Drew talks with Unbelievable host Justin Brierley about his own faith journey and the experiences, not just the arguments, that give him confidence in his faith.
Got questions/feedback? Message Drew at @wdrewsokol
Music: "Your Precious Smile" by Eden Fox
Drew talks with his friend from seminary and Miami pastor Victor Labrada, about life, marriage, and navigating the polarized political culture as a pastoral leader.
Got questions/feedback? Message Drew at @wdrewsokol
Music: "Your Precious Smile" by Eden Fox
Drew shares the full audio of one of his favorite conversations from Hinge, discussing suffering and doubt with Washington Post columnist Elizabeth Bruenig. Personal. Vulnerable. Insightful.
Got questions/feedback? Message Drew at @wdrewsokol
Music: "Your Precious Smile" by Eden Fox
Drew talks with his former co-host of Hinge, Cory Markum, about his studies of near-death experiences, and they touch base with each other about their religious views.
Got questions/feedback? Message Drew at @wdrewsokol
Music: "Your Precious Smile" by Eden Fox
Philip Yancey, former editor of Christianity Today and author of numerous books on faith and doubt, talked with Drew and Cory Markum in 2017 about his own journey, one of the best interviews from Hinge. We never shared the full conversation - until now.
Got questions/feedback? Message Drew at @wdrewsokol
Music: "Your Precious Smile" by Eden Fox
Bart Campolo, co-author of "Why I Left / Why I Stayed", turns the tables on Drew, asking him why he shouldn't just leave faith, given so many questions and doubts.
Got questions/feedback? Message Drew at @wdrewsokol
Music: "Your Precious Smile" by Eden Fox
Drew turns to biblical scholar Michael Licona to wrestle with the uniqueness and reliability of the gospel narratives.
Got questions/feedback? Message Drew at @wdrewsokol
Music: "Your Precious Smile" by Eden Fox
Drew turns to biblical scholar Pete Enns to navigate how we should interpret the Bible in the 21st century.
Got questions/feedback? Message Drew at @wdrewsokol
Music: "Your Precious Smile" by Eden Fox
Drew talks with astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross about his provocative claim that the Bible matches up too well with modern science to merely be a coincidence.
Got questions/feedback? Message Drew at @wdrewsokol
Music: "Your Precious Smile" by Eden Fox
In the second episode of Hinge, Drew and Cory shared the story of Christian radio show host Drew Marshall. In this episode, Drew catches up with, well, Drew.
Got questions/feedback? Message Drew (Sokol) at @wdrewsokol
Music: "Your Precious Smile" by Eden Fox
Drew talks with award-winning journalist Jonathan Merritt about how to have productive conversations about faith and where Jonathan finds himself, after more than 3000 articles/interviews, between the traditional and progressive camps of Christianity.
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Music: "Your Precious Smile" by Eden Fox
Drew talks with author and hip-hop artist Jackie Hill Perry about her journey in wrestling with the Bible and same sex attraction.
Got questions/feedback? Message Drew at @wdrewsokol
Music: "Your Precious Smile" by Eden Fox
Drew turns to former White House staffer Michael Wear to help him navigate the intersection of faith and politics.
Got questions/feedback? Message Drew at @wdrewsokol
Music: "Your Precious Smile" by Eden Fox
Central to any conversation we try to have about faith is one hotly debated question. Drew starts a series on the story behind belief in the Bible.
Got questions/feedback? Message Drew at @wdrewsokol
Music: "Your Precious Smile" by Eden Fox
Room for Doubt launches with a live event in New York. Drew wrestles with a surprising question, and Nate Miller performs.
Check out Nate Miller's music here.
Got questions/feedback? Message Drew at @wdrewsokol
Music: "Your Precious Smile" by Eden Fox