Navigating the sensitive topic of violence, abuse, and neglect in clinical practice can be challenging for GPs, especially when there's concern about causing further harm to survivors. In this insightful podcast, we explore practical strategies to help GPs build confidence in addressing these critical issues.
Listen in as we discuss:
• Common barriers GPs face, such as fear of triggering patients, lack of confidence, and navigating referral pathways.
• The importance of fostering trust and reducing shame through compassionate, patient-centred responses.
• Real-world case studies, top tips, and expert insights on how to respond effectively and create a safe, supportive space for patients.
• Practical tools and clear referral pathways to empower GPs in their role as frontline responders to violence and abuse.
By the end of this episode, GPs will be better equipped to handle disclosures of violence, abuse, and neglect, ensuring they provide the best care and support to those in need.
STI guidelines (ASA) link - https://sti.guidelines.org.au/populations-and-situations/adult-sexual-assault/
ITIC framework link - https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/patients/trauma/Publications/itic-framework.pdf
RACGP AJGP article 'They made a hard day feel a little easier' - https://www1.racgp.org.au/ajgp/2025/march/they-made-a-hard-day-feel-a-little-easier
VAN Health Pathways: Violence, Abuse and Neglect HealthPathways are available from South West Sydney Primary Health Network as the VAN Lead Region PHN, including:
• Domestic and Family Violence
• Adult Strangulation
• Adult Sexual Assault
• Physical Assault and Injury Recording
Link to the log-in HealthPathways page: https://sws.communityhealthpathways.org/welcome?returnUrl=%2f? -
In this episode, we explore the changing landscape of nicotine dependence and discuss cessation, focusing on practical strategies for GPs to support their patients in quitting smoking and vaping or other forms of nicotine.
We discuss recent legislative changes, the latest evidence-based treatment options, and the importance of patient-centred communication.
Our expert guests include:
• Professor Rowen Ivers – GP, public health physician, and member of the RACGP Expert Advisory Group on Tobacco
• Vanessa McLean – NSW Quitline Supervisor and experienced counsellor
• Facilitated by Carolyn Murray – Director, Tobacco and E-Cigarettes Strategy, NSW Health
Trigger Warning:
This episode contains discussions about nicotine dependence, withdrawal, and quitting, including references to mental health struggles, suicides, and suicidal thoughts. If you or someone you know needs support, please reach out to Lifeline (13 11 14) or Quitline (13 7948).
Key Discussion Points:
1. Understanding the policy and legislative environment
2. Effective conversations about nicotine dependence
3. Evidenced-based treatment options
4. The role of Quitline and referral pathways
Resources mentioned in this episode:
• RACGP Supporting smoking cessation: A guide for health professionals - https://www.racgp.org.au/clinical-resources/clinical-guidelines/key-racgp-guidelines/view-all-racgp-guidelines/supporting-smoking-cessation
• ICanQuit NSW Government website - https://www.icanquit.com.au/
• Quitline PAVE app - https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/So_5Clx1rOT1XjRGCGfVTzZYUN?domain=cancer.nsw.gov.au
Download it for Apple devices - https://apps.apple.com/au/app/pave/id6737787436
Get it on Google Play - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.cinsw.vayp&pli=1
• NSW Health Guide to Support Young People to Quit E-Cigarettes - https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/tobacco/Pages/e-cigarette-young-people-guide.aspx
• NSW Health Vaping toolkit - https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/tobacco/Pages/vaping.aspx
• Therapeutic Goods Administration Vaping hub - https://www.tga.gov.au/products/unapproved-therapeutic-goods/vaping-hub -
Listen to this podcast series to learn more about the ACT’s real time prescription monitoring system ‘Canberra Script’ and how embedding this important system into your workflow can lead to better patient health outcomes.
Technical IT support: [email protected] or 1800 776 633
General support: [email protected] or 02 5124 9208
Support Services
- Painaustralia Pain Services Directory (https://www.painaustralia.org.au/pain-services-directory/pain-directory)
- Painaustralia’s Support Groups and Help Lines (https://www.painaustralia.org.au/find-support/care-in-community-1/painaustralia-support-groups-help-lines)
- Opioid medicines and pain | healthdirect (https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/opioids)
- Medicines Line (1300 MEDICINE) - NPS MedicineWise (https://www.nps.org.au/about-us/services/knowledge-transfer/medicines-line-1300-medicine)
- Prescription opioids | Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) (https://www.tga.gov.au/hubs/prescription-opioids)
- ACT Health Alcohol and Drug Services (https://www.health.act.gov.au/services/alcohol-and-drug-services)
- ACT Mental Health Services (https://www.health.act.gov.au/services/mental-health)
- Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy (https://www.cahma.org.au/about.html)
- Capital Health Network | For Health Professionals - HealthPathways (chnact.org.au)(https://www.chnact.org.au/for-health-professionals/healthpathways/) -
Listen to this podcast series to learn more about the ACT’s real time prescription monitoring system ‘Canberra Script’ and how embedding this important system into your workflow can lead to better patient health outcomes.
Technical IT support: [email protected] or 1800 776 633
General support: [email protected] or 02 5124 9208
Support Services
- Painaustralia Pain Services Directory (https://www.painaustralia.org.au/pain-services-directory/pain-directory)
- Painaustralia’s Support Groups and Help Lines (https://www.painaustralia.org.au/find-support/care-in-community-1/painaustralia-support-groups-help-lines)
- Opioid medicines and pain | healthdirect (https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/opioids)
- Medicines Line (1300 MEDICINE) - NPS MedicineWise (https://www.nps.org.au/about-us/services/knowledge-transfer/medicines-line-1300-medicine)
- Prescription opioids | Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) (https://www.tga.gov.au/hubs/prescription-opioids)
- ACT Health Alcohol and Drug Services (https://www.health.act.gov.au/services/alcohol-and-drug-services)
- ACT Mental Health Services (https://www.health.act.gov.au/services/mental-health)
- Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy (https://www.cahma.org.au/about.html)
- Capital Health Network | For Health Professionals - HealthPathways (chnact.org.au)(https://www.chnact.org.au/for-health-professionals/healthpathways/) -
Listen to this podcast series to learn more about the ACT’s real time prescription monitoring system ‘Canberra Script’ and how embedding this important system into your workflow can lead to better patient health outcomes.
Technical IT support: [email protected] or 1800 776 633
General support: [email protected] or 02 5124 9208
Support Services
- Painaustralia Pain Services Directory (https://www.painaustralia.org.au/pain-services-directory/pain-directory)
- Painaustralia’s Support Groups and Help Lines (https://www.painaustralia.org.au/find-support/care-in-community-1/painaustralia-support-groups-help-lines)
- Opioid medicines and pain | healthdirect (https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/opioids)
- Medicines Line (1300 MEDICINE) - NPS MedicineWise (https://www.nps.org.au/about-us/services/knowledge-transfer/medicines-line-1300-medicine)
- Prescription opioids | Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) (https://www.tga.gov.au/hubs/prescription-opioids)
- ACT Health Alcohol and Drug Services (https://www.health.act.gov.au/services/alcohol-and-drug-services)
- ACT Mental Health Services (https://www.health.act.gov.au/services/mental-health)
- Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy (https://www.cahma.org.au/about.html)
- Capital Health Network | For Health Professionals - HealthPathways (chnact.org.au)(https://www.chnact.org.au/for-health-professionals/healthpathways/) -
Listen to this podcast series to learn more about the ACT’s real time prescription monitoring system ‘Canberra Script’ and how embedding this important system into your workflow can lead to better patient health outcomes.
Technical IT support: [email protected] or 1800 776 633
General support: [email protected] or 02 5124 9208
Support Services
- Painaustralia Pain Services Directory (https://www.painaustralia.org.au/pain-services-directory/pain-directory)
- Painaustralia’s Support Groups and Help Lines (https://www.painaustralia.org.au/find-support/care-in-community-1/painaustralia-support-groups-help-lines)
- Opioid medicines and pain | healthdirect (https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/opioids)
- Medicines Line (1300 MEDICINE) - NPS MedicineWise (https://www.nps.org.au/about-us/services/knowledge-transfer/medicines-line-1300-medicine)
- Prescription opioids | Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) (https://www.tga.gov.au/hubs/prescription-opioids)
- ACT Health Alcohol and Drug Services (https://www.health.act.gov.au/services/alcohol-and-drug-services)
- ACT Mental Health Services (https://www.health.act.gov.au/services/mental-health)
- Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy (https://www.cahma.org.au/about.html)
- Capital Health Network | For Health Professionals - HealthPathways (chnact.org.au)(https://www.chnact.org.au/for-health-professionals/healthpathways/) -
Listen to this podcast series to learn more about the ACT’s real time prescription monitoring system ‘Canberra Script’ and how embedding this important system into your workflow can lead to better patient health outcomes.
Technical IT support: [email protected] or 1800 776 633
General support: [email protected] or 02 5124 9208
Support Services
- Painaustralia Pain Services Directory
- Painaustralia’s Support Groups and Help Lines
- Opioid medicines and pain | healthdirect
- Medicines Line (1300 MEDICINE) - NPS MedicineWise
- Prescription opioids | Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)
- ACT Health Alcohol and Drug Services
- ACT Mental Health Services
- Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy
- Capital Health Network | For Health Professionals - HealthPathways (chnact.org.au) -
Listen to this podcast series to learn more about the ACT’s real time prescription monitoring system ‘Canberra Script’ and how embedding this important system into your workflow can lead to better patient health outcomes.
Technical IT support: [email protected] or 1800 776 633
General support: [email protected] or 02 5124 9208
Support Services
- Painaustralia Pain Services Directory
- Painaustralia’s Support Groups and Help Lines
- Opioid medicines and pain | healthdirect
- Medicines Line (1300 MEDICINE) - NPS MedicineWise
- Prescription opioids | Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)
- ACT Health Alcohol and Drug Services
- ACT Mental Health Services
- Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy
- Capital Health Network | For Health Professionals - HealthPathways (chnact.org.au) -
Listen to this podcast series to learn more about the ACT’s real time prescription monitoring system ‘Canberra Script’ and how embedding this important system into your workflow can lead to better patient health outcomes.
Technical IT support: [email protected] or 1800 776 633
General support: [email protected] or 02 5124 9208
Support Services
- Painaustralia Pain Services Directory
- Painaustralia’s Support Groups and Help Lines
- Opioid medicines and pain | healthdirect
- Medicines Line (1300 MEDICINE) - NPS MedicineWise
- Prescription opioids | Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)
- ACT Health Alcohol and Drug Services
- ACT Mental Health Services
- Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy
- Capital Health Network | For Health Professionals - HealthPathways (chnact.org.au) -
Listen to this podcast series to learn more about the ACT’s real time prescription monitoring system ‘Canberra Script’ and how embedding this important system into your workflow can lead to better patient health outcomes.
Technical IT support: [email protected] or 1800 776 633
General support: [email protected] or 02 5124 9208
Support Services
- Painaustralia Pain Services Directory
- Painaustralia’s Support Groups and Help Lines
- Opioid medicines and pain | healthdirect
- Medicines Line (1300 MEDICINE) - NPS MedicineWise
- Prescription opioids | Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)
- ACT Health Alcohol and Drug Services
- ACT Mental Health Services
- Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy
- Capital Health Network | For Health Professionals - HealthPathways (chnact.org.au) -
Domestic and family violence is a serious and widespread issue that significantly impacts the health and wellbeing of Australians, particularly women and children. This podcast will delve into the role of GPs and Primary Health in intervening and minimizing the health and wellbeing risks and impacts for their children, young people and families, what a ‘good experience’ may look like for patients and the referral and support pathways.
Additional resources:
Daisy Daisy app - https://www.1800respect.org.au/daisy
Empower you (Police) Empower You App - https://www.police.nsw.gov.au/safety_and_prevention/policing_in_the_community/empower_you_app
Tech control/E safety - https://www.esafety.gov.au/key-issues/domestic-family-violence
Domestic Violence Safety Assessment Tool - https://www.facs.nsw.gov.au/download?file=592948
Child MRG and Wellbeing Unit - https://reporter.childstory.nsw.gov.au/s/mrg
Child Wellbeing Unit and Child Wellbeing Coordinators - https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/parvan/childprotect/Pages/cwu.aspx
Further advice can be sought from calling the NSW Health Child Wellbeing Unit at 1300 480 420 (Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm). You can also leave a voicemail message or email after hours. Further information is available at https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/parvan/childprotect/Pages/cwu.aspx
SCAN Protocol - https://www1.health.nsw.gov.au/pds/ActivePDSDocuments/GL2014_012.pdf
Australian Child Maltreatment Study - https://www.acms.au/
Information sharing 16a (Child Safety)
The purpose of Chapter 16a in the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 is to prioritise the safety, welfare and wellbeing of a child or young person over an individual’s right to privacy.
Chapter 16a allows prescribed bodies (government and non-government) the authority to share relevant information about children and young people to collaboratively promote their safety, welfare and wellbeing. This information sharing does not require consent from the related person(s).
Information sharing 13a (DFV) - Part 13A of the Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2007 (https://legislation.nsw.gov.au/view/whole/html/inforce/current/act-2007-080) – Referenced in podcast at 26 minutes
This supports an information sharing framework intended to improve safety outcomes for victim-survivors of domestic violence. It creates certain exceptions to NSW privacy laws that allow NSW agencies and organisations to exchange information to respond appropriately to the needs of victim-survivors, and encourages inter-agency collaboration.
There are two key aspects to Part 13A: (1) Sharing information to facilitate victims' access to domestic violence support services and (2) Sharing information to prevent or lessen a threat to the life, health or safety of a person eg if a victim-survivor or person who is potentially at risk has refused to give consent or it is unreasonable or impractical to obtain the person's consent. -
What’s the latest on Syphilis, Doxy-PEP, M Gen and PID?
In this episode, we dive into the current syphilis outbreak in NSW and discuss why it’s crucial to increase the frequency of sexual health checks in general practice. We’ll also cover new guidance from the Australian Society for HIV Medicine (ASHM) on prescribing Doxy-PEP, including when it’s appropriate to use it.
You’ll hear firsthand from a patient about their experiences with sexual health care and using Doxy-PEP.
In the second part, we’ll walk you through a detailed case study on Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), providing a clear, step-by-step approach for assessment and management in general practice. Plus, get the latest updates on mycoplasma genitalium (M Gen) – including testing and treatment recommendations.
Discover why it’s vital to offer comprehensive sexual health testing to all sexually active patients and get tips on how to discuss this important topic with different patient groups.
Part 2: https://soundcloud.com/nswact-racgp/syphilis-pid-and-m-gen-oh-my-two-parts?si=d5372553ed644a8ea1a7bed4012df2b5&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
Resources Referenced in Podcast:
1. Australian STI Management Guidelines (sti.guidelines.org.au/)
2. NSW Sexually Transmissible Infections Data Report: January to December 2022 (www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/Rep…sti-report.pdf)
3. ASHM: Decision Making In Syphilis clinical decision-making tool (ashm.org.au/resources/syphilis-…cision-making-tool/)
4. NSW Sexual Health Clinics contact list (www.health.nsw.gov.au/sexualhealth/P…h-clinics.aspx)
5. ASHM Training: NSW Introduction to Syphilis for Midwives and Clinicians Providing Antenatal Care (ashm.org.au/training/nsw-introd…ing-antenatal-care/)
6. ASHM: 2023 Consensus Statement on doxycycline prophylaxis (Doxy-PEP) (ashm.org.au/about/news/doxy-pep-statement/)
7. Play Safe Pro: Resource Order Page (pro.playsafe.health.nsw.gov.au/promotion…s-2/order)
8. Contact tracing notification tools:
a. Let Them Know (letthemknow.org.au/)
b. The Drama Down Under (www.thedramadownunder.info/)
c. Better to Know (www.bettertoknow.org.au/) -
What’s the latest on Syphilis, Doxy-PEP, M Gen and PID?
In this episode, we dive into the current syphilis outbreak in NSW and discuss why it’s crucial to increase the frequency of sexual health checks in general practice. We’ll also cover new guidance from the Australian Society for HIV Medicine (ASHM) on prescribing Doxy-PEP, including when it’s appropriate to use it.
You’ll hear firsthand from a patient about their experiences with sexual health care and using Doxy-PEP.
In the second part, we’ll walk you through a detailed case study on Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), providing a clear, step-by-step approach for assessment and management in general practice. Plus, get the latest updates on mycoplasma genitalium (M Gen) – including testing and treatment recommendations.
Discover why it’s vital to offer comprehensive sexual health testing to all sexually active patients and get tips on how to discuss this important topic with different patient groups.
Resources Referenced in Podcast:
1. Australian STI Management Guidelines (sti.guidelines.org.au/ )
2. NSW Sexually Transmissible Infections Data Report: January to December 2022 (https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/Reports/Publications/sti/nsw-2022-sti-report.pdf)
3. ASHM: Decision Making In Syphilis clinical decision-making tool (https://ashm.org.au/resources/syphilis-decision-making-tool/)
4. NSW Sexual Health Clinics contact list (https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/sexualhealth/Pages/sexual-health-clinics.aspx)
5. ASHM Training: NSW Introduction to Syphilis for Midwives and Clinicians Providing Antenatal Care (https://ashm.org.au/training/nsw-introduction-to-syphilis-for-midwives-and-clinicians-providing-antenatal-care/)
6. ASHM: 2023 Consensus Statement on doxycycline prophylaxis (Doxy-PEP) (https://ashm.org.au/about/news/doxy-pep-statement/)
7. Play Safe Pro: Resource Order Page (https://pro.playsafe.health.nsw.gov.au/promotional-resources-2/order)
8. Contact tracing notification tools:
a. Let Them Know (https://letthemknow.org.au/)
b. The Drama Down Under (https://www.thedramadownunder.info/)
c. Better to Know (https://www.bettertoknow.org.au/) -
Positive interactions with primary healthcare providers can be game changing for patients interested in managing their weight and health. Hear expert insights from GPs and personal stories to learn how sensitive and evidence-based conversations can reduce stigma and lead to better health outcomes for consumers. Plus, you’ll hear about new training available for GPs to lead more positive conversations (delivered by the Obesity Collective).
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a lifelong disability but is fully preventable. GPs can play an important role in the prevention of FASD through primary and secondary prevention strategies.
This podcast will provide an overview of the impact of alcohol during pregnancy. Prevention strategies such as conversations around pregnancy and alcohol, screening, detection and raising community awareness will be discussed. Information on how to support women who are at risk of drinking will also be discussed.
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Guidelines: https://www.nhmrc.gov.au/health-advice/alcohol
RACGP guidelines for preventive activities in general practice: https://www.racgp.org.au/FSDEDEV/media/documents/Clinical%20Resources/Guidelines/Red%20Book/Guidelines-for-preventive-activities-in-general-practice.pdf
Every Moment Matters: https://everymomentmatters.org.au/
Every Moment Matters AUDIT-C Factsheet: https://everymomentmatters.org.au/wp-content/uploads/FARE_A4_FactSheet_Using-AUDIT-C-In-Practice.pdf
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Hub - https://www.fasdhub.org.au/
FASD Hub Preventative Strategies - https://www.fasdhub.org.au/fasd-information/prevention-strategies/
FASD Hub Alcohol and Pregnancy - https://www.fasdhub.org.au/alcohol--pregnancy/
National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) Strong Born campaign - https://www.naccho.org.au/fasd/strong-born/
Your Room: https://yourroom.health.nsw.gov.au/
Medcast ‘Supporting alcohol-free pregnancy and safe breastfeeding’ e-learning: https://medcast.com.au/courses/596 -
This podcast is an opportunity for GPs to learn the outcome of two recent studies focused on e-cigarette surveillance commissioned by NSW Health. The University of Wollongong studied the contents of e-cigarettes currently available in NSW and the NSW Poisons Information Centre monitored and investigated accidental e-cigarette poisoning exposures.
Carolyn Murray, Director, Tobacco and E-Cigarettes Strategy at the NSW Ministry of Health will talk to Dr Celine Kelso and Dr Jody Moller, School of Chemistry and Molecular Bioscience at the University of Wollongong and A/Prof Darren Roberts, Toxicologist from the NSW Poisons Information Centre about their studies.
The facts about vaping - Tobacco and smoking (nsw.gov.au) https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/tobacco/Pages/vaping.aspx.
The Vaping Toolkit has evidence-based, practical resources on vaping for young people, health professionals, teachers, parents and carers.
Guide to Support Young People to Quit E-Cigarettes - Tobacco and smoking (nsw.gov.au)
Supports health professionals to effectively address e-cigarette use, support young people to manage nicotine withdrawals, and assist young people in quitting e-cigarettes.
NSW E-Cigarette Analysis Project - Summary Report - Tobacco and smoking
This project undertook e-cigarette liquid sample analyses by carrying out gas chromatography mass spectrometry analysis of 750 samples of e-liquids extracted from devices seized or confiscated in NSW.
E-cigarette Child Safety Pamphlet - Tobacco and smoking (nsw.gov.au)
Advice to parents and families about the importance of child safety around e-cigarettes and highlights the risk of nicotine poisoning in children.
NSW Poisons Information Centre can be contacted on 13 1126
https://www.poisonsinfo.nsw.gov.au/ -
Non-Fatal Strangulation can occur as a result of misadventure or injury, but can also occur in the context of domestic and family violence, self-harm, sexual assault, child abuse and neglect or assault by a non-family member. These specific contexts will result in important psychosocial considerations during assessment and management.
This podcast will offer clinical support for GP’s managing adult and paediatric patients who present with NFS in the context of violence and abuse. It aims to improve patient care by increasing GP’s awareness of the potential risks and injuries resulting from NFS; by outlining appropriate assessment and management or care coordination of an episode of NFS; and the importance of follow up for people who have experienced NFS who are a population at high risk of poor outcomes. -
The Gender Centre
The Gender Centre is committed to developing and providing services and activities, which enhance the ability of transgender, gender diverse and gender exploring people make informed choices. The Centre is recognised as a centre of excellence in NSW through an ASES Award Accreditation, (Australian Service Excellence Standards) and nationally in the delivery of front line specialist multi-purpose services aimed at supporting the transgender, gender diverse and gender questioning community across all stages of transition (pre- mid and post transition).
The service offers support from staff with highly specialised qualifications, skills, experience and capabilities. Allowing the team to respond to the unique needs of this client group through the provision of specialist counselling, psychological and other allied health services, outreach support, case-management, family and youth support, homelessness prevention and intervention services, and referrals to help people navigate the health care system in a safe and culturally competent space. The Gender Centre also undertakes advocacy work, resource development, stakeholder training and corporate education. We also operate as a secondary needle & syringe program (NSP) outlet
A digital information and resource platform for all trans and gender diverse people in NSW, loved ones, allies, and health providers.
Maple Leaf House - Transgender & Gender Diversity (under 25)
Provides multi-disciplinary healthcare to trans and gender diverse young people up to the age of 25 years in rural and regional areas of NSW.
A GP referral is required.
For further information Health care workers can refer to: https://www.hnekidshealth.nsw.gov.au/specialist_services/gender
Australian STI management guidelines for use in Primary Care
the Guidelines are an online resource for primary care health professionals. They provide concise information to support the prevention, testing, diagnosis, management and treatment of sexually transmissible infections (STIs) for adults and adolescents
NSW Sexual Health Clinics
Find your local clinic for support and referral here: https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/sexualhealth/Pages/sexual-health-clinics.aspx
Equinox (online GP led and focused resources – Melbourne based)
t150 (Surry Hills, Sydney)
Self-collected STI specimens poster and other resources
ASHM Decision making in PrEP tool
https://ashm.org.au/resources/decision-making-in-prep/ -
Stigma and discrimination faced by people with lived or living experience of alcohol and other drugs (AOD) can create barriers for people seeking care and can result in people seeking services only when their physical and psychological needs are acute or avoiding services altogether. On the other hand, respectful relationships between patient and healthcare providers can improve communication and lead to better therapeutic relationships and health outcomes for patients. General practitioners play a pivotal role in supporting access to care but also in supporting healthy lifestyles.
This podcast aims to raise awareness of the impact of stigma and discrimination and to give General Practitioners the opportunity to reflect on attitudes and behaviours that may impact patients with a lived experience of AOD use. It also touches on the implementation of SafeScript NSW and using this opportunity to engage with patients about their care and support needs.
It is an insightful discussion in a three-part series between a GP, Dr James Ibrahim, the CEO of NSW Users and AIDS Association, Dr Mary Harrod together and three consumers – Frannie, Kevin and Anna, who have generously shared their stories and experience.
• Episode 1: Dr Ibrahim, Dr Harrod and Frannie discuss stigma and discrimination and the importance of language in patient interactions
• Episode 2: Dr Ibrahim, Dr Harrod and Kevin discuss the patient experience of stigma and discrimination and how it affects patient care and outcomes
• Episode 3:Dr Ibrahim, Dr Harrod and Anna discuss SafeScript – how to approach the conversation with patients and use the opportunity for broader discussions about patient care
Language Matters Resource (www.nada.org.au/resources/language-matters/) provides workers with best-practice guidelines on how to use language to empower patients and reinforce a person-centred approach.
SafeScript NSW (www.safescript.health.nsw.gov.au/health-p…itioners provides prescribers and pharmacists with real-time information about a patient’s prescribing and dispensing history for certain high-risk medicines such as opioids and benzodiazepines to improve clinical decision making and patient safety. -
Stigma and discrimination faced by people with lived or living experience of alcohol and other drugs (AOD) can create barriers for people seeking care and can result in people seeking services only when their physical and psychological needs are acute or avoiding services altogether. On the other hand, respectful relationships between patient and healthcare providers can improve communication and lead to better therapeutic relationships and health outcomes for patients. General practitioners play a pivotal role in supporting access to care but also in supporting healthy lifestyles.
This podcast aims to raise awareness of the impact of stigma and discrimination and to give General Practitioners the opportunity to reflect on attitudes and behaviours that may impact patients with a lived experience of AOD use. It also touches on the implementation of SafeScript NSW and using this opportunity to engage with patients about their care and support needs.
It is an insightful discussion in a three-part series between a GP, Dr James Ibrahim, the CEO of NSW Users and AIDS Association, Dr Mary Harrod together and three consumers – Frannie, Kevin and Anna, who have generously shared their stories and experience.
• Episode 1: Dr Ibrahim, Dr Harrod and Frannie discuss stigma and discrimination and the importance of language in patient interactions
• Episode 2: Dr Ibrahim, Dr Harrod and Kevin discuss the patient experience of stigma and discrimination and how it affects patient care and outcomes
• Episode 3:Dr Ibrahim, Dr Harrod and Anna discuss SafeScript – how to approach the conversation with patients and use the opportunity for broader discussions about patient care
Language Matters Resource (www.nada.org.au/resources/language-matters/) provides workers with best-practice guidelines on how to use language to empower patients and reinforce a person-centred approach.
SafeScript NSW (www.safescript.health.nsw.gov.au/health-p…itioners provides prescribers and pharmacists with real-time information about a patient’s prescribing and dispensing history for certain high-risk medicines such as opioids and benzodiazepines to improve clinical decision making and patient safety. - もっと表示する