
  • The Hen is a Symbol of Motherhood for Reasons We May Have Forgotten, So Let Us Recall by Karen Davis at UPC-Online.org

    Original post: https://www.upc-online.org/alerts/180512_the_hen_is_symbol_of_motherhood.html

    United Poultry Concerns, founded by Karen Davis, is a nonprofit organization that promotes the compassionate and respectful treatment of domestic fowl including a sanctuary for chickens in Virginia. Karen is the author of numerous books, essays, articles and campaigns advocating for these birds. Her latest book is For the Birds: From Exploitation to Liberation: Essays on Chickens, Turkeys, and Other Domesticated Fowl.

    Also please check out their podcast called "Thinking Like a Chicken", hosted by Karen Davis. She shares information about chickens in 10-minute episodes every 2 weeks. I highly recommend it, and you can find it at UPC-online.org.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Follow/subscribe to the show wherever you listen.

    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #hens #chickens #eggs #mothers

  • Meet Hellah Sidibe: The Vegan Athlete Who Ran Across the U.S. in 84 Days by Megan Edwards at ForksOverKnives.com

    Original post: https://www.forksoverknives.com/wellness/meet-vegan-runner-hellah-sidibe

    Related Episodes:

    125: How to Lose Weight by Eating More Food

    168: The Calorie Density Approach to Nutrition and Lifelong Weight Management

    436: Losing Weight on a Plant-Based, Vegan Diet: Tips for Success

    455: Calorie Density Is the Key to Weight Loss

    485: Breaking Free of the Dietary Pleasure Trap

    565: Cut the Calorie-Rich-And-Processed Foods (CRAP)

    Forks Over Knives Documentary: https://www.forksoverknives.com/the-film/

    Forks Over Knives was founded following the release of the world-famous documentary Forks Over Knives in 2011, showing people how to regain control of their health and their lives with a plant-based diet. Since then Forks Over Knives released bestselling books, launched a mobile recipe app and maintains a website filled with the latest research, success stories, recipes, and tools to help people at every phase of their plant-based journeys. They also have a cooking course, a meal planner, a line of food products, and a magazine. Please visit www.ForksOverKnives.com for a wealth of resources.

    How to support the podcast:

    Share with others.

    Recommend the podcast on your social media.

    Follow/subscribe to the show wherever you listen.

    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #plantbasedathlete #hellahgood #veganathlete

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  • [Part 2] The Importance of Fiber in Gut Health and Hormonal Balance by Ocean Robbins at FoodRevolution.org

    Original post: https://foodrevolution.org/blog/fiber-gut-health-hormones/

    Related Episodes:

    634: [Part 2] Are Starches Good or Bad? By Ocean Robbins at FoodRevolution.org

    633: [Part 1] Are Starches Good or Bad? By Ocean Robbins at FoodRevolution.org

    499: [Part 2] 5 Simple Ways to Improve Kids’ Gut Health Using Diet & Lifestyle by Ocean Robbins at FoodRevolution.org

    498: [Part 1] 5 Simple Ways to Improve Kids’ Gut Health Using Diet & Lifestyle by Ocean Robbins at FoodRevolution.org

    420: The Potential Harm in Unnecessary Gluten-Free Diets by Dr. Michael Greger at NutritionFacts.org

    320: ‘How to Keep Your Microbiome Healthy with Prebiotic Foods’ & ‘The Five-to-One Fiber Rule’ by Dr. Michael Greger at NutritionFacts.org

    269: Fiber Fueled - The Key to a Strong Immune System. By Will Bulsiewicz, MD, MSCI at NutritionStudies.org

    Ocean Robbins is CEO Food Revolution Network a non-profit organization committed to healthy, ethical, and sustainable food for all. Guided by John and Ocean Robbins, with more than 500,000 members and with the collaboration of many of the top food revolutionary leaders of our times, Food Revolution Network aims to empower individuals, build community, and transform food systems to support healthy people and a healthy planet.

    How to support the podcast:

    Share with others.

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    Follow/subscribe to the show wherever you listen.

    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #fiber #guthealth #gutmicrobiome #hormonalbalance

  • [Part 1] The Importance of Fiber in Gut Health and Hormonal Balance by Ocean Robbins at FoodRevolution.org

    Original post: https://foodrevolution.org/blog/fiber-gut-health-hormones/

    Ocean Robbins is CEO Food Revolution Network a non-profit organization committed to healthy, ethical, and sustainable food for all. Guided by John and Ocean Robbins, with more than 500,000 members and with the collaboration of many of the top food revolutionary leaders of our times, Food Revolution Network aims to empower individuals, build community, and transform food systems to support healthy people and a healthy planet.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Follow/subscribe to the show wherever you listen.

    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #fiber #guthealth #gutmicrobiome #hormonalbalance

  • The Reason Michelin Chef Dominique Crenn Loves This Vegan Blue Cheese? AI. By Anna Starostinetskaya at VegNews.com

    Original post: https://vegnews.com/2023/3/michelin-chef-dominique-crenn-vegan-blue-cheese

    WP Article About Contest: https://www.washingtonpost.com/food/2024/04/27/vegan-cheese-good-food-awards-climax/

    Related Episodes:

    585: Climax Foods Unveils the First Plant-Based Casein That Works Just Like Dairy by Anna Starostinetskaya at VegNews.com

    533: Could Precision Fermentation Save the Food System? By Charlotte Pointing at VegNews.com

    171: Technical Outrage: Innovation to Reduce Animal Use by Karthik Sekar at Faunalytics.org

    Launched in 2000, VegNews is the largest vegan media brand in the world. They have a best-selling plant-based magazine, and they create amazing content from food and fashion to travel, celebrity interviews, beauty and health info, a meal planner, and vegan travel excursions. Their Guide section on their website is full of great information and they have an online shop where you can find cookbooks, foods, kitchen tools, vegan meal delivery services. They also have a website, VeganWeddings.com.

    Please visit www.VegNews.com for a wealth of resources.

    How to support the podcast:

    Share with others.

    Recommend the podcast on your social media.

    Follow/subscribe to the show wherever you listen.

    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #vegancheese #climaxfoods #goodfoodawards

  • Conquering Addiction to Processed Foods on a Plant-Based Diet by Evon Dennis at ForksOverKnives.com

    Original post: https://www.forksoverknives.com/success-stories/conquering-addiction-to-processed-foods-on-a-plant-based-diet

    Related Episodes:

    125: How to Lose Weight by Eating More Food

    168: The Calorie Density Approach to Nutrition and Lifelong Weight Management

    436: Losing Weight on a Plant-Based, Vegan Diet: Tips for Success

    455: Calorie Density Is the Key to Weight Loss

    485: Breaking Free of the Dietary Pleasure Trap

    565: Cut the Calorie-Rich-And-Processed Foods (CRAP)

    Forks Over Knives Documentary: https://www.forksoverknives.com/the-film/

    Forks Over Knives was founded following the release of the world-famous documentary Forks Over Knives in 2011, showing people how to regain control of their health and their lives with a plant-based diet. Since then Forks Over Knives released bestselling books, launched a mobile recipe app and maintains a website filled with the latest research, success stories, recipes, and tools to help people at every phase of their plant-based journeys. They also have a cooking course, a meal planner, a line of food products, and a magazine. Please visit www.ForksOverKnives.com for a wealth of resources.

    How to support the podcast:

    Share with others.

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    Follow/subscribe to the show wherever you listen.

    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #foodaddiction #mentalhealth #caloriedensity #pleasuretrap

  • Two Years to Change the World by Sailesh Rao at ClimateHealers.org

    Original post: https://climatehealers.org/blog/two-years-to-change-the-world/

    Vega - The Cow In The Room Video (1 min) https://vimeo.com/639434716

    Dr. Sailesh Rao is the Founder and Executive Director of Climate Healers, a non-profit dedicated towards healing the Earth’s climate. Dr. Rao is the author of two books, Carbon Dharma: The Occupation of Butterflies and Carbon Yoga: The Vegan Metamorphosis, and an Executive Producer of four documentaries, The Human Experiment (2013), Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (2014), What The Health (2017), and A Prayer for Compassion (2019).

    Dr. Rao is a Human, Earth and Animal Liberation (HEAL) activist, husband, dad and since 2010, a star-struck grandfather. He has promised his granddaughter, Kimaya, that the world will be largely Vegan before she turns 16 in 2026, so that people will stop eating her relatives, the animals. He has faith that humanity will transform to keep his pinky promise to Kimaya, not just for ethical reasons, but also out of sheer ecological necessity.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Follow/subscribe to the show wherever you listen.

    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #climatecrisis #climatechange #chronicdisease #biodiversitycrisis #animalagriculture

  • ‘Diverticulosis: When Our Most Common Gut Disorder Hardly Existed' and 'Does Fiber Really Prevent Diverticulosis?' By Dr. Michael Greger at NutritionFacts.org

    Original post: https://nutritionfacts.org/video/diverticulosis-when-our-most-common-gut-disorder-hardly-existed/

    and https://nutritionfacts.org/video/does-fiber-really-prevent-diverticulosis/

    Related Episodes:

    319: Lose Two Pounds in One Sitting: Taking the Mioscenic Route by Dr. Michael Greger at NutritionFacts.org

    320: ‘How to Keep Your Microbiome Healthy with Prebiotic Foods’ & ‘The Five-to-One Fiber Rule’ by Dr. Michael Greger at NutritionFacts.org

    Dr. Michael Greger is a physician, New York Times bestselling author, and internationally recognized speaker on nutrition, food safety, and public health issues. A founding member and Fellow of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, Dr. Greger is licensed as a general practitioner specializing in clinical nutrition. He is a graduate of the Cornell University School of Agriculture and Tufts University School of Medicine. He founded NUTRITIONFACTS.ORG is a non-profit, non-commercial, science-based public service provided by Dr. Michael Greger, providing free updates on the latest in nutrition research via bite-sized videos. There are more than a thousand videos on nearly every aspect of healthy eating, with new videos and articles uploaded every day.

    His latest books —How Not to Die, the How Not to Die Cookbook, and How Not to Diet — became instant New York Times Best Sellers. His two latest books, How to Survive a Pandemic and the How Not to Diet Cookbook were released in 2020.

    100% of all proceeds he has ever received from his books, DVDs, and speaking engagements have always and will always be donated to charity.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Follow/subscribe to the show wherever you listen.

    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #diverticulosis #diverticulitis #fiber

  • Red Is the New Green: Why Plant-Based Brands Need to Change Color to Entice Meat Eaters by Charlotte Pointing at VegNews.com

    Original post: https://vegnews.com/2024/3/plant-based-brands-red-packaging

    Related Episodes:

    183: Are Beyond Meat and the Impossible Burger Healthy? by Dr. Michael Greger at NutritionFact

    Launched in 2000, VegNews is the largest vegan media brand in the world. They have a best-selling plant-based magazine, and they create amazing content from food and fashion to travel, celebrity interviews, beauty and health info, a meal planner, and vegan travel excursions. Their Guide section on their website is full of great information and they have an online shop where you can find cookbooks, foods, kitchen tools, vegan meal delivery services. They also have a website, VeganWeddings.com.

    Please visit www.VegNews.com for a wealth of resources.

    How to support the podcast:

    Share with others.

    Recommend the podcast on your social media.

    Follow/subscribe to the show wherever you listen.

    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #plantbasedmeat #colorpsychology

  • Diet to Fight Depression? by Thomas Campbell MD at NutritionStudies.org.

    Original post: https://nutritionstudies.org/diet-to-fight-depression/

    Related Episodes:

    303: How Foods Are Tested For Depression by Dr. Michael Greger at NutritionFacts.org

    282: Going Plant Based for Your Mental Health? Here Are Some Things to Keep In Mind. By Melissa Mondala MD at ForksOverKnives.com

    124: Diet and Depression: Exploring the Connection by Lindsay Morris at ForksOverKnives.com

    49: Food and Mood: Eating Plants to Fight the Blues by PCRM.org

    The T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies was established to extend the impact of Dr. Campbell’s life changing research findings. For decades, T. Colin Campbell, PhD, has been at the forefront of nutrition education and research. He is the coauthor of the bestselling book, The China Study, and his legacy, the China Project, is one of the most comprehensive studies of health and nutrition ever conducted.

    Their mission is to promote optimal nutrition through science-based education, advocacy, and research. By empowering individuals and health professionals, we aim to improve personal, public, and environmental health.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Follow/subscribe to the show wherever you listen.

    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #guthealth #foodandmood #mentalhealth #plantbaseddiet #depression

  • Bird Flu Infects Dairy Cows And Farm Worker In The US by Claire Hamlett at Plant Based News posted at All-Creatures.or

    Original post: https://all-creatures.org/mdi2/mdi2-bird-flu-cows.html

    Humane Hoax CHICKEN WEBINAR: Crystal Heath, DVM, presentation on Avian Influenza

    Related Episodes:

    728: When Tyson ‘Depopulates’ Chickens, Taxpayers Are Left Footing the Bill by Grace Hussain at SentientMedia.org

    476: ‘Censorship Concerns’ & ‘Veterinary Profession Should Not Condone Killing Animals by Heatstroke(VSD+)’w by Barry Kipperman, DVM at OurHonor.org

    393: The Use of Chickens in Agricultural Research: An Eye-Opening Look at Unspeakable Cruelty by Karen Davis at UPC-Online.org

    391: The Connection Between Deadly Pandemics and Our Diets by Frank Dixon at NutritionStudies.org

    157: How Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) Fuel Pandemics

    BONUS 1: Go Vegan or Risk Another Pandemic by Bronwyn Slater at VeganSustainability.com

    684: CEW's Smear Campaign Against Animal Protection Groups by Dr. Crystal Heath, DVM at OurHonor.org

    What to Eat When You Don’t Eat Animals (FREE GUIDE): https://www.all-creatures.org/what-to-eat.html

    All-Creatures is a non-profit dedicated to cruelty-free living through a vegan lifestyle according to Judeo-Christian ethics. Their website is filled with vegan resources relating to animal issues, including bible studies, how to stop cruelty in churches, blogs, quotes and poetry, and lots of great resources for animal rights activism as well.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #Plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #birdflu #avianflu #h5n1

  • [Part 2] Building Muscle on a Plant-Based Diet: The Best Foods & Nutrients to Eat by Ocean Robbins at FoodRevolution.org

    Original post: https://foodrevolution.org/blog/building-muscle-on-a-plant-based-diet

    Ocean Robbins is CEO Food Revolution Network a non-profit organization committed to healthy, ethical, and sustainable food for all. Guided by John and Ocean Robbins, with more than 500,000 members and with the collaboration of many of the top food revolutionary leaders of our times, Food Revolution Network aims to empower individuals, build community, and transform food systems to support healthy people and a healthy planet.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Follow/subscribe to the show wherever you listen.

    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #plantbaseddiet #nutrition #protein #muscle #buildingmuscle

  • [Part 1] Building Muscle on a Plant-Based Diet: The Best Foods & Nutrients to Eat by Ocean Robbins at FoodRevolution.org

    Original post: https://foodrevolution.org/blog/building-muscle-on-a-plant-based-diet

    Ocean Robbins is CEO Food Revolution Network a non-profit organization committed to healthy, ethical, and sustainable food for all. Guided by John and Ocean Robbins, with more than 500,000 members and with the collaboration of many of the top food revolutionary leaders of our times, Food Revolution Network aims to empower individuals, build community, and transform food systems to support healthy people and a healthy planet.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Follow/subscribe to the show wherever you listen.

    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #plantbaseddiet #nutrition #protein #muscle #buildingmuscle

  • From Skeptic to Believer: Why I Ditched Paleo for a Plant-Based Diet by Daniel Chong ND at ForksOverKnives.com

    Original post: https://www.forksoverknives.com/success-stories/from-skeptic-to-believer-why-i-ditched-paleo-for-a-plant-based-diet/

    Related Episodes:

    739: If You Eat Paleo, You’ve Been Doing It Wrong. Turns Out, They Were More Like Blue Zoners by Anna Starostinetskaya at VegNews.com

    237: Paleo: A Misguided Approach to Optimal Health by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine at PCRM.org

    319: Lose Two Pounds in One Sitting: Taking the Mioscenic Route by Dr. Michael Greger at NutritionFacts.org

    Forks Over Knives Documentary: https://www.forksoverknives.com/the-film/

    Forks Over Knives was founded following the release of the world-famous documentary Forks Over Knives in 2011, showing people how to regain control of their health and their lives with a plant-based diet. Since then Forks Over Knives released bestselling books, launched a mobile recipe app and maintains a website filled with the latest research, success stories, recipes, and tools to help people at every phase of their plant-based journeys. They also have a cooking course, a meal planner, a line of food products, and a magazine. Please visit www.ForksOverKnives.com for a wealth of resources.

    How to support the podcast:

    Share with others.

    Recommend the podcast on your social media.

    Follow/subscribe to the show wherever you listen.

    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #paleo #lifestylemedicine

  • The Number of Chickens in the World Means They Outnumber Humans 3.5 to 1 by Björn Ólafsson at SentientMedia.org

    Original post: https://sentientmedia.org/number-of-chickens-in-the-us/

    Humane Hoax CHICKEN WEBINAR: https://www.humanehoax.org/the-humane-hoax-chicken-webinar

    Related Episodes:

    728: When Tyson ‘Depopulates’ Chickens, Taxpayers Are Left Footing the Bill by Grace Hussain at SentientMedia.org

    476: ‘Censorship Concerns’ & ‘Veterinary Profession Should Not Condone Killing Animals by Heatstroke(VSD+)’w by Barry Kipperman, DVM at OurHonor.org

    393: The Use of Chickens in Agricultural Research: An Eye-Opening Look at Unspeakable Cruelty by Karen Davis at UPC-Online.org

    391: The Connection Between Deadly Pandemics and Our Diets by Frank Dixon at NutritionStudies.org

    157: How Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) Fuel Pandemics

    BONUS 1: Go Vegan or Risk Another Pandemic by Bronwyn Slater at VeganSustainability.com

    684: CEW's Smear Campaign Against Animal Protection Groups by Dr. Crystal Heath, DVM at OurHonor.org

    Sentient Media is a nonprofit news organization that is changing the conversation around animal agriculture across the globe. They seek to create and sustain a sense of global urgency about the agriculture industry’s impact on the climate crisis, extraction of natural resources and systematic exploitation of the fringes of society. They're doing this through critical commentary, investigative journalism, creating resources, strengthening the journalist and advocate community, partnering with publishers and holding the media accountable when it fails to report on the most pressing issues of our time.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Follow/subscribe to the show wherever you listen.

    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #earthday #climatechange #animalagriculture #methane #beef #greenwashing #grassfedbeef #chicken #chickenfarming

  • Vegan Diet Reduces Land Use by 75% by Hannah Ritchie of Our World In Data at VeganSustainability.com

    Original post: https://vegansustainability.com/vegan-diet-reduces-land-use-by-75/

    YouTube Video - Dr. Thomas Nemecek on Agriculture’s Environmental Impact

    Vegan Sustainability Magazine is a free, online, quarterly magazine for vegans and non-vegans worldwide who are interested in the Environment and Sustainability. It’s rooted in a non-violent ethos that advocates love and compassion for all living beings. They promote a sustainable lifestyle that meets human needs without compromising the ability of other species to meet their needs for present and future generations.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #vegansustainability #altproteins #cultivatedmeet #earthday #climatechange

  • Is ‘Climate-Friendly Beef’ Always Just Greenwashing? by Björn Ólafsson at SentientMedia.org

    Original post: https://sentientmedia.org/climate-friendly-beef-greenwashing/

    Related Episodes:

    243: How Grass-Fed Beef is Duping Consumers, Again by Jessica Scott-Reid at SentientMedia.com and posted at All-Creatures.org

    326: Eating our way to Extinction – Film Review by Bronwyn Slater at VeganSustainability.com

    227: How Deforestation for Animal Agriculture Threatens Our Forests by ProVeg.com

    260: [Part 2] How Meat Harms Wildlife from the Center for Biological Diversity at TakeExtinctionOffYourPlate.com

    259: [Part 1] How Meat Harms Wildlife. By the Center for Biological Diversity at TakeExtinctionOffYourPlate.com

    471: Deforestation and Reforestation by Paul Appleby at VeganSustainability.com

    557: Why Rewilding This Kind of Farmland Is a Win for the Planet by Björn Ólafsson at SentientMedia.org

    Sentient Media is a nonprofit news organization that is changing the conversation around animal agriculture across the globe. They seek to create and sustain a sense of global urgency about the agriculture industry’s impact on the climate crisis, extraction of natural resources and systematic exploitation of the fringes of society. They're doing this through critical commentary, investigative journalism, creating resources, strengthening the journalist and advocate community, partnering with publishers and holding the media accountable when it fails to report on the most pressing issues of our time.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Follow/subscribe to the show wherever you listen.

    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #earthday #climatechange #animalagriculture #methane #beef #greenwashing #grassfedbeef #methanemask

  • Plans to Curb Meat and Dairy Emissions Have a Deadline, and It’s Sooner Than You Think by Marlena Williams at SentientMedia.org

    Original post: https://sentientmedia.org/meat-and-dairy-emissions-deadline/

    Related Episodes:

    171: Technical Outrage: Innovation to Reduce Animal Use by Karthik Sekar at Faunalytics.org

    419: Top 15 Meat and Dairy Producers Emit Nearly as Much Methane as the Entire EU, Study Finds by Nicole Axworthy at VegNews.com

    297: Animal Agriculture May Be Responsible For 87% Of Greenhouse Gas Emissions. By Maxwell Rabb at TheBeet.com

    139: Chicken vs Wildlife: The Environmental Costs of Eating Poultry from BiologicalDiversity.org

    Sentient Media is a nonprofit news organization that is changing the conversation around animal agriculture across the globe. They seek to create and sustain a sense of global urgency about the agriculture industry’s impact on the climate crisis, extraction of natural resources and systematic exploitation of the fringes of society. They're doing this through critical commentary, investigative journalism, creating resources, strengthening the journalist and advocate community, partnering with publishers and holding the media accountable when it fails to report on the most pressing issues of our time.

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    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #earthday #climatechange #animalagriculture #methane

  • Jeff Bezos Pledges $60 Million to Build a Plant-Forward Food System by Charlotte Pointing at VegNews.com

    Original post: https://vegnews.com/2024/3/jeff-bezos-plant-forward-food-system

    Related Resources:

    Eating Our Way to Extinction Film: https://eating2extinction.com/

    Animal Justice Academy: https://training.animaljusticeacademy.com/homepage

    Launched in 2000, VegNews is the largest vegan media brand in the world. They have a best-selling plant-based magazine, and they create amazing content from food and fashion to travel, celebrity interviews, beauty and health info, a meal planner, and vegan travel excursions. Their Guide section on their website is full of great information and they have an online shop where you can find cookbooks, foods, kitchen tools, vegan meal delivery services. They also have a website, VeganWeddings.com.

    Please visit www.VegNews.com for a wealth of resources.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #earthday #climatechange #cultivatedmeat #plantbasedmeat

    Via the Bezos Earth Fund, billionaire Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has pledged $60 million to help accelerate the growth of sustainable protein, including plant-based meat and cultivated meat.

    Listen to this 10-min episode to learn more.

    By @charr.pointing at @vegnews

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #earthday #climatechange #cultivatedmeat #plantbasedmeat


  • Taking Down Dairy is Key to Planetary Health by Sailesh Rao at ClimateHealers.org

    Original post: https://climatehealers.org/blog/taking-down-dairy-is-key-to-planetary-health/

    Related Episodes:

    693: Changing Your Diet Is Empowering For Planetary Health from Switch4Good.org

    592: Dairy Cows Are Suffering From the Very Climate Crisis Factory Farming Helped Create by Nicole Axworthy at VegNews.com

    511: Which Nondairy Milk Is Best for the Environment? The Answer Might Surprise You by Lisa Elaine Held at ForksOverKnives.com

    307: The Twisted History of Milk in America by Switch4Good.org

    276: [Part 2] The Switch4Good Theory Of Change by Switch4Good.org

    275: [Part 1] The Switch4Good Theory Of Change by Switch4Good.org

    229: Cheese: A Brief History And The Origins Of Why Americans Can’t Get Enough by Switch4Good.org

    120: 8 Things You Don’t Know About Dairy by Dr. Darshan Shah at SwitchForGood.org

    22: Dairy and the Environment FAQ by Switch4Good.org

    Vega - The Cow In The Room Video (1 min) https://vimeo.com/639434716

    Dr. Sailesh Rao is the Founder and Executive Director of Climate Healers, a non-profit dedicated towards healing the Earth’s climate. Dr. Rao is the author of two books, Carbon Dharma: The Occupation of Butterflies and Carbon Yoga: The Vegan Metamorphosis, and an Executive Producer of four documentaries, The Human Experiment (2013), Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (2014), What The Health (2017), and A Prayer for Compassion (2019).

    Dr. Rao is a Human, Earth and Animal Liberation (HEAL) activist, husband, dad and since 2010, a star-struck grandfather. He has promised his granddaughter, Kimaya, that the world will be largely Vegan before she turns 16 in 2026, so that people will stop eating her relatives, the animals. He has faith that humanity will transform to keep his pinky promise to Kimaya, not just for ethical reasons, but also out of sheer ecological necessity.

    How to support the podcast:

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    Follow/subscribe to the show wherever you listen.

    Buy some vegan/plant based merch: https://www.plantbasedbriefing.com/shop

    Follow Plant Based Briefing on social media:

    Twitter: @PlantBasedBrief

    YouTube: YouTube.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    Facebook: Facebook.com/PlantBasedBriefing

    LinkedIn: Plant Based Briefing Podcast

    Instagram: @PlantBasedBriefing

    #vegan #plantbased #plantbasedbriefing #climatecrisis #climatechange #dairy #ditchdairy