I interview Dr Andrea Di Biagio, who is a postdoctoral research fellow at IQOQI Vienna. We discuss Andrea's journey through interpretations of quantum theory, including QBism, Relational Quantum Mechanics, Everettian Quantum Theory and Wigner's friend. These topics have been subjects of Andrea's past and active research, including work with Prof. Carlo Rovelli.
I interview Dr Sam Kuypers, who is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Université de Montréal. We discuss the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, also known as Everettian quantum theory, which has been the subject of Sam's research including work together with Prof. David Deutsch.
I interview Dr Nick Ormrod, who recently completed his DPhil at the University of Oxford and is now a post-doctoral research fellow at the Perimeter Institute in Canada. We discuss the new interpretation of quantum theory that Nick has been working on during his DPhil, with Prof. Jonathan Barrett. The key idea is that reality emerges from causal structures.
Welcome to Episode 1 of my new Quantum Foundations podcast! I interview Dr Nicetu Tibau Vidal, a Research Fellow at the University of Hong Kong. We discuss locality in quantum physics, informed by Nicetu's PhD research at the University of Oxford and his ongoing work.
It is often stated that "if two particles are quantum entangled, doing something to one instantly influences a distant entangled particle." This statement is backed by Bell's Theorem, said to require sacrificing locality (distant particles can't instantly influence each other) or realism (our theories describe real aspects of the universe). In this podcast, Dr. Nicetu Tibau Vidal explains a third option: we can keep both locality and realism within standard quantum mechanics. However, we need to update our understanding of the physical properties of a particle that really exist — with important implications for the nature of reality.