An inclusive audio space, Conscious Chatter opens the door to conversations about our clothing + the layers of stories, meaning and potential impact connected to what we wear. Hosted by Kestrel Jenkins & Natalie Shehata, Conscious Chatter tackles nuanced sustainable fashion topics via a roundtable format. Through deep dive monthly themes, the focus is on making the conversation more circular.
mind your life podcastserie, handler om at leve et moderne liv med mening. Lyt med, når vi tager med en række kvinder, der står stærkt, drømmer stort og lever helhjertet igennem fravalg og tilvalg, opture, nedture og hør hvordan de har fundet deres vej i dette både smukke og smertefulde liv – i en verden hvor det ellers kan være svært at finde fodfæste, finde sig selv eller blot finde en halv time til at trække vejret og tænke over tilværelsen.
Vi håber, at denne podcast kan inspirere dig.
Journalist: Karen Pallisgaard.
Lyd og redigering: Jakob Ranum
Musik: Henrik Lindstrand -
Hello My Fellow Lashpreneurs!
- Are you toying with whether you should venture out on your own to start your very own lash business?
- Have you been an independent contractor or room renter for a while, but stumped on how to build a larger clientele...or even better, one that's willing to pay full price?
- Have you booked yourself solid with an amazing clientele and are overworked, exhausted and frustrated that you have no life outside of lashing?
- Are you sick of Groupon clients?
- Are you tired of working harder and not smarter?
- Are you an accidental business owner and are clueless about the ins and outs of running a business?
If you said "YES!" to any of those questions, then you have come to the right place my friend! The Lashpreneur is for those of you looking for answers, guidance and practical tips that you can implement into your lash business TODAY to START, BUILD, and GROW a thriving Lash Business on your own terms!
Also check out https://www.thelashpreneur.com for all sorts of lash biz golden nuggets and how we can work together to take your lash biz to the next level!
I welcome and congratulate you on taking the first step towards stepping into your badass business self!
Have a good one!
Tara -
Skin er en podcast om beauty præsenteret af din vært Anne Christine Persson, som med ærlige samtaler guider dig igennem et univers med hud, hår og kroppen. Sammen med en række eksperter sætter jeg fokus på de udfordringer, der kan opstå og hvordan du bedst behandler dem med den rette pleje, så du kan føle dig godt tilpas i din krop.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Chatting to my favourite people about fashion and their careers.It's a lot less boring than it sounds.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
The E-commerce Content Creation Podcast takes a broad look at the impact of creative production in retail and e-commerce — focusing in on specific creative production functions and roles and how they collaborate with other e-commerce functions to achieve their respective organizational goals.
Byrdie Presents: Tell Me More is a new six-episode limited series from beauty and style destination Byrdie. We’re taking a deep dive into today's biggest trends to discover where they originated, who made them popular, and why we all jumped onboard. On each episode, hosts Hallie Gould, Senior Editorial Director of Byrdie, and Dr. Jessica Shepherd, OBGYN and Chief Medical Officer at Verywell Health, dig into an emerging trend, treatment, or product with a critical lens to examine its origins and any health benefits and facts you should know. Hallie and Dr. Shepherd talk to guests from various fields—including trend analysts, medical professionals, and leaders in the world of fashion and beauty—to share their firsthand experience and expertise on everything from ever-changing brow trends to new and niche cosmetic surgeries. New episodes every Thursday.
‘Klædt På’ er din månedlige podcast om tendenser, strømninger og insiderviden fra modens verden leveret af ELLE.
Din vært er stylist og konsulent Mads Emil Grove Møller og sammen med velreflekterede og vidende gæster fra modebranchen vender de alt det som rør sig lige nu. Fra nyt til yt, op & ned og det der er hot eller not. Med andre ord tidens trends og -tendenser, popkulturen og dens indflydelse på moden og hvordan modehusene rejser sig fra de kriser, som også indimellem rammer dem.
’Klædt På’ hylder, hædrer og fejrer alt det, som vi elsker ved moden.
Vært: Mads Emil Grove Møller
Tilrettelæggelse, klip og produktion: Cecilie Wortziger
Redaktør: Cecilie Ingdal
Musik: Frej Levin -
Hver uge dykker vi ned i et nyt fænomen i modeverden, dette gælder alt fra modehistorie, tendenser, personer og de helt store modeøjeblikke du ikke ville gå glip af. Vi er et kreativt outlet til dig der gerne vil blive klogere og opdateres på modeverdenen! Hvis du ikke kan få nok af os her, kan du finde os på insta @Lunariapodcast.
Join press on nail industry pioneers Jerri of Dippy Join Jerri of Dippy Cow Nails/ Press On Portal and Chelsey of Nailed it by Chelsey as we talk all things NAILS!
We'll be sharing behind the scenes of how we built and manage two successful press on nail businesses, spill the tea on industry goss and chat with incredible guests. -