Sam Richardson (@laggardson)
    Audio Mixing by William White (@kwilliamwhite)
    Original music by Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse) & William White (@kwilliamwhite)

    Pest Control is an actual-play tabletop horror RPG podcast produced in association with AltHaven (@AltHaven_). Our second season uses “Monster of the Week”, a Powered by the Apocalypse system by Michael Sands and Evil Hat Productions. You can pick up a copy here.

    Season two, “Norfork”, follows a trio of friends living in the edge-city of Norfork as the community adapts to the open presence of Myriads and the encroachment of The City.

  • Before the Gateway Demon, before The City, and before even the explosion that created the Divot, Norfolk began as a small mining town in the mid 1800s; a quiet stop on a railway line from here to there. But, since it's founding atop a lucrative mine, things have moved in the town's shadow.

    Let's start from the beginning...

    (Content Warnings: broken bones cutting through skin, headaches, body horror, blood, gore)

    Check out our amazing guest players!
    Our guests this week come with three amazing shows all of their own! You should go check out Kaitlin's horror call-in show "Thin Places Radio" & "The Streampunks", Devin's excellent music and character work on "Band of Blades" actual-play show "Oathsworn", and Birdie's upcoming actual-play show "The Storyplayers". All come with our highest recommendations!


    Keeper - Sam Richardson (@Laggardson, He/him)

    Laura Ellison, the Spooky - Kaitlin Bruder (@kkamabr, She/her)
    Annabelle "Annie" Parker, the Wronged - Birdie (@el3phantbird, She/They)

    Guthrie Lemon, the Flake - Devin Nelson (@devindecibel, He/they)

    Follow us!
    Twitter: @pestcontrolpod
    Cohost: @pestcontrolpod
    BlueSky: pestcontrolpod.bsky.social
    Chat with us on Discord: discord.gg/qkDfdjrHuD

    Check out the artist who did our cover art! https://www.instagram.com/_alejandroguarin/

    Audio editing by Sam Richardson (@laggardson)
    Audio Mixing by William White (@kwilliamwhite)
    Original music by Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse) & William White (@kwilliamwhite)

    Pest Control is an actual-play tabletop horror RPG podcast produced in association with AltHaven (@AltHaven_). Our second season uses “Monster of the Week”, a Powered by the Apocalypse system by Michael Sands and Evil Hat Productions. You can pick up a copy here.

    Season two, “Norfork”, follows a trio of friends living in the edge-city of Norfork as the community adapts to the open presence of Myriads and the encroachment of The City.

  • The smell of acrid gunsmoke marks the beginning of a final, bloody conflict in the First St. Mary's Church of Norfork - but to end it will require sacrifice. May a god have mercy on their souls.

    We will stop it. We will bring her back. We are only endangering ourselves this time.
    You dangle a child's life in your hands, can't you see them?
    There are countless children, lost now. Will you try to stop us?
    If I could, you would never have found this place...

    (Content Warnings: blood, violence, guns, harm to children, harm to animals, body horror, limb dislocation, brief discussion of deadly illness)

    Buy Glass Beach's new album "plastic death", and get tickets to see them on tour!


    Keeper - Sam Richardson (@Laggardson, He/him)

    Kelly, The Crooked - William White (@kwilliamwhite, They/them)

    Nammi, The Divine - Sam Darr (@mossyauthor, She/They)

    Rabbit, The Shapechanger - Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse, They/them)
    Skidemour, the Monstrous - Frannie Morrison (she/her)

    The Knight AKA Estienne de Lancret (he/him) - Knight of the Red Star, Mars. Brother of Elodie de Lancret, and Skidemour’s hunter.
    Simon Pip (He/him) - Elderly former monster-hunter, now trying to change his ways. Wears a dark green trenchcoat over a fishing vest, combat boots, and a fedora. Nammi knocked him out in Ace Aruna’s house.
    Akito (he/him) - Agent of Dranja, and attendant of the Myriad Support Group. Nammi's former lover. Appears on Earth as a tall Japanese man with shoulder-length black hair wearing a textured brown blazer and jeans.
    The Mothman (he/him) - Vigilante. Low-res digital facemask with two large pixelated circles for eyes attached to a black balaclava. Black turtleneck. Underneath, an extremely average looking white man with short blonde hair AKA Jimmy Domal. The de-facto Robin to The Cryptid's Batman.
    Nort Port (he/him) - Former Norfork City Transportation Lead, now pawn of Carmichael.
    Tamanna Hemming (she/her) - Egyptian woman with wavy dark brown hair and a mischievous smile. Member of the Myriad support group. Sphinx.

    Follow us!
    Twitter: @pestcontrolpod
    Cohost: @pestcontrolpod
    BlueSky: pestcontrolpod.bsky.social
    Chat with us on Discord: discord.gg/qkDfdjrHuD

    Check out the artist who did our cover art! https://www.instagram.com/_alejandroguarin/

    Audio editing by Sam Richardson (@laggardson)
    Audio Mixing by William White (@kwilliamwhite)
    Original music by Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse) & William White (@kwilliamwhite)

    Pest Control is an actual-play tabletop horror RPG podcast produced in association with AltHaven (@AltHaven_). Our second season uses “Monster of the Week”, a Powered by the Apocalypse system by Michael Sands and Evil Hat Productions. You can pick up a copy here.

    Season two, “Norfork”, follows a trio of friends living in the edge-city of Norfork as the community adapts to the open presence of Myriads and the encroachment of The City.

  • The group sets a collision course with the Knight at the 1st St. Mary’s Church of Norfork.

    Kelly is knighted. Rabbit manages a family emergency. Skidemour elicits a confession. Nammi learns never to meet your heroes.

    (Content Warnings: gore, serious wounds to hands, abusive dynamics, harm to animals, implied death)

    Glass Beach's new album "plastic death", is out now! Get tickets to see them on tour in April!


    Keeper - Sam Richardson (@Laggardson, He/him)

    Kelly, The Crooked - William White (@kwilliamwhite, They/them)

    Nammi, The Divine - Sam Darr (@mossyauthor, She/They)

    Rabbit, The Shapechanger - Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse, They/them)
    Skidemour, the Monstrous - Frannie Morrison (she/her)

    Stella "Pink" Hartley AKA "Pink Moon" (She/her) - Member of the Lunar Coven. Latine woman with dyed pink hair. Early 30s. Wears a lot of white - including a dyed denim coat, and bleached sneakers. Kelly saved her from the Strangleworm last time they met.
    Glymmer AKA Aina Steen (she/her) - A white woman with short curly brown hair. Dressed in a ribbed black tanktop and selvedge denim shorts. Colorful bright jacket with an image or intertwined roses on the back, and a pair of aviator sunglasses nestled in her hair. Dating(?) Carmichael.
    The Mothman (he/him) - Vigilante. Low-res digital facemask with two large pixelated circles for eyes attached to a black balaclava. Black turtleneck. Underneath, an extremely average looking white man with short blonde hair AKA Jimmy Domal. The de-facto Robin to The Cryptid's Batman.
    Carmichael (he/him) - Arch-vampire nightclub owner and socialite in The City. Kelly owes him, and he aims to collect. Dating(?) Glymmer.
    Dr. Siobhan Clement (she/her) - Mousy white woman with brown hair and slightly awkward demeanor. Member of the Star Society and fan of the Dark Abbey.
    The Knight AKA Estienne de Lancret (he/him) - Knight of the Red Star, Mars. Brother of Elodie de Lancret, and Skidemour’s hunter.
    Simon Pip (He/him) - Elderly former monster-hunter, now trying to change his ways. Wears a dark green trenchcoat over a fishing vest, combat boots, and a fedora. Nammi knocked him out in Ace Aruna’s house.

    Follow us!
    Twitter: @pestcontrolpod
    Cohost: @pestcontrolpod
    BlueSky: pestcontrolpod.bsky.social
    Chat with us on Discord: discord.gg/qkDfdjrHuD

    Check out the artist who did our cover art! https://www.instagram.com/_alejandroguarin/

    Audio editing by Sam Richardson (@laggardson)
    Audio Mixing by William White (@kwilliamwhite)
    Original music by Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse) & William White (@kwilliamwhite)

    Pest Control is an actual-play tabletop horror RPG podcast produced in association with AltHaven (@AltHaven_). Our second season uses “Monster of the Week”, a Powered by the Apocalypse system by Michael Sands and Evil Hat Productions. You can pick up a copy here.

    Season two, “Norfork”, follows a trio of friends living in the edge-city of Norfork as the community adapts to the open presence of Myriads and the encroachment of The City.

  • The Hunt bares its fangs at the hunters as they scramble for purchase in Norfork... and beyond it.

    Rabbit gets bigger. Nammi threatens violence. Kelly opens the wrong door. Skidemour asks the right questions.

    (Content Warnings: memory loss, discussion of marital issues, mention of car accident)

    Check out our brand-new Wiki!


    Keeper - Sam Richardson (@Laggardson, He/him)

    Kelly, The Crooked - William White (@kwilliamwhite, They/them)

    Nammi, The Divine - Sam Darr (@mossyauthor, She/They)

    Rabbit, The Shapechanger - Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse, They/them)
    Skidemour, the Monstrous - Frannie Morrison (she/her)

    Kennedy Hartsfeld (she/they) - Museum curator for the Norfork Historical Mine Museum in the Divot. Long, wavy auburn hair. White. Ace's partner. Killed by the Gateway Demon, and yet somehow alive and well.
    Ace Aruna (they/them) - Vampire. Asian person in their late 20s. Shorter black hair, glasses. Partner of Kennedy Hartsfeld. Knows more than they're saying.
    Butch (he/him) - A shadow that offered to help Kelly get out of a sticky situation early in his vigilante career. Eager to help Kelly like you’re eager to keep a fruit tree pruned and safe from deer.
    The Mothman (he/him) - Vigilante. Low-res digital facemask with two large pixelated circles for eyes attached to a black balaclava. Black turtleneck. Underneath, an extremely average looking white man with short blonde hair AKA Jimmy Domal. The de-facto Robin to The Cryptid's Batman.
    Rosa Kalyani AKA Cold Moon (she/her) - Unofficial leader of the lunar witch coven in which Rabbit was raised. Former astronaut. Imposing Black woman with short spongy black hair, and an athlete's physique. Often wears an elegant coat, even when it's hot.
    Alek, Meg, and Tisi Moon (all she/her) - Rabbit's trio of moms. All members of the Lunar Coven. Rabbit lives with them on and off.
    Simon Pip (He/him) - Elderly former monster-hunter, now trying to change his ways. Wears a dark green trenchcoat over a fishing vest, combat boots, and a fedora. Nammi knocked him out in Ace Aruna’s house.

    Follow us!
    Twitter: @pestcontrolpod
    Cohost: @pestcontrolpod
    BlueSky: pestcontrolpod.bsky.social
    Chat with us on Discord: discord.gg/qkDfdjrHuD

    Check out the artist who did our cover art! https://www.instagram.com/_alejandroguarin/

    Audio editing by Sam Richardson (@laggardson)
    Audio Mixing by William White (@kwilliamwhite)
    Original music by Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse) & William White (@kwilliamwhite)

    Pest Control is an actual-play tabletop horror RPG podcast produced in association with AltHaven (@AltHaven_). Our second season uses “Monster of the Week”, a Powered by the Apocalypse system by Michael Sands and Evil Hat Productions. You can pick up a copy here.

    Season two, “Norfork”, follows a trio of friends living in the edge-city of Norfork as the community adapts to the open presence of Myriads and the encroachment of The City.

  • With the threat of the Knight looming over them, the trio sets their sights on answers from friends new and old.

    Kelly goes to church. Nammi heals her friends. Rabbit considers the cost of violence. Skidemour learns from the past.

    (Content Warnings: children in danger, harm to animals, mention of pet death, memory loss, blood, gore)

    Check out our brand-new Wiki!


    Keeper - Sam Richardson (@Laggardson, He/him)

    Kelly, The Crooked - William White (@kwilliamwhite, They/them)

    Nammi, The Divine - Sam Darr (@mossyauthor, She/They)

    Rabbit, The Shapechanger - Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse, They/them)
    Skidemour, the Monstrous - Frannie Morrison (she/her)

    Ace Aruna (They/them) - Vampire. Asian person in their late 20s. Shorter black hair, glasses. Partner of Kennedy Hartsfeld.
    Kennedy Hartsfeld (she/they) - Museum curator for the Norfork Historical Mine Museum in the Divot. Long, wavy auburn hair. White. Ace's partner. Killed by the Gateway Demon.
    The Mothman (he/him) - Vigilante. Low-res digital facemask with two large pixelated circles for eyes attached to a black balaclava. Black turtleneck. Underneath, an extremely average looking white man with short blonde hair AKA Jimmy Domal. The de facto Robin to The Cryptid's Batman.
    Simon Pip (he/him) - 60s white man. Wears a long dark green trench coat and fishing vest when out on the hunt. Aged former(?) monster hunter. Last scene running from the Strangleworm possessing the trio.

    Follow us!
    Twitter: @pestcontrolpod
    Cohost: @pestcontrolpod
    BlueSky: pestcontrolpod.bsky.social
    Chat with us on Discord: discord.gg/qkDfdjrHuD

    Check out the artist who did our cover art! https://www.instagram.com/_alejandroguarin/

    Audio editing by Sam Richardson (@laggardson)
    Audio Mixing by William White (@kwilliamwhite)
    Original music by Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse) & William White (@kwilliamwhite)

    Pest Control is an actual-play tabletop horror RPG podcast produced in association with AltHaven (@AltHaven_). Our second season uses “Monster of the Week”, a Powered by the Apocalypse system by Michael Sands and Evil Hat Productions. You can pick up a copy here.

    Season two, “Norfork”, follows a trio of friends living in the edge-city of Norfork as the community adapts to the open presence of Myriads and the encroachment of The City.

  • The group makes plans for dealing with the Dread Ringers. Rabbit turns their closet out. Nammi does some magic. Kelly juggles priorities. Skidemour gets lost.

    (Content Warnings: children in danger, harm to animals)

    Check out our brand-new Wiki!


    Keeper - Sam Richardson (@Laggardson, He/him)

    Kelly, The Crooked - William White (@kwilliamwhite, They/them)

    Nammi, The Divine - Sam Darr (@mossyauthor, She/They)

    Rabbit, The Shapechanger - Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse, They/them)
    Skidemour, the Monstrous - Frannie Morrison (she/her)

    Alek, Meg, and Tisi Moon (all she/her) - Rabbit's trio of moms. All members of the Lunar Coven. Rabbit lives with them on and off.
    Art Young (he/him) - Red-headed white man. Former member of VaccuCon alongside Rosa Kalyani. Rosa needs him for something.
    Carmichael (he/him) - Arch-vampire nightclub owner and socialite in The City. Kelly owes him, and he aims to collect.
    The Mothman (he/him) - Vigilante. Low-res digital facemask with two large pixelated circles for eyes attached to a black balaclava. Black turtleneck. Underneath, an extremely average looking white man with short blonde hair. Works alongside The Cryptid.
    Simon Pip (He/him) - Elderly former monster-hunter, now trying to change his ways. Wears a dark green trenchcoat over a fishing vest, combat boots, and a fedora. Nammi knocked him out in Ace Aruna’s house.
    Sharon Sonnen (she/her) - White woman. Member of the Norfork Parent's Assemblage ("The Moms"). Daughter of Simon Pip.
    Butch (he/him) - A shadow that offered to help Kelly get out of a sticky situation early in his vigilante career. Eager to help Kelly like you’re eager to keep a fruit tree pruned and safe from deer.

    Follow us!
    Twitter: @pestcontrolpod
    Cohost: @pestcontrolpod
    BlueSky: pestcontrolpod.bsky.social
    Chat with us on Discord: discord.gg/qkDfdjrHuD

    Check out the artist who did our cover art! https://www.instagram.com/_alejandroguarin/

    Audio editing by Sam Richardson (@laggardson)
    Audio Mixing by William White (@kwilliamwhite)
    Original music by Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse) & William White (@kwilliamwhite)

    Pest Control is an actual-play tabletop horror RPG podcast produced in association with AltHaven (@AltHaven_). Our second season uses “Monster of the Week”, a Powered by the Apocalypse system by Michael Sands and Evil Hat Productions. You can pick up a copy here.

    Season two, “Norfork”, follows a trio of friends living in the edge-city of Norfork as the community adapts to the open presence of Myriads and the encroachment of The City.

  • Safe for the moment with the Agents of Dranja, Rabbit, Nammi, and Skidemour work to uncover more about their predicament. Across town, Kelly deals with the aftermath of Hothouse Flowers, and sets his mind towards a larger mission...

    Rabbit reels from a vision. Nammi asks for help. Kelly confronts his feelings. Skidemour feels the net draw tighter...

    (Content Warnings: gore, wounds, surgery)

    Pre-order Glass Beach's new album "plastic death", and get tickets to see them on tour!


    Keeper - Sam Richardson (@Laggardson, He/him)

    Kelly, The Crooked - William White (@kwilliamwhite, They/them)

    Nammi, The Divine - Sam Darr (@mossyauthor, She/They)

    Rabbit, The Shapechanger - Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse, They/them)
    Skidemour, the Monstrous - Frannie Morrison (she/her)

    Heather (she/her) - Elderly owner of Hothouse Flowers, and it's upstairs tenant. Short curly grey hair and lively, but slightly sunken cheeks.
    Carmichael (he/him) - Arch-vampire nightclub owner and socialite in The City. Kelly owes him, and he aims to collect.
    Romeo (he/him) - Agent of Dranga. Calm and assertive. Appears on Earth as a white person with platinum-tipped hair, often chews the end of a toothpick absentmindedly.
    Isla (she/her) - Agent of Dranja. On Earth, she appears as a Latina woman wearing a loose-knit sweater and a long grey skirt. Uncertain about Valentina's plans for the Agents.
    Jillian Murphy (she/her) - Former Norfork/City liasion, currently unemployed. Also, Kelly's hookup. White woman in her early 30s, with a tall, broad build, sharper facial features, and red hair that's just past the shoulder. Working to fulfill her promises to the people of Norfork.
    Butch (he/him) - A shadow that offered to help Kelly get out of a sticky situation early in his vigilante career. Eager to help Kelly like you're eager to keep a fruit tree pruned and safe from deer.
    Hawthorne (he/him) - Billy's partner. Human man that looks like a hybrid between Santa Claus and Blackbeard. Normally carries an AK-47 strapped over his shoulder.
    Elody (she/her) - Skidemour's friend. Looks like Nammi.
    Rosa Kalyani AKA Cold Moon (she/her) - Unofficial leader of the lunar witch coven in which Rabbit was raised. Former astronaut. Imposing Black woman with short spongy black hair, and an athlete's physique. Often wears an elegant coat, even when it's hot.

    Follow us!
    Twitter: @pestcontrolpod
    Cohost: @pestcontrolpod
    BlueSky: pestcontrolpod.bsky.social
    Chat with us on Discord: discord.gg/qkDfdjrHuD

    Check out the artist who did our cover art! https://www.instagram.com/_alejandroguarin/

    Audio editing by Sam Richardson (@laggardson)
    Audio Mixing by William White (@kwilliamwhite)
    Original music by Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse) & William White (@kwilliamwhite)

    Pest Control is an actual-play tabletop horror RPG podcast produced in association with AltHaven (@AltHaven_). Our second season uses “Monster of the Week”, a Powered by the Apocalypse system by Michael Sands and Evil Hat Productions. You can pick up a copy here.

    Season two, “Norfork”, follows a trio of friends living in the edge-city of Norfork as the community adapts to the open presence of Myriads and the encroachment of The City.

  • A piece of paper-tape on the drive reads "Fork Talk - Dec 12th, 2023". A post-it note nearby reads "put nort's interview here too lol".

    Thanks to everyone who helped bring this idea to life:

    Sam Darr - Izzy Domal
    Jonas Newhouse - Reina Germaine
    William White - Nort Port
    Mr. Ray, $2 Creature Feature - Damian Murphy
    Meghan Murphy, $2 Creature Feature - Gavin Flurry
    Laura McMillan, $2 Creature Feature - Annabelle Watkins
    Ade S., The Storyteller Squad - Davis *******
    Jason, Memester of the Week - Oliver Jolanka
    Jonny Grubb, The Monster's Playbook - Big George
    Ian Mauldin, Shrimp & Crits - Earl Mathers
    Jake, Althaven - Manny

    Follow us!
    Twitter: @pestcontrolpod
    Cohost: @pestcontrolpod
    BlueSky: pestcontrolpod.bsky.social
    Chat with us on Discord: discord.gg/qkDfdjrHuD

    Check out the artist who did our cover art! https://www.instagram.com/_alejandroguarin/

    Audio editing by Sam Richardson (@laggardson)
    Audio Mixing by William White (@kwilliamwhite)
    Original music by Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse) & William White (@kwilliamwhite)

    Pest Control is an actual-play tabletop horror RPG podcast produced in association with AltHaven (@AltHaven_). Our second season uses “Monster of the Week”, a Powered by the Apocalypse system by Michael Sands and Evil Hat Productions. You can pick up a copy here.

    Season two, “Norfork”, follows a trio of friends living in the edge-city of Norfork as the community adapts to the open presence of Myriads and the encroachment of The City.

  • As a winter chill settles over Norfork, the trio reunites alongside new friends. But from the haze that connected them, something darker emerges too. And where there's smoke...

    Nammi arrives home. Rabbit rushes in. Kelly asks for help. Skidemour makes a deal.

    (Content Warnings: guns, blood, description of wounds, fire)

    Pre-order Glass Beach's new album "plastic death", and get tickets to see them on tour!


    Keeper - Sam Richardson (@Laggardson, He/him)

    Kelly, The Crooked - William White (@kwilliamwhite, They/them)

    Nammi, The Divine - Sam Darr (@mossyauthor, She/They)

    Rabbit, The Shapechanger - Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse, They/them)
    Skidemour, the Monstrous - Frannie Morrison (she/her)

    Billy (they/them) - Agent of Dranja. Petite Black person with short light pink hair. Hawthorne’s partner.
    Hawthorne (he/him) - Billy's partner. Human man that looks like a hybrid between Santa Claus and Blackbeard. Carries an AK-47 strapped over this shoulder.
    Heather (she/her) - Elderly owner of Hothouse Flowers, and it's upstairs tenant. Short curly grey hair and lively, but slightly sunken cheeks.
    Butch (he/him) - A shadow that offered to help Kelly get out of a sticky situation early in his vigilante career. Eager to help Kelly like you’re eager to keep a fruit tree pruned and safe from deer.
    Romeo (he/him) - Agent of Dranja. Calm and assertive. Appears on Earth as a white person with platinum-tipped hair, often chews the end of a toothpick absentmindedly.
    Isla (she/her) - Agent of Dranja. On Earth, she appears as a Latina woman wearing a loose-knit sweater and a long grey skirt.
    Jaamini (she/her) - Agent of Dranja. On Earth, she appears as an Indian woman with dark brown skin. Wears a bomber jacket and a graphic t-shirt.
    Akito (he/him) - Agent of Dranja, and attendant of the Myriad Support Group. Nammi's former lover. Appears on Earth as a tall Japanese man with shoulder-length black hair wearing a textured brown blazer and jeans.
    Almos (he/him) - Werewolf. Damn good laywer. Dresses in an expensive blue suit that compliments his fur. Chooses to stay in wolf-form all the time. Helps organize the Norfork softball team. Trans-man. Single, in case anyone was wondering.
    Carmichael (he/him) - Arch-vampire nightclub owner and socialite in The City. Kelly owes him, and he aims to collect.

    Follow us!
    Twitter: @pestcontrolpod
    Cohost: @pestcontrolpod
    BlueSky: pestcontrolpod.bsky.social
    Chat with us on Discord: discord.gg/qkDfdjrHuD

    Check out the artist who did our cover art! https://www.instagram.com/_alejandroguarin/

    Audio editing by Sam Richardson (@laggardson)
    Audio Mixing by William White (@kwilliamwhite)
    Original music by Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse) & William White (@kwilliamwhite)

    Pest Control is an actual-play tabletop horror RPG podcast produced in association with AltHaven (@AltHaven_). Our second season uses “Monster of the Week”, a Powered by the Apocalypse system by Michael Sands and Evil Hat Productions. You can pick up a copy here.

    Season two, “Norfork”, follows a trio of friends living in the edge-city of Norfork as the community adapts to the open presence of Myriads and the encroachment of The City.

  • The melody of hope becomes a fallow tune echoing from the back of a parched, pale throat. The lost daughter walks to the end of the world.

    (Content Warnings: death, destruction, body horror)

    Pre-order Glass Beach's new album "plastic death", and get tickets to see them on tour!


    Keeper - Sam Richardson (@Laggardson, He/him)

    Winrey, the Divine - William White (@kwilliamwhite, They/them)

    Nammi, the Divine - Sam Darr (@mossyauthor, She/They)

    Amara, the Divine - Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse, They/them)

    Billy (they/them) - Agent of Dranja. Petite Black person with short light pink hair. Hawthorne’s partner.
    Hawthorne (he/him) - Billy's partner. Human man that looks like a hybrid between Santa Claus and Blackbeard. Carries an AK-47 strapped over this shoulder.
    Dranja (she/her) - Goddess of fertility, love, and growth. Nammi’s patron goddess. Leader of the Agents of Dranja. Dying.

    Follow us!
    Twitter: @pestcontrolpod
    Cohost: @pestcontrolpod
    BlueSky: pestcontrolpod.bsky.social
    Chat with us on Discord: discord.gg/qkDfdjrHuD

    Check out the artist who did our cover art! https://www.instagram.com/_alejandroguarin/

    Audio editing by Sam Richardson (@laggardson)
    Audio Mixing by William White (@kwilliamwhite)
    Original music by Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse) & William White (@kwilliamwhite)

    Pest Control is an actual-play tabletop horror RPG podcast produced in association with AltHaven (@AltHaven_). Our second season uses “Monster of the Week”, a Powered by the Apocalypse system by Michael Sands and Evil Hat Productions. You can pick up a copy here.

    Season two, “Norfork”, follows a trio of friends living in the edge-city of Norfork as the community adapts to the open presence of Myriads and the encroachment of The City.

  • Muddy, darkened skies fortell an ending, closer than most of us would like to think.
    The lost daughter graces this land again, in search of absolution.

    (Content Warnings: death, destruction, body horror)

    Pre-order Glass Beach's new album "plastic death", and get tickets to see them on tour!


    Keeper - Sam Richardson (@Laggardson, He/him)

    Winrey, the Divine - William White (@kwilliamwhite, They/them)

    Nammi, The Divine - Sam Darr (@mossyauthor, She/They)

    Amara, the Divine - Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse, They/them)

    Follow us!
    Twitter: @pestcontrolpod
    Cohost: @pestcontrolpod
    BlueSky: pestcontrolpod.bsky.social
    Chat with us on Discord: discord.gg/qkDfdjrHuD

    Check out the artist who did our cover art! https://www.instagram.com/_alejandroguarin/

    Audio editing by Sam Richardson (@laggardson)
    Audio Mixing by William White (@kwilliamwhite)
    Original music by Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse) & William White (@kwilliamwhite)

    Pest Control is an actual-play tabletop horror RPG podcast produced in association with AltHaven (@AltHaven_). Our second season uses “Monster of the Week”, a Powered by the Apocalypse system by Michael Sands and Evil Hat Productions. You can pick up a copy here.

    Season two, “Norfork”, follows a trio of friends living in the edge-city of Norfork as the community adapts to the open presence of Myriads and the encroachment of The City.

  • Someone new arrives in Norfork. Kelly works overtime. Rabbit's research yields a promising lead. Nammi, oh Nammi...

    (Content Warnings: imprisonment, police, memory loss)

    Check out Glass Beach's new single "the CIA" and it's killer music video!


    Keeper - Sam Richardson (@Laggardson, He/him)

    Kelly, The Crooked - William White (@kwilliamwhite, They/them)

    Nammi, The Divine - Sam Darr (@mossyauthor, She/They)

    Rabbit, The Shapechanger - Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse, They/them)
    Skidemour, the Monstrous - Frannie Morrison (she/her)

    Benoit Caldera (he/him) - CEO of Relegated Production Industries. Older tan white man, like Ed Harris from 15 years ago. Eyes scanning for every advantage.
    Jillian Murphy (she/her) - Former Norfork/City Liaison - currently unemployed. Also, Kelly's hookup. White woman in her early 30s, with a tall, broad build, sharper facial features, and red hair that’s just past the shoulder. Working to fulfill her promises to the people of Norfork.
    Daisy Vellen (she/her) - Nammi’s parole officer. Older white woman with glasses who purses her lips when she’s focused. Frizzy light brown hair.
    Valentina (she/her) - Leader of the Agents of Dranja, and member of the City police's Myriad Taskforce. On Earth, she presents as a tall white woman with long straight black hair and combat boots. Searching for something here in Norfork. Despises Nammi.
    Akito (he/him) - Agent of Dranja, and attendant of the Myriad Support Group. Nammi's former lover. Appears on Earth as a tall Japanese man with shoulder-length black hair, wearing a textured brown blazer and jeans.
    Butch (he/him) - A shadow that offered to help Kelly get out of a sticky situation early in his vigilante career. Eager to help Kelly like you’re eager to keep a fruit tree pruned and safe from deer.

    Follow us!
    Twitter: @pestcontrolpod
    Cohost: @pestcontrolpod
    BlueSky: pestcontrolpod.bsky.social
    Chat with us on Discord: discord.gg/qkDfdjrHuD

    Check out the artist who did our cover art! https://www.instagram.com/_alejandroguarin/

    Audio editing by Sam Richardson (@laggardson)
    Audio Mixing by William White (@kwilliamwhite)
    Original music by Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse) & William White (@kwilliamwhite)

    Pest Control is an actual-play tabletop horror RPG podcast produced in association with AltHaven (@AltHaven_). Our second season uses “Monster of the Week”, a Powered by the Apocalypse system by Michael Sands and Evil Hat Productions. You can pick up a copy here.

    Season two, “Norfork”, follows a trio of friends living in the edge-city of Norfork as the community adapts to the open presence of Myriads and the encroachment of The City.

  • As quiet months slip by in Norfork, the trio find themselves at odds with the people closest to them.

    Rabbit follows up. Nammi faces family. Kelly finds the truth.

    (Content Warnings: hospital setting, memory loss)

    Check out Glass Beach's new single "the CIA" and it's killer music video!


    Keeper - Sam Richardson (@Laggardson, He/him)

    Kelly, The Crooked - William White (@kwilliamwhite, They/them)

    Nammi, The Divine - Sam Darr (@mossyauthor, She/They)

    Rabbit, The Shapechanger - Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse, They/them)

    Elio Amadi (he/him) - AKA The Drippy One. Myriad and stage magician. Light green skin and covered by a fine layer of mucus. Friends/acquaintances with Rabbit. Romantic partner of Leilah Amund. Member of the Myriad Support Group.
    Leilah Amund (she/her) - Woman with darker skin. Elio’s partner.
    Valentina (she/her) - Leader of the Agents of Dranja. On Earth, she presents as a tall white woman with long straight black hair and combat boots. Searching for something here in Norfork. Despises Nammi.
    Isla (she/her) - Agent of Dranja. On Earth, she appears as a Latina woman wearing a loose-knit sweater and a long grey skirt.
    Jaamini (she/her) - Agent of Dranja. On Earth, she appears as an Indian woman with dark brown skin. Wears a bomber jacket and a graphic t-shirt.
    Emory (she/her) - Agent of Dranja. On Earth, she appears as a pale Asian woman with impeccable eyeliner. Wears a long, colorful dress.
    Romeo (he/him) - Agent of Dranja. Calm and assertive. Appears on Earth as a white person with platinum-tipped hair, often chews the end of a toothpick absentmindedly.
    Akito (he/him) - Agent of Dranja, and attendant of the Myriad Support Group. Nammi's former lover. Appears on Earth as a tall Japanese man with shoulder-length black hair wearing a textured brown blazer and jeans.
    Art Young (he/him) - Red-headed white man. Former member of VaccuCon alongside Rosa Kalyani. Rosa needs him for something.
    Chris Young (he/him) - Art Young's husband.
    Rosa Kalyani AKA Rosa Kalyani (she/her) - Unofficial leader of the lunar witch coven in which Rabbit was raised. Former astronaut. Imposing Black woman with short spongy black hair, and an athlete’s physique. Often wears an elegant coat, even when it’s hot.
    Butch (he/him) - A shadow that offered to help Kelly get out of a sticky situation early in his vigilante career. Eager to help Kelly like you’re eager to keep a fruit tree pruned and safe from deer.
    The Mothman (he/him) - Vigilante. Low-res digital facemask with two large pixelated circles for eyes attached to a black balaclava. Black turtleneck. Underneath, an extremely average looking white man with short blonde hair.
    Jillian Murphy (she/her) - Norfork City Liaison, and Kelly's hookup. White woman in her early 30s, broader build, kind of tall, red hair that’s just past the shoulder. Sharper facial features.
    Sharon Sonnen (she/her) - White woman. Member of the Norfork Parent's Assemblage ("The Moms"). Daughter of Simon Pip.
    Silvia Rui (she/her) - Member of the Norfork Parent's Assemblage ("The Moms"). White woman with frizzy brown hair, long cardigans, and mom-jeans. Can barely stand Hannah Radek. Rabbit, disguised as Kelly, helped run her kids birthday party at Cheapskate.

    Follow us!
    Twitter: @pestcontrolpod
    Cohost: @pestcontrolpod
    BlueSky: pestcontrolpod.bsky.social
    Chat with us on Discord: discord.gg/qkDfdjrHuD

    Check out the artist who did our cover art! https://www.instagram.com/_alejandroguarin/

    Audio editing by Sam Richardson (@laggardson)
    Audio Mixing by William White (@kwilliamwhite)
    Original music by Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse) & William White (@kwilliamwhite)

    Pest Control is an actual-play tabletop horror RPG podcast produced in association with AltHaven (@AltHaven_). Our second season uses “Monster of the Week”, a Powered by the Apocalypse system by Michael Sands and Evil Hat Productions. You can pick up a copy here.

    Season two, “Norfork”, follows a trio of friends living in the edge-city of Norfork as the community adapts to the open presence of Myriads and the encroachment of The City.

  • With the threat of the Strangleworm now behind them, the trio turn their attention back to their own lives. Rabbit dresses up. Nammi attends to her parole. Kelly gathers allies, and merits out justice.

    (Content Warnings: police, guns, general violence)


    Keeper - Sam Richardson (@Laggardson, He/him)

    Kelly, The Crooked - William White (@kwilliamwhite, They/them)

    Nammi, The Divine - Sam Darr (@mossyauthor, She/They)

    Rabbit, The Shapechanger - Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse, They/them)

    Cold Moon AKA Rosa Kalyani (she/her) - Unofficial leader of the lunar witch coven in which Rabbit was raised. Former astronaut. Imposing Black woman with short spongy black hair, and an athlete’s physique. Often wears an elegant coat, even when it’s hot.
    Officer Walther Polona (he/him) - City police officer who arrested Nammi at Ace Aruna's house. Missing.
    Marlowe (she/her) - Former street artist and current activist. Attempting to get a direct representation organization started in Norfork. Persian woman with light brown skin. Usually wearing an oversize denim jacket.
    Alexei Abramson (they/them) - A fairly small person with tattoos, a dozen various piercings, and a home-dyed purple pixie cut. Wheeler. Pippa of Anita.
    The Mothman (he/him) - Vigilante. Low-res digital facemask with two large pixelated circles for eyes attached to a black balaclava. Black turtleneck. Underneath, an extremely average looking white man with short blonde hair. Looking for Kelly.
    Reina Germain (she/her) - A young woman who worked at the Bunker with Sage-Brennan Schipp.
    Benoit Caldera (he/him) - CEO of Relegated Production Industries. Older tan white man, like Ed Harris from 15 years ago. Eyes scanning for every advantage.
    Carmichael (he/him) - Arch-vampire nightclub owner and socialite in The City. Kelly owes him, and he aims to collect.
    Officer Michael Sommer (he/him) - Police officer, and head of the Myriad Taskforce. Older white man with a shaved head. Not as friendly as some would prefer.
    Det. Ripley Adams (He/him) - Police detective working for The City. Obsessed with bringing down the vigilante known as “The Cryptid”. White man with short brown hair and a small mustache. Wears his sunglasses on top of his head. Eyes that look at everything suspiciously.
    Valentina (she/her) - Leader of the Agents of Dranja. On Earth, she presents as a tall white woman with long straight black hair and combat boots. Searching for something here in Norfork. Despises Nammi.
    Butch (he/him) - A shadow that offered to help Kelly get out of a sticky situation early in his vigilante career. Eager to help Kelly like you’re eager to keep a fruit tree pruned and safe from deer.

    Follow us!
    Twitter: @pestcontrolpod
    Cohost: @pestcontrol
    Chat with us on Discord: discord.gg/qkDfdjrHuD

    Check out the artist who did our cover art! https://www.instagram.com/_alejandroguarin/

    Audio editing by Sam Richardson (@laggardson)
    Audio Mixing by William White (@kwilliamwhite)
    Original music by Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse) & William White (@kwilliamwhite)

    Pest Control is an actual-play tabletop horror RPG podcast produced in association with AltHaven (@AltHaven_). Our second season uses “Monster of the Week”, a Powered by the Apocalypse system by Michael Sands and Evil Hat Productions. You can pick up a copy here.

    Season two, “Norfork”, follows a trio of friends living in the edge-city of Norfork as the community adapts to the open presence of Myriads and the encroachment of The City.

  • All over Norfork we see moments: a doctor checks with their patients, a crowd leaves a club, a magician flips off the last buzzing fluorescent over a group of folding chairs, a clerk idles the hours of a new job away, a lawyer sits in a darkened office rubbing his eyes.

    They feel what is coming, even if they can't put their fingers on it yet. The opportunity for change hangs in the air like smoke - and there's no choice but to breathe deeply and hold it, waiting.

    The vote is about to begin.

    (Content Warnings: hospital setting, general description of head/brain injury, spitting, infectious illness, police)


    Sam Richardson (@Laggardson, He/him)

    William White (@kwilliamwhite, They/them)

    Sam Darr (@mossyauthor, She/They)

    Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse, They/them)
    Sam De Leve (@ChaiKovsky, They/them)


    Jillian Murphy (she/her) - Norfork City Liaison, and Kelly's hookup. White woman in her early 30s, broader build, kind of tall, red hair that’s just past the shoulder. Sharper facial features. Major character. Power. Played by William White.
    Leilah Amund (she/her) - Woman with darker skin. Elio’s partner. Minor Character. Played by William White.
    Dr. Roger Maricelli (they/them) - Doctor hired to treat magical injuries at the City hospital. Short person with a Mediterranean complexion, curly short brown hair, and small horns protruding from their temples. Major character. Touchstone. Played by Jonas Newhouse.
    Perry Commonlaw (he/him) - Former proprietor of the failed "Hunter's Supply" in the Turntable Center. A craggy, shorter man in tennis shoes, loose jeans, and a polo shirt with a wide neck. A bald spot peeks through hair mid-transition between black and grey. Minor character. Played by Jonas Newhouse.
    Tammana Hemming (she/her) - Egyptian woman with wavy dark brown hair and a mischievous smile. Member of the Myriad support group. Sphinx. Major character. Perspective. Played by Sam Darr.
    Valentina (she/her) - Leader of the Agents of Dranja. On Earth, she presents as a tall white woman with long straight black hair and combat boots. Searching for something here in Norfork. Despises Nammi. Minor character. Played by Sam Darr.
    Alexei Abramson (they/them) - A fairly small person with tattoos, a dozen various piercings, and a home-dyed purple pixie cut. Wheeler. Pippa of Anita. Major character. Perspective. Played by Sam de Leve.
    Stanley Smithforshire (he/him) - Real estate developer. Minor character. Played by Sam de Leve.
    Glymmer AKA Aina Steen (she/her) - A white woman with short curly brown hair. Dressed in a ribbed black tanktop and selvedge denim shorts. Colorful bright jacket with an image or intertwined roses on the back, and a pair of aviator sunglasses nestled in her hair. Major character. Power. Played by Sam Richardson.
    Almos Sumati (he/him) - Werewolf. Damn good laywer. Dresses in an expensive blue suit that compliments his fur. Chooses to stay in wolf-form all the time. Helps organize the Norfork softball team. Trans-man. Single, in case anyone was wondering. Minor character. Played by Sam Richardson.
    Anita Abramson (she/her) - Child of Alexei. Myriad, of some kind. Fan of Glymmer, and kind of over this whole thing.
    Elio Amadi (he/him) - AKA the Drippy One.
    Det. Ripley Adams (he/him) - Police detective working for The City. Obsessed with bringing down the vigilante known as “The Cryptid”. White man with short brown hair and a small mustache. Wears his sunglasses on top of his head. Eyes that look at everything suspiciously.


    The City: A city founded near Norfork that has been aggressively expanding for the last 20 years. This faction includes the police force of the City, the City Council, and its various bureaucratic tentacles.

    Norfork Town Council: An elected group of representatives that serves Norfork. Currently clinging to their role as bureaucratic arbiters, even as the City’s council attempts to cast them as a vestigial holdover. Colloquially referred to as “city council” (lowercase “c”), much to everyone’s consternation.

    Norfork Parent’s Assemblage (N.P.A.): A group of mothers in Norfolk dedicated to improving the community of Norfork. They are often at odds with the City council. They are very powerful, but also often rife with internal conflict.

    The Dread Ringers: A vampire “mob” led by the arch-vampire Carmichael. They run a network of clubs throughout the City. They have recently expanded into Norfork thanks to a combination of new construction and a “community watch”, which they use as a guise to carry out various unsavory activities.

    Relegated Production Industries (R.P.I.): Officially, a City-backed construction management company. They have just developed the land inside of the Divot into a business park, where they are putting the finishing touches on their new headquarters. Unofficially… maybe something else.

    The Star Society: A group of 15-20 amateur astronomers seeking out the clearest skies in Norfork. They are a mix of townies and City folk, but townies always know the best spots and for some reason
    The City folk can’t seem to get images that are as clear from where they live…

    The Dark Abbey: Fans of the
    influencer and fashion vlogger Glymmer AKA Aina Steen. Treated very seriously. Meetups are usually by invitation only, and they’ve begun to hold raves in the derelict mining tunnels beneath Norfork. Their symbol looks like a little cartoony black castle.

    Norfork Street Artists: A unofficial group of street artists that have been pushed underground after the City’s influence began to spread in Norfork. You can still find their elegant designs under the overpasses and in alleys, but it’s nothing like it once was.

    The Midnight Bower: A drag and burlesque group in Norfork. Always in search of their next iconic performance.

    Check out “Kingdom” by Ben Robbins!

    Follow us!
    Twitter: @pestcontrolpod
    Cohost: @pestcontrol
    Chat with us on Discord: discord.gg/qkDfdjrHuD

    Check out the artist who did our cover art! https://www.instagram.com/_alejandroguarin/

    Audio editing by Sam Richardson (@laggardson)
    Audio Mixing by William White (@kwilliamwhite)
    Original music by Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse) & William White (@kwilliamwhite)

    Pest Control is an actual-play tabletop horror RPG podcast produced in association with Queuetimes (@_queuetimes). Our second season uses “Monster of the Week”, a Powered by the Apocalypse system by Michael Sands and Evil Hat Productions. You can pick up a copy here.

    Season two, “Norfork”, follows a trio of friends living in the edge-city of Norfork as the community adapts to the open presence of Myriads and the encroachment of The City.

  • The people of Norfork go about their day, most blissfully unaware of just how close they came to possession. Those who pick themselves up from the pavement or find themselves behind the wheel in the middle of the night shake their heads - the stress must really be getting to them.

    They have other problems, after all - bigger than forgetting they had bought six dozen eggs, or hawking up a bit of black gunk.

    Have you heard about the raves? In the tunnels? A recipe for disaster. And the new “community watch”? How were you supposed to feel safe? The Norfork liaison is out for herself, the old high school leaves a bad taste in your mouth, and the cops? Well, when’s the last time they helped more than hurt?

    And so, a choice becomes clear: will we invest in ourselves? Or will we accept that this is life now - taking the City’s gifts alongside its curses?

    (Content Warnings: police, urbanization)


    Sam Richardson (@Laggardson, He/him)

    William White (@kwilliamwhite, They/them)

    Sam Darr (@mossyauthor, She/They)

    Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse, They/them)
    Sam De Leve (@ChaiKovsky, They/them)


    Jillian Murphy (she/her) - Norfork City Liaison, and Kelly's hookup. White woman in her early 30s, broader build, kind of tall, red hair that’s just past the shoulder. Sharper facial features. Major character. Power. Played by William White.
    Leilah Amund (she/her) - Woman with darker skin. Elio’s partner. Minor Character. Played by William White.
    Dr. Roger Maricelli (they/them) - Doctor hired to treat magical injuries at the City hospital. Short person with a Mediterranean complexion, curly short brown hair, and small horns protruding from their temples. Major character. Touchstone. Played by Jonas Newhouse.
    Perry Commonlaw (he/him) - Former proprietor of the failed "Hunter's Supply" in the Turntable Center. A craggy, shorter man in tennis shoes, loose jeans, and a polo shirt with a wide neck. A bald spot peeks through hair mid-transition between black and grey. Minor character. Played by Jonas Newhouse.
    Tammana Hemming (she/her) - Egyptian woman with wavy dark brown hair and a mischievous smile. Member of the Myriad support group. Sphinx. Major character. Perspective. Played by Sam Darr.
    Valentina (she/her) - Leader of the Agents of Dranja. On Earth, she presents as a tall white woman with long straight black hair and combat boots. Searching for something here in Norfork. Despises Nammi. Minor character. Played by Sam Darr.
    Alexei Abramson (they/them) - A fairly small person with tattoos, a dozen various piercings, and a home-dyed purple pixie cut. Wheeler. Pippa of Anita. Major character. Perspective. Played by Sam de Leve.
    Stanley Smithforshire (he/him) - Real estate developer. Minor character. Played by Sam de Leve.
    Glymmer AKA Aina Steen (she/her) - A white woman with short curly brown hair. Dressed in a ribbed black tanktop and selvedge denim shorts. Colorful bright jacket with an image or intertwined roses on the back, and a pair of aviator sunglasses nestled in her hair. Major character. Power. Played by Sam Richardson.
    Almos Sumati (he/him) - Werewolf. Damn good laywer. Dresses in an expensive blue suit that compliments his fur. Chooses to stay in wolf-form all the time. Helps organize the Norfork softball team. Trans-man. Single, in case anyone was wondering. Minor character. Played by Sam Richardson.
    Anita Abramson (she/her) - Child of Alexei. Myriad, or some kind. Fan of Glymmer, and kind of over this whole thing.
    Davey Wilkinson (he/him) - Fire Marshal for Norfork and friend of Alexei Abramson. Coaches little league.
    Steven Bisque (he/him) - Assistant Fire Marshal for Norfork. Has a passion for the Dark Abbey, and pony-print memorabilia.
    Carmichael (he/him) - Arch-vampire nightclub owner and socialite in The City. Kelly owes him, and he's here to collect.


    The City: A city founded near Norfork that has been aggressively expanding for the last 20 years. This faction includes the police force of the City, the City Council, and its various bureaucratic tentacles.

    Norfork Town Council: An elected group of representatives that serves Norfork. Currently clinging to their role as bureaucratic arbiters, even as the City’s council attempts to cast them as a vestigial holdover. Colloquially referred to as “city council” (lowercase “c”), much to everyone’s consternation.

    Norfork Parent’s Assemblage (N.P.A.): A group of mothers in Norfolk dedicated to improving the community of Norfork. They are often at odds with the City council. They are very powerful, but also often rife with internal conflict.

    The Dread Ringers: A vampire “mob” led by the arch-vampire Carmichael. They run a network of clubs throughout the City. They have recently expanded into Norfork thanks to a combination of new construction and a “community watch”, which they use as a guise to carry out various unsavory activities.

    Relegated Production Industries (R.P.I.): Officially, a City-backed construction management company. They have just developed the land inside of the Divot into a business park, where they are putting the finishing touches on their new headquarters. Unofficially… maybe something else.

    The Star Society: A group of 15-20 amateur astronomers seeking out the clearest skies in Norfork. They are a mix of townies and City folk, but townies always know the best spots and for some reason
    The City folk can’t seem to get images that are as clear from where they live…

    The Dark Abbey: Fans of the
    influencer and fashion vlogger Glymmer AKA Aina Steen. Treated very seriously. Meetups are usually by invitation only, and they’ve begun to hold raves in the derelict mining tunnels beneath Norfork. Their symbol looks like a little cartoony black castle.

    Norfork Street Artists: A unofficial group of street artists that have been pushed underground after the City’s influence began to spread in Norfork. You can still find their elegant designs under the overpasses and in alleys, but it’s nothing like it once was.

    The Midnight Bower: A drag and burlesque group in Norfork. Always in search of their next iconic performance.

    Check out “Kingdom” by Ben Robbins!

    Follow us!
    Twitter: @pestcontrolpod
    Cohost: @pestcontrol
    Chat with us on Discord: discord.gg/qkDfdjrHuD

    Check out the artist who did our cover art! https://www.instagram.com/_alejandroguarin/

    Audio editing by Sam Richardson (@laggardson)
    Audio Mixing by William White (@kwilliamwhite)
    Original music by Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse) & William White (@kwilliamwhite)

    Pest Control is an actual-play tabletop horror RPG podcast produced in association with Queuetimes (@_queuetimes). Our second season uses “Monster of the Week”, a Powered by the Apocalypse system ...

  • Arc #2 finale. With only hours left before Norfork loses itself entirely to the exponential threat to the Strangleworm, the trio make one final play for the fate of their home. But how many losses turn a victory to a defeat?

    If you do this, you are putting all of Norfork at risk. All of your friends, people with no choice but to deal with the consequences. Please, I’m asking you to reconsider.

    She warned me of the risks.

    She doesn’t understand them, or she wouldn’t have told you to come.

    I can’t go on like this.

    Your pain is not an excuse. Not here. Leave, please. Please.

    I’m sorry. I’ll fix it. I can fix it. Whatever happens.

    (Content Warnings: Police, police violence, guns, emotional manipulation, blood, gore, serious wounds, body horror related to eyes, infectious illness, loss of bodily autonomy (PC))


    Keeper - Sam Richardson (@Laggardson, He/him)

    Kelly, The Crooked - William White (@kwilliamwhite, They/them)

    Nammi, The Divine - Sam Darr (@mossyauthor, She/They)

    Rabbit, The Shapechanger - Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse, They/them)

    Officer Walther Polona (he/him) - City police officer who arrested Nammi at Ace Aruna's house.
    Cold Moon AKA Rosa Kalyani (she/her) - Unofficial leader of the lunar witch coven in which Rabbit was raised. Former astronaut. Imposing Black woman with short spongy black hair, and an athlete’s physique. Often wears an elegant coat, even when it’s hot.
    Art Young (he/him) - Red-headed white man. Former member of VaccuCon alongside Rosa Kalyani. Rosa needs him for something.
    The Mothman (he/him) - Vigilante. Low-res digital facemask with two large pixelated circles for eyes attached to a black balaclava. Black turtleneck. Underneath, an extremely average looking white man with short blonde hair. Looking for Kelly.
    Romeo (he/him) - Agent of Dranja. Calm and assertive. Appears on Earth as a white person with platinum-tipped hair, often chews the end of a toothpick absentmindedly.
    Akito (he/him) - Agent of Dranja, and attendant of the Myriad Support Group. Nammi's former lover. Appears on Earth as a tall Japanese man with shoulder-length black hair wearing a textured brown blazer and jeans.
    Alek, Meg, and Tisi Moon (all she/her) - Rabbit's trio of moms. All members of the Lunar Coven. Rabbit lives with them on and off.
    Elio Amadi (He/him) - AKA The Drippy One. Myriad and stage magician. Light green skin and covered by a fine layer of mucus. Friends/acquaintances with Rabbit. Romantic partner of Leilah Amund. Member of the Myriad Support Group.

    Follow us!
    Twitter: @pestcontrolpod
    Cohost: @pestcontrol
    Chat with us on Discord: discord.gg/qkDfdjrHuD

    Check out the artist who did our cover art! https://www.instagram.com/_alejandroguarin/

    Audio editing by Sam Richardson (@laggardson)
    Audio Mixing by William White (@kwilliamwhite)
    Original music by Jonas Newhouse (@jonasnewhouse) & William White (@kwilliamwhite)

    Pest Control is an actual-play tabletop horror RPG podcast produced in association with Queuetimes (@_queuetimes). Our second season uses “Monster of the Week”, a Powered by the Apocalypse system by Michael Sands and Evil Hat Productions. You can pick up a copy here.

    Season two, “Norfork”, follows a trio of friends living in the edge-city of Norfork as the community adapts to the open presence of Myriads and the encroachment of The City.