Welcome to High Rollers, a live-play Dungeons & Dragons podcast! Join Dungeon Master Mark Hulmes and his players as they explore Altheya: The Dragon Empire on Europe's biggest independent TTRPG stream. Episodes go live Tuesdays and Thursdays, or watch live every Sunday at 5pm UK Time on twitch.tv/highrollersdnd or youtube.com/highrollersdnd!
Suske en Wiske bestaan sinds 1945 en hebben een rijke historie. Ik verslond de albums in mijn jonge jaren, maar hoe is het tegenwoordig met de strip gesteld? In deze reeks gesprekken praat ik met kenners, makers (waaronder een tweeluik met Paul Geerts) en verzamelaars over het verleden, heden en de toekomst van de strips. Lees meer op de website: www.deperfectepodcast.nl
In de special 'De Krimson Tapes' wordt je door Krimson in 10 korte afleveringen ingewijd in de wereld van Amoras. De Vlaamse acteur Ivan Pecnik kruipt daarbij in de huid van de kwaadaardige dokter. -
Fuck Wijn is een educatieve podcast over bier van Ronald Giphart en Ronald van de Streek. Elke aflevering behandelen we, samen met bijzondere gasten, één bierstijl door de klassieker en de moderne variant te proeven. Je kan met ons mee proeven door het bierpakket te bestellen op fuckwijn.nl
Do you ever struggle to make fun and engaging encounters in your tabletop role playing games? Come join the Encounter Table where each week three friends discuss how to make great encounters, game design, and leave you with a fun encounter you could put on your table. Whether you play Dungeons and Dragons, Genesys, Pathfinder, Savage Worlds, Powered by the Apocalypse or any other RPG come join us as we figure out how to make our games better!
Craft Beer, Homebrewing, Portland Timbers Soccer, Skiing and whatever else comes to mind-That is what this podcast focuses on.
Twice a month, Jason and Gary meet with local brewers, tap house owners, beer distributers, and entrepreneurs with the idea of learning more about craft beer!
While not the most politically correct, Jason and Gary do not shy away from any topic!
Past Show Highlights Include:
Art Larrance-Oregon Brewers Festival/Cascade Barrell HouseJohn Van Duzer -Boneyard BrewingMatt Swihart, Double Mountain Brewing Kevin Quinn, Bale Breaker BrewingChris Baum, Varietal Brewing John Harris-Ecliptic BrewingKarl and Greg-Beer Country TV Seriesand many, many more!Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Somos el mejor podcast de cultura pop que pueden escuchar. Aquí discutimos de todo: cómics, cine, televisión, videojuegos y todas las cosas nerds y geeks que puedan imaginar. Nuestro selecto cast de nerds tienen un incommensurable conocimiento en todos estos temas y mucho más. Este es un podcast hecho por nerds para nerds. Espero que disfruten de nuestras largas conversaciones acerca de los temas que nos apasionan. Conducido por Héctor "X-Treme", Julio "Falange", Christopher "Phoenix", Uriel "Bote", Gabriel "Scatha" y Tania "Romanticide" con apariciones regulares del maestro de la radio Esteban, el amo del control pad Juan "Solid" y el elusivo pero siempre bien recibido Adolfo "Star" http://www.cronicasdelmultiverso.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cronicas.delmultiverso Twitter: @CMultiverso Foro: http://cronicasmultiverso.proboards.com/
Bass Edge's THE EDGE is a bi-monthly podcast that focuses on techniques, tips, and inside product knowledge that will help improve your
fishing success. Each month we interview a different top pro angler and focus on a bait or technique in which they specialize. We also interview a product expert who provides in depth information on a particular product or service that may effect your success on the water. This audio program is a compliment to our technique focused web-site located at bassedge.com. For more information on our instructional DVDs, books, and other Bass Edge products please visit us online at bassedge.com. -
Welcome to the Relentless Knitting Podcast! We’re so happy you've found us. We are two science teachers who knit based out of the beautiful Okanagan valley in British Columbia Canada.
The goal of this podcast is to share our love of the fibre arts and foster community. Our focus will be knitting with flares of other hobbies and interests. We are both recent first time moms and we’ll be sharing some of our adventures in mommyhood. We own Relentless Knitting Company and are contracted by our local yarn store to teach knitting classes. Find us on facebook, twitter and the web at www.relentlessknitting.com and join our group on Ravelry - Relentless Knitting Company. -
Patrick and Eric in the Morning is a spinoff of the Golden Geek-nominated What Did You Play This Week Podcast — which featured both Patrick Hillier and Eric Buscemi as regular contributors. When, after nearly four years, WDYPTW wound down, Patrick and Eric decided to continue recording a free-form conversation-style show together loosely inspired by Troy and Abed’s morning show from the cult classic sitcom Community. Each episode, for around half an hour, the co-hosts discuss a broad topic — including individual board game mechanisms, game catalogues of notable designers, and recent tabletop events they’ve participated in — instead of regularly previewing or reviewing specific games.
After Park Lounge is de eerste Nederlandstalige Europa-Parkpodcast. Jaffeth en Marwin volgen het wel en wee van het Duitse attractiepark Europa-Park en het bijbehorende waterpark Rulantica. Europa-Park ligt in het Zwarte Woud op zo'n 4 uurtjes rijden van de Nederlandse grens. Wat betreft bezoekersaantallen is het park de tweede van Europa na Disney. Daarnaast heeft het 6 themahotels, kortom genoeg onderwerpen voor de heren om te bespreken, gewoon omdat het kan. Dus leun lekker achterover, pak een drankje en geniet van luchtige, leuke afleveringen!
Join Courtney Bastian as she explores all things Bird Dogs; hunting, training, competing, testing, breeding, nutrition, and health.
This podcast also focuses on conservation efforts for birds and public land, ethical and responsible hunting, gear options, and getting more women and children involved in the outdoors.
Courtney's intense curiosity drives her to take a vulnerable, honest approach with her guests to provide educational and inspirational content in each episode. -
De enige echte nummer 1 (en langstlopende) podcast voor motorrijders en motorliefhebbers. Peter (Harley Davidson Road King Special) en Dennis (Honda Fireblade) praten elke aflevering met een andere gast over zijn of haar passie voor motoren. Van reisverhalen tot onderhoud en van circuit rijden tot motorkleding. Al 5 jaar lang de best beluisterde motor podcast!
Word Vriend van De Motor Podcast en krijg nog meer motorpassie, bonus-content en afleveringen: demotorpodcast.nl/word-vriend/