Authenticity is the right way to becoming whatever you desire to become. Be original.
Do you see all men as fathers?
Observing the now and staying in it is all there is, and it’s about using it because we don’t live by the decisions, but by the consequences of those decisions.
Being alone is an emptiness period to be filled so you can be fulfilled.
Life is a mystery, so let love lead because that’s the best way out of it
Our realities are different, so we can perceive this in different ways, but in the end there will be an understanding.
Reflection is an underuse word but it's an important tool for success. Self reflect thy life.
Have the courage to say no. The ideal is you don't have to agree to things because you are okay with it. You have the right to say no.
Many people look back on their life at the lessons that they learned and wish that they had learned them much sooner. Too many times we learn life's greatest lessons so late that we don't really have time to implement them in our own lives.
This generation has alot of faces, we agree on little things but argue alot on most things. But this generation is blessed with a lot of people who have talents and also have the capacity to succeed. The idea of relationship should be atone for as it is a vital tool for success.
Beauty for ashes means transformation, can you make something out of nothing? Can you make beauty from ashes? Your mistakes and problems can be used to give you something great.
Mistakes are inevitable, they can't be avoided, but there is a need for it, its is pushing you into something better and greater. It was the mistakes of Thomas Edison that gave him ideas of what next to do. But remember mistakes are not accidents, mistakes can be prevented but accidents happen regardless.
We need to be secure people and never insecure, we should know what is needful, and not getting stuffs that isn't, cause people can't be impressed.Never go out your way to impress people,cause they can never be impress as trends comes out swiftly.
Many times we fill our minds with alot of negativity and doubt, and that makes us remain at a single spot for a long time without moving, instead we move backwards by using the mind to fix on the past when we should be moving forward. The mind is the master, but you we have to practice it to positivity.
Tell your truth and what's right, but let it be positive to others and to yourselves. Words either liberate one or causes pain to the other.
Read critically, write consciously, speak clearly and tell your truth. -
The meaning of life is to give life a meaning. It requires combined factors to confer a single meaning.
Purpose is a discovery and not a decision, and it varies among us, but one thing vital to mention is we re all great. -
Is it funny to say that money saves lives?
The lack of money is the root of all evil, everyone wants to be rich, but we have to get it at the expense of doing good to ourselves and others, respect each other hustle by making ourselves valuable than money, cause the poverty mentality can make you do crazy things. -
More important that finding the truth is finding the reason why one needs to lie. Our truth and actions must be in line. Let your truth pass through you.We come into the world naked, procreate and bring forth another life in our naked being and we leave this world behind in our nakedness. Yet, we all live in our grandeur naked illusions!
Speak your truth, there's no shame in it. -
A man's mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will, bring forth. If no useful seeds are put into it, then an abundance of useless weed seeds will fall therein, and will continue to produce their kind. The outer conditions of a person's life will always be found to be harmoniously related to his inner state...Men do not attract that which they want, but that which they are. As a man thinketh#