Join MistressCandy69 & Friends each week to listen and call in to the Hottest BDSM & KINK FETISH Shows on the Internet, BDSM ALIVE RADIO NETWORK Now Has other podcasts for your Listening enjoyment, MistressCandy69 is a Lifestyle & Professional Dominatrix for over 32 years,BDSM Educator And Radio Show Hostess for over 10 years Something for everyone on network
S-Spot with Salty Vixen Talk Show - Sex, Relationship & Love Advice. Meet Relationship Advice Expert Salty Vixen, the Dear Abby of 2023. You have Love, Relationship problems? Read & Ask Here!- This is Dating & Relationship Advice Section- for information. Podcast M-F (5 Days A Week)
Salty Vixen Stories & More:
Salty Vixen Sex Advice Column:
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This is a podcast about sex, where three sex positive friends - who also happen to be globally accredited coaches - share their own journey through super sexy adventures and incredibly fulfilling sex lives.
By learning how to effectively communicate needs and desires, we unlocked our own sexual energy, and our erotic lives have completely transformed.
We’ve discovered an amazing new world of possibilities, where you can feel safe to express yourself sexually, guilt- and shame- free, and we’re here to share it with you too. The world needs more healing!
For more info about the hosts, and to book a call, visit: https://deepersexpodcast.podbean.com/p/about-the-hosts/ -
Do you continually find yourself in dysfunctional relationships? Have a pattern of dating emotionally unavailable partners? Undervalue yourself while putting others on a pedestal? Jodi White can relate.
As a therapist and recovering Love Addict, Jodi shares her experience in this podcast through years of journal entries and interviews with others who have struggled, as well as experts in the fields of love & sex addiction, codependence and other areas of mental health.
Music by JD Pendley -
Helping people to admit what they feel in order to heal from the effects of Narcissistic Abuse from a Biblical and Psychological perspective.
Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/narcissistic-abuse-no-more--2855898/support. -
A podcast about love, marriage & relationships: Couples Synergy with couples therapy and relationships experts, Dr Ray and Jean Kadkhodaian, features interviews with real couples about their marriage and relationships and offers insights on how to create a healthy and happy relationship. Having conducted marriage counseling, couples therapy and relationship coaching for over 25 years with thousands of couples, Dr. Ray and Jean offer their relationship advice in addition to interviewing couples, and over the course of their podcast cover topics such as, communication, sex, conflict, divorce, adoption, infertility, miscarriage, pornography, infidelity, anxiety, depression, blended families, dating, remarriage, intimacy, addiction, codependency, social media, parenting, PTSD and much more!
"Von Ráðgjöf - er podcast þar sem við hjónin miðlum persónulegri reynslu í bland við faglega af lífinu bæði í blíðu og stríðu vonandi meira í blíðu. Við nálgumst efnið sem sendiboðar sem boða von frekar en einhverskonar rannsóknarfræðimenn sem hafa grandskoðað öll akademísku ritin. Við störfum bæði i Lausninni fjölskyldu- og áfallamiðstöð. Baldur er menntaður Markþjálfi og fyrirtækja markþjálfi og Barbara er með b.ed., gráðu í grunnskólakennarafræðum og Fjölskyldufræðingur Ma-Diplómunám. Samanlagt eiga þau 7/8 börn eftir því hvernig talið er og 2 barnabörn. Útskýrum það nánar í þáttunum. Við vonum að þið hafið gott og gaman af því að hlusta.
Skemmti podcast þar sem gríntútturnar Sif og Embla fá til sín allskyns gesti úr öllum hornum samfélagsins. Tölum um Kynlífssögur og reynslur.
Við viljum opna á umræðuna um kynlíf og allskonar tabú sem tengist því.
Upphafstef - My friend and I - Trúbrot
https://www.tiktok.com/@klikkadarkynlifssogur -
Get a little taste of me, Alice, as I tell you about my life as a legal sex worker at The Bunny Ranch in Carson City, Nevada.
My name is Alice Little and I have big things to say about sex. Follow along as me and my friends, The Potty Mouth Babes, discuss hot topics like sex toys, past sexual partners, weird sexual encounters, female sexuality, and so much more. I’m always a fan of giving, so I’ve teamed up with AdamAndEve.com to feature the best sex toys ever and give them to you for 50 percent off! Just use my Adam and Eve discount code ALICE50 at checkout for 50 percent off almost any single item & free discreet shipping on your order. Be sure to subscribe to my podcast so you don’t miss a single thing. Tell me what you think in the comments and be sure to share my stuff with your friends. I love being exposed! -
Saga, eigandi Losta, spjallar um kynlíf, ástarsambönd, samskipti, kynlífstæki, og allt því tengdu.
Inn á milli finnur þú sjóðheitar erótískar sögur… njóttu!
Losti er kynlífstækjaverslun staðsett í Borgartúni 3.
Kíktu á instagramið okkar @losti.is til að taka þátt í umræðunum sem við deilum í þáttunum. -
Join the journey, experiences, and sexual adventures of two high school sweethearts navigating through the swinging lifestyle as millennials. Bella and Jase share their stories and conversations in a fun and candid way, making you feel like you've been friends for years. Come along for the ride. Let's play!
Are you searching for an exhilarating and enticing lifestyle podcast to invigorate your morning commute? Look no further! Introducing "The Sinsational Unicorn Podcast" — an immersive audio experience that will take you on an unparalleled journey through various lifestyles. Join your vibrant hosts, Anna and Ryan, as they inject high-energy, humor, and a touch of kinkiness into each episode. Prepare to be captivated by their latest tantalizing tales. So sit back and enjoy. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thesinsationalunicorn/support
Born between June 21st and July 22nd, you are a Cancer. Resourceful and loving, you create security for all of those around you. Let Cancer Today guide you through love, compatibility, personal and professional growth. Cancer Today is a Spotify Original from Parcast, new episodes release daily.
Klikkið er hlaðvarpsþáttur Hugarafls og var sett á laggirnar árið 2017 í samstarfi við nemendur í verkefnastjórnun við Háskólann í Reykjavík. Viðfangsefni Klikksins eru fyrst og fremst geðheilbrigðismál og allt sem tengist þeim málaflokki með það að markmiði að tala opinskátt og beint um geðheilbrigði. Hugarafl var stofnað árið 2003 og er langstærsti virki notendahópur á Íslandi og jafnvel á norðurlöndunum. Markmið hópsins eru þau að hafa áhrif á íslenskt geðheilbrigðiskerfi, að minnka fordóma, vera sýnileg í gegnum ýmiskonar verkefni og opinni þátttöku í samfélagsumræðu, stuðla að aukinni þekkingu um bata og bataferli, að efla samstarf notenda og fagfólks og sýna það í verki, stuðla að breidd í þjónustu við fólk með geðraskanir og stuðla að auknum mannréttindum fólks með geðraskanir. Alla laugardaga á stundin.is.