1. Regarding Ethics, Freud Has What It Takes. 2. Can Psychoanalysis Constitute the Kind of Ethics Necessitated by our Times? (Beginning minute 36)
Two papers by Stijn Vanheule - “the object a and jouissance in psychosis” and (beginning 1:20mins) psychosis and the logic of knotting and linking”. Then Lacan’s (2:24mins) “on a question prior to any possible treatment of psychosis”.
Kant avec Sade.. read aloud
Ecrits read aloud
Texts read aloud from Jacques Lacan’s Ecrits
A brief inquiry into the development of psychopathology regarding psychotic presentations. What is elucidated is the variation in thinking and methodology that has resulted in modern cumulative thinking regarding the topic. Beginning at this point grants the roots of the development that will be discovered through the texts in future episodes.