
  • In this week's episode, we expand on the idea of taking your personal brand global.

    And to help me do that is ANNE SCOTTLIN, who helps thought leaders and experts launch and monetise world class video podcasts and live streaming shows.

    Anne has a bulging CV. Apart from being an active podcaster and live streaming host herself, she's also an author, coach and speaker, executive consultant with a number of companies ... and spent 10 years as a working actress in Hollywood!

    As we recorded this conversation, Anne had just launched her new show - 'Launch It! The Podcast Maestro!' (CHECK IT OUT ON YOUTUBE HERE)

    Apart from covering Anne's wide and varied professional journey - a 'must listen' for anyone who is multi-passionate and not a fan of niching down! - we unpack what's involved in going global with a video podcast or live-streamed show.

    Video broadcasting technology today is amazing, which in turn provides experts and thought leaders with the opportunity to scale their brand and their business beyond domestic borders.

    Be inspired and learn more from Anne in this episode of the Reputation Revolution show!


    WebsiteTwitterYoutube show
  • Building a sustainable business off the back of one’s personal brand is the holy grail for many of us: Doing our own thing, being true to ourselves and our values, living by our wits and making a good living doing so — it ain’t easy!

    What is easy to get stuck in the same rut professionally and personally … to become scared to stand out, to change things up - to muck around with a formula that has perhaps worked for you and your business over time, but maybe you feel you’re becoming less and less relevant in a world that’s moving at warp speed.

    Today’s topic is large and unwieldy and messy and oh so relevant and important for many of us.

    Purpose, passion, principles and profit - we cover the lot in this episode, with a good dollop of health and wellness tips, insights and wisdom from someone who’s been in the trenches for absolutely decades - and is still out there, at age 78, fighting the good fight.!

    His name is DR JOHN TICKELL. - he's a medical doctor, an international speaker, bestselling author and television personality, who has spent several decades travelling and studying the health, well-being and longevity patterns of people around the world.

    Dr. John shares his journey from opening Australia's first health resort 40 years ago to researching healthy longevity across 103 countries worldwide.

    His diverse experiences range from surviving brain cancer to owning a Melbourne Cup-winning horse.

    This fast-paced interview is packed full of wisdom not just about building a strong reputation but also living life fully equipped with purposeful direction guided by sound principles – all while making profitable decisions aligned with one's passion.

    I hope you enjoy it!

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  • Most business owners post content online with no idea where their next lead is coming from.

    So says Chris James, this week's featured expert guest.

    Chris, from Manchester, is an online business mentor, content strategist and keynote speaker.

    He helps solopreneurs and small business owners generate and convert leads organically on social media.

    In this episode, we cover Chris's journey from telemarketing to running his own content consulting business - with heaps of insights, tips and ideas along the way.

    Chris's story is not only inspiring but also packed with valuable lessons for anyone looking to make strides in content creation, social media strategy, and entrepreneurship.

    Key takeaways :

    **Resilience & Adaptation**: Embrace life’s challenges as they shape your professional journey towards success.

    **Content Strategy**: Combine short-form (Instagram/TikTok) with long-form content (blogs/podcasts), based on your strengths.

    **Personal Branding**: Your unique brand narrative sets you apart—invest time into developing it.

    **Strategic Planning Before Execution**: Define clear objectives before diving into tactical content creation.

    **Balance Promotional Efforts**: Use campaign cycles for promotional intensity variation while providing consistent value-based content.

    Chris also advocates experimenting within different platforms while focusing predominantly on one until mastery is achieved before moving onto others—an approach that ensures quality engagement without spreading oneself too thin.


    CONNECT WITH CHRIS ON LINKEDIN - https://www.linkedin.com/in/chrisjamesonline/

    Chris's business website - https://www.chris-james.co/

  • As you grow your profile and reputation as a thought leader in your space - a professional domain expert of note … over time opportunities will pop up to speak at industry events, community meetups, webinars, online summits and the like.

    These are great opportunities to share your ideas and your message with a captivated audience, in turn helping to build your professional bona fides and enhance your personal brand in the marketplace.

    But what happens if you start getting good at this speaking caper, and the stages become bigger and more prestigious? You’ve honed your speaking chops for free - but you’re now starting to think: I could - and should - get paid for all this work!

    Well, if becoming a professional keynote presenter is something that’s been on your radar, stay tuned because my guest today is a true insider of the speaking business.


    His name is CARSON WHITE - he’s the founder of Leading Voice, a speaker management company that represents some of Australia’s most respected and experienced presenters, MC’s and facilitators - he’s been in the speaker management trenches for some 25 years and has seen it all when it comes to presenting from the stage.


    1. **Introduction:** Welcome to Reputation Revolution, a podcast focused on leveraging your professional reputation for greater influence and impact.

    2. **Guest Introduction:** Meet Carson White, founder of Leading Voice - a speaker management company that represents Australia's top presenters.

    3. **Speaker Management Business Model:** Learn about how Leading Voice - a speaker management company - differs from speaker bureaus by serving the needs of a small group of professional presenters (versus simply sourcing any speaker for any occasion, which is the domain of many bureaus).

    4. **Impact of Covid-19 on Speaking Industry**: Explore how the pandemic has led to pro speakers diversifying their service offering due to the increased use of online training and events.

    5. **Transitioning into Professional Speaking:** Gain insights from Carson's 25 years in the speaking business trenches about what makes an impactful speaker, and key factors needed for success in this competitive industry.

    6. **Types of Speakers**: Understand two main types of speakers: thought leaders who provoke insights and ideas, and entertainers who share captivating personal experiences or achievements often involving overcoming adversity.

    7. **Shift in Speaker Trends**: Discuss evolving trends over time within the speaking industry – moving from adventure-centered narratives towards more content-rich presentations.

    8. **The Art of Stagecraft**: Delve into why stagecraft is crucial for effective presentation skills, focusing less on slides and more on engaging delivery.

    9 .**Inspiring Speaker Story**: Hear about Tom O'Toole, a baker with an unconventional but highly successful approach to public speaking.

    10 .**Effective Speaking vs Building Business as Speaker**: Uncover why being good at public speaking doesn't necessarily equate to building a profitable business as a paid speaker – it requires strategic thinking around positioning oneself in the market along with strong marketing efforts.

    If you're thinking about embarking on a speaking career that pays, this episode is a great place to start!

    Connect with Carson on Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/carsonpwhite/
  • Being good at what you do is one thing … designing a product or service offering around your knowledge and expertise so that it sells itself … is another matter entirely.

    This is the theme of today’s episode, and to help us unpack this important but often confusing task, we have in the virtual studio Cristina Castro and Angela Tsai, founders of Grow Your Brand With Impact, a UK-based consultancy that “helps marketing-fatigued consultants, coaches and business owners implement marketing that gets results”.

    Many of Cristina and Angela's clients come from corporate backgrounds with 10-15 years of experience under their belts.

    These established professional operators have deep domain expertise but often struggle to recognise the value they bring to the marketplace.

    This, in turn, becomes challenging when said experts try to effectively present and market their unique offerings.

    This is where Cristina and Angela come in - they help professional solopreneurs turn their products or service into "money magnets" that sell effortlessly.

    In this wide-ranging conversation, we touch on:

    **Back story** - Christina and Angela share their journey from corporate backgrounds to running a successful consultancy business.

    **Common pain-points** - Transitioning from corporate life to entrepreneurship and the challenges faced by experts in recognising their own value. Plus the identity shift involved when moving away from predefined roles in corporations to standing alone as an entrepreneur.

    **Overcoming challenges** - Strategies for effectively presenting unique offerings and selling oneself in today's market.

    **The changing work landscape** - Exploration of factors contributing to more people leaving traditional corporate jobs including Covid-19, remote working opportunities, changing career aspirations among millennials, and midlife self-evaluation trends.

    **Understanding 'offer'** - Discussion around misconceptions surrounding 'offer' in business context; how it goes beyond just sales pitches or discounts.

    **Articulating unique value proposition:** - Real-life examples illustrating difficulties businesses face while differentiating themselves from competitors; importance of clarity about one’s unique factors that set them apart.

    **Defining offer essence** - How understanding the essence of your offer can make selling easier and attract clients who resonate with your story; includes analogy using a favorite restaurant experience!

    If you want to design a product or service offer that hits the mark with your ideal client, this episode is a great place to start!


    Follow Angela on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/angelatsai1/Follow Cristina on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/cristina-castro-reyes/
  • In this episode of Reputation Revolution, I sit down with profit strategist and business growth expert, Alicia Edgar.

    We delve into the the role automation plays in scaling businesses while freeing up entrepreneurs' time and reducing their workload.

    The following topics are covered in this interview:

    **Introduction to Guest**: Learn about Alicia’s journey from being an accountant to a profit strategist who helps help six figure entrepreneurs leverage their business to fuel growth without requiring more of their time

    **The Power of Automation**: Discover how automation reduces human oversight, streamlines processes, saves time, and increases profitability across various business aspects like marketing efforts or knowledge sharing.

    **Profit Generation through Automation**: Understand the concept of creating automatic income streams that ensure consistent revenue inflow (when implemented gradually).

    **Examples & Key Areas for Automation**: Get insights on automating administrative tasks and marketing activities to save time and reduce costs without hiring more staff.

    **Marketing Focus Points**: Explore key areas -- awareness through amplified content; visibility beyond algorithm restrictions; lead generation (which generates new prospects daily without attending networking events); and growth strategies requiring our constant attention (automated to function every day on a consistent basis).

    **Effective Lead Generation Strategies**: Learn about selling low-priced items initially to attract new customers and convert them into loyal ones by demonstrating value over time.

    **Content Strategy & Marketing Automation Tips:** Stay active across multiple platforms like blogs, podcasts etc., use paid advertising especially promoting content via Facebook Ads at minimal costs per day to ensure visibility among existing followers while attracting new ones as well.

    This episode is packed full of actionable insights and tips for anyone wanting to scale their business without relying on more of their time and attention.



    Website - https://www.alyciaedgar.com/LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/alyciaedgar/Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/alycia_edgar/
  • You've built a strong profile and reputation in the marketplace - you're a recognised domain expert and/or bona fide thought leader in your field.

    Now, how are you going to capitalise on all your hard work? You don't want to work for anyone else, but nor do you want to run a large business and employ stacks of people.

    What's the answer?

    Establish and grow your own one-person service-based business!

    The brilliant thing today is it's never been easier to start a business.

    And here's the kicker: one-person enterprises need not remain tiny revenue-wise, with the owner/operator eking out a small income. Thanks to technology, support services ecosystems and removal of geographic barriers, many one-person service-based businesses can become wildly profitable despite not having an office and staff.

    The key is to design such a business around yourself.

    Or, as my guest for this episode likes to say:

    "I believe that designing a one-person business around yourself is the answer to finding work that lights you up, lets you reach your earning potential and can be done entirely on your own terms."

    London-based Ellen Donnelly runs a coaching business called The Ask, which specialises in helping entrepreneurial professionals turn their expertise into a profitable one person business in five months.

    Ellen recently published a 5-step guide on this very topic (access your copy here) - it's designed to help you package up what you know into a marketable service that clients will pay you for, again and again.

    In this episode, Ellen walks us through (and elaborates on) the five steps of her guide.

    Some key talking points covered in this conversation include:

    Ellen shares her journey from headhunting tech talent in corporate London to running a thriving business coaching practice called 'The Ask.'Ellen unpacks what she calls 'Your Unique Contribution: this is the truest expression of the work you were put on this earth to do and is an underrated business- building strategy.Defining Uniqueness: Tips on how to define what sets you apart in terms of abilities, personality traits or life experiences which shapes how you conduct business differently than anyone else even within similar industries.Articulating uniqueness effectively: Challenges faced while articulating our inherent uniqueness into marketable packages due to overlooking obvious aspects about ourselves thinking they're too simple.Personal authenticity and audience resonance: Importance of identifying what resonates with your audience while staying true to yourself is emphasised upon.Overcoming comparison trap and indecision: Strategies shared on overcoming comparison with others and focusing on what suits them best when deciding the type of work they want to do based on their insights.Promotion platforms and niche selection : Discussion around numerous options available for marketing efforts such as podcasting or other platforms and challenges in niche selection.

    This is a deep-dive chat about designing a one-person service-based business around yourself. If this sounds like you, I'm confident you'll find the conversation relevant and illuminating!


  • Welcome to the first interview for Season 8 of Reputation Revolution, the personal brand monetisation show!

    In this episode I have the pleasure of hosting Jackie Goddard, the founder of Power to Speak, based on the south coast of England.

    In this insightful discussion, Jackie shares her journey from being an art development officer and drama teacher to becoming a public speaking coach who helps business owners and professionals to get performance ready and excited about stepping in front of an audience to share their message.

    Key points covered:

    Jackie's background in fashion design, acting, and working behind the scenes at the Royal Shakespeare Company.How teaching drama led her towards coaching adults which inspired her business, Power to Speak.The impact of Covid lockdown on Jackie's career path and how it prompted her transition into online platforms.The inception story behind Power To Speak, and how Jackie helps individuals confidently express themselves before their audience.Importance and challenges around articulating what you do when building a business around your expertise.The concept of impostor syndrome – why we undervalue our abilities and how understanding and valuing personal stories can be empowering.

    We also delve deeper into Jackie's journey in establishing her business including positioning strategies used along the way, and why she opted to create the Power to Speak brand versus trading solely under her own name.

    Jackie also unpacks her sources of revenue, and how she integrates her various programs and offerings under the Power to Speak banner.

    If you're in the early stages of building a business around your knowledge and expertise - or you're thinking about doing so in the future, you'll love this interview with Jackie Goddard!


  • In this solo episode to kick off season 8 of the podcast, I set the scene for what's to come on the Reputation Revolution.

    There's been a shift in focus on what topics we cover on the show.

    You may have noticed we've changed the subtitle of the podcast, from 'The professional personal branding show' to 'The personal brand monetisation show'.

    In the past - across 270+ episodes in fact - this podcast has zeroed in on topics associated with professional personal branding, with a view to helping credible individuals build visibility, influence and trust in the marketplace.

    The business side of personal branding

    However, from Season 8, we're going to be more purposeful about covering topics that focus solely on playing a bigger game and leveraging one’s personal brand assets for commercial gain.

    In other words, the business side of personal branding - capitalising on the profile and reputation we've built in the marketplace.

    It’s a meaty topic, and we'll be looking at both sides of the ‘creator coin’, with a skew towards the 'reputation creator' and how they can build a high revenue business off the back of their professional personal brand.

    But, we'll also be looking at independent content creators, and highlighting what we can learn from them, as they are at the cutting edge of content creation today.

    Plus we'll dig deeper into the commercialisation aspect of personal branding, and how we can build a sustainable enterprise off the back of our profile and reputation.

    My goal is to ‘build a bridge’ between the Reputation Economy and the Creator Economy - to explore where they meet and intersect, and unpack the commercial opportunities that come with that.

    When it comes to topics we've previously covered on the show i.e.

    owned media (content creation in all its various forms),social media (including all the platforms),media and influencer relations (earned media),reputation management,community building,book publishing,networking and public speaking, etc

    ... I've established a new podcast - BECOME YOUR OWN PR MACHINE - to cover these.

    (Become Your Own PR Machine is available now from your podcast app of choice)

    So, my two podcasts are essentially bookends:

    Become Your Own PR Machine - learn how to harness the power of PR, content and digital communications to build recognition, influence and credibility for your business, organisation or personal brand.

    Reputation Revolution - learn how to leverage your reputation to take advantage of commercial opportunities so you can profit from your personal brand in a way that's strategic, sustainable ... and respectful.

    I hope you enjoy either - or both shows!

    Hit me up on Twitter (@trevoryoung) or Instagram (@theprwarrior) or LinkedIn (/trevoryoung) and let me know what you think of the changes! Thanks :) TY

  • In this special encore edition of the podcast, we're replaying a popular episode in which we focus on commercialising your personal brand, or what I like to say: extracting value from the profile and reputation you build in the marketplace.

    I’m talking about course creation specifically - this will be of particular interest to listeners who are consultants, coaches, advisors - who currently trade time for money and are looking at ways to maximise their revenue without killing themselves in the process.

    Featured expert guest is GREG BURGOYNE from New Zealand.

    Greg is the founder of the Course Creators Academy; he helps thought leaders and experts (coaches/consultants) unpack their valuable IP and create an offering in order to scale their impact.

    In the conversation, we touch on a number of topics associated with the process of productising one's knowledge for commercial gain, including:

    * Cohort-based courses, and the stages involved in launching and delivering them

    * Self-paced evergreen courses, with or without a community component, plus the hybrid variations (key message: there are lot of different ways to productise and sell your knowledge today!)

    * Delivering online training into enterprise-level organisations

    * The different types of delivery platforms e.g. Kajabi, Podia (all-in-one platforms) vs course hosting platforms such as Teachable, and Thinkific; marketplaces like Udemy (the “YouTube of paid courses”); WordPress plugin options, plus online community platforms such as Mighty Networks that house courses and training as well as community forums

    Greg says it's important when starting out to begin small, validate your idea, then do it live: "don’t necessarily productise it straight away".

    We cover self-sabotage, and people's aversion to the marketing and sales function involved in building a business around course creation.

    QUOTABLE QUOTE: “Who is going to thank you on the other side of stepping out of your comfort zone?”

    Check out Greg's website, or connect with him on LinkedIn.

  • In this special encore edition of the podcast, we're replaying a popular interview I recorded with Sydney-based Oscar Trimboli.

    Oscar helps leaders and professionals discover the hidden key to better communication. He is passionate about using the gift of listening to bring positive change in homes, workplaces and cultures around the world.

    Of note, Oscar is an author, host of the Apple award-winning podcast Deep Listening, and a sought-after keynote speaker.

    In this conversation, Oscar tells his personal brand story, including how he left the corporate world and later evolved into the global listening expert he is today.

    He shares in detail his content strategy across owned, earned and social media channels.

    Oscar touches on a range of topics. He explains:

    how he came to the realisation he was an expert at listening.how when he started, there was one clear expert in the space globally, and that he had to educate the market on the importance of listening.that the content he produced in the first two years was “absolute rubbish” - he has been focusing on the positive aspects of listening ("It wasn’t getting any traction because I wasn’t talking to their problem, I was talking to my hypothetical solution”how podcast guest interviews result in real business benefits

    Oscar also unpacks how he generates his income.

    QUOTABLE QUOTE: “Create content where they (the audience) are at, and break it down as simply as possible, and express that in multiple ways”

    Oscar's story is a good one. If you're wanting to build a sustainable business off the back of your personal brand, then this interview is highly recommended!



    (Details re Oscar's new book here)

  • Welcome to the second (and final) part of the finale episode of season 7 of the Reputation Revolution show.

    In this special bumper episode, we recap our wonderful guests and play sound-bites of their interviews.

    Expect stories, lessons, tips and advice from people who are in the trenches and are out there building, or helping others build, their professional personal brand.

    If this is the first episode of the podcast you're listening to, then you're in for a treat as you will get a really good flavour for what we cover here on the show.

    If you're a regular listener, get ready to be reminded of some of the highlights of season 7. Maybe you missed some guests and this might prompt you to go back and listen to those episodes for the first time, or perhaps you caught them initially and will be motivated to check back and listen to a particular episode again.

    Either/or, this is an all-encompassing episode featuring a lot of insights and ideas in one self-contained package:

    I hope you enjoy it.

    *** We'll be taking a short break, and then be back for Season 8 ***

  • Welcome to Part 1 of the finale episode of season 7 of the Reputation Revolution show.

    In this special bumper episode, we recap our wonderful guests and play sound-bites of their interviews.

    Expect stories, lessons, tips and advice from people who are in the trenches and are out there building, or helping others build, their professional personal brand.

    If this is the first episode of the podcast you're listening to, then you're in for a treat as you will get a really good flavour for what we cover here on the show.

    If you're a regular listener, get ready to be reminded of some of the highlights of season 7. Maybe you missed some guests and this might prompt you to go back and listen to those episodes for the first time, or perhaps you caught them initially and will be motivated to check back and listen to a particular episode again.

    Either/or, this is an all-encompassing episode featuring a lot of insights and ideas in one self-contained package:

    I hope you enjoy it.

    P.S. Stay tuned for Part 2 of this special finale episode next week!

  • In this special episode, the tables are turned on the host, Trevor Young aka 'The PR Warrior'.

    Rather than asking the questions as he does week in, week out on the show, Trevor gets grilled by Brendan Keogh about all things public relations.

    While Trevor often refers to PR on the show and relates conversations back to the various elements of public relations, this is the first time he has devoted the whole episode to breaking down the PR discipline.

    Why is this important?

    For starters, PR is incredibly misunderstood, not just in business generally, but also within the marketing and communications industry specifically.

    Secondly, Trevor strongly believes that once you understand PR and how the discipline works, then (a) you're going to be able to put it to work for your brand and your business in a strategic way, and (b) you'll put yourself in the position to gain an edge over your competitors and others in the marketplace.

    Critically, while certain skills are required to successfully develop and implement PR and communications programs at a high level, it's certainly not something that's beyond any savvy entrepreneur or business professional.

    It all comes down to mindset, and the willingness to learn and experiment.

    Trevor says he knows of many entrepreneurs who are better at PR than those who specialise in the space! It's because they've listened, learned ... and most importantly, have taken action!

    A key part of this conversation is Trevor's marketing communications pyramid, a framework he uses to break down all the elements that make up marcomms generally, so he can then isolate the PR elements and where they sit in the broader picture.

    If you're a business owner, or a marketer or PR pro, you'll want to dig deep into this episode as it will provide you with heaps of food for thought!

    QUOTABLE QUOTE: "PR does not stand for Press Release!" - Trevor Young


    CHECK OUT TREVOR'S 'MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS PYRAMID' DIAGRAM (as discussed on the show) - go to trevoryoung.me/prmachine

  • Lots going on in the world of podcasting! Podcasts, as we know, can be a great owned media platform for entrepreneurs and thought leaders, but they take a bit of work.

    How much work, and what are the challenges people in the podcasting trenches are facing currently?

    I decided to find out!

    In this episode, we get the lowdown from Bea Abalti, founder of Bear Forward Podcast Solutions, which helps small and medium business owners who want to start a podcast, or they already have one and want to grow their audience.

    Specifically, I got Bea on the show because she has just finalised a survey of business owners who produce a podcast, and I wanted to chat through the findings with her to get a good picture as to what's happening out there in podcasting land!

    So, we chat about the survey and the insights it revealed, plus we get into a broader discussion about podcasting generally, and some of the things to look out for if you're thinking of embarking on a podcast project now or in the future.

    Connect with Bea:

  • In this episode I dig into the topic of strategic relationships with Nina Thomas, founder of Harmonic Advisory.

    While activities such as creating content, being on social media, speaking on stage or in the media can do wonders for our profile and our reputation, sometimes it's the relationships side of what we do that can have the most impact.

    Nina knows this all too well, having founded Harmonic Advisory in 2012 with a goal of helping businesses grow and successfully implement key projects by ensuring their leaders foster the right relationships.

    Nina has worked with thousands of executives at the highest levels of some of Australia's and the world's leading companies, including PwC, GE, ANZ, Deloitte, and the Victorian Government.

    With 25 years experience, she has seen first hand the impact strategic relationships and high value networks have in helping businesses grow, implement major projects and achieve successful business outcomes.

    In this episode, Nina discusses the who, what and how of building relationships in a way that's strategic and sustainable. More specifically, she unpacks the cornerstones of her strategic relationships framework, which includes:

    Define your strategyCreate a Strategic Relationship MapDevelop Your Visibility PlanGetting Started & Getting Out There

    This conversation contains lots of great insights and tips as to how we can all get more from the relationships we build. It might not be as sexy as recording a video for YouTube, but it can play a key role in the personal branding mix!

    Connect with Nina on LinkedIn.

  • In the previous episode (#266), entrepreneur Adam Robinson, founder of Retention.com, built a case for why business owners should get serious about building their personal brand.

    In this episode, Trevor Young and Brendan Keogh pick up on the conversation with Adam, reinforcing key points made, including:

    How Adam went from no social media (LinkedIn) presence late last year to 22,000 followers seven months laterThe strategy Adam employed to fast-track his activity on social media (LinkedIn and Twitter)Why Adam has doubled down on video, and why he is upping his video game by launching a 'behind-the-scenes' docuseries.

    If you run a business and are keen to create more in the way of personal brand influence and impact, you'll find this episode (and the previous one featuring Adam Robinson) motivating!


  • In today's episode we get into the big meaty topic of why business owners and leaders should be building their personal brand, why they should be creating content, and why they should be on social media.

    And to discuss it with me is someone who's actually doing it, and who at this point is currently at the start of their personal branding journey (but making up ground quickly).

    His name is Adam Robinson. He's the CEO and founder of a startup business called Retention.com.

    Adam believes that building your personal brand as a founder is a simpler and smarter strategy than trying to grow your company’s profile right out of the gate.

    In this interview, Adam reveals why he's doubling down on video content, and how he manages his social media activity day-to-day.

  • In this episode, I get together with marketing strategist Brendan Keogh to recap not one, but two, interviews I recorded with author and entrepreneur, Kris Ward.

    The interviews are featured in the two previous episodes:

    Ep 263: How to leverage your time & resources while building your personal brand - interview with Kris WardEp 264: [BEHIND-THE-SCENES] How Kris Ward found her voice, scored 400 podcast guest interviews, grew a podcast with 1000 5-star reviews, plus TikTok, YouTube & more!

    Brendan and I pick out the gold from each of these interviews - tips, insights and stories from Kris; we unpack the nuggets, delving deeper with our own perspectives.

    I hope you enjoy this conversation!

  • "We're not here to blend in!" (Kris Ward)

    In the last episode, I spoke with Kris Ward, the author of the book, Win The Hour Win The Day, and host of the podcast of the same name.

    That conversation centred on how subject matter leaders can leverage their time and resources while building their professional personal brand in the marketplace.

    In doing my research for that interview, I was impressed with how well Kris was building her own professional online presence (her face was everywhere!), so I decided to 'keep the tape running' and then delved with Kris into her story.

    That's what this episode is all about: Kris's story, from returning to her business after the passing of her husband, through to finding her voice on social media (becoming "bold faced"), growing her podcast (which has over 1000 5-star reviews), writing as book, as well as a behind-the-scenes peek behind her wildly-successful podcast guesting strategy.

    Kris walks us through her struggle to sharpen her point of view through her content, and how she became featured on some 400 award-winning podcasts, radio and TV shows throughout the world. Of note, she has been interviewed by one of the original sharks from Shark Tank, Kevin Harrington, and ABC’s The Secret Millionaire – James Malinchak.

    The theme of this discussion really is a 'perfect collision' of owned media, earned media and social media - something we talk about often here on the Reputation Revolution. You can see now why I got Kris back on the show for a follow-up episode!

    Kris has a blog, plus she has a growing presence on YouTube, TikTok Instagram and LinkedIn! Phewww! She's a dynamo, you're going to love this interview!

    Connect with Kris:
