
  • I am back! Welcome to Season 2 of Radical as a Mother.

    In this episode, I dive into deep reflection around my daughter turning six, and this beginning my seventh year of motherhood.

    Astrology, along with other schools of thought, show us the importance of cycles and the power of seven years. In this episode, I speak openly about my maturation process through this first cycle of motherhood and how I have compensated in motherhood when I felt like I began behind the curve.

    ✨Local Middle Tennessee women!

  • This is my first episode with a guest! Allow me to introduce my mother, Kay Stewart. In this episode together, we have a very candid and raw conversation about what it is like to be confronting generational trauma, patterns and curses together. We currently live together with my co-parent, sister and my two children, so we talk all about the dynamics of inter-generational living and raising the kids all together.

    This episode is really rich in tangible challenges and resolutions that we navigate, as well as growth edges that we are still working through as a family. I am so grateful to have a mother that is willing to choose a growth mindset and lifestyle after living in a very compliant and traditional life for nearly 40 years. Kay shares her journey through motherhood, her marriage and her career- and how everything shifted come 2017, resulting in a complete career shift, divorce and moving from the place she has lived her entire life.

    This episode really touches on the Mother Wound that so many of us are healing as a Collective and how it is a vital component to reclaiming the Matriarch. We really go there together, and even recording this conversation was healing for us both. You don't want to miss it!

    CONNECT WITH ME: Instagram @mother__star

    WORK WITH ME: https://www.motherstar.me

    BOOK AN ASTROLOGY SESSION: https://calendly.com/motherstar/60-min-reading

    ✨✨ For all of my local sisters here in Middle TN. ✨✨

    I am teaching an 8-week class starting Sept 23 called Birth in the Hands of Women.

    This education circle is a live discussion and re-learning how birth belongs to women and what it takes to support birthing women outside of the medical system.
    This offering is to support birth-workers and wise women that are being asked to walk with women in the paradigm of sisterhood and a need practical framework to serve in integrity. We will be exploring topics like women trusting women, the drama triangle, power dynamics, interrogating our fear, how to be in our integrity and so much more. If you are interested, send me a DM. Spots are limited, there are 9 left! This will be such an intimate and potent 8 weeks together, and I am so excited to continue expanding our local network of sovereign, capable women.

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  • This episode is very timely with the current astrology-- with Venus in retrograde we are Collectively reflecting on what we value, how we communicate our desires, how we express ourselves in relationships, and so much more. This episode begins with an exploration and share about this retrograde period and sets the scene for having capacity and availability for motherhood.

    I explain victim-consciousness, and what the drama triangle is + how it applies to motherhood. Through some vulnerable shares as usual, I illustrate my evolution through motherhood and gaining capacity to hold my children as Mother, rather than be a victim to my role.

    BOOK AN ASTROLOGY SESSION: https://calendly.com/motherstar/60-min-reading

    CONNECT WITH ME: Instagram @mother__star

    WORK WITH ME: https://www.motherstar.me

    ✨✨ For all of my local sisters here in Middle TN. ✨✨

    I am teaching an 8-week class starting Sept 23 called Birth in the Hands of Women.

    This education circle is a live discussion and re-learning how birth belongs to women and what it takes to support birthing women outside of the medical system.
    This offering is to support birth-workers and wise women that are being asked to walk with women in the paradigm of sisterhood and a need practical framework to serve in integrity. We will be exploring topics like women trusting women, the drama triangle, power dynamics, interrogating our fear, how to be in our integrity and so much more. If you are interested, send me a DM. Spots are limited, there are 9 left! This will be such an intimate and potent 8 weeks together, and I am so excited to continue expanding our local network of sovereign, capable women.

  • This is one of my favorite topics to talk about- Astrology! I began studying astrology with a 9-day old baby and it was the medicine I so needed to start my motherhood journey.

    In this episode, the main focus is how to use astrology as a tool to understand your most sovereign self. I talk about how our natal charts outline the family of origin we came from, and how that becomes the backdrop for our purpose and service to the world, and how the cycles + patterns of astrology illustrate this as our maturation process.

    I also point to differents areas in the chart to look at in our children with the caveat that the best parenting advice I can give is to know yourself and your chart first and foremost! Dive into this episode to explore the expansive language of astrology.

    If you are interested in learning more, buy my e-book! It is jam packed with so much information and synthezied into bit sized pieces to make astrology simple and easy to learn. And its only $11! Purchase my e-book HERE.

    🎉🎉 GIVEAWAY!! 🎉🎉
    For all of you that have been loving the podcast, please leave me a review on iTunes and tell future listeners your favorite moments so far, or share how this podcast has been impacting you. Once you have left a review, head over to instagram and send me your email address to enter into a giveaway for a FREE 60 minute astrology reading! In this reading together we will explore how you embody your beautiful astrological chart, and get curious about your most sovereign, true expression together. I will pick a lucky winner at the end of this week on Friday August 11th, so leave your amazing reviews and enter into this awesome giveaway for a free reading!

    ✨✨ For all of my local sisters here in Middle TN. ✨✨

    I am teaching an 8 week class starting Sept 23 called Birth in the Hands of Women.

    This education circle is a live discussion and re-learning how birth belongs to women and what it takes to support birthing women outside of the medical system.
    This offering is to support birth-workers and wise women that are being asked to walk with women in the paradigm of sisterhood and a need practical framework to serve in integrity. We will be exploring topics like women trusting women, the drama triangle, power dynamics, interrogating our fear, how to be in our integrity and so much more. If you are interested, send me a DM. Spots are limited, there are 9 left! This will be such an intimate and potent 8 weeks together, and I am so excited to continue expanding our local network of sovereign, capable women.

    BOOK AN ASTROLOGY SESSION: https://calendly.com/motherstar/60-min-reading

    CONNECT WITH ME: Instagram @mother__star

    WORK WITH ME: https://www.motherstar.me

  • In this episode, I share my beliefs and orientation around what community means to me. I explore the ideas of matriarchy versus the current system of patriarchy as well as nuclear families and globalism. I also explore the disconnection that happens when we are choosing online community over local and physical connection.

    I then go into what it is like for women to trust women, and share a very personal story about choosing transformational communication and taking responsibility in a close relationship with another woman, instead of choosing disconnection through gossip and withholding my truth.

    Tune in to hear how centering around community and women is such a huge part of my life as a mother and as a birth-keeper. This episode shares one of the foundational frameworks in my life and how I believe radical women can thrive.

    CONNECT WITH ME: Instagram @mother__star

    WORK WITH ME: https://www.motherstar.me

  • Welcome back for episode two of Radical as a Mother. In today's episode, I share the story of my first birth, in 2018, of my daughter. As a labor and delivery nurse, I planned to birth at home with a medical midwife. However, the Universe (and my co-creation) had other plans.

    The "failure" of my home birth was my humble initiation into motherhood. It was an experience that brought me to my knees and showed me what was no longer working in my life. My daughter's entrance into the world is much like her presence to this day- disruptive, dramatic and so deeply healing.

    Tune in to hear me recount this story now from the radical perspective that: due dates don't matter, birth is merely an expression of our inner experience, and that "births gone wrong" are our greatest teachers and opportunities to reclaim our responsibility and power as mothers.

    CONNECT WITH ME: Instagram @mother__star

    WEBSITE: https://www.motherstar.me

  • Welcome to the first offical episode of the Radical as a Mother Podcast! I am so excited to be here.

    A throughline of my life since I was young is being of service to others and learning how to be a leader. Spoiler alert- learning the art of being a leader means reconciling and unlearning a lot of what society tells us. This special episode is an intimate look into my chaotically beautiful journey from being a labor and delievery nurse to choosing to make a full 180 degree pivot, and stepping into radical birthkeeping.

    In tandem to my major shifts in vocation, I share about my childhood, my initiation into motherhood, finding astrology, my relationship with religion and spirituality and so much more. This episode sets up the foundation for what to expect in this podcast.

    Radical as a Mother is a space meant to serve as a lighthouse for wild women who are choosing to exit the mainsteam systems and take back their power. I can't wait to go on this journey with you, and co-create a web of Matriarchal women with you all!

    CONNECT WITH ME: Instagram @mother__star

    WEBSITE: https://www.motherstar.me

  • Welcome to the Radical as a Mother Podcast, a space for story-telling, sisterhood, and radical self-responsibility. I’m your host, Kerry Stewart, and I am a mother, birth mentor, astrologer, and birth keeper. I am here as a HD Manifestor to ignite you into your personal freedom. I create art from my experiences for you to witness and receive as your own medicine.

    This podcast is a look inside the unlearning and relearning process of becoming the Mother in modern times. Let this space be a safe haven for you to remember and recalibrate to a life full of humanness, freedom and intuitive simplicity.

    Let’s talk about what it truly takes to become the modern matriarch- AKA a grown ass woman in a world that worships the victimized princess maiden. You are in the right place if you are a woman craving a gaggle of kids on a homestead, birthing in power in your own home, and raising a family in a loving, local community.

    I have created this podcast to tell my story and let it serve as a bridge for other women to forage their own unique and sovereign path. As a former city-living, L&D nurse, good girl turned homesteader, homeschooling mother, community gather, and free birth advocate, I am here to share my experiences, challenges and triumphs in unlearning and becoming a woman.

    I believe we all learn best through hearing each other’s stories and modeling to one another. What one woman can do, all women can do.

    Change, healing, and reclamation happens in the small moments of our lives, behind closed doors, and in the micro-choices that compound and create our reality. Here on Radical as a Mother, I will share stories with the through line of radical responsibility and freedom. We will explore topics such as leaving mainstream systems, free birth, relationship dynamics, creating a life based on your core values, the importance of community, self-awareness, somatic work, soul work, astrology, leaving survival mode, and coming back to nature and cyclical living.

    I will talk a lot about birth— it is my greatest passion. I revere birth as the foundation of our motherhood and the ultimate creation portal. I will also be bringing on other sovereign sisters to share their stories and gifts.

    I believe in a world where women trust women.

    Sisters, let's reimagine the village that values and centers around the mother. Join me in becoming a feral mama bear, gathering in local sisterhood, and Being the revolution of the Age of Aquarius.

    CONNECT WITH ME: Instagram @mother__star

    WEBSITE: https://www.motherstar.me