
  • A recent opinion piece from Wisconsin governor candidate Rebecca Kleefisch is making waves, mainly due to her explanation that some criminals are literally getting away thanks to liberal crime policies.

    She brought up the Waukesha Christmas Parade Massacre that occurred last year, where a “career criminal” killed six people and injured others, but managed to get out of jail on $1,000 bond. “All because a ‘woke’ prosecutor refused to uphold his oath to serve and protect,” Kleefisch noted.

    “The story of lawlessness is heard all across the country. Democrats don’t have the backbone to stand up to the fringes of their party to fix this mess. But Republican governors can offer a clear, concise vision this fall to fix our streets and keep our neighborhoods safe,” Kleefisch said.

    Here to discuss the matter further is Michael Letts, founder and CEO for InVest USA, an organization that provides bulletproof vests to officers through a variety of sponsorships and charity groups. He’s been supporting police officers for years, so he has ample knowledge on this particular subject.

    We’ve seen crime rates rise in several cities over the past year. Do you believe this is due to “liberal crime policies,” or is this simply the fault of decisions within each city? What do you think about criminals that are able to walk out of jail due to low bond values, and do you think prosecutors should be more responsible with how these values are set? What do you think the biggest problem is when it comes to recruiting new officers to help battle back against the criminal element? Do you believe higher “state police resources” is a solution to the problem, or do politicians need to go further when it comes to balancing the scales of justice? Where can we learn more about InVest USA and the many programs it supports?

    A: You can visit our website at http://www.investusa.org.

    Michael Letts is the Founder, President, and CEO of In-Vest USA, a national grassroots non-profit organization that is helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs. Those interested in learning more about Letts can visit his official website here.

  • What impact is wokeism having on the US and will it tear the country apart?

    Americans are so deeply divided today that one might wonder if anything could possibly bring us together. But author and theologian Sheryl White, D. Min., says that history can offer us some comfort, particularly Civil War history. Dr. White says we need to stop choosing sides on every issue, bridging issues instead. It’s not an all-or-nothing siding with pro-lifers or pro-abortionists, pro-gun or anti-gun, Democrat or Republican, conservatives or progressives.

    Dr. White offer steps we can take to bridge that divide including ways we can strip away labels and stereotypes and make friends with people who represent different religions, races and positions on issues. Dr. White is a YouTube channel creator and the author of historical fiction based on the life of abolitionist and suffragist Laura Smith Haviland

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  • Biden jokes about expanded fight with Russia: 'If I gotta go to war, I'm going with you guys'
    Biden tells union workers, 'This fight is far from over'

    President Biden joked about the possibility of the Russian invasion of Ukraine to expand to directly involve the U.S. military on Wednesday, telling union workers, "If I gotta go to war, I'm going with you guys."

    Biden made the statement during an address to union workers at the North American Building Trades Unions legislative conference Wednesday. Biden opened his speech with a lengthy section addressing new sanctions against Russia.

    "This fight is far from over," Biden said. "Here's the point: This war could continue for a long time, but the United States will continue to stand with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people in their fight for freedom."

    "And by the way, if I gotta go to war I'm going with you guys. I mean it," he added.

    Biden's statement comes after months of he and other administration officials stating that the U.S. will not deploy troops to Ukraine. The U.S. military has limited its deployments to nearby NATO countries, and warned Russian President Vladimir Putin that invasion of one of those countries would mean direct war with the U.S.


    In fiery speech, Ukraine's Zelensky implores U.N. Security Council to hold Russia to account

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, in an impassioned address to the U.N. Security Council on Tuesday, likened perceived Russian atrocities in his homeland to Nazi war crimes, calling for Nuremberg-style tribunals to hold Moscow accountable.

    “They shot and killed women outside their houses. They killed entire families, adults and children, and they tried to burn the bodies,” Zelensky said in a video appearance before the Security Council, a day after an emotional visit to the ravaged town of Bucha, outside the capital, Kyiv.

    “They cut off limbs, slashed throats, raped women in front of their children," the Ukrainian leader said in his most forceful excoriation to date of the Russian invasion.

    In a perhaps risky strategy of sharply criticizing the body from which he is seeking help, Zelensky issued a stark challenge to world institutions such as the United Nations to make sweeping changes to the global security architecture, asking sardonically at one point: "Are you ready to close the U.N.?"

    “It is obvious that the key institutions of the world … simply cannot work effectively,” said the 44-year-old president, who has won worldwide accolades for presiding over his compatriots' fierce and sustained resistance to the Russian attempt to subjugate Ukraine.


    Some hoped FDA approval of Pfizer's COVID vaccine would convince unvaccinated Americans. It didn't, study finds.

    But a study published Wednesday in JAMA Network Open found the shift from emergency use authorization of the vaccine to full approval did not sway unvaccinated Americans.

    Researchers from the University of Utah analyzed vaccination data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention starting July 25, a month before full FDA approval, to Sept. 9, the day before President Joe Biden made his vaccine mandate announcement.

    Using the vaccination rate leading up to full approval, they estimated how many doses would have been administered compared to the actual recorded number.

    Study authors found FDA approval was associated with an overall 36% increase in vaccinations, but most were second doses. First doses, they found, were 16% lower than predicted.

    Health experts are not surprised by the study’s findings.

    “The reason why people get vaccinated has very little correlation with whether or not something is approved or an EUA,” said Dr. Jay W. Lee, a family physician and chief medical officer of Share Our Selves community health center in Orange County, California, who is not affiliated with the study.


    Anti-vaccine beliefs come from a childhood of mistrust, study claims

    Are recent politics really to blame for the widespread resistance to the COVID-19 vaccine? A new study suggests that the real answer may go much deeper than people think. Researchers from Duke University say the passionate opposition to vaccinations and policies like mask mandates can trace its roots back all the way to a person’s childhood. Their study claims that growing up in an atmosphere of mistrust leads to these attitudes later in life.

    “We had so many friends and family who initially said that the pandemic was a hoax, and then refused to wear a mask or social-distance, and kept singing in the choir and attending events,” says study senior author Terrie Moffitt in a university release.

    “And then when the vaccines came along, they said ‘over their dead bodies,’ they would certainly not get them,” adds Moffitt, Duke’s Nannerl O. Keohane University Distinguished Professor of Psychology & Neuroscience. “These beliefs seem to be very passionate and deeply held, and close to the bone. So we wanted to know where they came from.”

    ‘Don’t trust the grownups’
    Researchers used data from the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study, which has been tracking nearly all of the 1,000 people born between 1972 and 1973 from a single town in New Zealand. Researchers have been measuring each person’s social, psychological, and health factors since childhood — giving scientists insights into how these early years impact adulthood.

    Study authors conducted a special survey of the group in 2021 to examine each participant’s stance on the COVID-19 vaccine before the shots became available in the country. The team then matched each person’s responses to the records on their upbringing and personality over the years.

    Results show that, 40 years ago, respondents who are now vaccine-resistant or express vaccine hesitancy had more adverse childhood experiences than others. These include incidents of abuse, neglect, threats, and other hardships such as poverty.


    Democrats Interrogate Oil Executives About "America's Pain At The Pump"

    As public opinion poll after public opinion poll has confirmed, surging gas prices is one of the most controversial issues in the US. As President Biden made clear when he announced his plans to release 180 million barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, Democrats are doing everything they can to try and blame rising prices on President Putin and the American energy industry (which Biden accused of greedily holding back on production, even though his own energy policies have made it harder for shale producers to do so).

    So, in their latest attempt to blame the spike in prices on evil corporate America, Democrats on the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations are holding a hearing on Wednesday, where they will interrogate the CEOs of Exxon Mobil, Chevron, BP America, Shell USA, Devon Energy Corp and Pioneer about the dynamics driving the surge in prices at the pump. The title of the hearing tells one everything they need to know about the overall tone: "Gouged At The Gas Station: Big Oil And America's Pain At The Pump".

    In testimony submitted to the subcommittee, the oil executives explained that a combination of labor and supply shortages have stopped their companies from raising output back to pre-pandemic levels, while the price of oil and gas are largely determined by international market conditions beyond their control.

    Of course, this reasoning was apparently lost on the Democrats. In an interview with Reuters, Democrat members of the committee are already sharpening their knives.

    "We will not sit back and allow the fossil fuel industry to take advantage of the American people and gouge them at the pump," Diana DeGette, a Democrat and chair of the subcommittee, said about the hearing at which executives from Exxon Mobil, Chevron, BP America, Shell USA , Devon Energy and Pioneer will testify.

    "We want to know what's causing these record-high prices and what needs to be done to bring them down immediately," she said. Many Democrats have complained that oil companies have made record profits while consumers face high prices.

    In addition to the executives, former Trump Administration National Security Advisor HR McMaster, now a senior fellow at Stanford's Hoover Institute, will also participate.



    NEW BOOK from #1 Nationally Bestselling Author:
    The Dancer and The Devil

    April 6, 2022, Washington, D.C.—Communism must kill what it cannot control. So, for a century, it has killed artists, writers, musicians, and even dancers. It kills them secretly, using bioweapons and poison to escape accountability. Among its victims was Anna Pavlova, history's greatest dancer, who was said to have God-given wings and feet that never touched the ground. But she defied Stalin, and for that she had to die. Her sudden death in Paris in 1931 was a mystery until now.

    The Dancer and the Devil: Stalin, Pavlova, and the Road to the Great Pandemic by nationally bestselling author John O'Neill and international lawyer Sarah Wynne traces Marxism's century-long fascination with bioweapons, from the Soviets' leak of pneumonic plague in 1939 that nearly killed Stalin to leaks of anthrax at Kiev in 1972 and Yekaterinburg in 1979; from the leak of a flu in northeast China in 1977 that killed millions to the catastrophic COVID-19 leak from biolabs in Wuhan, China. Marxism's dark past must not be a parent to the world's dark future.

    Nearly ten million people have died so far from the mysterious COVID-19 virus. These dead follow a long line of thousands of other brave souls stretching back nearly a century who also suffered mysterious "natural" deaths, including dancers, writers, saints, and heroes. These honored dead should not be forgotten by an amnesiac government trying to avoid the inconvenient truth. The dead and those who remember and loved them deserve answers to two great questions. How? Why?

    The Dancer and the Devil answers these questions. It tracks a century of Soviet and then Chinese Communist poisons and bioweapons through their development and intentional use on talented artists and heroes like Anna Pavlova, Maxim Gorky, Raoul Wallenberg, and Alexei Navalny. It then tracks leaks of bioweapons beginning in Saratov, Russia, in 1939 and Soviet Yekaterinburg in 1979 through Chinese leaks concluding with the recent concealed leak of the manufactured bioweapon COVID-19 from the military lab in Wuhan, China. Stalin, Putin, and Xi, perpetrators of these vast crimes against humanity itself, should not be allowed to escape responsibility. This book assembles the facts on these cowardly murderers, calling them to account for their heartless crimes against man culminating in COVID-19.

  • Matthew Yousefzadeh, Ph.D., with the Institute on the Biology of Aging and Metabolism, Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, has published more than 30 scientific publications with heavy emphasis on cellular senescence and aging. His latest study, published in 2021, in the journal Science, showed that senescent cells exacerbate COVID-19, which may explain why older populations struggle with recovery from the virus more than younger populations. Yousefzadeh, who is also a scientific advisory board member of SRW, says beyond the hyped senolytics drugs, nutraceuticals also provide an answer as a preventative strategy to rid the body of senescent cells (a.k.a.: zombie cells) and improve health. In fact, the Mayo Clinic is currently conducting a trial on how fisetin helps with frailty in older adults and in a separate trial with older women investigating the use of fisetin to remove senescent cells to confirm whether it has measurable health benefits. Yousefzadeh was instrumental in advising in the development of SRW's Cel3 Renewal, a dietary supplement that helps clear out and recycle senescent cells in the body.

  • US has officially accused Putin's forces of committing war crimes against civilians in Ukraine: Blinken condemns 'brutal' attacks on schools, hospitals, children and the 2,400 killed in Mariupol

    Gas price stimulus checks proposals head to Congress

    NRCC Poll Shows Democrats Are in Trouble Across 77 Battleground Congressional Districts

    Home Depot hammered for shaming employees for their ‘white privilege’


    Featured Guest: Tamara Lashchyk,

    Many Americans feel their freedoms are being infringed upon. Lockdowns, mask and vaccination mandates were the mechanisms that brought our attention to the fact that our liberties are being eroded. This is a mere glimpse into the future, says conservative commentator Tamara Lashchyk, who warns that continued government infringement under the guise of “public health” and “the greater good” will result in the end of a free society.

    She says electronic passports are a step toward consolidating all citizen information with one technology that, incidentally, is the same one China used to enforce its “one-child” policy and administer a social credit score. A new effort is now underway to implement a “programmable” digital currency in countries such as Canada and the UK that will control how citizens spend their money.

    Tamara says, “We are headed towards an authoritarian world!” Tamara has been interviewed by the BBC and featured in Huffington Post and co-hosts “The Bo Peep Podcast” which probes the answers to questions that we are afraid to ask. A career coach, author, and former Wall Street executive, she recently ran for the New York State Assembly.


  • Washington, DC Based - Harlan Ullman is a former adviser to the Pentagon has served on the Senior Advisory Group for Supreme Allied Commander Europe (2004-16). He is a senior adviser at Washington D.C.'s Atlantic Council, chairman of two private companies and principal author of the doctrine of shock and awe. A former naval person, he commanded a destroyer in the Persian Gulf and led over 150 missions and operations in Vietnam as a Swift Boat skipper. His newest book, "Anatomy of Failure: Why America Has Lost Every War It Starts."

  • CAPT Kevin “Mac” McGovern, U.S. Navy (Ret.) CAPT Kevin “Mac” McGovern (Ret.) (mcgovernforflorida.com) is running as a conservative Republican congressional candidate in Central Florida. McGovern is a retired Navy Captain who has served across the globe over decades with the U.S. Navy and has firsthand experience in Foreign Affairs. A veteran of the war in Afghanistan, he served as a Senior Officer assigned to NATO, the International Security Assistance Force under GEN Petraeus. He has also patrolled the East China Sea and has developed specific knowledge concerning Taiwan and the threat China poses to the U.S. His resume includes experience in Washington, D.C. overseeing production of F 35s, America’s latest generation of supersonic, stealth, multirole fighter planes. His civilian engineering expertise in the telecommunications industry has given him keen insight into the issues we currently have with electronic media censorship. As a decorated war veteran and successful businessman, Kevin is well suited to lead our nation in Congress.

  • John Hoberman is a professor of Germanic studies at The University of Texas at Austin. He is the author of “The Olympic Crisis: Sport, Politics, and the Moral Order” (1986) and many other publications on sports and politics. https://thehill.com/opinion/international/593335-doping-underworld-is-plaguing-olympic-games-again

  • While podcast commentator Joe Rogan continues to ignite controversy as a source of false claims about the COVID pandemic, the roots of such widespread falsehoods are examined in a recent investigative report. Journalist Alex Kotch, co-author of the report “How the Koch Network Hijacked the War on Covid,” tells the story of how that corporate-bankrolled campaign originally started and how it has continued to supplant public health experts and hijack the governmental response to the pandemic. The report was produced by a partnership of the Center for Media and Democracy and The Daily Poster. Alex Kotch is senior investigative reporter at the Center for Media and Democracy and co-founder and executive director of the OptOut Media Foundation.

  • At first glance, it may seem as if the world will soon have more than enough COVID-19 vaccines but Prashant Yadav says over 70 percent of the vaccines produced in 2021 were bought by high- and upper-middle-income countries. Less than one percent, by contrast, have gone to low-income ones. And, he says, it’s not just a problem of aggregate distribution.

    “The world may appear to have lots of vaccines, but only 27 percent of them are messenger RNA (mRNA) shots, which train the body to make the protein that allows COVID-19 to infect cells and then the antibodies that fight it off. And so far, these are the vaccines that appear able to prevent people from becoming sick with the new, very contagious Omicron variant. These more effective and adaptable vaccines are even more concentrated in rich states than are shots overall.”

    Yadav says the solution is for wealthy countries, multilateral development banks, and global health agencies to expand mRNA manufacturing in regions and countries that have little to no capacity. Prashant Yadav is a senior fellow at the Center for Global Development and affiliate professor of technology and operations management at INSEAD

  • COSA Poll: Majority of voters support bill to block Biden's vaccine mandate

    Under the constitutional system the Founders constructed, Congress would be the sole body theoretically capable of issuing a nationwide vaccine mandate. This is not to say they would have the power to do so, only that Congress is the only body constitutionally charged with creating laws.

    The President certainly doesn't have this authority, but thanks to bad Supreme Court decisions, executive power has steadily increased over the last 100 years. Now, Joe Biden believes he has the power to issue a nationwide vaccine mandate for millions of Americans and thousands of businesses.

    Unfortunately for him, the American people don't agree.

    According to a new poll from Convention of States Action and the Trafalgar Group, a majority of Americans (51.1%) and huge majorities of Republican (73.3%) and Independents (62.9%) support a bill in Congress that would block Biden's mandate.

    These Americans recognize that Congress should be the only federal body able to issue such sweeping new laws, and they're calling on their representatives to block the overreach from the White House.


    CDC cites obesity as culprit for hospitalizing children with COVID-19

    Childhood obesity in America was already putting children at risk for poor health, now it’s hospitalizing children and adolescents who have contracted coronavirus.

    In a study released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, researchers found approximately two-thirds of COVID-19 patients aged 12-17 were obese, and the length of stay in the hospital was twice that of non-obese adolescents.

    The CDC found that children with an underlying condition – 34.7% – were also more likely to be admitted to the intensive care unit than children without an underlying condition (23.9%).

    The study was conducted from July 2021 to August 2021 and included six hospitals in Arkansas, the District of Columbia, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana and Texas.

    Of the patients hospitalized for COVID-19, the most common underlying conditions were obesity at 32.4%, followed by asthma (10%) and feeding tube dependence (8.3%).

    The CDC also found that hospitalization rates were 10 times higher for unvaccinated adolescents. The study also demonstrates that unvaccinated children hospitalized for COVID-19 could experience more severe disease. The study revealed that only 0.4% of vaccine-eligible adolescents hospitalized for COVID-19 were fully vaccinated.


    FDA Head Says Most People Will Get COVID-19 as U.S. Reaches Record Hospitalizations, Cases

    The acting head of the Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday said that most people will get COVID-19 as the U.S. hits record levels of hospitalizations and infections.

    “I think it’s hard to process what’s actually happening right now, which is most people are going to get [COVID-19],” FDA acting Commissioner Janet Woodcock told a Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee hearing.

    “What we need to do is make sure the hospitals can still function, transportation, other essential services are not disrupted while this happens,” Woodcock continued.

    Woodcock was responding to a question about whether it is time to change the U.S. coronavirus strategy as the country reaches record levels of COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations with no relief in sight.

    She indicated that after the surge, which is mostly due to the highly transmissible omicron variant, “will be a good time to reassess how we’re approaching this pandemic.”


    Moderna expects COVID-19 vaccine trial data for children aged 2-5 in March

    Moderna Inc (MRNA.O) said on Wednesday it expects to report data from its COVID-19 vaccine trial in children aged between 2 to 5 years in March.

    "If the data is supportive and subject to regulatory consultation, Moderna may proceed with regulatory filings for children 2-5 years of age thereafter," the company said. (https://bit.ly/3nksOES)

    Moderna's vaccine, based on the messenger RNA platform, already has authorizations in Europe, UK, Australia, and Canada for adolescents aged 12-17 years, and has submitted applications for children in 6 to 11 years.

    In the United States, the vaccine is authorized by Food and Drug Administration as primary two-dose regimen and booster dose for adults 18 years and older. The company, however, is yet to get an authorization from the regulator for use of its vaccine in children.



    Mark Alyn is an award-winning host and producer. His mom always thought he should be a doctor. While he never became a doctor, he has interviewed many of them. And now with Late Night Health, he’ll explore a wide variety of health and medical topics. During the last 20 plus years Mark has been a television host, reporter and producer. Hosting a reality show, a live game show and movie trivia program and interviewing thousands of people has kept him busy. From high tech to careers, politics to travel, food to authors, Mark has presented shows a wide variety of topics.

  • Omicron spreading rapidly in U.S. and could bring punishing wave as soon as January, CDC warns

    Top federal health officials warned in a briefing Tuesday morning that the omicron variant is rapidly spreading in the United States and could peak in a massive wave of infections as soon as January, according to new modeling analyzed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    The prevalence of omicron jumped sevenfold in a single week, according to the CDC, and at such a pace, the highly mutated variant of the coronavirus could ratchet up pressure on a health system already strained in many places as the delta variant continues its own surge.


    J&J Shot Loses Antibody Protection Against Omicron in Study

    Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine produced nearly no antibody safety towards the omicron coronavirus variant in a laboratory experiment, underlining the brand new pressure’s capacity to get round one pillar of the physique’s defenses.

    The vaccine seems to offer some protection towards omicron, maybe by way of different means akin to stimulation of immune cells, based on Penny Moore, a South African virologist. The findings are in keeping with different research that present a partial lack of efficiency towards Covid-19 for numerous vaccines, with J&J’s antibody safety wanting significantly weak within the lab take a look at.


    Bee Bloeser was in Africa after the CDC dispatched her husband Carl to join the global smallpox vaccination campaign in 1969. “Vaccines and Bayonets: Fighting Smallpox in Africa amid Tribalism, Terror and the Cold War,” details Bee’s time in Nigeria and Equatorial Guinea (where she was one of only two American women), including brushes with a brutal dictator and a heartbreaking humanitarian crisis unknown to the outside world.

    An award-winning author and engaging public speaker, Bee Bloeser has been featured on NPR’s Journeys of Discovery and NPR KCBX Radio’s show, Issues and Ideas.

  • New COVID-19 cases in US soar to highest levels on record

    More than a year after the vaccine was rolled out, new cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. have soared to the highest level on record at over 265,000 per day on average, a surge driven largely by the highly contagious omicron variant.

    The previous mark was 250,000 cases per day, set in mid-January, according to data kept by Johns Hopkins University.


    CDC gets it SERIOUSLY wrong: Agency significantly revises estimate of Omicron prevalence in U.S. and now says it was only responsible for 23% of all new cases in mid-December - NOT 73%

    As the United States set a record of 441,278 new COVID-19 cases on Monday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention came out with a major revision.

    The federal health agency revised its estimate of how extensive the omicron variant of COVID-19 is in the nation, deflating the previous alarming report that 73.2% of new cases in the week ending Dec. 18 were due to the omicron variant.


    Now the FDA says rapid tests for Covid antigens may be less sensitive in detecting Omicron variant - causing 'false negative' results

    Rapid antigen tests for Covid may be less sensitive in detecting the Omicron variant and are leading to 'false negatives,' the Food and Drug Administration said Tuesday.

    The FDA made preliminary findings using samples from patients confirmed to be infected with the new mutant strain.

    The federal agency said early results show that antigen tests 'do detect the Omicron variant but may have reduced sensitivity,' meaning it's possible the tests could miss an infection, known as a 'false negative.'


    Featured Guest

    Jay Oliver is a radio talk show host & a conservative political commentator. With two decades of broadcasting behind him Jay Oliver has firmly established himself as one of the most recognizable voices on Long Island, NY interviewing politicians including Governor Andrew Cuomo, newsmakers, entertainers, authors, athletes, & more. Prior to hosting morning drive, Jay worked at various radio and TV outlets around the NY Metropolitan area.

  • Paul Mango was the Deputy Chief of Staff for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services from 2019-2021. During this time, he served as Secretary Azar's formal liaison to Operation Warp Speed where he was involved in nearly all strategic, operational, and financial aspects of the program, and facilitated its day-to-day activities among the Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Defense, and the White House.

    Prior to his role as Deputy Chief of Staff, Paul served from 2018-2019 as the Chief of Staff at the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. He started his professional career as a field artillery officer in the United States Army, serving both in the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, NC, and the 8th Infantry Division in Germany. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in General Engineering from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1981, where he graduated as a Distinguished Cadet. He received his Master's in Business Administration from Harvard University in 1988, where he graduated as a Baker Scholar.

  • My returning guest today is Dr. Jeremy Levin, Chairman and CEO of Ovid Therapeutics and the immediate past Chairman of the global Biotechnology Innovation Organization. He has been voted one of the 25 most influential people in the biopharmaceutical industry. Prior to Ovid, Dr. Levin served as President and CEO of Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (NYSE:TEVA) the world’s largest generics drug company.

  • New research published in Jama Network Open shows that 54% of people with COVID-19 still have persistent post-COVID symptoms at 6 months including: brain fog (23.8%), anxiety (30%), disordered sleep (27%), depression (20%), joint pain (10%), fatigue or muscle weakness (38%), and flu-like symptoms (10%). The study looked at 57 studies with 250,351 COVID-19 survivors.

    "The burden of poor health in COVID-19 survivors is overwhelming...One's battle with COVID doesn't end with recovery from the acute infection," was the conclusion of researchers at Penn State College of Medicine in an accompanying news release.

    According to chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia researcher and clinician Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, the disabling effects of 'long COVID' indicate what Dr. Fauci has called post-viral syndrome, which mirrors Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME).

    "The wide range of seemingly unconnected physical and mental symptoms present in long COVID are the same as those found in CFS and its painful cousin fibromyalgia. They're biproducts of a critical energy crisis in the body connected to hypothalamic suppression. In other words, a circuit breaker in the brain shuts down as a protective response, and until it's rebooted patients will suffer from a plethora of disabling symptoms."

    "As with post-viral Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, long COVID is a complex syndrome that requires a multi-pronged treatment approach. Fortunately, the NIH has announced an allocation over the next four years of $1.15B for research on the prolonged health consequences of COVID-19 infection. This is 25 times the past annual government funding for fibromyalgia research, which until now was considered a 'Cinderella stepchild' disease mainly contracted by women," says Dr. Teitelbaum, whose landmark double-blind, placebo-controlled study on effective treatment for CFS/fibromyalgia was published in the Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (8:2,2001).

    That research found a 90% improvement in quality of life among 91% of patients with CFS using a comprehensive treatment protocol called S.H.I.N.E. He has also completed 3 more recent studies on effective treatment of post-viral CFS. "The downside is that even if researchers discover an effective and safe pharmaceutical treatment for long COVID, it won't be FDA-approved and available to the millions who will need it for at least a decade, probably two.

    The Warp Speed solution that's already available is the S.H.I.N.E. protocol, which has helped thousands with CFS/fibromyalgia over the past 20+ years." Please let me know if you'd like to speak to Dr. Teitelbaum about the crossover between long COVID and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and how S.H.I.N.E. could be implemented effectively on a national scale.


    About Dr. Dean Fanelli
    Dean Fanelli, Ph.D. is a patent, regulatory, and transactional attorney in the Washington, DC office of Cooley LLP (www.cooley.com) focusing on issues related to the development, protection, and commercialization of biotech and pharmaceutical products. In addition to Dr. Fanelli's expertise relating to legal issues involved in pharma and biotech development, Dr. Fanelli also understands the business needs of his clients as he has co-founded three biotechnology companies: PhosImmune, Inc. an immuno-oncology company, C-Reveal Therapeutics, LLC, an immuno-oncology drug development company focused on exposing tumors to immune responses and therapies, and most recently AexeRNA Therapeutics, LLC, an mRNA company developing advanced Lipid Nanoparticle delivery systems that reduce the side effects present in currently authorized mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. He is a regular on TV & Radio commenting on Covid-19 & Vaccines & also hosts his own podcast “Politics & Life Sciences Radio.”

  • Nearly one third of healthcare workers in U.S. hospitals are still not vaccinated against Covid-19, according to research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as tensions escalate over a looming—and contested—nationwide mandate that officials worry will leave the sector with a shortage of critical workers.

    As of September 15, 70% of healthcare workers were fully vaccinated against Covid-19, according to the CDC study of more than 3 million personnel across more than 2,000 U.S. hospitals published in the American Journal of Infection Control.

    Rates varied based on the type of hospital, the researchers found, with the highest vaccination rates found in children’s hospitals where 77% of workers have both doses.

    Critical access hospitals had the lowest vaccination rate, with 64% of workers fully vaccinated, the researchers found.

    Vaccination rates also differed by location, with healthcare staff in metropolitan counties (71%) having higher vaccination rates than those in rural counties (65%).

    Vaccine uptake also varied dramatically over time, the researchers found, jumping from 36% to 60% in the four months between January and April—a 24 point jump—but taking five months to reach 70% by September.

    Half of that jump (5%) in vaccination happened in the month between August and September, something the authors said could be due to the spread of the delta coronavirus variant or mandates in some jurisdictions.


    Federal vaccine mandates come into force early next year. The rules—which will affect more than 17 million healthcare workers at facilities participating in Medicare and Medicaid—require workers to have received their final vaccine dose by January 4.


    Wait what? FDA wants 55 years to process FOIA request over vaccine data

    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asked a federal judge on Nov. 15 to give it until the year 2076 to fully release the documents in its possession tied to the approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

    The FDA’s request was made in a filing as part of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit by a medical transparency group. The government told the court it has 329,000 pages of documents responsive to the FOIA request and proposed releasing 500 pages per month to allow for redactions of exempt material. At that rate, the FDA would fully release the records in question in just under 55 years.

    The plaintiff, Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT), is a group of doctors and scientists, including Harvey Risch, a professor of epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health.

    The group filed the lawsuit (pdf) after the FDA denied their request to expedite the release of the records. The plaintiff and the defendant, unable to reach an agreement on a disclosure schedule, are seeking a hearing to argue their cases before the judge, who may eventually make a decision in that regard.

    “The FDA’s promise of transparency is, to put it mildly, a pile of illusions,” Aaron Siri, whose firm is representing PHMPT in the lawsuit, wrote in a blog post on Nov. 17.

    “It took the FDA precisely 108 days from when Pfizer started producing the records for licensure to when the FDA licensed the Pfizer vaccine,” Siri continued. “Taking the FDA at its word, it conducted an intense, robust, thorough, and complete review and analysis of those documents in order to assure that the Pfizer vaccine was safe and effective for licensure. While it can conduct that intense review of Pfizer’s documents in 108 days, it now asks for over 20,000 days to make these documents available to the public.”


    Fauci: COVID-19 hospitalizations rising among vaccinated

    COVID-19 hospitalizations are rising among people who are fully vaccinated, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease.

    Fauci discussed what was driving virus surges in hot spots around the U.S.

    "What we’re starting to see now is an uptick in hospitalizations among people who’ve been vaccinated but not boosted," Fauci said Tuesday. "It’s a significant proportion, but not the majority by any means."

    In a White House COVID-19 Response Team briefing on Wednesday, Fauci stressed the importance of vaccines and highlighted their efficacy.

    "We have 62 million Americans eligible for vaccines who are still not vaccinated. The data that I show you do not lie. Vaccines protect you, your family, and your community," he said, speaking alongside U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky. "And importantly, it is not too late, as Dr. Walensky has said. Get vaccinated now."

    At the same panel, Walensky gave similar remarks, explaining that the agency is "seeing an increase in emergency department visits among adults age 65 and older, which are now again higher than they are for younger age groups."


    OSHA is suspending enforcement of the government's new employer vaccine rule

    The Labor Department's Occupational Safety and Health Administration said it is suspending its enforcement of the Biden administration's new rules ordering larger employers to either require that their workers get vaccinated against "emergency temporary standard" or undergo weekly testing.

    OSHA, which posted the announcement on its website, added that it "remains confident in its authority to protect workers in emergencies."

    The agency's decision to stop implementing and enforcing the new rule comes after a federal appeals court on Friday reaffirmed an earlier temporary halt to the Biden administration's vaccine rule and ordered OSHA to stop enforcing or implementing the regulation.


    Featured Guest:

    Andrew M. Lieb is the Managing Attorney of Lieb at Law, P.C.,(liebatlaw.com) with a practice focus on litigation and regulatory compliance. Mr. Lieb provides a wide range of legal services throughout the New York Metro area on such topics as real estate brokerage license law litigation / compliance, fair housing and discrimination litigation / compliance, employment disputes, residential and commercial landlord / tenant needs. Andrew also does discrimination prevention trainings for companies and discrimination litigation. Andrew is the author of the new book, “10 Strategies to Purchase Property Post-Pandemic: The Ultimate Guide to Real Estate Investing.

    About Dr. Dean Fanelli
    Dean Fanelli, Ph.D. is a patent, regulatory, and transactional attorney in the Washington, DC office of Cooley LLP (www.cooley.com) focusing on issues related to the development, protection, and commercialization of biotech and pharmaceutical products. In addition to Dr. Fanelli's expertise relating to legal issues involved in pharma and biotech development, Dr. Fanelli also understands the business needs of his clients as he has co-founded three biotechnology companies: PhosImmune, Inc. an immuno-oncology company, C-Reveal Therapeutics, LLC, an immuno-oncology drug development company focused on exposing tumors to immune responses and therapies, and most recently AexeRNA Therapeutics, LLC, an mRNA company developing advanced Lipid Nanoparticle delivery systems that reduce the side effects present in currently authorized mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. He is a regular on TV & Radio commenting on Covid-19 & Vaccines & also hosts his own podcast “Politics & Life Sciences Radio.”

  • My guest today is Gigi Kwik Gronvall, PhD

    10 Reasons Your Child Should Get Vaccinated for COVID-19 as Soon as Possible

    Dr. Gronvall is a Senior Scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and an Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Health and Engineering at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

    She is an immunologist by training. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she has led the Center’s ongoing efforts to track the development and marketing of molecular and antigen tests and serology tests, as well as the development of national strategies for COVID-19 serology (antibody) tests and SARS-CoV-2 serosurveys in the United States. She has also written about the scientific response to the COVID-19 pandemic and implications for national and international security. Dr. Gronvall is the author of Synthetic Biology: Safety, Security, and Promise. In the book, she describes what can be done to minimize technical and social risks and maximize the benefits of synthetic biology, focusing on biosecurity, biosafety, ethics, and US national competitiveness – important sectors of national security. Dr. Gronvall is also the author of Preparing for Bioterrorism:

    The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation’s Leadership in Biosecurity. Through her description of major grants that represented the foundations investments in civilian preparedness, public health law, law enforcement, air filtering in buildings, influenza preparedness, and business preparedness, she constructed, for a nontechnical audience, a chronicle of early gains in US efforts to confront the threat of bioterrorism. Dr. Gronvall is a member of the Novel and Exceptional Technology and Research Advisory Committee, which provides recommendations to the Director of the National Institutes of Health and is a public forum for the discussion of the scientific, safety, and ethical issues associated with emerging biotechnologies.

    From 2010 to 2020, Dr. Gronvall was a member of the Threat Reduction Advisory Committee, which provided the Secretary of Defense with independent advice and recommendations on reducing the risk to the United States, its military forces, and its allies and partners posed by nuclear, biological, chemical, and conventional threats.

    During 2014-2015, she led a preparatory group that examined the US government response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa as a case study for Department of Defense’s strategic role in health security and made recommendations for future Department of Defense actions in response to disease outbreaks.

    She served as the Science Advisor for the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism from April 2009 until the Commission ended in February 2010. She has testified before Congress about the safety and security of high-containment biological laboratories in the United States and served on several task forces related to laboratory and pathogen security. Dr. Gronvall has investigated and presented policy recommendations on the governance of science to the Biological Weapons Convention in Geneva, Switzerland.

    In addition to being a life member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Dr. Gronvall is an Associate Editor of the journal Health Security (formerly Biosecurity and Bioterrorism). She is a founding member of the Center. Prior to joining the faculty, she worked at the Johns Hopkins University Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies. She was a National Research Council Postdoctoral Associate at the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases in Fort Detrick, Maryland. Dr. Gronvall received a PhD from Johns Hopkins University for work on T-cell receptor/MHC I interactions and worked as a protein chemist at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. She received a BS in biology from Indiana University, Bloomington.


    Featured Guest:

    Andrew M. Lieb is the Managing Attorney of Lieb at Law, P.C.,(liebatlaw.com) with a practice focus on litigation and regulatory compliance. Mr. Lieb provides a wide range of legal services throughout the New York Metro area on such topics as real estate brokerage license law litigation / compliance, fair housing and discrimination litigation / compliance, employment disputes, residential and commercial landlord / tenant needs. Andrew also does discrimination prevention trainings for companies and discrimination litigation. Andrew is the author of the new book, “10 Strategies to Purchase Property Post-Pandemic: The Ultimate Guide to Real Estate Investing.

    About Dr. Dean Fanelli
    Dean Fanelli, Ph.D. is a patent, regulatory, and transactional attorney in the Washington, DC office of Cooley LLP (www.cooley.com) focusing on issues related to the development, protection, and commercialization of biotech and pharmaceutical products. In addition to Dr. Fanelli's expertise relating to legal issues involved in pharma and biotech development, Dr. Fanelli also understands the business needs of his clients as he has co-founded three biotechnology companies: PhosImmune, Inc. an immuno-oncology company, C-Reveal Therapeutics, LLC, an immuno-oncology drug development company focused on exposing tumors to immune responses and therapies, and most recently AexeRNA Therapeutics, LLC, an mRNA company developing advanced Lipid Nanoparticle delivery systems that reduce the side effects present in currently authorized mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. He is a regular on TV & Radio commenting on Covid-19 & Vaccines & also hosts his own podcast “Politics & Life Sciences Radio.”

  • White House rolls out plan to quickly immunize kids age 5 to 11 against Covid

    The White House on Wednesday outlined its plan to distribute doses of Pfizer and BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine to kids ages 5 to 11 as soon as it’s authorized by U.S. drug regulators.
    The Biden administration said it’s procured enough vaccine to inoculate all 28 million 5- to 11-year-olds in the U.S., and will distribute it in smaller dosing and with smaller needles to make it easier for pediatricians and pharmacists to administer to kids.

    First responders face termination as vaccine mandates go into effect
    A growing number of first responders in the U.S. are willing to lose their jobs by not complying with COVID-19 vaccine mandates. They won't get the shot, even though COVID-19 is now the leading cause of death for officers.

    Booster shots could soon be recommended for people as young as 40, source says
    Booster protection could soon expand to a much broader population, as a source says the US government likely will soon recommend additional doses to people as young as 40 who received a Moderna or Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine.

    Punishments start for troops who refuse vaccines
    Military service members are starting to face consequences for refusing to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Those punishments range from a reprimand to, in the Navy’s case, removal from the armed forces and a loss of benefits.


    Dr. Sanam Hafeez PsyD is an NYC based licensed clinical psychologist, teaching faculty member at the prestigious Columbia University Teacher's College and the founder and Clinical Director of Comprehensive Consultation Psychological Services, P.C. a neuropsychological, developmental and educational center in Manhattan and Queens.

    Topics Dr. Hafeez can discuss include (but are not limited to):
    • What to do when you disagree with your spouse or partner about whether your children should be vaccinated.
    • How to express your concerns in a work environment
    • How to politely ask if people are vaccinated before interacting closely with them
    • How to help children/teens who are dealing with bullying about getting/ not getting the vaccine
    • How to help family and friends find their own reasons to get vaccinated
    • How to direct friends and family to reliable sources about the COVID-19 vaccine
    • How to listen with empathy
    • How to ask permission to discuss vaccines
    • How to counter common vaccine concerns

    About Dr. Dean Fanelli
    Dean Fanelli, Ph.D. is a patent, regulatory, and transactional attorney in the Washington, DC office of Cooley LLP (www.cooley.com) focusing on issues related to the development, protection, and commercialization of biotech and pharmaceutical products. In addition to Dr. Fanelli's expertise relating to legal issues involved in pharma and biotech development, Dr. Fanelli also understands the business needs of his clients as he has co-founded three biotechnology companies: PhosImmune, Inc. an immuno-oncology company, C-Reveal Therapeutics, LLC, an immuno-oncology drug development company focused on exposing tumors to immune responses and therapies, and most recently AexeRNA Therapeutics, LLC, an mRNA company developing advanced Lipid Nanoparticle delivery systems that reduce the side effects present in currently authorized mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. He is a regular on TV & Radio commenting on Covid-19 & Vaccines & also hosts his own podcast “Politics & Life Sciences Radio.”

  • Politics & Life Sciences (PLS)

    Stories covered today include:

    More Than 6.41 Billion Shots Given:
    Covid-19 Tracker
    In the U.S., 398 million Covid-19 doses have been administered

    The biggest vaccination campaign in history is underway. More than 6.41 billion doses have been administered across 184 countries, according to data collected by Bloomberg. The latest rate was roughly 28.7 million doses a day.

    In the U.S., 398 million doses have been given so far. In the last week, an average of 931,983 doses per day were administered.


    Los Angeles City Council green-lights vaccine passport, among strictest in US


    Canada issues Covid-19 vaccine mandate for travelers 12 or older on trains and planes


    Featured Guest:

    Harry Nelson is the author of the best-selling The United States of Opioids: A Prescription for Liberating a Nation in Pain (ForbesBooks 2019) and From ObamaCare to TrumpCare: Why You Should Care (2017).

    He is the founding partner of the law firm Nelson Hardiman, where his practice focuses on innovation in healthcare and life sciences, including groundbreaking work related to behavioral health, telehealth, cannabis, and psychedelic ventures. He has received national recognition for his efforts to change the conversation around America’s overlapping overdose, addiction, and mental health crises, and to drive legal changes to improve healthcare access, quality and safety.

    He has won numerous awards for his advocacy and serves on the boards of several healthcare organizations. His newest book, entitled Overdose America: How the Pandemic Transformed and Accelerated our National Crisis, will be published in Spring 2022.