Moojibaba takes a student through a clear, step-by-step guidance into the core of Self-Inquiry. A practical, ever-relevant response to the question “how to observe with detachment?”
“The feeling ‘I’ in you:
‘I see, I think, I did, I know’,
who is the ‘I’ that knows?
Is it personal or impersonal?
This is the most important discovery,
because until you really realize this and know this,
you take yourself to be an object,
perceiving other objects.”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
15 November 2024 -
In this heartfelt exchange, a student shares the transformation he has experienced through Satsang, but still seeks help with anger that occasionally arises in daily life.
Moojibaba responds clearly and practically, highlighting the identity of the one who is apparently struggling with this issue. Through the guidance of observing with detachment, the anger is used as an opportunity to recognise our true nature as the uninvolved witness.
“What keeps the anger alive?
The sense of ‘me’ is the fuel for this anger.
Can the ‘me’ also be included in the seeing?
Can you recede to the space that is beyond even ‘me’ and its anger?
When you are out of it, you’ll know immediately that it didn’t exist.
It doesn’t exist in the place of being.
It only exists in the place of becoming—the place of the person.
But there is a place which is beyond autobiography—Here, the most true place.”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
24 November 2024 -
The transformative Satsang that follows is truly a direct darshan of the Self.
Moojibaba sits with a small group and rather than taking many questions, he seizes upon a single, key pointer that every seeker must recognise, and continuously expands and expounds upon it until the entire room is marinating in clear seeing.
It is recommended to listen deeply and follow Moojibaba step-by-step, as he guides us into the strikingly simple and profound recognition of our true nature.
“There is a very subtle point that we must clear up today because it’s been missed. It was just said, ‘I see that it’s the “me”. The person is the problem.’
So I say, for whom is the person the problem?
Don’t answer. Let it go in. For whom is the person the problem?
We have time now. We’re not going to make the mistake of having another question, because that’s an escape plan. We’re not going to escape today.” -
In a climate of urgency and earnestness, Moojibaba invites us to recognise that which is beyond the phenomenal mind, person and world. From here, we can see the unreality of everything that appears, including the limited identity that we usually take ourselves to be. We are encouraged to use all situations that life brings to recede to the pure place of being and confirm that we are the untouched witness.
“We are here for this: to clarify, to verify inside yourself that which can never go—that which alone is Eternal and perfect. I have the delight in my heart to tell you: it is you. But now it has to be proven.” -
In response to some of his students, Moojibaba lovingly challenges everyone to make use of this clear inquiry which when followed earnestly, has the power to reveal our true nature as pure consciousness.
"The fact is already here—everything is perceivable.
That which is perceiving—can that itself be perceived?
And if so, by what?"
This deeply introspective guidance is at the heart of Moojibaba's pointings and the very climate of Monte Sahaja at the moment.
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
15 October 2024 -
Moojibaba invites us into one of the most radical exercises to transcend the force of the mind: the I-watching exercise.
By not following the constant stream of mind activity and returning to the space of witnessing, we begin to see through the layers of identity and revert to our true being—the essence of God within.
'Each time the mind arises, don't let it grow, don't water it; instead, bring it back into the emptiness from where the seeing of it is coming.
The outcome of this is the Oneness of Reality.
You are this Reality.
What you are doing here is making a shortcut to freedom.
This is a Master Pointing to that which is the Eternal about our Self.'
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
9 September 2024 -
This inquiry is an urgent investigation into what is true beyond all appearances. Moojibaba emphasises the need for a mature seeker of Truth to be willing to let go of attachment to personal identity—not as a mental or philosophical exercise—and discover that which is beyond the relative world.
With compassion and clarity, he guides us to see that much of what we consider to be our 'self'—our thoughts, feelings and even the person we think we are—are impermanent and unreliable. The seeming solidity of our personal identity is questioned, revealing that it is ultimately perceived by something far more stable, pure, and timeless.
‘Nothing is going to satisfy you—Thank God! Nothing in the universe is going to satisfy you. Nothing at all. Until you find your Self.’ -
During this morning with Moojibaba, we experience spontaneous existence as it unfolds in the presence of the Master. Throughout all of the encounters that take place, we witness and experience the grace of Self-knowledge: where knowing and being are one.
“We are meant to find the Unity first, and then it manifests through the diversity. But we are attracted to the diversity, and we lose sight of the Unity.
Open to the possibility that God Consciousness is unlimited. Open to the possibility of welcoming the unlimited in yourself. You already carry the
seed—you are the seed."
24 August 2024
Monte Sahaja, Portugal -
This satsang took place at the Feira Alternativa Festival in Lisbon, Portugal, where many seekers of Truth had their first opportunity to meet Moojibaba in person and bring forward their questions. Whether you are new to Mooji’s teachings or already familiar with his wisdom, this satsang offers a rich buffet of insights and guidance for all.
In closing, Moojibaba leads the 'Just Be' exercise, guiding us into the direct experience of our timeless, ever-present being.
Lisbon, Portugal
13 September 2024 -
Throughout this satsang, Moojibaba imparts timeless teachings that point directly to the heart of being.
"If the person is being spoken about, it must imply that there is something more subtle than person. Before you entered into form, the Supreme whispered something deep inside your being. Now it’s time to remember and awaken to it. Keep the fire of yearning to respond to grace. This call and response is coming from within you - it begins with faith and trust. Develop a little discipline, because grace is responding to your deeper ‘yes.’ "
8 September 2024
Monte Sahaja, Portugal -
In this intimate and powerful talk, Moojibaba not only evokes the direct experience of unchanging awareness, but he also empowers us to confirm this here and now, in an authentic way. He inspires us to contemplate deeply, confirm our true place and discover the joy of living as impersonal awareness.
“As you wake up to the presence, power, and universality of the beingness, you see that life is unfolding perfectly.”
14 August 2024
Monte Sahaja, Portugal -
Moojibaba shares the core of his teaching, beyond time, space or concept. He brings us the very present opportunity and direct way to find Truth – as he has done throughout these decades of sharing Satsang – and inspires a re-dedication of our hearts to This.
“For one minute, try to be only awareness. Let the mind stuff happen, but don’t feed it or identify with it. Be aware of it, but also be aware that you are being aware. Just for one minute. There is something inside you that is not pushed about by the mind, it causes witnessing of the mind to happen, but it’s quite apart. Just this. What is your experience?”
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
11 July 2024 -
Moojibaba takes us by the hand into fresh step-by-step inquiry—everything, every thought, suggestion, image or sensation presented is still perceivable from a deeper place. All that is required is to have enough trust to apply the simplicity of this guidance.
‘What do you have to do to be? Or is it more what you have to do to stop becoming. There is no end to the becoming, and there is no start to being… The simplicity is this. Abide in this, and bear the itch to be pulled into the mind-field…The scenes can keep on changing but the seer is unchanging. Come to know that.’
27 July 2024
Monte Sahaja, Portugal -
This important satsang looks into a subtle yet common pitfall along this path to freedom. This dialogue exposes where seeming knowledge can, in fact, become a pocket where personal identity remains unchallenged, and how only with persistence and openness to look does one move beyond all these ego mechanisms.
‘Something you perceive to be Truth today in the phenomenal way, the next moment you question it. Can Truth be something that is true one day and not another day? It cannot be. And the Truth I’m speaking of has no opposite like a lie. Truth is just being. It is already here before the world arose in you.’ -
Moojibaba guides us to drop everything, and as a result we effortlessly remain as our true nature — the vast and limitless space of Being.
‘If you sit like this, the Truth will reveal itself in you. It is searching for the space that it can unfold its beauty in you. But we have been too busy planning to meet the Truth. Truth and yourself are one. Honour that.’
2 June 2024
Monte Sahaja, Portugal -
In this spontaneous satsang at the local café, Moojibaba shares his quintessential teaching and explores the subtle nature of our true Self.
“The question ‘Who Am I?’ provokes an introspection. All your relationships, all the knowledge, and all experiences are for ‘I’.
What is ‘I’?
‘I’ must be the experiencer. Before anything can be seen through the mind or the senses, it must report to this ‘I’.
What knows even this ‘I’?"
14 June 2024
Monte Sahaja, Portugal -
Moojibaba guides an earnest seeker to go beyond fear and other distracting mental forces by engaging in a subtle and profound self-inquiry, the result of which can be felt instantaneously.
“Something is afraid of the absence of you personally. The idea you have of yourself as a particular identity has been blocking you from going into the seemingly unknown. So the mind creates the unknown as a black hole, but what you are actually finding is that there is no black hole.
When you can bear and be the emptiness-silence that you are, you are free.”
31 May 2024
Monte Sahaja, Portugal -
Moojibaba speaks with two people who share fears around living and dying.
In both of these interactions, he gives us simple instructions on the way out of doubt and suffering, into the clarity of who we really are. He also offers a powerful guided sitting.
"See if when you become empty, you are unhappy, see if you are suffering, see if you are anxious, see if there is any fear lingering in you, see if you are worried about life or death, because you will have the capacity to see.
Don’t destroy—look with detachment, follow just this. It works."
14 April
Monte Sahaja, Portugal -
In a deep and reflective tone, Moojibaba brings alive a timeless contemplation that reveals the essence of who we truly are.
Listen and imbibe deeply.
"Beyond I, Beyond 'I am'. First must be 'I am', then the world will come. Prior to 'I am', I Am. What knows it Is?
These contemplations dry up the muddy waters of the mind."
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
21 April 2024 -
In this short excerpt from the recent Satsang Intensive in Lisbon, Moojibaba invites us to plunge into the heart of Self-inquiry.
It is direct, profound, joyful and immediate.
“Beyond even the subtle ‘I’, who are you now?” - もっと表示する