
  • “Defensive Dentistry and the fear culture is the number 1 cause of anxiety amongst Dentists”

    How can we instead foster a culture where we can focus on growth and supporting each other?

    Does Dentistry have a social media problem?

    Watch IC053 on Youtube

    Join us on this episode with Dr Mehy Lo-Presti as we navigate dentistry and social media, the pros and cons of using the online world as part of our portfolio and how we can remove anxiety through effective communication.

    2 Events to Attend:

    DentoRama 18th October

    Treatment Planning Symposium (Hybrid Event) 16th Nov

    Highlights of this Episode:02:05 Introduction - Dr Mehy Lo-Presti06:42 Mehy Early On12:04 Dento-Rama15:30 Social Media in Dentistry20:35 Life Before Social Media21:25 Social Media is a Business 23:40 What Causes Anxiety for Dentists?29:45 Overcoming the Fear Factor34:45 Fast Tracking to Success41:20 Wrapping Up47:14 Booking the Event and Getting in Touch

    This episode is eligible for 0.75 CE credit via the quiz on Protrusive Guidance.


    AGD Code 770 (Self Improvement)

    Dentists will be able to:

    Gain insights into how social media affects clinical practice, patient perceptions, and professional image, learning how to use these platforms responsibly.

    Manage the pressures of online validation, minimising the impact on their mental health and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

    Develop stronger communication methods both online and offline, ensuring clearer patient education, reducing complaints, and fostering better relationships within the dental team.

    For the full educational experience, our Ultimate Education Plan gives you access to all our courses, webinars, and exclusive monthly content. This includes videos on Overlay preps and the famous 'Vertipreps for Plonkers' series.

    If you liked this episode, check out IC035 - Best Practices in Social Media for Dentists

  • JOIN US on 16th November for Treatment Planning Symposium 2024 - Online Event OR In-Person - you decide!

    Watch PDP198 on Youtube

    Implants are great but they are not always the best solution for our patient.

    There are many times a bridge or denture may serve the patient’s goals, aesthetics and budget better.

    So how do we decide between bridges and dentures?

    Is it acceptable to use root filled tooth as a bridge abutment?

    Are single tooth posterior dentures risky? Or do patients love them?

    How do we begin to communicate aspects of replacing teeth with our patients?

    Join me with our guest Dr Michael Frazis as we discuss the art form of communication with our patients and some outlandish cases including roundhouse bridges. This will really help upskill you on dealing with patients with missing teeth.

    Protrusive Dental Pearl: Failure is inevitable for our Dentistry, but try to set yourself up for smaller failures and not giant catastrophes! The real magic is in proper case selection. Practise at the EDGE of your comfort zone, but NOT out of your depth.

    20% OFF Guaranteed on RipeGlobal Fellowship Programs + Free access to their portal - Click here to register for this! protrusive.co.uk/rg20

    Follow Dr Michael Frazis on Instagram

    This episode is eligible for 1 CE credit via the quiz on Protrusive Guidance.

    This episode meets GDC LEARNING OUTCOMES: A and C

    AGD Subject Code: 610 Fixed Prosthodontics

    Dentists will be able to:

    Demonstrate improved decision-making skills in treatment planning, particularly regarding non-implant tooth replacement options.

    Apply communication strategies to better explain treatment options, manage patient expectations, and gain informed consent, especially in high-risk cases involving implants, bridges, or challenging restorations.

    Recognize red flags and understanding the risks involved in specific dental procedures (such as implant failure or the use of root-filled teeth as abutments) and how to mitigate these risks through careful case selection and patient education.

    For the full educational experience, our Ultimate Education Plan gives you access to all our courses, webinars, and exclusive monthly content. This includes videos on Overlay preps and the famous 'Vertipreps for Plonkers' series.

    Highlights of this Episode:00:01:37:00 Protrusive Dental Pearl00:03:51:05 Introduction - Dr Michael Frazis00:10:43:10 Growth in Dentistry00:14:10:10 Non Implant Tooth Replacement Options00:18:15:10 Treatment Planning Bridges and Dentures00:24:35:10 Ideal Treatment vs Budget00:30:15:10 Single Tooth Dentures00:36:58:10 Thin Implants vs Bridges00:39:25:10 Bridge Spans00:49:20:10 Root Filled Teeth as Bridge Abutments00:55:35:10 Failures01:05:35:10 Wrapping Up - Contact Michael

    If you liked this episode, check out PDP132 - Resin Bonded Bridges

  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • Treatment Planning Symposium 16th November Hybrid event: https://www.protrusive.co.uk/rx

    Are you still afraid of raising the Vertical Dimension? You cannot break free from the shackles of single tooth Dentistry if you don’t get comfortable with vertical dimensions changes in Restorative Dentistry.

    Watch PDP197 on Youtube

    In this episode, Dr. Jaz Gulati and Dr. Mahmoud Ibrahim  simplify the complex topic of increasing vertical dimension. 

    What is a safe limit of increasing the vertical dimension?

    They cover the essentials of joint health, muscle stability, and the importance of centric relation (does it actually matter?)

    Protrusive Dental Pearl: Use Duralay copings for guide planes to ensure stable dentures with a single path of insertion. While eyeballing the prep can be challenging, he suggests requesting acrylic copings from the lab for precise preparation. He explains that technicians survey models to identify undercuts and determine the path of insertion, and instead of manual prepping, he advises using lab-created reduction copings and acrylic jigs to simplify and accurately guide the preparation process. 

    Need to Read it? Check out the Full Episode Transcript below!

    Highlights of this episode: 

    02:05 Protrusive Dental Pearl  Acyrlic Copings for Guide Planes

    03:57 Dr. Mahmoud Ibrahim’s Introduction

    06:05 Personal Experiences with Vertical Dimension

    08:45 Challenges and Techniques in Vertical Dimension

    14:17 Clinical Considerations (Restorative Dentistry) and Research

    21:15 How to Assess OVD Loss?

    24:35 Factors to Consider in Increasing the Vertical Dimension

    28:41 Treatment Planning: Orthodontics vs. Restorative Management

    32:21 Assessing Cases for Vertical Dimension

    34:39 Joint Position and Vertical Dimension

    39:47 Occlusal Appliances Prior to Increasing Vertical Dimension 

    45:26 Joint Relationship

    50:49 Reproducibility and Stability in Occlusal Planning

    53:00 Summary and Final Thoughts on Vertical Dimension

    This episode is eligible for 1 CE credit via the quiz on Protrusive Guidance.

    AGD code: 180 Occlusion  (Occlusal therapy)

    This episode meets GDC Outcomes A and C.

    Dentists will be able to:

    1. Explore key clinical considerations and current research in restorative dentistry related to vertical dimension, enhancing your ability to make informed decisions.

    2. Understand the relationship between joint position and vertical dimension, and how to assess and manage this relationship effectively.

    3. Recall the guidelines for assessing the vertical dimension and the safe limit for this in dentate patients.

    If you liked this, you will also like Functionally Generated Path Technique – Conforming to Funky Occlusions – PDP168

    Click below for full episode transcript:

    Teaser: But it can also help you stage treatments, right? It's a great technique to learn because it allows you then to stage those more comprehensive cases. So one of the most useful things about opening vertical dimension is gaining space for your material without having to prep teeth that they're usually already quite worn. Now that is a huge benefit for anterior teeth, but also can come into play on back teeth.

    Jaz's Introduction:I used to be petrified of opening the bite, i.e any kind of treatment that would increase the patient's vertical dimension would be way out of my comfort zone and it really made me worried like, is the patient going to adapt?

    Are they going to get joint pain? Am I perhaps increasing the vertical dimension too much? And so for the first 18 months of my career, I was focusing on conformative dentistry. Not having to change the vertical dimension, just accepting the patient's bite for what it is and working with it. You know, a filling here or a crown there.

    And back then it mostly was small and large composites. I was still finding my feet, I wasn't confident with indirect dentistry,

  • Plant it low and watch it grow? Is that serving our patients?

    Should we keep our crowns flat to avoid ‘interferences’?

    How about guiding teeth - how can we recreate and build in guidance and the correct cuspal inclination in our indirect work?

    Watch PDP196 on Youtube

    As part of Occlusion month I am joined by my dental technician Graham Entwistle and Occlusion geek Dr Mahmoud Ibrahim. We discuss foundational occlusal concepts relevant to our daily indirect restorations.

    Protrusive Dental Pearl: Bleeding papilla? Use the HOW technique to QUICKLY stop bleeding - insert a Wedge obliquely (Haemostasis with Oblique Wedge technique) as taught by Dr Sunny Sadana from Drecomposite.com

    Treatment Planning Symposium 16th November HYBRID EVENT

    Basics of Occlusion Live 2 Day Hands-On Course with Jaz and Mahmoud

    Need to Read it? Check out the Full Episode Transcript below!

    Highlights of this Episode: 0:00 Introduction 03:31 Protrusive Dental Pearl 05:16 Introduction - Graham Entwistle + Mahmoud Ibrahim 08:25 Guiding Teeth 11:40 Why is Guidance important? 16:35 What information should we provide our technicians? 20:00 Excursions and Patient Case 28:00 Complex crown creation 33:33 To Facebow or not to Facebow? 34:40 A Technician’s POV 49:50 What is the Technician aiming for? 51:06 Perfect Contacts - technician perspective 53:23 Final Thoughts

    This episode is eligible for 1 CE credit via the quiz on Protrusive Guidance.

    This episode meets GDC Outcomes B and C.

    AGD Subject code: 180 Occlusion (Occlusal functional concepts)

    Dentists will be able to:

    1. Understand the importance of guidance and occlusion in crown design, ensuring restorations contribute positively to occlusal function and patient well-being. 2. Improve communication strategies with dental technicians, including providing crucial details such as shim holds and occlusal plane guidance, to ensure optimal restorations. 3. Make informed decisions about the distribution of occlusal forces to prevent damage and maintain functional integrity in prosthetic designs.

    If you liked this episode, you’ll love PDP137 - Q&A with a Dental Technician

    Click below for full episode transcript:

    Teaser: If there's one thing people take away from this podcast, it's this point right here, which can easily be missed, okay? When we send a bite to our technician, whether it's a physical bite or a digital bite, more often than not, okay, it's wrong.

    Jaz's Introduction:Welcome to Occlusion Month on Protrusive Dental Podcast 2024. I've just been a little bit excited for this theme. It's one of my favorite themes to discuss because it was Occlusion, learning Occlusion. It's what allowed my dentistry to become more fun. Allow me to move away from single tooth dentistry and through a series of episodes this month, we're going to help you do the same. Ultimately occlusion is just really good restorative dentistry.

    It's part of the package, but It's perceived as it's like this dark art, this incredibly confusing thing. I think sometimes it's pitched that way to sell more courses, etc. But me and Mahmoud want to convince you that occlusion is easy. It can be simplified. Have faith, stick with us this month, and we hope to demystify some elements of occlusion.

    In today's episode, we're covering a theme whereby when you have a guiding tooth. Now, when I said guiding tooth, what did you think of? You probably thought of a canine, canine guidance. So let's talk about that scenario, okay? Let's say you're replacing a canine either with direct restorative material or a crown.

    Crown's easier to discuss. If you're replacing a canine with a crown or even an implant, how do you design the occlusion on that tooth? How do you ensure that you get the correct guidance from that tooth. Now, actually the real world scenario is not canine guidance because very few of our patients are actually canine guided.

  • There is something very satisfying about a well fitting denture.

    I am joined by our resident Dental Student, Emma Hutchison, to demystify removable prosthetics.

    Watch PS009 on Youtube

    Which joint position should we use for dentures? Is this important?

    How do you calculate the freeway space?

    What are we actually recording during a Wax Jaw Registration for complete dentures?

    Don’t miss the special exam revision notes on Removable Pros available exclusively in the Protrusive Guidance app! (Join the free Students Section)

    Need to Read it? Check out the Full Episode Transcript below!

    This episode is not eligible for CPD/CE points, but never fear, there are hundreds of hours of CPD for Dentists waiting for you on the Protrusive App!

    For the full educational experience, our Ultimate Education Plan gives you access to all our courses, webinars, and exclusive monthly content.

    If you love this episode, check out PDP162 - Occlusion for Complete Dentures

    Click below for full episode transcript:

    Jaz's Introduction: I think we all remember that phase at dental school where we were just confused by everything related to dentures. It was especially confusing because dentures are kind of like one of the first things you do as you're a dental student. So to you it felt like being thrown in the deep end anyway.

    Jaz's Introduction:For many of us the denture confusion lives on and continues throughout our career. Hopefully with some of the older episodes in Protrusive we managed to make dentures more tangible. And I myself have been enjoying doing some cobalt chrome dentures, something I didn't get to do much during dental school. But today in this Protrusive Students Section, and I mean students lightly because this whole segment, the Protrusive Students Series, whilst we release some revision notes for students every time we release an episode, what we discover here is revision.

    Sometimes good to revise topics, go back to basics, so if you're a young dentist or revisiting back into dentistry, or at any stage of being a dental student, this episode and all of the series of protrusive students should be relevant to you. Especially one we did a while ago about adhesive dentistry for beginners.

    Lots of qualified dentists said how much they enjoyed that one because it was nice to just go back to basics. In this one, once again with our protrusive student Dr. Emma Hutchison, she asked me about all things that confuse her as a student when it comes to dentures. And because she's relatively new to clinic, Most of the questions he asked was related to complete dentures.

    So I hope you enjoyed this recap and this revision on the different stages of complete dentures. What are we actually trying to achieve in the various stages and what is important and what's not important? Hope you enjoy and I'll catch you in the outro.

    Main Episode:Emma Hutchison, welcome again to the Protrusive Student section. This time we're going to cover removal. But just tell us, we're recording this way in advance because we don't want to interfere with your exams and stuff. How are you getting on? What's your last few weeks been like?

    [Emma]Yeah, the last week I've only seen one patient, which was actually my flatmate, and didn't need anything done. And so he just got a scaling polish, a bit of PMPR, and that was him really. So nothing too exciting in terms of patients, but just I've got my exam dates now, so it's really becoming real, so just keeping my head down and getting through lectures and really starting to study now, so.

    [Jaz]What kind of learner are you, Emma? You know there's different types of learners and stuff, I won't give you any ideas, just in terms of self discovery, how do you like to learn?

    [Emma]I'd say I need to listen to things, I need to be told by someone who's talking to me, and I need to be able to translate that into something that I can understand myself,

  • The first EVER ‘Prospective’ episode of Protrusive - I interviewed new-grad Dr Triman Ahluwalia in 2023, then again 7 months later in 2024 to see how he gets on with his first year as a *real* Dentist ;)

    We uncover what it feels to be a freshly qualified Dentist, the pressures and fears that come with procedures such as endo and surgical extractions, but what we can do as growing clinicians to overcome these hurdles.

    Watch IC052 on Youtube

    This episode is packed with lots of top tips to help you in your journey from the ground up, or as a reminder for those that have been there and done that, that we are forever learning on our journey and there’s always something out there to help us become better Dentists.

    Need to Read it? Check out the Full Episode Transcript below!

    Highlights of this Episode:02:02 Introduction to Dr Triman (2023)03:32 Experiences at Dental School07:15 Procedures You Fear + Sectioning Teeth11:25 Thoughts on Social Media in Dentistry15:26 Documenting Work16:30 Future Career Plans18:00 Additional Comments from Triman19:03 Back to the Future: 2024 Triman Update21:50 Dental Photography Progress23:08 Tricky Dental Procedures Update27:46 The Good and the Bad of DFT32:26 Career Path in Dentistry34:49 Triman’s Top Tips37:06 Wrapping Up

    Don’t forget to check out the Protrusive App where you can find more awesome tutorials on becoming a more efficient and effective practitioner.

    If you liked this episode, you will also like IC029 - Young Dentist Thrival Guide 

    This episode is not eligible for CPD/CE points, but never fear, there are hundreds of hours of CPD waiting for you on on the Ultimate Eduction Plan, including Premium clinical workthroughs and Masterclasses.

    Click below for full episode transcript:

    Jaz's Introduction: Welcome to the first ever Protrusive Prospective episode. You see, I interviewed Dr. Triman Ahluwalia in his first month of being a real dentist, i. e. newly qualified. I then interviewed him again seven months later to see how he got on.

    Jaz's Introduction:Hello Protruserati, I'm Jaz Gulati, and welcome back to your favorite dental podcast. Every year we make an episode to help those who are in their first year, i. e. they've just qualified and they're entering the big bad world dentistry. And this is a interesting one because I've never done a prospective episode whereby I've told the guest to wait six, seven months and then we'll continue the recording.

    Just to see if the perspective has changed. I think this is essential listening and watching for those who are literally about to enter the first year of dental school, or maybe you're returning to work again after some time off, or maybe you just want to gain some insight into the mind of the newly qualified dentist.

    Maybe you mentor some dentists, by the way, speaking of mentorships and big things, Intaglio is almost out. For those of you who don't know, Intaglio is a new platform we're making to allow one on one mentorship. Look, it doesn't matter. How much money you paid to these courses doesn't matter how many continuums or diplomas you've done.

    When you have that specific case and you need someone to sit down with to discuss that case, step by step for a good hour or even two hours, the course organizes the diploma teachers. They are busy. They don't have the time to do one on one, which is why we created this platform to allow mentors and mentees to connect and allow fair exchange.

    Because you know what when a mentee needs help they really value it and they value that one on one time so Intaglio is coming soon and also a big update number two is I'm in my new studio I've now moved from reading to West London quite close to Heathrow it's like little India it's called Southall. I'm close now to my parents my in laws we get lots of support for family so that was a big reason I'm still working in Reading. But yeah, it's been a crazy time with moving.

  • Is this the death of impressions for Dentures?

    Are digital dentures predictable? Time saving? Cost saving?

    Are all types of dentures suitable for the digital workflow?

    Even if you don’t use an intra-oral scanner, your lab may be utilising a digital workflow, so it’s a great time to dive deep into this area.

    Impression Club’s Dr Rupert Monkhouse joins us for another removable prosthetics themed episode where we discuss how digital dentistry is changing the way we make partial dentures and complete dentures.

    Watch PDP195 on Youtube

    Check out Impression Club courses

    This episode is eligible for 1 CE credit via the quiz on Protrusive Guidance.

    This episode meets GDC Outcomes A and C.

    Dentists will be able to:

    1. Understand the key differences between traditional impression techniques and digital workflows in denture creation, including the benefits and limitations of both methods.

    2. Evaluate the accuracy and efficiency of digital dentures compared to traditional methods and implement best practices for integrating digital workflows into their clinical practice.

    3. Effectively collaborate with dental technicians using digital tools, fostering better communication and teamwork to achieve optimal patient outcomes in denture fabrication.

    AGD code 670 Removable Prosthodontics (Emerging technology or techniques)

    Need to Read it? Check out the Full Episode Transcript below!

    Highlights of this Episode:03:18 Protrusive Dental Pearl - Understand the Why05:38 Introduction to Dr Rupert Monkhouse8:11 What kind of Dentures can we do Digitally?13:33 What work still requires Impressions?17:05 Which Scanners?19:55 How Accurate?28:24 Should Digital be the Gold Standard?30:55 Immediate Dentures38:55 Cobalt Chromes47:55 Finding great technicians58:08 Impression Club

    If you liked this, you will also like GF018 Intra-Oral Scanner

    Click below for full episode transcript:

    Episode Teaser: For the workflows where we scan the lab work or we did the reference denture, eight out of eight preferred- When I've got the macro flash on it and my 4G megapixel camera. Yeah. I can see the difference minorly aesthetically in the teeth and things. Beyond that, there's no real downsides from my perspective. So clinically for me-

    Jaz's Introduction:Is this the end of impressions for dentures? Have we finally reached a time whereby we can scan the tissues and we don't need any of that mucocompressive nonsense. Is digital dentistry there yet when it comes to dentures? For our clinical steps, the design and the manufacture of our dentures.

    Our guest today, Dr. Rupert Monkhouse, back again on the podcast, does a wonderful job of giving us an overview of how digital denture is employed within dentures, not only by us clinicians, but also the lab side and the manufacturer side. But I asked him to truly dive deep and focus onto what we do clinically.

    How much of what we do clinically can we now do entirely digitally? And the two workflows we discussed today in really good depth are the complete denture workflow and the Cobalt Chrome partial denture workflows. Get your onions ready because this is a really deep and really awesome episode. I think Rupert does a wonderful job.

    You will find out which scenarios we should be actually scanning and ditching the impressions and whether there are any game changing benefits of moving to a digital workflow for dentures. This episode is our highlight episode for removable prosthodontics month. And next month, i. e. September, will be occlusion month.

    Hello, Protruserati. I'm Jaz Gulati and welcome back to your favorite dental podcast. I feel like I haven't connected with you guys for so long. I know you've been having an episode every week, but a lot of those episodes actually recorded a while ago. I knew that when the summer would come and my son would be off school, that we would get really busy.

  • How are periodontal diseases managed in general practice?

    Join us for an engaging conversation with Emma Hutchison, our Protrusive student, as we explore Periodontology (Perio) in the real world.

    This conversation delves deep into the practical protocols, patient communication strategies, and real-life scenarios every dental student and practicing dentist should be aware of.

    Watch PS008 on Youtube

    Need to Read it? Check out the Full Episode Transcript below!

    Highlights of this Episode:

    0:37 Emma's Dental School Experience: Special Care Dentistry

    03:02 Emma’s Denture Adjustment Case 

    06:11 Periodontics Month 

    06:54 Communicating with Patients about Gum Disease

    10:15 Managing Non-Engaging Patients

    15:04 The Psychology of Habits

    17:13 Referral Protocols in Dental Practice

    20:00 Risk Factors in Periodontal Treatment

    25:03 Genetic Factors in Periodontal Disease

    Don't miss the special notes on An Introduction to Periodontal Diseases available exclusively in the Protrusive Guidance app!

    This episode is not eligible for CPD/CE points, but never fear, there are hundreds of hours of CPD for Dentists waiting for you on the Protrusive App!

    For the full educational experience, our Ultimate Education Plan gives you access to all our courses, webinars, and exclusive monthly content.

    If you love this episode, be sure to recap PS007 - Basics of Indirection Restorations Part 2 - The Crown Fit

    Click below for full episode transcript:

    Jaz's Introduction: Welcome to another episode of Protrusive Students. We're joined by Emma Hutchison, our Protrusive Student, to talk about Perio. Look, I'm no periodontist. I'm no specialist, but I can share a few pearls of wisdom for treating Perio in the real world.

    [Jaz]Emma had some absolutely fantastic questions about protocols, communication, and what to do if you have a non engaging patient. Because let's face it, that's what happens in the real world. Our patients don't floss and they don't brush how well we want them to. So how do you manage that? Here at Protrusive Students we try and cover the themes just for you guys. And of course, if you're a dentist watching this, then it's also relevant to you. We just go back to basics. Let's get to the main part of the interview and I'll catch you in the outro.

    Main Episode:Emma Hutchison, our Protrusive Student. It's now perio month, so it's great to have you back. Just give us an update, basically, in terms of what new things have you learned at dental school? What are the interesting experiences that you've had? Any ups or downs that you'd like to share with us?

    [Emma]So, I've only seen one patient in the last week, because I've had a few no shows last week and it was for a denture ease, so it wasn't anything too tricky, which was fine for me. But, yeah, it was good, just a wee denture ease. The elderly gentleman was very happy, so that made me happy. In terms of lectures, lots of special care dentistry at the moment. We're very heavy with special care dentistry in our second half of third year at Glasgow.

    [Jaz]I know in some countries they don't have that as a speciality. Can you explain to everyone listening and watching what special care dentistry is?

    [Emma]Yeah, so I suppose special care dentistry, a lot of patients that have very complex medical histories. I mean, this week we were doing people with mental health problems, schizophrenia. We've been doing cardiology, oncology, patients with very learning disabilities as well. Patients that I suppose you could consider a bit more medically compromised or that can be a bit more trickier to treat. So we're very heavy on that in our third year at Glasgow.

    [Jaz]So if you can treat those medically compromised patients and you can treat anyone, right. It really tests us in terms of what medicines are on, which antibiotics you can and can't give, what the guidelines are in terms of when it's safe to...

  • It’s your first night on-call and you are bleeped at 3am - there’s a nasty facial laceration waiting for your urgent attention. You have never sutured the face before…”who you gonna call?” - well sometimes even the Ghostbusters will be more helpful than the on-call trainee!

    Watch PDP194 on Youtube

    Our good friend Dr Ameer Allybocus joins us again for another episode where he gives us a lowdown of his experience when he was a DCT trainee many years ago. There is a lot to learn in this podcast from Ameer as he dives into the Trials and Tribulations of being an Oral and MaxilloFacial Surgery DCT during the early years of his career. 

    There are laughs and tears in this one, so hold on to your seats for an emotional podcast that will leave you wanting more.

    Need to Read it? Check out the Full Episode Transcript below!

    Highlights of this Episode:  00:00 Introduction01:37 Protrusive Dental Pearl03:26 Introduction to Dr Ameer Allybocus19:40 The MaxFax Beginnings24:00 MaxFax at UCL29:37 MaxFax isn’t all bad36:05 DCT Oral Surgery 42:16 On Call 48:26 Book Recommendations49:15 Working at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital54:13 A Life Changing Experience59:57 MaxFax: Benefits, Tips & Tricks65:26 Tips from Ameer66:25 Trauma and Accidents70:56 MaxFax Puts Dentistry Into Perspective74:33 Closing Words

    For the full educational experience, our Ultimate Education Plan gives you access to all our courses, webinars, and exclusive monthly content.

    If you liked this episode, you will also like: Getting Ahead after Dental School 2023 – IC042 – Protrusive Dental Podcast

    Click below for full episode transcript:

    Jaz's Introduction: Is a maxillofacial surgery post right for you? Maybe you've already done one before and you want to like reminisce about your time as a DCT, as a part of a residency or any post and standalone post you've done in a maxillofacial department.

    Jaz's Introduction:Now my colleagues who've done it tell me that it gives you thick skin, it's character building, it's these amazing experiences and they have no regrets. Whereas I have other colleagues who have major regrets about doing a maxillofacial post.

    My guest today, returning again, Dr. Ameer Allybocus, does absolutely fantastic job of summarizing the highs and the lows of working in a maxillofacial position as a dentist. Now in the UK, we have these DCT, Dental Core Training positions, but around the world, being attached to a hospital in the maxfax department and helping the registrars and consultants with everything from trauma to cancer and sometimes not always exodontia. And we'll talk about all these themes with Ameer.

    I actually really wish I had an episode just like this when I was considering whether to do a maxfax position or not. There's actually a bit where Ameer actually cries in this, and I'm just respecting so much for making himself vulnerable and sharing those feelings. It was related to a patient story, and there's so many great tips and different characters and different personalities that he describes in his stories of working in these different posts. There's so much incredible value provided in this episode. It's a longer one, and I didn't want to split it into two. So you might need a couple of commutes or lots of onions to get through this one.

    The Protrusive Dental Pearl today is provided by our guest, Dr. Ameer Allybocus, and it gives you a flavor of the rest of the podcast of what's to come. There's so many great tips and stories attached to it. So let's hear today's protrusive dental pearl.

    Dental PearlSo Ameer, what is the protrusive dental pearl for today?

    [Ameer]My Protrusive Dental Pearl is whatever procedure you're doing, if it isn't going the way you want it to, if you find yourself getting stressed, hard, you're not seeing what you want to see, there's nothing in dentistry that you can't stop and take a pause, give the patient a break, set them up.

    Walk away,

  • What makes us reject crowns and send them back to the technician? What are the standards/guidelines to consider before accepting and luting indirect restorations?

    Join us as we explore the key factors that determine the quality of a crown. From the initial lab communication to the final occlusal checks, we cover it all. This episode is packed with essential tips that are perfect for dental students and professionals alike. 

    Watch PS007 on Youtube

    Need to Read it? Check out the Full Episode Transcript below!

    Highlights of the episode:

    1:33 Emma Hutchison: Student Life and OSCEs

    06:44 Handling Lab Work and Fitting Crowns

    14:15 Crown Rejections

    18:12 Understanding Occlusal Tolerance

    20:09 The Importance of Occlusal Precision

    22:24 Building a Strong Dentist-Lab Technician Relationship

    24:17 Tips for Dental Students

    27:46 Microbiology in Dentistry

    Don't miss the special notes on Microbial Ecology and Infection Transmission available exclusively in the Protrusive Guidance app! (Join the free Students Section)

    This episode is not eligible for CPD/CE points, but never fear, there are hundreds of hours of CPD for Dentists waiting for you on the Protrusive App!

    For the full educational experience, our Ultimate Education Plan gives you access to all our courses, webinars, and exclusive monthly content.

    If you love this episode, be sure to recap PS006 - Basics of Indirect Restorations Part 1 - Decision Making

    Click below for full episode transcript:

    Jaz's Introduction: Welcome to Part Two of Indirect Restorations for Dental Students, but it's actually suitable for all dentists. But the person who's asking all the questions is our Protrusive Student, Emma Hutchison. Students are so curious and so great at asking questions. I want to make sure that we tailor these more basic episodes to what actually students, young dentists, and those returned to dentistry actually need.

    Jaz's Introduction:In part one of this series, we covered what are the different types of crowns that we might go through. In part one of the series, we discussed direct versus indirect, and when we are choosing indirect, which materials can we opt for? Especially focusing on all ceramic restorations, which from my time, were not done that much.

    As a student, we did PFMs, and it sounds like PFMs are still being done in dent schools. Let me tell you, PFMs are not done that much in the real world. So that's why we focus a lot on all ceramics. We also discussed on crowns versus onlays. That was in part one. In today's part two, we're talking about the clinical details.

    When you get the crown back, how you assess if this is a good crown or a bad crown? When should you reject? What are the different parameters that we tick off? And how can we avoid? Mistakes from happening so you never have to reject lab work. I'll give you a clue involves communicating with your lab technicians, so, so important.

    Another interesting thing we discuss is what about if you try in a crown and it's completely shy of the bite. So it's not proud. It's not popping the patient open. It's not like eyes too big It's actually completely shy of the bite. Should we reject that? Should we accept it? What is the standard of care? So we covered this real world scenario and so much more in this episode. So I hope you enjoy. Please do comment below and give us a like, if you like what we do. I'll catch you in the outro.

    Main Episode:Emma Hutchison, welcome back again to the Podcast Student Version. Just give us an update in terms of what's been happening in your world. Are things getting a little bit heated academically? Are you feeling the strain? Are you feeling the pressure?

    [Emma]Yeah, I'm really starting to sort. At the moment we're in sort of the end of February when we're recording this and I'm just becoming a bit more aware. Exams probably end of April, start of May time.

  • Clinician Development Tool: https://protrusive.co.uk/cdt

    Did you know, there’s a cheaper, quicker and more natural treatment option than using Dental Implants, WITHOUT compromising on longevity? Sounds too good to be true right? 

    You already know about it. You most likely studied it already at Dental School and just haven’t given it much thought in a clinical scenario.

    Meet Dr Lukas Huber who will remind us of the power of Autotransplantation for such cases, which in turn can massively help our patients who have missing or hopeless teeth, all while keeping laboratory costs down and success rates up.

    Watch PDP193 on Youtube

    Need to Read it? Check out the Full Episode Transcript below!

    Highlights of this Episode:02:10 Clinician Development Tool03:34 Introduction - Dr Lukas Huber07:40 Autotransplantation Procedure12:45 Example Autotransplantation18:40 Step by Step Autotransplantation26:35 Placing the Donor Tooth30:15 Transplant Restorative Augmentation35:00 Learn more from Lukas

    I thought that Dr Lukas is an inspiration to all the general Dentists and am so grateful he is part of our Protrusive Community - thanks for sharing your entire protocol!

    Don't forget to claim CE Credits on Protrusive Guidance by completing the quiz.

    Check out Dr Lukas Huber’s Instagram!

    If you liked this episode, you will also like Atraumatic Extractions

    Click below for full episode transcript:

    Jaz's Introduction: You may already be familiar with an auto transplantation. Essentially, it's a scenario whereby, for example, you remove a pre molar from a patient, and on that same patient, you put that pre molar and you re implant that pre molar in to the central incisor socket. So for example, you've got a central incisor of poor prognosis, you remove that, and then you put this recently freshly extracted pre molar in to the central incisor.

    Jaz's Introduction:And essentially you let nature do its thing, you let it heal. And literally you've kind of given this patient the best implant there is. You've given them a human tooth, their own human tooth. Another common scenario is replacing a premolar, for example, an upper premolar, with an upper wisdom tooth that's potentially over rupted or non functional.

    That's another common indication. But all these things, we've all seen it in like an orthodontic lecture at dental school. And then it lives somewhere at the very far back of our minds. And it's not really an option that we discuss with our patients very much. Or when we're treating planning, we kind of have it in our blind spot.

    It's just not something that we see a lot of, which is why I'm very excited to welcome to you, Dr. Lukas Huber, a general dentist, ladies and gents, who has a few of these procedures up his sleeve and is happy to share the full protocol. Look, some of you will go away today and the stage of your career, where you're at, you will probably be able to offer this treatment to your patients.

    And you'll actually remember that, ah, yes, this is an option. And if I follow the steps, I can get a good result. In fact, Lukas very kindly shared all the evidence space that he uses in his decision making. So I will put that in the Protrusive Vault on Protrusive Guidance app. Now, for the rest of us mere mortals, who may not feel confident despite the full protocol being shared with you on the podcast today, most of us will be like, you know what?

    I'm actually just much more educated about this option now. I know what to say to a patient. I now know which kind of cases would be suitable for an auto transplantation and which ones are not suitable. And so now hopefully this option will not be living in the very back in the corners, deep dark areas of our mind somewhere. It's come a little bit more to the front of our minds. So we can actually consider this as a realistic and actually damn right cool option.

    Dental PearlHello, Protruserati, I'm Jaz Gulati,

  • What is the best bonding agent to use?

    Does it actually matter? Spoiler: it does!

    How do you get the best bond to dentine and enamel with the adhesive system you are using?

    Dr Sam Sherif joins us in this episode, where he discusses bond strength in detail as well as sharing his top tips in achieving long lasting adhesion for our daily adhesive Dentistry. There's a lot to learn in this one so get ready those onions ready!

    Watch PDP192 on Youtube

    ​Protrusive Dental Pearl: Always read the directions for use - ESPECIALLY for your adhesive systems!

    Need to Read it? Check out the Full Episode Transcript below!

    Did you know? Paid members on Protrusive Guidance can access the PDF summary notes as part of the Protrusive Vault. Oh and be sure to answer the quiz for 1 CE credit!

    If you liked this episode, you will also like Immediate Dentine Sealing Part 2

    Click below for full episode transcript:

    Jaz's Introduction: Did you know that the strength in which enamel binds to dentine at the DEJ is approximately 50 megapascals? So when we're looking at the literature for which adhesive system or which bonding agent we should be using. Do we actually need more than 50 megapascals?

    Jaz's Introduction: A lot of adhesive systems will easily give you 20 megapascals. Is that good enough? It probably is. We know that adhesive density in the right environment, done skillfully, can work, and sometimes all you're achieving is 10 to 20 megapascals. However, if there are a few things that you could do in your practice, in your protocols, to reach the higher ends, 50 and even beyond, then perhaps we should consider and learn these techniques.

    For me, it depends on how complicated it makes your procedure. Like if it becomes really technique sensitive, so that only 10 percent of the time you're getting 70 megapascals and then 80 percent of the time you're getting like 10 megapascals, that's not predictable. That's not a predictable way of doing it. So how can we make our bonding protocols more predictable so we get a higher bond strengths more consistently.

    That's what today's episode is about because I asked Dr. Sam Sharif, which is the best adhesive system, which is the best bonding agent, and to tell us which generation or generations on bonding agents should we be buying.

    Hello Protruserati, I'm Jaz Gulati and welcome back to your favorite dental podcast. Today's a very geeky one we go into science behind the bonding and I love how Sam will break down the different generations which we've all come across a different generations of bonding systems and we fell asleep in that lecture and there's just far too many generations. But actually we make it clinically relevant and I love that he actually gives you sound advice on which generations to avoid and which generations to go for, and which bonding agents he believes in and what the literature is saying.

    If you're a new listener, welcome to Protrusive. It's great to have you here. If you're a returning listener or watcher on YouTube or on the Protrusive Guidance app, it is so great to have you back. You've picked a good one to re engage back into. Very clinical relevant in our daily dentistry. And towards the end of the episode, we'll actually cover little nuances and how we can actually get the higher bond strength. This episode is eligible for CPD. There will also be premium notes which get released in the Protrusive Vault of Protrusive Guidance app. We should totally download an iOS or Android.

    Dental PearlThe Protrusive Dental Pearl I have for you is to read the instructions for whichever adhesive system you're using. Now, I've said this before, but some cool things that I learned here is that in some adhesive systems and some bonding agents, if you air abrade the dentine in something I do routinely, you are actually hindering your bond strength.

    Whereas with other systems,

  • Is Shillingburg’s textbook irrelevant?

    What materials are used in the real world?

    Is it right that dental students are primarily taught PFM crown preps?

    When to Onlay and when to go full crown?

    The Direct vs Indirect debate continues, too!

    In this two-part journey, we'll dive into the world of crowns, bridges, and ceramics, exploring their applications, benefits, and the science behind these crucial dental materials.

    Join Emma and Jaz as they guide you through the fascinating world of indirect restorations.

    Watch PS006 on Youtube

    Need to Read it? Check out the Full Episode Transcript below!

    Highlights of this Episode:

    01:46 Welcoming Emma back

    02:07 Emma's Learning Progress

    05:57 Crowns: Material Choices and Real-World Applications

    09:41 Onlays and Overlays

    11:33  Direct vs Indirect Restorations

    18:40 Onlays vs Crowns: Decision-Making

    22:18 Conclusion and Next Steps

    Don't miss the special notes on Indirect Restorations available exclusively in the Protrusive Guidance app in the ‘Crush Your Exams’ space!

    This episode is not eligible for CPD/CE points, but never fear, there are hundreds of hours of CPD for Dentists waiting for you on the Protrusive App!

    For the full educational experience, our Ultimate Education Plan gives you access to all our courses, webinars, and exclusive monthly content.

    If you love this episode, be sure to recap PS005 - Should our Restorations Follow Textbook Anatomy? Tooth Morphology 

    Click below for full episode transcript:

    Jaz's Introduction: Welcome to this two part episode on the basics of indirect restorations. If you're wondering why I sound different, or if you're looking around thinking, hmm, this isn't Jaz's usual studio, it's because my studio is a conservatory, and it is absolutely roasting right now.

    Jaz's Introduction:So, to spare you my sweat patches, I am recording in my living room, and I've got about three minutes before my wife and kids come home, so let's crack on.

    Look, crowns and bridges, anything indirect is a big steep learning curve when you're a student. But what I'm hoping to cover today will not only help guide students, but also is like a basic revision of indirect restorative. I remember being taught PFM, porcelain fused to metal crowns, and speaking to Emma, our Protrusive student, she's also learning porcelain fused to metal.

    Let me tell you, in the real world, many of our restorations are all ceramic. So Emma really was interested in learning more about this. So remember, Emma's our protrusive student, follow her journey through all these episodes. And really, I'm getting Emma to ask all the relevant questions because sometimes you lose touch in the struggles of when you were a beginner.

    And that's why Emma's really gonna make things tangible for us, break things down. And ask me the right questions so I can cover things that can actually help young dentist students and those who just want some revision of the basics. We cover key themes like direct vs indirect, on lays vs full crowns.

    I know we did a full episode on that recently by the way, PDP189, you should totally check that one out. But we kind of talk about it more in the basics foundational student friendly version. Hope you enjoy this episode, and yes, there are Emma's famous student notes available to download in the student forum and Protrusive Vault section of Protrusive Guidance, our app.

    The website for that is protrusive. app or download it on iOS and Android. Remember, if you email student at protrusive. co. uk with proof that you're a student, you get full access to this area. Enjoy the main episode, I'll catch you in the outro, and of course, do come back for part two.

    Emma Hutchison, the Protrusive Student, and all the students listening and watching, and Dentist, who sometimes like to join us here. Welcome back to another edition for Dentist students. This is June.

  • The secret to success with non-vital bleaching is knowing when it’s not going to work.

    Dr Jason Smithson shares his decision making in discoloured incisors AND the protocols he uses in their management.

    When is a purely restorative approach more appropriate than bleaching?

    When is ceramic preferred to composite?

    What is the best way to mask a metal post?

    Watch PDP191 on Youtube

    Listen/Watch this episode which reveals all! This episode is eligible for 1 CE credit via the Protrusive Guidance platform.

    Protrusive Dental Pearl:

    To help achieve great shade selection, take pictures sequentially during your assessment and throughout the procedure, then edit the pictures to show as black and white. By analysing the shade match through a black and white process and in steps throughout the treatment, the shade selection will be far more accurate than just attempting this once at the beginning, especially without using the black and white technique, as this will emphasise the value of the shade

    Need to Read it? Check out the Full Episode Transcript below!

    Highlights of this Episode: 01:56 Protrusive Dental Pearl03:15 Introduction - Dr Jason Smithson05:30 Biomimetic Dentistry14:50 Non Vital Bleaching24:55 Calcific Metamorphosis28:30 Ceramic or Composite Resin31:17 Deeper Dive into Ceramic Use32:55 Composite veneers40:35 Perfecting Shade43:40 Jason’s Courses

    Access the CPD quiz either on your browser or by downloading our mobile app. For the full educational experience, our Ultimate Education Plan gives you access to all our courses, webinars, and exclusive monthly content.

    If you liked this episode, you will also like The ‘Anti-Biomimetic Dentist’ – Restorative Lessons from Pasquale Venuti Part 1 – PDP152 – Protrusive Dental Podcast

    Click below for full episode transcript:

    Jaz's Introduction: One of the most common questions we get on Protrusive is how do you manage the discoloured central incisor? Now, we already have episodes on the non vital bleaching technique.

    Jaz's Introduction:In fact, it's a two part absolute ripper. But sometimes we experience relapse or we find a case where perhaps it's too risky to try non vital bleaching and we want to manage this restoratively.

    So I brought on once again, Dr Jason Smithson you probably already know who this is If you don't you probably live under a rock somewhere. He's one of the greatest dentists ever and he's taught me so much of what I know. I'm constantly learning more and more from him. In fact, even in this episode, he taught me so, so much. I know you're going to gain so much from this.

    Hello, Protruserati. I'm Jaz Gulati, recording at my in law's place at the moment, in the loft, because it is half term. The kids are off, but I so badly wanted to record this. So my wife has given me a permit to do this podcast with Dr. Jason Smithson. The kind of themes you cover are when do you know not to even attempt non lethal bleaching, and perhaps a restorative technique will be better?

    When to veneer versus when we should actually be crowning. I know crown is like a dirty word, but actually, you'll see that there is still a place for the crown. Revisit the composite versus ceramic debate when it comes to restoring that discolored central incisor. And this entire episode is sponsored by Sprinkled With gems and pearls from Jason.

    Denta Pearl:The Protrusive Dental Pearl I have for you is taken from this episode. Now, you may already be familiar with the protocol of taking a black and white photo of the anterior teeth that you're restoring because it helps you to appreciate the value, the brightness of the tooth. And sometimes we use the composite button technique. I.e we put a small little button of composite on the facial of an incisor to see which button of composite, different shades of composite best matches the shade of your tooth.

    Now, if you listen to the end of the episode,

  • When restoring molars, should we ALWAYS try to recreate textbook anatomy? (spoiler: NO WAY!)

    What preventive measures can we use for toothwear?

    Tooth Morphology in the Real world!

    In this episode, Emma Hutchison and I explored the nuances of practical tooth morphology. Textbooks provide us with idealized versions of dental structures, but how do these perfect images translate into real-life practice? Can and should we aim to replicate these diagrams exactly in our dental work?

    Watch PS005 on Youtube

    Need to Read it? Check out the Full Episode Transcript below!

    Highlights of this episode:

    1:38 Introducing Emma Hutchison

    01:53 First Denture Experience - What is an Overdenture?

    03:13 The Importance of Complete Dentures in Aesthetic Dentistry

    8:26 Understanding Tooth Morphology in Practice

    11:25 Changing the Morphology of the Tooth

    15:56 Difference Between Morphology of Premolars

    20:31 Preserving Natural Tooth Morphology

    27:26 Real-World Application of Tooth Anatomy

    Don't miss the special notes on tooth morphology available exclusively in the Protrusive Guidance app!

    This episode is not eligible for CPD/CE points, but never fear, there are hundreds of hours of CPD for Dentists waiting for you on the Protrusive App!

    For the full educational experience, our Ultimate Education Plan gives you access to all our courses, webinars, and exclusive monthly content.

    If you love this episode, be sure to recap PS004 - Learning Can Be Stressful!

    Click below for full episode transcript:

    Jaz's Introduction: One of the most common questions I get, and also I used to think of, is when we're doing a composite, let's say you're doing it under rubber dam, posterior composite, are you supposed to make the anatomy look like what that tooth is supposed to look like in a textbook? I. e. are you supposed to basically recreate the textbook in the patient's mouth?

    Jaz's Introduction:Well, do you know what happens when you do that? Well, this is what happens. The patient bites together and you have to rub it all away. You have to adjust all that hard work away and now it looks like a flat white version of amalgam. So what's happening there? How can we be smarter? How can we use the textbook as inspiration but also just not end up making all our restorations flat?

    It's a real fundamental and basic question in a way but I think it is so real world. So we are covering today tooth morphology with our protrusive student Emma Hutchison. This is PS005. Remember there's a series we're making with Emma throughout the year to cover themes which are relevant to young dentist students and those who are perhaps re engaging back into dentistry.

    And also for all dentists who just want to dip into the basics again. I think there's a real beauty in seeing how far you've come and how much you've progressed by going through the basics one more time. We were going to talk about orthodontics and stuff but really as a student I thought I wanted to make it more applicable to the real world.

    So we deviate more towards tooth morphology and I hope that you can apply some of these tips in practice. Or on the mannequins if you're still a student. Remember, if you're a student, you get access to a few secret areas in Protrusive Guidance. All you have to do is send your proof to [email protected] and of course, download Protrusive Guidance app. And then we will link you up to the right space so you get access to a few special features. Let's catch the main episode. I'll catch you in the outro.

    Main Episode:Welcome back everyone to May's episode. Emma, how is it going? You told me that you just fit your first denture.

    [Emma]Yeah, so last week I had an elderly gentleman and we needed a new lower over denture. So I've spent the last however many appointments going through all the processes.

    [Jaz]Emma, for those students who may be a little bit more junior to you,

  • Air Particle Abrasion!

    Images of Sandblasted teeth look cool but does it ACTUALLY improve clinical outcomes?

    What are the indications? When is it genuinely critical to use?

    More pragmatically, are there any decent alternatives eg. roughening with a bur?

    Air particle abrasion, a technique used to prepare tooth surfaces for bonding, has sparked considerable debate among professionals. This episode discussed its effectiveness, implications, and best practices with  Dr. Veronica Pereira de Lima. 

    Watch PDP190 on Youtube

    Protrusive Dental Pearl: 

    Two advantages of slicing off a corner of the rubber dam are:

    Anterior Dam Stabilization: By flossing the cut piece through the front teeth, it acts as a makeshift wedge, securely fastening the dam in place without the need for traditional wedjet.

    Simplified Orientation: This technique aids in aligning the rubber dam properly, streamlining the entire setup process for more efficient dental work.

    Check out ‘Quick and Slick Rubber Dam’ online course (on-demand) only available via the Ultimate Education Plan on Protrusive Guidance

    Need to Read it? Check out the Full Episode Transcript below!

    Highlights of this episode:

    00:44 Protrusive Dental Pearl

    04:16  Dr. Verônica Pereira de Lima Introduction

    07:07 Journey of Dentistry in Brazil

    08:34 Academia vs Clinical Practice

    09:20 Journey about PhD and Work Surrounding Air Particle Abrasion

    11:12 Importance of Air Particle Abrasion to Clinical Dentistry

    15:57 Health Concerns Regarding Air Abrasion Particles

    18:10 Air Abrasion Contraindication

    20:13 Size of the Microns -  Clinical Guidelines

    22:25 Pragmatic Approaches in Clinical Practice

    24:28 Cojet as an Air Abrasion Particle

    27:37 Improper Use of Air Abrasion

    30:07 Air Abrasion Guidelines Regarding Different Ceramics

    31:40 Alternatives to Air Abrasion

    33:29 Dr. Veronica’s Personal Guidelines - Air Abrasion Protocol and Unit

    40:27 Learning with Dr. Veronica 

    Access the CPD quiz either on your browser or by downloading our mobile app. For the full educational experience, our Ultimate Education Plan gives you access to all our courses, webinars, and exclusive monthly content.

    If you love this episode, be sure to watch Immediate Dentine Sealing Tutorial Part 1 – PDP173

    Click below for full episode transcript:

    Jaz's Introduction: Air particle abrasion for the restorative dentist. How important is it? Hello, Protruserati. I'm Jaz Gulati and welcome back to the Protrusive Dental Podcast. In this episode, I'm joined by Dr. Veronica Pereira de Lima.

    Jaz's Introduction:She was the lead author and a systematic review in 2020 that looked into air particle abrasion and the significance for improving dentine bonding. Some of the key questions that we cover in this episode are how important actually is it? What micron of sand and which sand should we be using? Is there any benefit of CoJet? CoJet is like this sand with silica embedded into it.

    Does that really make a difference? And ultimately at the end of the podcast, we will answer the question. If you don't have it at the moment, are you really missing out? And the answer actually might surprise you.

    Dental PearlEvery PDP main episode, I give you a Protrusive Dental Pearl. Today's pearl, very fitting with air particle abrasion, because when do we use air particle abrasion? Well, we use it a lot when it comes to adhesive dentistry. And for adhesive dentistry, rubber dam isolation is often favourable. Now, I'm no rubber dam police, but I'm an avid user of rubber dam. And the tip I want to pass on to you today is, are you using things like Wedjet? You know, those stretchy silicon type strings that you use to anchor your rubber dam?

    And the terminal tooth for example, you're using a clamp on the molar and then all the way to an incisor, maybe you're using like a Wedjet or something to secure your rubber dam. Well,

  • Paying through the nose for your indemnity? You may get better protection with insurance AND it has saved Dentists £1000s - get a quote today from PDI / AllMedPro and get an additional £100 off (this is a promotional link that will save you money)

    Associate contracts are actually a HUGE deal that we do not give enough attention to...

    How long can your principal keep your retention for?

    Is it really true you cannot work within a certain radius?

    How principals and associates may be getting screwed over by the poor contract!

    Finding the right principal/associate is very exciting, so much so that we sometimes forget how important it is to read through the small print of our contract. 

    This can prove very costly in the future in our industry where mistakes do happen, so it is extremely important to be aware of what we are signing up for.

    Watch IC051 on Youtube

    Join us today with Neel Jaiswal and Sarah Buxton for a breakdown of how to negotiate the right contract for you, the power of being an Associate in this day and age, and the importance of Insurance. There’s a lot more in this episode so don’t miss out…’Court is in session!’

    Need to Read it? Check out the Full Episode Transcript below!

    Highlights of this Episode:02:08 Sarah Buxton and Dr Neel Jaiswal 08:40 Associate Contracts11:15 Who Checks the Contract?13:50 Contract Bias towards Principals?18:50 Getting Contracts Checked21:28 Retention of Fees30:48 Annual Leave35:00 Exclusion Zones43:04 Vicarious Liability52:18 How to get in touch

    For the full educational experience, our Ultimate Education Plan gives you access to all our courses, webinars, and exclusive monthly content. This includes Vertipreps for Plonkers and clinical videos demonstrating Onlay Preps.

    If you liked this episode, you will also like GF019 - Indemnity vs Insurance

    Click below for full episode transcript:

    Jaz's Introduction: If you're an associate, when you joined the practice, did you read and did you understand your contract? And if you're a principal, do you actually understand the contract that you're giving to your associate?

    Jaz's Introduction:Look, something I make very clear in this episode is that I'm a man of trust. I'm not the biggest fan of forms and contracts.

    I don't really think any of us are, right? My biggest currency is trust. However, in this day and age, unfortunately Protruserati, trust is not enough. We need everything backed by writing and unfortunately a huge takeaway of this podcast will be that contracts are super super important to the letter. So it is my duty to make contracts tangible.

    In this episode joined by Sarah Buxton and Dr. Neel Jaiswal. Sarah is representing the legal side and Neil's representing the medical legal side. So together we're going to make dental contracts tangible for you. Everything from what is a fair retention fee to withhold from an associate after they stop working to who should be paying to get a contract checked.

    This one actually might surprise you actually. So who should be paying? Should your contracts be checked? The answer is yes, they should be, believe it or not. Who should be paying for it? What about the retention fee? What about vicarious liability? What if an associate messes up? And now the practice is responsible.

    How do you cover that in a contract? What about the clause that you can't work X number of miles away when you leave a practice? Is that actually enforceable? Is it actually worth the paper it's written on? And so with all these themes, this I promise you will be the most to the point, concise and actionable piece of education on dental contracts you'll ever listen to.

    Hello, Protruserati, I'm Jaz Gulati, and welcome back to an Interference Cast, which is an arm of Protrusive Dental Podcast, where we discuss non clinical but important topics. This particular episode is eligible for one hour of CPD.

  • Have you ever considered Dental Aid Work?

    Imagine giving up your morning starbucks and your air conditioned dental surgery to work in a developing country that has just 7 dentists.

    Fellow Protruserati, Dr James Hunter and his young family will be doing just this - they are preparing for a four-year mission to Liberia, Africa, to dedicate themselves to dental aid work.

    Follow along as we delve into their story of skill, passion, and humanitarianism.

    Watch IC050 on Youtube

    Need to Read it? Check out the Full Episode Transcript below!

    Highlights of this Episode:00:00 Introduction2:52 From Theology to Dentistry5:35 Dr. James on Dentistry06:44 The Decision to Move to Liberia for Aid Work09:52 Understanding Liberia's History and Needs15:28 The Future Plans for Dental Aid in Liberia18:37 Motivations Behind the Mission20:04 The Challenge of Committing to Charity Work20:57 Financial Planning, Schooling and Adaptation for Children Abroad26:40 Sharing Experiences and Encouraging Aid Work28:13 Raising Awareness and Support for the Mission32:09 Closing Thoughts and Encouragement

    Be sure to visit https://www.thehuntersinliberia.co.uk/ for details on supporting charity work in Liberia. Additionally, explore other charity websites in your country for more ways to make a difference locally.

    This episode is not eligible for CPD/CE points, but never fear, there are hundreds of hours of CPD waiting for you on the Protrusive App!

    For the full educational experience, our Ultimate Education Plan gives you access to all our courses, webinars, and exclusive monthly content. This includes Vertipreps for Plonkers and clinical videos demonstrating Onlay Preps.

    If you enjoyed this episode, don't miss out on watching "The International Dental Student – From Ukraine to Egypt to Slovakia – IC047”

    Click below for full episode transcript:

    Jaz's Introduction: As dentists, we are in a privileged position. I know it's sometimes hard to fathom that and hard to come to terms with that because of all the doom and gloom that we sometimes like to focus on.

    Jaz's Introduction:But really, we are in a beautiful profession, and we can actually mold our profession how we want to. Now, there might come a time in your life, if you're that way inclined, to take your career towards dental aid.

    This could be at the start, the middle, or even towards the end of your career, which is quite popular, to donate yourself, donate your skills to charity. This could be in a refugee camp, this could be in a third world country, to provide a much needed dental service. So on today's episode, I've got Dr. James Hunter, who, with his family, so him, his two kids, his wife, are moving to Liberia, which is a small country in Africa, and he's going to be, hopefully, working there for about four years.

    That's his provisional plan, along with his family, providing dental aid, which I just think it's so so noble. So, what this episode wants to do is basically let you know about the different aid opportunities out there. And actually, just had this interview with James to find out what are his motivations.

    How do you get involved with this? But how did you even have that difficult conversation with your spouse, with your children, that you're going to move to this country in Africa and for the next four years of your life you're going to leave the rat race? You see, a lot of us would struggle to say, you know what, I'm going to give up the income, I'm going to give up the house, give up the practice, give up the cars and move to a third world country and work for free and just do a beautiful charitable thing, which is exactly what James and his family are doing.

    But James and his family are very, very rare individuals. They are gems. They are the gems of this planet. And I want his story to come out and it might inspire you. It might inspire you to maybe take two weeks out of the year to do some dental aid work...

  • Have we fully shifted towards lithium disilicate overlays and onlays?

    Are full crowns considered a sin in 2024? (Maybe just on Instagram then!)

    Spoiler: Crowns TOTALLY have a place, and so do large direct composite restorations!

    Dr Alan Burgin and I share our decision making trees for indirect restorations as part of ‘Crowns and Onlays Month’ on Protrusive Dental Podcast.

    Find out which clinical factors sway us more towards a Overlay vs a Vertiprep - and the rationale for each type of restoration.

    Watch PDP189 on Youtube

    Protrusive Dental Pearl: Use Vaseline on the gingivae when carrying out a ‘smile trial’ or bis-acryl mock-up - will result in an easier clean up!

    Need to Read it? Check out the Full Episode Transcript below!

    Highlights of this Episode:01:54 Protrusive Dental Pearl02:44 Introduction - Dr Alan Burgin18:20 Types of Indirect Restorations31:16 From Onlay to Crown44:40 Crowns - Traditional vs Verti-Preps54:00 Reflection57:48 Alan’s Prep Course

    For the full educational experience, our Ultimate Education Plan gives you access to all our courses, webinars, and exclusive monthly content. This includes Vertipreps for Plonkers and clinical videos demonstrating Onlay Preps.

    Join us on Protrusive Guidance, our own platform for dental professionals. No need for Facebook anymore! 😉

    If you liked this episode, you will also like PDP089 - Vertiprep Revision

    Click below for full episode transcript:

    Jaz's Introduction: Overlays and onlays have become very popular. So is there still a place for full crowns? I still place full crowns because I use vertical crowns, i.e. vertipreps. Even then, if a tooth has enough enamel, my indirect restoration of choice will very likely be an overlay restoration. Something like lithium disilicate.

    [Jaz]The other modern consideration that we have is composite. We can actually go really far with composites and I know the bigger the composite the less predictable it can be but sometimes with modern techniques and looking after the occlusion you can get a long time out of a large composite and often due to budgetary reasons or otherwise the large composite is what we may be opting for in many scenarios.

    So where do we draw the line? What's the limit of a large posterior composite? These are all the real world questions we'll be discussing today with my guest Dr. Alan Burgin as part of crowns and onlays month in June 2024. So remember in February we did Adhesive Dentistry, then in March we did Documentation, April we did Mental Health, in May we did may the Force Be With You Orthodontics, and now we're doing Crowns and Onlays. And I hope you agree that this is big enough to deserve its own month. It's our daily decision making. It's our bread and butter daily restorative dentistry.

    Hello Protruserati, I'm Jaz Gulati and welcome back to your favorite dental podcast. Every PDP episode, I give you a Protrusive Dental Pearl, except this time I've actually just run out. There's no more pearls out there. There's no more tips. In all the episodes we've done in the last six years, we've covered every single tip in Dentistry. And so, there we are. There's no more tips, guys.

    Dental PearlI'm just kidding. Listen, the tip for this one, the Protrusive Dental Pearl, by the way, if you want access to every single protrusive dental pearl, we've created a new PDF, by the way, which all the previous pearls are there in one PDF. This is freely available in Protrusive Guidance, our community, and the home of the nicest and geekiest dentists in the world. The website for that is protrusive. app or download the iOS, Android app is called Protrusive Guidance.

    The pearl for today is when you're doing a mock up with a bisacryl. What's bisacryl? It's like, you know, ProTemp, LuxaTemp, Integrity, all these instant crown bridge temporary materials. When you're doing a mock up like a smile preview, perhaps before veneers or something.

  • Clinical Dentistry is a steep learning curve - it can be frustrating, frightening and quite frankly exhilarating.

    This episode (better late than never! My wife finished her MSc so now I’m back on track!) picks up the theme of Stress Awareness and I discuss with Emma Hutchinson, our Protrusive Student, how students can manage stress effectively, prioritize their studies, and identify their unique learning styles. 

    We also address imposter syndrome and the various difficulties encountered while learning something as complex as dentistry.


    Highlights of this episode:00:00 Introduction03:25 Welcoming Emma Back04:16 Protrusive Students06:30 Dentistry Students vs Other Courses08:24 Hobbies and Activities Outside of Dental School12:50 Communication Style14:48 Student-Life Balance19:01 Past Papers during Exam Time21:00 Networking in Dentistry28:51 Burnout and Mental Health Perspective33:45 Next Month - Orthodontics

    This episode is not eligible for CPD/CE points, but never fear, there are hundreds of hours of CPD waiting for you on the Protrusive App!

    For the full educational experience, our Ultimate Education Plan gives you access to all our courses, webinars, and exclusive monthly content. Join us on Protrusive Guidance, our own platform for dental professionals. No need for Facebook anymore! 😉

    If you love this episode, be sure to watch Adhesive Dentistry for Beginners – PS002