The Resource Roadmap Show is a monthly talk show with the writers and editors at Therapy Insights. Each month, learn new ways to utilize pediatric med SLP resources that have just been added to our library, including article snapshots and printable handouts, eval tools, references, and therapy materials. Earn a CEU certificate by heading to our website and answering 2 questions related to the episode. The CEU feature must be included in your Access Pass subscription.
Hi NURSING.com family. Are you getting ready for the NCLEX?? This show is the perfect NCLEX review, and as ALWAYS, we have pulled out the MOST important info that you need to become an Amazing nurse!
Listen in each week while we review 77 critical topics you need to pass the NCLEX-RN Exam. Each episode will cover these MUST-know nursing topics with a perfect overview.
If you want to follow along while you listen to this show, you can head over to nclexbook.com to get our Free eBook
Do you need to know how to pass the NCLEX?
NCLEX Flash Notes is your go-to last-minute refresher for the NCLEX exam. Cut through the fluff and get straight to the essential information with this free resource.
“I am a to-the-point type of student and this definitely breaks everything down and makes the overall learning experience easy, comfortable, relaxed, and not stressful at all.”
Are you the type of nursing student that can’t just sit and read a 1,000+ page textbook?
Covering 77 must-know nursing topics for the NCLEX, these concise notes are presented in an easy-to-read bullet point format, spanning just 100 pages . . . BONUS Feature - 16 full-color nursing cheatsheets
www.nclexbook.com -
Increasingly, healthcare and educational professionals are delivering services using teleconferencing platforms. For speech-language pathologists and audiologists, delivering diagnostic and treatment services using distance technology is called telepractice. In this podcast, Kim Dutro Allen and Dr. K Todd Houston share the latest news, tips, and insights from other professionals who are interviewed in each episode. Telepractice will continue to grow, so please join us to learn more about how you can use technology to serve your clients and patients more effectively.
HIV is one of the worst epidemics in human history, and has had a devastating impact on populations worldwide. Our HIV podcasts describe the leading efforts by NDM researchers to develop new treatments and possible vaccines for HIV, as well as to understand and prevent its transmission, to help reduce the global HIV disease burden and improve outcomes for patients worldwide.
The Personal Injury Law Podcast explores and deconstructs personal injury law including negligence concepts, specific negligence cases, like car accidents or premises liability, insurance company tactics and tricks, as well as interviews with personal injury lawyers who focus their practices on certain claims. This podcast is appropriate for people who are interested in the law, people who have been injured by someone else's negligence and are handling their own claim, and/or people who are on the fence about hiring a lawyer.
Are you a nursing professional looking to deepen your understanding of the field and provide the best care possible for your patients? Or are you simply interested in learning more about the history and foundations of nursing? Either way, you won't want to miss out on the opportunity to listen to Florence Nightingale's classic work, Notes on Nursing. Widely considered the first modern textbook on nursing, this book offers timeless wisdom and insights that are as relevant today as they were when it was first published. Don't miss out on this chance to learn from one of the pioneers of nursing – start listening to Notes on Nursing today!
https://www.solgood.org - View our full collection of audiobooks, short stories, & sounds for sleep at our website -
Herzlich willkommen zum Ajla Crnalic Podcast – deinem inspirierenden Begleiter für Führung, Kommunikation und Wachstum! 🌟
Stell dir vor: In einer Zeit, in der viele die Pflegebranche bereits abgeschrieben hatten, hat Ajla Crnalic das scheinbar Unmögliche geschafft. Mit Herzblut, innovativen Ideen und einer ordentlichen Portion Mut hat sie ihren Pflegedienst in Worms zu einem wahren Bewerbermagneten gemacht. Während andere noch über den Fachkräftemangel klagten, stapelten sich bei ihr die Bewerbungen bis unter die Decke. Ihr Erfolgsgeheimnis? Eine Arbeitsumgebung, in der Wertschätzung nicht nur ein Wort ist, sondern gelebt wird, und in der sich jeder Mitarbeiter entfalten kann. 
Doch damit nicht genug: Ajla teilt ihre Erfahrungen und unterstützt mittlerweile auch Führungskräfte in anderen Branchen dabei, ihre Unternehmen zu Bewerbermagneten zu machen und die Attraktivität ihres Arbeitsplatzes zu steigern. Sie zeigt, dass mit der richtigen Vision und einer Prise Humor selbst die größten Herausforderungen gemeistert werden können.
In diesem Podcast teilt Ajla ihre persönlichen Geschichten und gibt dir praxisnahe Tipps an die Hand, wie auch du in deinem Unternehmen oder als Führungskraft solche beeindruckenden Meilensteine erreichen kannst. Lass dich von ihren Erlebnissen inspirieren und entdecke, wie du durch authentische Führung und effektive Kommunikation nicht nur dein Team, sondern die gesamte Gesellschaft positiv beeinflussen kannst.
Mach dich bereit für eine Reise voller wertvoller Einsichten und praktischer Tipps – denn dein Potenzial kennt keine Grenzen! 🚀 -
This is the PAINE Podcast. A podcast for physician assistants to prepare for passing the PANCE/PANRE, as well as staying up to date on clinical literature. Every month I breakdown a topic on the NCCPA blueprint and tell you what you need to know when studying for your boards. I also tackle the current literature that may be practice changing, as well as other emerging medical practice topics.
Hosted by The Rescue Company 1, As The Rotor Turns is a weekly podcast that covers everything related to EMS and the life of First Responders. Our educational and entertaining opinions are brought to you by this team of veteran EMS professionals who are still working on the front lines. Members of this elite team have even responded to nationally recognized incidents such as the Pulse Nightclub shooting. Your main host and CEO of The Rescue Company 1, is none other than "The" Carlos Tavarez. Joining Carlos is his wife and ER Nurse Trish with her colorful hair and shining personality. Coming in with his amazing scenario giving talent is Jason, also known as "The Hippo" who is an active Firefighter/Paramedic. Newest to the team is Amanda, also known as "Birthday Buddy," who is the keeper of the chaos for TRC1 and is an Emergency Dispatcher on the side. You will learn, you will laugh, you may even cry a little but you will always be well-informed and entertained.
Motivation Daily is for anyone looking for motivation, inspiration and encouraging words and advice to help you on your journey in life. Produced by Motiversity, this podcast features only the greatest motivational speeches, spoken by the best speakers in the world.
Motivation is an important life skill. Without motivation, you can’t achieve anything. There are no goal posts to aim for and no purpose to strive towards.
In this podcast, Motiversity features motivational speeches from the greatest speakers and high-performing people in the world, on topics including life, business, relationships, discipline, purpose, mental health, sports, studying, focus and more. Listen to original, highly-edited, exclusive speeches from speakers including Coach Pain, Billy Alsbrooks, Marcus Taylor, Dr. Jessica Houston, Walter Bond and many more.
If you’re ready to take control of your life, go to the next level, or just need some motivation or inspiration, tune in to the Daily Motivation Podcast by Motiversity.
Follow Motiversity on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/motiversity
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Hard Facts and science-based approach to nutrition, athletic performance, and obtaining optimal health and results. Technical enough to satisfy the nerd in anyone but delivered in an easy to digest format that everyone can enjoy.
Dr Anthony Chaffee is a medical doctor and former professional rugby player who spent years researching optimal nutrition and living it out as a Carnivore. He has seen the benefits both in his personal life and in his patients.
He is joined by world renowned experts in their field who have decades of experience, hard science, and facts to help you understand what you need to do in order to achieve optimal health. -
Want to start speaking Ukrainian right away, or prepare yourself for meeting Ukrainians? Then check out this series of 60 conversational mini-lessons ― packed with realistic dialogues at a natural and slow speed, essential phrases for the most common situations, vocabulary boosters, grammar points… and more! All lessons are free, but you can get lesson notes and flashcards by becoming a premium member. Find out more at https://www.ukrainianlessons.com/fmu.
Welcome to The Bright Eyes Podcast: Advice for Healthy Vision for All Ages. Your hosts are Dr. Nate Bonilla-Warford & Dr. Beth Knighton, residency-trained optometrists, that provide eye exams for glasses and contacts, and specialty services including vision therapy, myopia control, orthokeratology, and sports vision training. Bright Eyes Family Vision Care provides eye care to all ages. Bright Eyes Kids is just for children 18 and under. Their mission to empower patients by providing the best in friendly, professional, and individualized eye care.
The Oxford Vaccinology Programme provides state-of-the-art teaching in both veterinary and human vaccinology, drawing on the experience of Oxford University, the world-renowned Jenner Institute, based in Oxford, and the Institute for Animal Health (IAH). We work with the world's leading vaccinology specialists from industry and academia to provide short course training in areas related to vaccine design and construction, including immunology and molecular biology, manufacturing, clinical trial design, immunomonitoring, regulatory strategy, post-marketing surveillance, vaccine financing and the ethics of vaccination.
Willkommen in eurem Pflege-Café Podcast – dem Ort, an dem wir gemeinsam in die Welt der Pflegeversicherung eintauchen und durch die Weiten des Pflege-Dschungels reisen. 🌿🏡
🎙️ In unseren unterhaltsamen Episoden erfährt ihr interessante Fakten rund um das Thema Pflege zu Hause. Wir nehmen uns Zeit für klärende und auch kritische Gespräche, beleuchten die verschiedenen Aspekte der Pflegeversicherung, tauschen uns mit Gästen aus und geben Tipps für den Umgang mit den Herausforderungen im Pflegealltag.
🌟 Warum unser Podcast? Unser Ziel ist es, komplexe Themen verständlich zu erläutern und dabei eine angenehme Auszeit anzubieten, insbesondere für pflegende Angehörige, Pflegende, Pflegefachpersonen und an der Pflege Interessierte.
🌐 Abonniert unseren Podcast oder YouTube Kanal und werdet Teil unserer Community. Lasst uns gemeinsam den Pflege-Dschungel durchqueren und das System von allen Seiten beleuchten! ☕🎧
Viel Spaß im Pflege-Café!
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• Schreib uns gerne eine E-Mail: [email protected]
• Podcast-Host: Didar Dündar & Jens Henseleit, Zertifizierte Pflegesachverständige aus Berlin