
  • It seems only common-sense to make sure that only American citizens vote in American elections. Legal immigrants who become citizens are welcomed and encouraged to vote, however the law is very clear regarding consequences for non-citizen voters. The flood of illegal immigrants entering our nation due to open-border policies is a danger to the integrity of our elections, especially when the new immigrants are encouraged to vote without fully understanding the laws. We must not only protect the integrity of the election process and the security of each legally cast vote, but we must help the immigrants who may be unaware of the consequences of illegally casting ballots. They are often misled by those who have ill intent, and it is up to us to protect them from being pawns in a chess game of power. We must raise awareness of this important issue. Linda’s guest is Kerri Toloczko, and they discuss the Only Citizens Vote Coalition and the tools and resources available to help us all protect our election process. Don’t miss this important episode and learn how you can be involved to assure fair, honest elections in our nation.

    ©Copyright 2024, Prosperity 101, LLC

    For more information visit: www.OnlyCitizensVoteCoalition.com


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    Thank you to all our guests, listeners, Prosperity Partners, and Strategic Partners. You are appreciated! The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.
  • In challenging economic times, every purchase matters for businesses and individuals. Are you tired of giving your dollars to companies that do not share your values? Would you like to support American businesses so jobs can be created and sustained across the nation and in your local community? Would you like to have a larger purpose with every purchase? In this interview, Linda interviews a returning guest, Christina Werner, SVP of Strategic Partnerships at Public Square, whose mission is to restore the culture through the power of commerce. Support those who support you and your values. You can start by listening today and learning about the businesses on Public Square.

    ©Copyright 2024, Prosperity 101, LLC


    Use code P101 to order your custom flag from www.YourAmericanFlagStore.com.

    For information about our online course and other resources visit: https://prosperity101.com

    To order a copy of Prosperity 101 – Job Security Through Business Prosperity® by Linda J. Hansen, click here: https://prosperity101.com/products/

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    Connect with other Kingdom minded business owners by joining the US Christian Chamber of Commerce. Support both organizations by mentioning Prosperity 101, LLC or using code P101 to join. https://uschristianchamber.com

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    Thank you to all our guests, listeners, Prosperity Partners, and Strategic Partners. You are appreciated! The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.
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  • Every election is important, and our founders created a system that protects the rights of people to choose their elected officials. Freedom to vote is a right not given in every country, yet it is often taken for granted and we have not always guarded our votes with the care and protection needed. Most Americans want free, fair, honest, transparent elections, but unfortunately, that is not always the reality. Linda and her guest, Cleta Mitchell, discuss the importance of election integrity and citizen engagement to protect the process. Cleta leads the Election Integrity Network, an organization dedicated to making it easy to vote and hard to cheat. If you care about the future of America and your freedom to vote, be sure to listen as Linda and Cleta discuss action items for those who want to help secure the integrity of elections. Don’t take your right to vote for granted. Get involved today!

    © Copyright 2024, Prosperity 101, LLC

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    For information about our online course and other resources visit: https://prosperity101.com

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    Thank you to all our guests, listeners, Prosperity Partners, and Strategic Partners. You are appreciated! The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.
  • Have you seen the movie THE FORGE? If not, it is MUST-SEE film. It is real, raw, and addresses many issues we all face as we navigate challenging seasons in life. Whether you are a business owner, an employee, a parent, or student, this film will touch you at the deepest levels and provide hope as you face unknown futures, relationship struggles, or financial insecurity. Linda’s guests, Cameron and BJ Arnett, star in this epic film, and they discuss THE FORGE and the incredible impact of the film on their lives and in the lives of others. Our society craves true leadership, accountability, integrity, and strength, yet it is sorely lacking in many of our leaders. You can be a difference maker by bringing those qualities to your workplace, community, and family. We can change America – and the world - one life at a time, when we allow ourselves to be forged and transformed by the power of Jesus Christ.

    ©Copyright 2024, Prosperity101.com

    For Information visit www.THEFORGEMOVIE.com


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    For information about our online course and other resources visit: https://prosperity101.com

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    Connect with other Kingdom minded business owners by joining the US Christian Chamber of Commerce. Support both organizations by mentioning Prosperity 101, LLC or using code P101 to join. https://uschristianchamber.com

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    Support Pro-Life Payments and help save babies with every swipe. Visit www.prolifepayments.com/life/p101 for more information.

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    Thank you to all our guests, listeners, Prosperity Partners, and Strategic Partners. You are appreciated! The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.
  • The issue of human trafficking, especially the abusive sexual trafficking of women and children, is inextricably linked to current soft-on-crime policies at our open border, and it is also linked to our educational system and culture as we have allowed young children to be exposed to inappropriate sexual content in the classroom and in media. Sexual abuse is rampant, and music and entertainment options often contribute to the problem. Linda’s guest, Mary Bawden, is an author, teacher, and dance educator on a mission to provide positive alternatives through DA:NCE - Dance Awareness: No Child Exploited. She formed the organization to create awareness of the damaging hyper sexualization of children while advocating to protect the art of dance for all. Mary’s passion is to help adults understand the differences between harmful and healthy children’s dance with informed choice, education, and practical actions to change the culture. This issue affects us all and will affect future generations. If you are a business owner – or simply a concerned parent or grandparent – listen as they discuss positive action steps to protect young people, which in turn strengthens families, businesses, communities, and our entire society.

    ©2024, Prosperity 101, LLC


    Use code P101 to order your custom flag from www.YourAmericanFlagStore.com.

    For information about our online course and other resources visit: https://prosperity101.com

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    Connect with other Kingdom minded business owners by joining the US Christian Chamber of Commerce. Support both organizations by mentioning Prosperity 101, LLC or using code P101 to join. https://uschristianchamber.com

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    Thank you to all our guests, listeners, Prosperity Partners, and Strategic Partners. You are appreciated! The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.
  • If you are a business owner, you have been bitten by the entrepreneur bug. Even if you are not an entrepreneur, you may have thought about starting your own business. Entrepreneurship drives the economy as ideas blossom into profitable companies, which then provide jobs for people of all ages and taxes to contribute to the overall economy.

    The teaching of basic entrepreneurship skills has been sorely missing from most school curriculums for decades, and additional burdens have been placed on businesses from over-zealous governments that have even sought to regulate simple things like neighborhood lemonade stands. How can we train and cultivate business leaders of tomorrow so we may protect the free enterprise system in America? In this episode, Linda Interviews Lynee Fife, Director of the Children’s Entrepreneur Market, an award-winning program that teaches young people about the power of entrepreneurship, innovation, and leadership through experiential learning and real-life marketplace experiences.

    If you would like to see a generation of bold, innovative entrepreneurs lead for the future of America, listen today to learn how you can be involved!

    ©Copyright 2024, Prosperity 101, LLC


    Use code P101 to order your custom flag from www.YourAmericanFlagStore.com.

    For information about our online course and other resources visit: https://prosperity101.com

    To order a copy of Prosperity 101 – Job Security Through Business Prosperity® by Linda J. Hansen, click here: https://prosperity101.com/products/

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    Connect with other Kingdom minded business owners by joining the US Christian Chamber of Commerce. Support both organizations by mentioning Prosperity 101, LLC or using code P101 to join. https://uschristianchamber.com

    Unite for impact by joining Christian Employers Alliance at www.ChristianEmployersAlliance.org and use Promo Code P101.

    Support Pro-Life Payments and help save babies with every swipe. Visit www.prolifepayments.com/life/p101 for more information.

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    Thank you to all our guests, listeners, Prosperity Partners, and Strategic Partners. You are appreciated! The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.
  • This episode takes you behind the scenes a bit as it was recorded while Linda was attending the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The episode includes three conversations which provide a variety of perspectives on the issues of the day and what we need to do help our nation stay strong. Linda first interviewed famed swimmer and advocate for women’s rights, Riley Gaines. Riley spoke of her efforts to keep men out of women’s sports and shared encouragement for other young people who want to get involved. Linda also interviewed Congressman Tom Tiffany from Wisconsin (CD-7), who shared information on the ever-evolving happenings on Capitol Hill, and then she spoke with two young men who were not convention attendees, but who shared their man-on-the-street thoughts on current events and the future of America. If you’d like a feel for the atmosphere of convention and to hear from emerging leaders, be sure to listen today!

    ©Copyright 2024, Prosperity 101, LLC


    Use code P101 to order your custom flag from www.YourAmericanFlagStore.com.

    For information about our online course and other resources visit: https://prosperity101.com

    To order a copy of Prosperity 101 – Job Security Through Business Prosperity® by Linda J. Hansen, click here: https://prosperity101.com/products/

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    Connect with other Kingdom minded business owners by joining the US Christian Chamber of Commerce. Support both organizations by mentioning Prosperity 101, LLC or using code P101 to join. https://uschristianchamber.com

    Unite for impact by joining Christian Employers Alliance at www.ChristianEmployersAlliance.org and use Promo Code P101.

    Support Pro-Life Payments and help save babies with every swipe. Visit www.prolifepayments.com/life/p101 for more information.

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    Thank you to all our guests, listeners, Prosperity Partners, and Strategic Partners. You are appreciated! The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.
  • Complacency kills. We can apply that truth to nearly every area of life. As our nation has spiraled into chaos, it is becoming more and more apparent that citizen apathy and complacency have allowed it to progress. Many do not speak up due to fear of being cancelled, slandered, or put out of business. Fear has silenced far too many wise patriots who need to have a voice for the preservation of our nation. Complacency kills, but courage is contagious. Listen as Linda interviews Bill Brewer, a courageous veteran, businessman, and leader in his community. In addition to his full-time job and role in his family, Bill serves as a state Ambassador for Moms for Liberty, an organization formed to unify, educate, and empower parents to defend parental rights at all levels of government. Bill’s personal testimony will inspire you to get involved and stand for the values in which you believe, whether in your family, workplace, or community. Don’t allow complacency to kill your freedom. Be courageous and stand for liberty!

    ©Copyright 2024, Prosperity 101, LLC


    Use code P101 to order your custom flag from www.YourAmericanFlagStore.com.

    For information about our online course and other resources visit: https://prosperity101.com

    To order a copy of Prosperity 101 – Job Security Through Business Prosperity® by Linda J. Hansen, click here: https://prosperity101.com/products/

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    Connect with other Kingdom minded business owners by joining the US Christian Chamber of Commerce. Support both organizations by mentioning Prosperity 101, LLC or using code P101 to join. https://uschristianchamber.com

    Unite for impact by joining Christian Employers Alliance at www.ChristianEmployersAlliance.org and use Promo Code P101.

    Support Pro-Life Payments and help save babies with every swipe. Visit www.prolifepayments.com/life/p101 for more information.

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    Thank you to all our guests, listeners, Prosperity Partners, and Strategic Partners. You are appreciated! The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.
  • How do you watch television? Streaming services now outpace cable and satellite and they have become the new normal when it comes to the way we view media. Cable TV is no longer the dominate force in ratings, and we have many new options from which to choose. What does this mean for consumers? Linda’s guest in this episode is Rob Patz, co-founder of Abundant TV, the fastest growing Christian television streaming network in the world. Discover more about streaming services, the programming of Abundant TV, and how it all can impact your life or business. Listen today!

    © Copyright 2024, Prosperity 101, LLC

    To learn more about Abundant TV visit www.AbundantTV.com


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    For information about our online course and other resources visit: https://prosperity101.com

    To order a copy of Prosperity 101 – Job Security Through Business Prosperity® by Linda J. Hansen, click here: https://prosperity101.com/products/

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    Connect with other Kingdom minded business owners by joining the US Christian Chamber of Commerce. Support both organizations by mentioning Prosperity 101, LLC or using code P101 to join. https://uschristianchamber.com

    Unite for impact by joining Christian Employers Alliance at www.ChristianEmployersAlliance.org and use Promo Code P101.

    Support Pro-Life Payments and help save babies with every swipe. Visit www.prolifepayments.com/life/p101 for more information.

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    Thank you to all our guests, listeners, Prosperity Partners, and Strategic Partners. You are appreciated! The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.
  • Taxes. They can be the kiss of death for your personal finances, especially when they keep rising and the hidden tax of inflation keeps soaring. Government does not have an income problem. Government has a spending problem. How can we cut the cost of government while prioritizing America-first, business-friendly policies that will spark rapid economic growth and increase prosperity for the average family? Famed economist, Steve Moore, joined Linda to discuss the current economic crisis and provided recommendations and insight into several tax-cutting proposals, such as elimination of the “tip tax” and other innovative ideas to spur economic growth. Listen today to this important episode so you may discover ideas that could help you keep more of your own money!

    ©Copyright 2024, Prosperity 101, LLC

    Use code P101 to order your custom flag from www.YourAmericanFlagStore.com.

    For information about our online course and other resources visit: https://prosperity101.com

    To order a copy of Prosperity 101 – Job Security Through Business Prosperity® by Linda J. Hansen, click here: https://prosperity101.com/products/

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    If you would like to be an episode sponsor, please contact us directly at https://prosperity101.com.

    You can also support this podcast by engaging with our Strategic Partners using the promo codes listed below.

    Be free to work and free to hire by joining RedBalloon, America’s #1 non-woke job board and talent connector. Use Promo Code P101 or go to RedBalloon.work/p101 to join Red Balloon and support Prosperity 101®.

    Connect with other Kingdom minded business owners by joining the US Christian Chamber of Commerce. Support both organizations by mentioning Prosperity 101, LLC or using code P101 to join. https://uschristianchamber.com

    Unite for impact by joining Christian Employers Alliance at www.ChristianEmployersAlliance.org and use Promo Code P101.

    Support Pro-Life Payments and help save babies with every swipe. Visit www.prolifepayments.com/life/p101 for more information.

    Maximize your podcast by contacting Podcast Town. Contact them today: https://podcasttown.zohothrive.com/affiliateportal/podcasttown/login

    Thank you to all our guests, listeners, Prosperity Partners, and Strategic Partners. You are appreciated! The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.
  • What policies promote freedom and prosperity? How do we identify policies that will help individuals, businesses, communities, and nations to thrive? Linda’s guest in this episode, Jonathan Williams, refers to America’s fifty states as laboratories of democracy and shares insights into the positive and negative outcomes of policies enacted by each state government. Jonathan is the Chief Economist and EVP of Policy at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), where he works with state policymakers, congressional leaders, and members of the private sector to develop fiscal policy solutions for the states. He also co-authors Rich States, Poor States, an important, comprehensive guide to policy outcomes in all fifty states. He and Linda discuss the current inflation crisis, tax policy proposals, and business friendly initiatives that could ignite economic growth across the nation. A robust economy allows for opportunity and prosperity. Listen to discover the policies that will benefit you!

    ©Copyright 2024, Prosperity 101, LLC

    For information about the American Legislative Exchange Council visit www.ALEC.org

    Use code P101 to order your custom flag from www.YourAmericanFlagStore.com.

    For information about our online course and other resources visit: https://prosperity101.com

    To order a copy of Prosperity 101 – Job Security Through Business Prosperity® by Linda J. Hansen, click here: https://prosperity101.com/products/

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    You can also support this podcast by engaging with our Strategic Partners using the promo codes listed below.

    Be free to work and free to hire by joining RedBalloon, America’s #1 non-woke job board and talent connector. Use Promo Code P101 or go to RedBalloon.work/p101 to join Red Balloon and support Prosperity 101®.

    Connect with other Kingdom minded business owners by joining the US Christian Chamber of Commerce. Support both organizations by mentioning Prosperity 101, LLC or using code P101 to join. https://uschristianchamber.com

    Unite for impact by joining Christian Employers Alliance at www.ChristianEmployersAlliance.org and use Promo Code P101.

    Support Pro-Life Payments and help save babies with every swipe. Visit www.prolifepayments.com/life/p101 for more information.

    Maximize your podcast by contacting Podcast Town. Contact them today: https://podcasttown.zohothrive.com/affiliateportal/podcasttown/login

    Thank you to all our guests, listeners, Prosperity Partners, and Strategic Partners. You are appreciated! The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.
  • In this episode, Linda interviews two gentlemen who legally immigrated and are now hard-working American citizens. One came from Ethiopia, one from Sierra Leone. Their experiences and the wisdom they share illuminate the need for an end to our current open-border immigration policies, skyrocketing inflation, lawless cities, and involvement in wars and conflicts around the world. As immigrants, they have unique perspectives on what has made our nation strong and what has made it weak. They want to be a part of bringing about positive change to preserve liberty, opportunity, and prosperity for all. Their desire to be good citizens, to build a strong America, and to preserve freedom will inspire you to do the same. Listen to this insightful episode today.

    ©Copyright 2024, Prosperity 101, LLC

    Use code P101 to order your custom flag from www.YourAmericanFlagStore.com.

    For information about our online course and other resources visit: https://prosperity101.com

    To order a copy of Prosperity 101 – Job Security Through Business Prosperity® by Linda J. Hansen, click here: https://prosperity101.com/products/

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    If you would like to be an episode sponsor, please contact us directly at https://prosperity101.com.

    You can also support this podcast by engaging with our Strategic Partners using the promo codes listed below.

    Be free to work and free to hire by joining RedBalloon, America’s #1 non-woke job board and talent connector. Use Promo Code P101 or go to RedBalloon.work/p101 to join Red Balloon and support Prosperity 101®.

    Connect with other Kingdom minded business owners by joining the US Christian Chamber of Commerce. Support both organizations by mentioning Prosperity 101, LLC or using code P101 to join. https://uschristianchamber.com

    Unite for impact by joining Christian Employers Alliance at www.ChristianEmployersAlliance.org and use Promo Code P101.

    Support Pro-Life Payments and help save babies with every swipe. Visit www.prolifepayments.com/life/p101 for more information.

    Maximize your podcast by contacting Podcast Town. Contact them today: https://podcasttown.zohothrive.com/affiliateportal/podcasttown/login

    Thank you to all our guests, listeners, Prosperity Partners, and Strategic Partners. You are appreciated! The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.
  • If the title seems broad, you will appreciate linking it all together as you listen to the fascinating story of the many outreach and service projects organized by Linda’s guest, Jason Jones. Jason runs several organizations that promote freedom and human flourishing. He is involved in creating award winning movies, running humanitarian organizations, and publishing books and online resources to fight the globalist agenda. His goal is to serve Christ while serving others – especially those that are most vulnerable and oppressed. Jason’s work around the globe helps to provide truth, hope, and hands-on help to those who have been ignored, persecuted, and abused. This is an episode about public policy, spiritual warfare, and clear action steps you can take to not only bring a message of truth and healing to millions of people around the globe, but also to bring that message to your workplace and community. If you love a big-picture view, you will enjoy this episode!

    ©Copyright 2024, Prosperity 101, LLC


    To contact Jason Jones visit www.VulnerablePeopleProject.com

    Use code P101 to order your custom flag from www.YourAmericanFlagStore.com.

    For information about our online course and other resources visit: https://prosperity101.com

    To order a copy of Prosperity 101 – Job Security Through Business Prosperity® by Linda J. Hansen, click here: https://prosperity101.com/products/

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    You can also support this podcast by engaging with our Strategic Partners using the promo codes listed below.

    Be free to work and free to hire by joining RedBalloon, America’s #1 non-woke job board and talent connector. Use Promo Code P101 or go to RedBalloon.work/p101 to join Red Balloon and support Prosperity 101®.

    Connect with other Kingdom minded business owners by joining the US Christian Chamber of Commerce. Support both organizations by mentioning Prosperity 101, LLC or using code P101 to join. https://uschristianchamber.com

    Unite for impact by joining Christian Employers Alliance at www.ChristianEmployersAlliance.org and use Promo Code P101.

    Support Pro-Life Payments and help save babies with every swipe. Visit www.prolifepayments.com/life/p101 for more information.

    Maximize your podcast by contacting Podcast Town. Contact them today: https://podcasttown.zohothrive.com/affiliateportal/podcasttown/login

    Thank you to all our guests, listeners, Prosperity Partners, and Strategic Partners. You are appreciated! The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.
  • There’s a dangerous trend of censorship happening across America and around the world. Free speech and the freedom to conduct commerce are severely curtailed by over-zealous, power-hungry governments intent on silencing anyone in opposition to globalist elite narratives. Many innocent law-abiding, patriotic people have been censored, cancelled, de-banked, put out of business, or even jailed because of their political views. While we see the dramatic effects of such lawfare playing out in the presidential race, the truth is that many ordinary Americans have also suffered under similar heavy-handed, unconstitutional tactics. Linda’s guest, James Staake, returned to the podcast to provide an update on the saga of censorship endured by his family and their business, Your American Flag Store. They were nearly put of business, had nowhere to turn to but God, and now are at the forefront of defending freedom in media, in commerce, and in legislatures across the country. Courage is contagious – and you will catch it when you listen to this episode. The future depends on those who act today. Be courageous. Join the fight to protect freedom!

    ©Copyright 2024, Prosperity 101, LLC

    Use code P101 to order your custom flag from www.YourAmericanFlagStore.com.

    For information about our online course and other resources visit: https://prosperity101.com

    To order a copy of Prosperity 101 – Job Security Through Business Prosperity® by Linda J. Hansen, click here: https://prosperity101.com/products/

    Become a Prosperity Partner: https://prosperity101.com/partner-contribution/

    If you would like to be an episode sponsor, please contact us directly at https://prosperity101.com.

    You can also support this podcast by engaging with our Strategic Partners using the promo codes listed below.

    Be free to work and free to hire by joining RedBalloon, America’s #1 non-woke job board and talent connector. Use Promo Code P101 or go to RedBalloon.work/p101 to join Red Balloon and support Prosperity 101®.

    Connect with other Kingdom minded business owners by joining the US Christian Chamber of Commerce. Support both organizations by mentioning Prosperity 101, LLC or using code P101 to join. https://uschristianchamber.com

    Unite for impact by joining Christian Employers Alliance at www.ChristianEmployersAlliance.org and use Promo Code P101.

    Support Pro-Life Payments and help save babies with every swipe. Visit www.prolifepayments.com/life/p101 for more information.

    Maximize your podcast by contacting Podcast Town. Contact them today: https://podcasttown.zohothrive.com/affiliateportal/podcasttown/login

    Thank you to all our guests, listeners, Prosperity Partners, and Strategic Partners. You are appreciated! The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.
  • Freedom is never free. It is fought for on battlefields, in courtrooms and government hearing rooms, and through education and airwaves as people throughout the ages have sought to be free. Globalist elites have been working diligently to gain power and control of people across the world through various treaties and agreements decided by unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats who are eager to micromanage every aspect of our lives. How can we stop them and preserve our liberty? In this important, time-sensitive episode, Linda interviews Reggie Littlejohn, highly acclaimed lawyer and freedom activist. Reggie is a co-founder of the Sovereignty Coalition and Founder of Anti-Globalist International. She is tireless in her efforts to protect human rights and liberty for citizens around the globe. Listen today for time-sensitive, must-do action items to stop the globalist takeover of national sovereignty and individual rights.

    © Copyright 2024, Prosperity 101, LLC

    To contact Reggie Littlejohn and sign the Anti-Globalist International Manifesto,

    visit www.antiglobalist.net.


    For information about our online course and other resources visit: https://prosperity101.com

    To order a copy of Prosperity 101 – Job Security Through Business Prosperity® by Linda J. Hansen, click here: https://prosperity101.com/products/

    Become a Prosperity Partner: https://prosperity101.com/partner-contribution/

    If you would like to be an episode sponsor, please contact us directly at https://prosperity101.com.

    You can also support this podcast by engaging with our Strategic Partners using the promo codes listed below.

    Be free to work and free to hire by joining RedBalloon, America’s #1 non-woke job board and talent connector. Use Promo Code P101 or go to RedBalloon.work/p101 to join Red Balloon and support Prosperity 101®.

    Connect with other Kingdom minded business owners by joining the US Christian Chamber of Commerce. Support both organizations by mentioning Prosperity 101, LLC or using code P101 to join. https://uschristianchamber.com

    Unite for impact by joining Christian Employers Alliance at www.ChristianEmployersAlliance.org and use Promo Code P101.

    Support Pro-Life Payments and help save babies with every swipe. Visit www.prolifepayments.com/life/p101 for more information.

    Maximize your podcast by contacting Podcast Town. Contact them today: https://podcasttown.zohothrive.com/affiliateportal/podcasttown/login

    Thank you to all our guests, listeners, Prosperity Partners, and Strategic Partners. You are appreciated! The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.
  • The threat of terrorism within our borders has increased dramatically due to open border policies of the current administration. Every town is now a border town as illegal immigrants are being funneled into big cities, small towns, and rural areas across the nation. Each area is suffering with the economic, public health, and security challenges of such mass migration. Linda explores this increasing threat with Todd Bensman, a former counterterrorism intelligence officer and leading expert on the national security threats caused by open borders. Todd is Senior National Security Fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies and is author of the important book, “Overrun: How Joe Biden Unleashed the Greatest Border Crisis in U.S. History.” Todd provides information on recent testimony he gave to Congress regarding the threat of potential spies and terrorists entering the country at record rates. Listen today to learn how you can make a difference to protect our nation from terrorism and the ultimate tyranny that could follow.

    ©Copyright 2024, Prosperity 101, LLC


    For information on Todd Bensman visit www.ToddBensman.com or The Center For Immigration Studies at www.CIS.org


    For information about our online course and other resources visit: https://prosperity101.com

    To order a copy of Prosperity 101 – Job Security Through Business Prosperity® by Linda J. Hansen, click here: https://prosperity101.com/products/

    Become a Prosperity Partner: https://prosperity101.com/partner-contribution/

    If you would like to be an episode sponsor, please contact us directly at https://prosperity101.com.

    You can also support this podcast by engaging with our Strategic Partners using the promo codes listed below.

    Be free to work and free to hire by joining RedBalloon, America’s #1 non-woke job board and talent connector. Use Promo Code P101 or go to RedBalloon.work/p101 to join Red Balloon and support Prosperity 101®.

    Connect with other Kingdom minded business owners by joining the US Christian Chamber of Commerce. Support both organizations by mentioning Prosperity 101, LLC or using code P101 to join. https://uschristianchamber.com

    Unite for impact by joining Christian Employers Alliance at www.ChristianEmployersAlliance.org and use Promo Code P101.

    Support Pro-Life Payments and help save babies with every swipe. Visit www.prolifepayments.com/life/p101 for more information.

    Maximize your podcast by contacting Podcast Town. Contact them today: https://podcasttown.zohothrive.com/affiliateportal/podcasttown/login

    Thank you to all our guests, listeners, Prosperity Partners, and Strategic Partners. You are appreciated! The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.
  • It has often been assumed that a member of a union would always vote Democrat. If the union told them to vote Democrat, they did it. It was the union way. No questions, just allegiance. However, that paradigm may be shifting as union members around the country are realizing the policies the union supports are not always the policies that help businesses thrive or families to flourish. What is causing this shift? What is it like to be a union member in this era of cultural upheaval? These questions and more are discussed as Linda interviews Jonathan George, a union member and pipe welder from Wisconsin. Jonathan shares insights into the opinions of the average union member and speaks clearly about policies that impact union jobs across the country. Union members are no longer united for the union – they are becoming united for America. Listen to learn why!

    ©Copyright 2024, Prosperity 101, LLC


    For information about our online course and other resources visit: https://prosperity101.com

    To order a copy of Prosperity 101 – Job Security Through Business Prosperity® by Linda J. Hansen, click here: https://prosperity101.com/products/

    Become a Prosperity Partner: https://prosperity101.com/partner-contribution/

    If you would like to be an episode sponsor, please contact us directly at https://prosperity101.com.

    You can also support this podcast by engaging with our Strategic Partners using the promo codes listed below.

    Be free to work and free to hire by joining RedBalloon, America’s #1 non-woke job board and talent connector. Use Promo Code P101 or go to RedBalloon.work/p101 to join Red Balloon and support Prosperity 101®.

    Connect with other Kingdom minded business owners by joining the US Christian Chamber of Commerce. Support both organizations by mentioning Prosperity 101, LLC when you do! https://uschristianchamber.com

    Unite for impact by joining Christian Employers Alliance at www.ChristianEmployersAlliance.org and use Promo Code P101.

    The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.

    Support our Strategic Partner, Pro-Life Payments, and help save babies with every swipe. Visit www.prolifepayments.com/life/p101 for more information.

  • You have likely heard of people who have been de-banked or cancelled in one way or another due to their conservative viewpoints. How can we, as business leaders or simply as consumers, protect ourselves from being cancelled and yet stay true to our values? One way is to support organizations that align with our beliefs and values, like our newest Strategic Partner, Pro-Life Payments. Listen as Linda interviews Arturo Del Rio, Jr., Chief Mission Outreach Officer at Pro-Life Payments, to hear the inspirational story of their mission to support mothers, fathers, and babies as they provide excellent products and un-cancellable payment processing services for businesses and non-profit organizations. We can help others - and our country - by choosing to conduct business in the patriot freedom economy and making sure we know how our money is being spent. Listen to this episode if you are interested in supporting companies aligned with your values and visit www.prolifepayments.com/life/p101 to learn how to engage with our newest Strategic Partner, Pro-Life Payments.

    ©Copyright 2024, Prosperity 101, LLC


    For information about our online course and other resources visit: https://prosperity101.com

    To order a copy of Prosperity 101 – Job Security Through Business Prosperity® by Linda J. Hansen, click here: https://prosperity101.com/products/

    Become a Prosperity Partner: https://prosperity101.com/partner-contribution/

    If you would like to be an episode sponsor, please contact us directly at https://prosperity101.com.

    You can also support this podcast by engaging with our Strategic Partners using the promo codes listed below.

    Be free to work and free to hire by joining RedBalloon, America’s #1 non-woke job board and talent connector. Use Promo Code P101 or go to RedBalloon.work/p101 to join Red Balloon and support Prosperity 101®.

    Connect with other Kingdom minded business owners by joining the US Christian Chamber of Commerce. Support both organizations by mentioning Prosperity 101, LLC when you do! https://uschristianchamber.com

    Unite for impact by joining Christian Employers Alliance at www.ChristianEmployersAlliance.org and use Promo Code P101.

    The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.

    Support our Strategic Partner, Pro-Life Payments, and help save babies with every swipe. Visit www.prolifepayments.com/life/p101 for more information.

  • Who, What, When, Where, Why, How? Those are basic questions we ask when we want to learn about something. Have you ever wanted to learn about the mission and work of Prosperity 101®? What do we do besides the podcasts? Who started it? Why? When? How are we working to impact others, especially in the workplace, as we seek to promote freedom and prosperity in America and around the world? In this episode, Linda and several previous podcast guests, clients, and colleagues share testimonies about Prosperity 101® and the impact it brings to our society. You will hear several personal stories from people who are familiar with the work of Prosperity 101® and have seen the transformation that occurs when our educational resources are utilized. You will recognize famous and familiar voices and will hear from lesser-known business leaders who are working tirelessly and effectively to bring truth, economic and civic awareness, and common sense to their workplaces and our nation. This episode is full of ideas and inspiration for all who desire to promote liberty in America so our nation may offer freedom and flourishing for all. Be inspired. Listen today!

    ©Copyright 2024, Prosperity 101, LLC


    For information about our online course and other resources visit: https://prosperity101.com

    To order a copy of Prosperity 101 – Job Security Through Business Prosperity® by Linda J. Hansen, click here: https://prosperity101.com/products/

    Become a Prosperity Partner: https://prosperity101.com/partner-contribution/

    If you would like to be an episode sponsor, please contact us directly at https://prosperity101.com.

    You can also support this podcast by engaging with our Strategic Partners using the promo codes listed below.

    Be free to work and free to hire by joining RedBalloon, America’s #1 non-woke job board and talent connector. Use Promo Code P101 or go to RedBalloon.work/p101 to join Red Balloon and support Prosperity 101®.

    Connect with other Kingdom minded business owners by joining the US Christian Chamber of Commerce. Support both organizations by mentioning Prosperity 101, LLC when you do! https://uschristianchamber.com

    Unite for impact by joining Christian Employers Alliance at www.ChristianEmployersAlliance.org and use Promo Code P101.

    The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.

  • We may think Hollywood is all glitz and glamor, but for many people it is their workplace. How can we live out our relationship with Christ at work, whether we are on a factory floor, or a studio set starring in a Hollywood movie? What happens if an actor chooses Christ over career and decides to walk the talk regarding faith? It’s not easy, but you will be encouraged and intrigued as you listen to Linda’s guests, Cameron & BJ Arnett, share their stories of choosing Christ over career and enduring the challenging and exciting journey that followed. They share how God had to unravel certain things in their lives to bring them to a place of blessing and peace. Their testimonies of outlasting the unraveling will help you to overcome any unraveling that may be happening in your life right now. Cameron has been featured in over forty movies and several television series, and his upcoming film, The Forge, will be released in August 2024. You will not want to miss hearing this story or attending the film, so be sure to listen to this episode and share it with others who will be blessed by their courage, humility, and faith.

    ©Copyright 2024, Prosperity 101, LLC


    For information about our online course and other resources visit: https://prosperity101.com

    To order a copy of Prosperity 101 – Job Security Through Business Prosperity® by Linda J. Hansen, click here: https://prosperity101.com/products/

    Become a Prosperity Partner: https://prosperity101.com/partner-contribution/

    If you would like to be an episode sponsor, please contact us directly at https://prosperity101.com.

    You can also support this podcast by engaging with our Strategic Partners using the promo codes listed below.

    Be free to work and free to hire by joining RedBalloon, America’s #1 non-woke job board and talent connector. Use Promo Code P101 or go to RedBalloon.work/p101 to join Red Balloon and support Prosperity 101®.

    Connect with other Kingdom minded business owners by joining the US Christian Chamber of Commerce. Support both organizations by mentioning Prosperity 101, LLC when you do! https://uschristianchamber.com

    Unite for impact by joining Christian Employers Alliance at www.ChristianEmployersAlliance.org and use Promo Code P101.

    The opinions expressed by guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent those held or promoted by Linda J. Hansen or Prosperity 101, LLC.