We must pray during these challenging times.Japan was hit really hard 7.1 Earthquake during the pandemic.The people of Japan are suffering without food,water and electricity.Reminder of the Countries to Unite and help those in need.We are one World.🌍
Start your day with God.Do not show off that you give him thanks and praise.Every person in this earth is worthy everyone is created in his own image.Tell someone uplift them by saying we are all created in God's Image.See the smile on someone's face because we are created iqual.
Keep yourself in a positive mind mood it will erase negative thoughts it will keep you in a negative mood Try to be more upbeat and happy in all that you do on a daily basis.
The Power of letting your relationship go..if you are not happy let them go.
Never feel like you have to live a marathon..Take life day by day the hours are slow so you should move at your own pace.
The smile or a small gesture a laugh..you notice it when your in a friendly relationship.Try to keep the friendship as friends not go into a relationship if you are not sure you love that person.
Hard work leads to success..Do not be jealous of what other's do and be happy they reached their Goal.Find your own way and keep working on your Goals.
Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect.It means be yourself be imperfect and take baby steps to get your path to get to your Goal.
Always find a way to get up in the morning even when you do not feel up to facing the day.GET UP!! Do something for yourself..Dress Up!! Feel Good About Yourself..Never Give Up!!Life is worth living for..Get out of bed and go to work or volunteer,So many people are struggling but be the example and show you are happy to be alive.
Always take small steps,baby steps eventually it will lead you to success.Find your way by taking small steps that will lead you to your path of success.
Prove to yourself how much love is inside of you.Let the person know how much you care.Show your strength by not giving up.
It has been the most challenging times.i hope you can see my goals and accomplishments.I am trying and do the best I can.Hope this will show you how much I Love You.
Make Valentine's Day Special.Send romantic message to your love ones.Send out social media message if you cannot reach the person you love.Send a text message showing how much you love them.
How to play the game with a new team.Well played football game.Tom Brady with a new team and his teammate Gronkowski coming out of retirement to win another Super Bowl Win.
Please speak out if someone try to destroy your inner peace your life your family your work.It is not pleasant for someone to say I will destroy you Blackmail is a crime.Peoplw will hear your voice.Please do not prowl innocent people because your demands are not met.
Always remember you are worthy the little things you do can make a big difference so always try to write down all the things you want to do and that would make you happy doing it.
Appreciate everything you have God Gave You Your Life.Learn to love one another.Volenteer and me more productive.Do more in your life if you want to change where you are.
Make yiur day worthy useful smile every morning keep yourself upbeat.Its a day you cannot go out then read a good book or watch a good movie.Do something today for your self.
If someone is happy and received something that they did through hard work be happy for them.Do not bring someone else down because you are feeling sad and not productive.
Always see yourself in a better light forget your Sorrows see a better tomorrow.Painting a good picture of your life that has struggles and downfalls.Speak out how you over come those dark and lonely days You tell your story and you show you have survived all your dark challenges.You saved yourself and you might be saving another life.
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