Who is the mysterious woman, and why does she anoint Jesus by pouring expensive oil over his head? Also looking at what we can learn about the women who were present and the crucifixion and later discovered the empty tomb. With Sr Michele Connolly, rsj
Asking questions about the manipulative Herodias, her daughter who dances, and the role these women have to play in the beheading of John the Baptist. With Sr Michele Connolly, rsj
Examining the Solemnity of All Saints Day, as well as answering questions about Halloween, All Souls Day, and why we pray for those who have died. With Bp Richard Umbers.
Discussing the Bread of Life discourse from the Gospel of John, as well as a review of the recent International Eucharistic Congress and its theme of ‘fraternity to heal the world.’ With Bp Richard Umbers.
Looking at Mark’s description of these miracles, the similarities between the two women involved, and what we can learn about faith from the cry ‘If I but touch his clothes, I will be made well.’ With Sr Susanna Edmunds, OP
Looking at Jesus’ first miracle from John’s Gospel, the symbolism of the wedding and the bridegroom, and Mary’s important role. With Sr Susanna Edmunds, OP
You often hear people say ‘the Church should stay out of politics,’ but is this really true? Discussing whether Jesus’ actions had a political consequence in his own time, and what we can learn from the ‘politics’ of the Gospel. With Fr. Peter Smith.
Discussing the concepts of charity and justice, the difference between them, and how the ‘good’ Samaritan could be an ‘excellent’ Samaritan. With Fr. Peter Smith
Discussing the Eucharist, why it’s so important in the modern world, and the impact an International Eucharistic Congress will have on the Church in Australia. With Bishop Richard Umbers
Uncovering the scope of this terrible problem, how it happens in the modern world, and what people in schools and parishes can do about it. With Sr. Noelene Simmons, SM
When she learned she was pregnant, Mary went with haste to visit her cousin Elizabeth. Taking a close look at Elizbeth’s words of greeting and Mary’s song of praise. With Bishop Daniel Meagher
An angel came to Mary and declared that she would be the Mother of God. A close look at Mary’s ‘yes,’ what it means for us, and how we give thanks for it every day when we say the Angelus. With Bishop Daniel Meagher
When the disciples asked Jesus how they should pray, he taught them the Our Father. What else can we learn from Jesus about prayer? With Bishop Daniel Meagher
Debate raged in the early Church as to whether Gentile converts to Christianity had to be circumcised and follow the Mosaic law. With skillful argument, the matter is settled by St Peter, St Paul and St James at the Council of Jerusalem.
Asking how Saul, a fervent and vicious persecutor of early Christians, underwent a spectacular conversion and became Christianity’s greatest missionary, the Apostle to the Gentiles. With Dr. Robert Haddad.
Discussing the debt we owe to the martyrs, including a detailed look at St Stephen, the circumstances of his martyrdom, and the shadowy presence of Saul in the crowd. With Dr. Robert Haddad.
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