About Leslie
Leslie is a new medical parent, with a 10-month-old daughter, Evelyn. She grew up in the Cookeville area and has stayed in Tennessee her whole life. Her husband, Cole is an Ohio native and moved down to Tennessee after meeting Leslie at Lee University, in Cleveland, TN. They got married in 2019 and waited to start trying to have kids until their 5th anniversary, when they discovered it wasn’t going to be an easy journey for them. They went through multiple miscarriages before finding out they were pregnant with twins in 2023. One of the twins didn’t make it past 9 weeks, but Evelyn stayed strong throughout the pregnancy. After 41 weeks of pregnancy, Leslie went into an induction and ended up having an emergency c section, that started their journey into the medical world with caring for Evelyn. It is a walk they didn’t anticipate and has taken them by a storm, but one God called them to walk, one step at a time.
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By the Brook Early Bird
About Kim
For the past several decades, Kim has led children’s and student ministries at the local church while also leading initiatives around adoption and foster care. Kim was also Director of Training and Development at a Cincinnati nonprofit working with multi-system involved youth. As an adoptive mom and advocate for kids and teens who have experienced trauma or are neurodivergent or disabled, her passion is creating spaces for all kids—regardless of their background, behavior or unique needs—to belong, contribute and grow. Through speaking, writing and coaching Kim works with parents, church leaders and organizations to equip volunteer and staff teams, strengthen families and support parents. She has a Masters in Family Ministry, Masters in Business Administration, is a Trauma Free World Affiliate Trainer, a TBRI Practitioner®, and a frequent speaker on topics related to trauma, disability, and neurodivergence and the author of the new book, Boundless Hope for Every Child.
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Rising Above resources
Kim's Website
Purchase Boundless Hope
About Carrie
Carrie M. Holt is a wife, homeschooling mom of four, writer, speaker, and podcast host. She is passionate about encouraging special-needs parents to identify, accept, and thrive in the grieving cycle that is an on-going part of the journey.
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By the Brook early bird tickets
Carrie's Website
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Carrie's Facebook
About Camille
Camille Block was raised in a suburb outside of Los Angeles, over the mountain from beautiful Malibu, where her father worked as a college professor of business at Pepperdine University. At three and a half years old, Camille’s comfortable life took a dramatic turn with the birth of her brother—a healthy baby who lost oxygen at birth, causing a lifelong disability for him and a character-forming emotional imprint on her.
Finding a voice for her brother, Camille has also uncovered her voice for many other silent sufferers. Hope for Secondhand Suffering: Tools for the Heart When You Can’t Fix Your Loved One’s Pain is a memoir and spiritual journey of a sister who wrestles honestly with universal cries of the heart, such as the question of why, along with grief, justice, faith, God, and hope. She comes alongside readers, step by step, offering personal anecdotes, honest insights, practical tips, and her own spiritual reflections to help others facing similar struggles.
Through the publication of Hope for Secondhand Suffering, Camille seeks to help silent sufferers feel seen, heard, and known—equipping them to find their unique purpose, as she continues to find hers.
Related Links
BTB Early Bird
Hope for Secondhand Suffering
About Mandy
Mandy is the wife to Dustin and mom to Dylan, 11, and Madison, 14, who was born with Spina Bifida. Professionally, she has been a high school teacher for nearly 20 years and loves working with students in FCCLA, the student organization she sponsors. Personally speaking, she’s obsessed with Christmas, loves to shop and entertain in our home, and is a huge Elvis fan. Her family is very active in their church.
About the Episode
As special-needs parents, we have to make decisions daily for our children regarding their care. There are times when decisions come our way that may have life-altering effects. What do you do when those decisions come your way? How do you process through making difficult decisions regarding our children with disabilities?
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Rising Above Family Resources
About Max
Max Brooks is a 16-year-old passionate about all things theatre and singing. Despite being born with a rare condition called congenital central hyperventilation syndrome (CCHS), which significantly impacts his breathing, Max has never let it hold him back from pursuing his dreams. His love for the stage and performing shines through in every role he takes on, whether in school productions or community theatre. When he’s not rehearsing or performing, Max works at Chick-fil-A, where he’s affectionately known as Clay’s brother. His determination to overcome challenges and follow his passions inspires everyone around him.
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About the Episode
Austin is 22 and loves friends, music, and his new job at Old Navy. Austin was diagnosed with autism when he was 2.5. He has a heart of gold!
In this episode we get to hear about his life as an adult with autism.
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About the episode
Enjoy this conversation Becky has with our friend, Mattea, about her experience "adulting with a disability." Mattea was on the show in 2020 shortly after she graduated from HS. She has two degrees from Tennessee Tech University. She now has a travel agency where she helps families with disabilities plan vacations.
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Today, Becky is joined by her friends Kim and Meredith to discuss how they have come alongside she and her family during a long, challenging hospital stay.
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Steve & Becky sit down to discuss plans for the coming year, and how you can be a part of it in our 250th episode of the Rising Above with Becky Davidson podcast!
Becky sits down with the Rising Above team to remember Christmas traditions, some common holiday struggles, and how to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. Related LinksRising Above app
About Kari
Kari A. Baker is a former financial services executive and business owner turned author, speaker, and podcaster. She is the founder of KIND Families, a community of people who love Kids with Invisible Neurological Differences and is the host of The KIND Families Podcast on Apple and Spotify. Kari became a KIND mom in 2014 when her son Brady was diagnosed with autism at age three. She started KIND Families to encourage, support, and inspire others to find God's purpose and promise in KIND-ness. Her first print book, Finding KIND, features a foreword written by Brady
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Order the book:
*Use the discount code BRAVE10 if you purchase Kari's book on her website, https://findingkind.myshopify.com/.
@kariabaker on Instagram, Facebook, & LinkedIn
The KIND Families Podcast on Apple & Spotify
About Beth
Beth Davis is a wife & a special needs mom. She’s a born and raised north Florida girl & takes a lot of pride in hailing from the south. Beth holds a part-time position at her family owned company & wholeheartedly embraces the the additional title of “family personal assistant” that her role affords her. She is passionate about sharing their journey as a special needs family in hopes that others will feel encouraged. Beth is a devout lover of Jesus, BBQ, & being outdoors…and if spare time ever presents itself, you can find her piecing together a jigsaw puzzle at her kitchen table.
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Instagram: @thesouthernmess
*Check out Wednesday Wake-up on the app or our Facebook page each week!
About Jess
Jess Ronne is an author, speaker, podcast host at Coffee with Caregivers, associate producer of the Unseen Documentary, and caregiver advocate. She is founder and executive director of The Lucas Project, a non-profit dedicated to providing recognition, resources and respite support for special needs families. She and her husband Ryan live in Michigan with their 8 children, including their son Lucas who has profound disabilities. Her story of beauty from ashes has been shared on The Today Show, Daily Mail and Huffington Post and is detailed in her memoir Sunlight Burning at Midnight. To follow the ongoing saga she can be found at www.jessplusthemess.com or purchase her latest books Blended with Grit & Grace, Lovin’ with Grit & Grace, and Caregiving with Grit & Grace.
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Jess's Facebook Page
Caregiving with Grit & Grace Devotional -
The Rising Above team enjoys chatting about Thanksgiving traditions and the importance of being thankful!
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About Jayne
Jayne lives in Sutherlin, Oregon with her husband Sabin and three sons. Jayne grew up in Northern Ireland, but met her husband at Moody Bible institute when she was there for a year as an exchange student from Belfast Bible College. Her oldest son was diagnosed with Autism when he was 4 years old. She loves to go to the Oregon coast, daily walks drinking tea and coffee. She also has a passion to reach out to other moms on a similar journey so they know they aren’t alone. Recently, she has joined Rising Above as one of our newest community group leaders.
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Episode 102 with Jayne
Community Groups
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Our friend, Susan, is the next guest on our What I Know Now I Wish I Knew Then series. You will be so blessed by her honesty and vulnerability. Moms, both new and experienced, this episode is for you.
Related Links
Episode 177 - Asking for Help After Trauma (Part 1)
Episode 178 - Getting Help After Trauma (Part 2)
Episode 216 - Medical & Behavioral Trauma
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About the Show
Rising Above with Becky Davidson is created & produced by Rising Above Ministries. To learn more about us and our resources for special-needs families, visit our website at www.risingaboveministries.org. If you’ve enjoyed listening and want to hear more, we’d love for you to subscribe to our podcast or share it to encourage a friend.
*Theme music and editing by Open Mic Studios.
You may remember Dusti from previous podcast episodes, as well as one of our online hosts from By the Brook this past summer. On this episode, Dusti is joined by her husband Daniel to discuss their lives as special-needs parents and the wisdom they have to share at this point on their journey.
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Previous Episode with Dusti
About Sandra
Sandra Peoples (M. Div, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) has been part of a special-needs family her entire life—she grew up with a sister with Down syndrome and has a son with level 3 autism. These relationships are the inspiration and motivation for her advocacy work. She is the author of three books, including, Unexpected Blessings: The Joys and Possibilities of Life in a Special-Needs Family. Her next book, Accessible Church: A Gospel-Centered Vision for Including People with Disabilities and Their Families, will release in 2025 from Crossway Publishers. Sandra is currently a PhD student at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in the area of family ministry with an emphasis on inclusion for special needs families. She serves the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention as their disability ministry consultant, helping churches around the state start and strengthen their disability ministries. Sandra partnered with Lifeway Christian Resources to create the free download, Be All In: A Ministry Guide for Special Needs Inclusion in Children’s Ministry. She is also an adjunct professor in Liberty University’s School of Divinity, teaching classes in the area of disability ministry. And Sandra is a monthly cohost for Key Ministry: The Podcast, where she shares her perspective on family aspects of disability ministry and inclusion.
Related Links
Sib Show
Unexpected Blessings: The Joys and Possibilities of Life in a Special-Needs Family
About Jenn
Jenn Soehnlin finds joy in writing about faith, praying Scripture, navigating special needs parenting, and embracing this one life we've been given. She is the author of Embracing This Special Life and On the Same Page with God.
She also loves spending time with her husband and two sons, savoring coffee chats with friends, curling up with a good book, and enjoying a wonder walk through nature.
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Jenn's Facebook
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Facebook Group
Jenn's Books:
On the Same Page with God
Embracing this Special Life
Prayer Book Recommendations:
A Praying Life by Paul Miller
Praying the Bible by Donald Whitney
Rising Above Resource:
Respite for Your Mind - Download the App!
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